Exemple #1
 def testFilePath(self):
     Test that all files report a FUSE path, and that this results in the
     same file as the non-fuse path.
     files = list(File().find())
     for file in files:
         adapter = File().getAssetstoreAdapter(file)
         filesystempath = adapter.fullPath(file)
         filepath = File().getLocalFilePath(file)
         fusepath = File().getGirderMountFilePath(file)
         self.assertEqual(filesystempath, filepath)
         self.assertNotEqual(filesystempath, fusepath)
         self.assertEqual(fusepath[:len(self.mountPath)], self.mountPath)
         with open(filepath) as file1:
             with open(fusepath) as file2:
                 self.assertEqual(file1.read(), file2.read())
         subpath = fusepath[len(self.mountPath):].lstrip('/')
         if self.knownPaths.get(subpath):
             with open(fusepath) as file1:
Exemple #2
    def testFilePath(self):
        Test that all files report a FUSE path, and that this results in the
        same file as the non-fuse path.
        from girder.plugins import fuse as girder_fuse

        files = list(File().find())
        for file in files:
            adapter = File().getAssetstoreAdapter(file)
            filesystempath = adapter.fullPath(file)
            filepath = girder_fuse.getFilePath(file)
            fusepath = girder_fuse.getFuseFilePath(file)
            self.assertEqual(filesystempath, filepath)
            self.assertNotEqual(filesystempath, fusepath)
            self.assertEqual(fusepath[:len(self.mainMountPath)], self.mainMountPath)
            with open(filepath) as file1:
                with open(fusepath) as file2:
                    self.assertEqual(file1.read(), file2.read())
            subpath = fusepath[len(self.mainMountPath):].lstrip('/')
            if self.knownPaths.get(subpath):
                with open(fusepath) as file1:
                    self.assertEqual(file1.read().strip(), self.knownPaths[subpath])
    def adjustDBUri(cls, uri, *args, **kwargs):
        Adjust a uri to match the form sqlite requires.  This can convert a
        Girder resource path to an aprpopriate physical file reference.

        :param uri: the uri to adjust.
        :returns: the adjusted uri
        uri = super(SqliteSAConnector, cls).adjustDBUri(uri, *args, **kwargs)
        if '://' in uri:
            uri = uri.split('://', 1)[0] + ':////' + uri.split('://', 1)[1].lstrip('/')
        uri = super(SqliteSAConnector, cls).adjustDBUri(uri, *args, **kwargs)
        # If we have a Girder resource path, convert it.  If this looks like a
        # file but doesn't exist, check if it is a resource path.  If this is
        # not a resoruce path to a file that we can read directly, treat this
        # the same as a missing file.
        if (':///' in uri and not os.path.exists(uri.split(':///', 1)[1])):
            resourcepath = path_util.lookUpPath(
                uri.split(':///', 1)[1], test=True, filter=False, force=True)
            if resourcepath and resourcepath['model'] == 'file':
                file = resourcepath['document']
                adapter = File().getAssetstoreAdapter(file)
                if hasattr(adapter, 'fullPath'):
                    filepath = adapter.fullPath(file)
                    if os.path.exists(filepath):
                        uri = uri.split(':///', 1)[0] + ':///' + filepath
                        log.debug('Using Girder file for SQLite database')
        return uri
Exemple #4
def getFilePath(file):
    Given a file resource, return a path on the local file system.  For
    assetstores that have a fullPath method, this returns the results of that
    call.  Otherwise, it returns a path on the main mounted FUSE.

    :param file: file resource document.
    :returns: a path on the local file system.
    adapter = File().getAssetstoreAdapter(file)
    if callable(getattr(adapter, 'fullPath', None)):
        return adapter.fullPath(file)
    return server_fuse.getServerFusePath(MAIN_FUSE_KEY, 'file', file)
Exemple #5
def girderInputSpec(resource, resourceType='file', name=None, token=None,
                    dataType='string', dataFormat='text', fetchParent=False):
    Downstream plugins that are building Girder worker jobs that use Girder IO
    should use this to generate the input specs more easily.

    :param resource: The resource document to be downloaded at runtime.
    :type resource: dict
    :param resourceType: The resource type to download for the input. Should
        be "folder", "item", or "file".
    :type resourceType: str
    :param name: The name of the resource to download. If not passed, uses
        the "name" field of the resource document.
    :type name: str or None
    :param token: The Girder token document or raw token string to use to
        authenticate when downloading. Pass `None` for anonymous downloads.
    :type token: dict, str, or None
    :param dataType: The worker `type` field.
    :type dataType: str
    :param dataFormat: The worker `format` field.
    :type dataFormat: str
    :param fetchParent: Whether to fetch the whole parent resource of the
        specified resource as a side effect.
    :type fetchParent: bool
    if isinstance(token, dict):
        token = token['_id']

    result = {
        'mode': 'girder',
        'api_url': getWorkerApiUrl(),
        'token': token,
        'id': str(resource['_id']),
        'name': name or resource['name'],
        'resource_type': resourceType,
        'type': dataType,
        'format': dataFormat,
        'fetch_parent': fetchParent

    if resourceType == 'file' and not fetchParent and Setting().get(PluginSettings.DIRECT_PATH):
        # If we are adding a file and it exists on the local filesystem include
        # that location.  This can permit the user of the specification to
        # access the file directly instead of downloading the file.
        adapter = File().getAssetstoreAdapter(resource)
        if callable(getattr(adapter, 'fullPath', None)):
            result['direct_path'] = adapter.fullPath(resource)
    return result