Exemple #1
 def save(self, job, *args, **kwargs):
     We extend save so that we can serialize the kwargs before sending them
     to the database. This will allow kwargs with $ and . characters in the
     job['kwargs'] = json_util.dumps(job['kwargs'])
     job = AccessControlledModel.save(self, job, *args, **kwargs)
     job['kwargs'] = json_util.loads(job['kwargs'])
     return job
Exemple #2
 def save(self, job, *args, **kwargs):
     We extend save so that we can serialize the kwargs before sending them
     to the database. This will allow kwargs with $ and . characters in the
     job['kwargs'] = json_util.dumps(job['kwargs'])
     job = AccessControlledModel.save(self, job, *args, **kwargs)
     job['kwargs'] = json_util.loads(job['kwargs'])
     return job