Exemple #1
def proj4_from_layer(layer_file: str):
    """ Get pyproj Proj4 projection from layer file

    :param layer_file:

        src_ds = ogr.Open(layer_file)
        return src_ds.GetLayer().GetSpatialRef().ExportToProj4()
    except RuntimeError:
        raise ValueError("Unable to read layer file '%s'" % layer_file)
Exemple #2
def proj4_from_raster(raster_file: str):
    """ Get pyproj Proj4 projection from raster file

    :param raster_file:

        proj = gdal.Open(raster_file).GetProjection()
    except RuntimeError:
        raise ValueError("Unable to read raster file '{}'".format(raster_file))

    return proj4_from_wkt(proj)
Exemple #3
def read_img(img_file: str):
    """ Read img file associated with hdr header files

    :param img_file:
    check_file(img_file, ext='.img')
    hdr_file = os.path.splitext(img_file)[0] + ".hdr"
    img_info = read_hdr(hdr_file)

    with open(img_file, 'r') as file:
        image = np.fromfile(file, img_info['data_type'])

    image = image.reshape((img_info["x_size"], img_info["y_size"]))

    return {"image": image, "attributes": img_info}
Exemple #4
def read_hdr(hdr_file: str):
    """ Read hdr header file for geospatial image

    :param hdr_file:
    def data_type():
        hdr_fields["data_type"] = np.dtype(data_type[int(value)])

    def samples():
        hdr_fields["x_size"] = int(value)

    def lines():
        hdr_fields["y_size"] = int(value)

    def map_info():
        # Pixel easting and northing: it seems envi header files store top-left pixel centre of the image...
        val = value[1:-1].replace(" ", "").split(",")
        hdr_fields["proj"] = val[0]
        hdr_fields["x_res"] = float(val[5])
        hdr_fields["y_res"] = float(val[6])
        hdr_fields["x_origin"] = float(val[3]) - hdr_fields["x_res"] / 2
        hdr_fields["y_origin"] = float(val[4]) + hdr_fields["y_res"] / 2

    check_file(hdr_file, ext='.hdr')
    options = {'data type': data_type, 'samples': samples, 'lines': lines, 'map info': map_info}
    hdr_fields = {}
    data_type = {1: np.byte, 2: np.int16, 3: np.int32, 4: np.float32, 5: np.float64, 6: np.complex, 9: np.complex64,
                 12: np.uint16, 13: np.uint32, 14: np.int64, 15: np.uint64}

    with open(hdr_file, 'r') as file:
        for line in file.readlines():
                key, value = line.split(sep=" = ", maxsplit=1)  # Or re.split("\s*=\s*(.+)", line)[0:-1],
                # or re.search("([^\=]+)\s+\=\s*(.+)", line)
                if key in options.keys():
            except ValueError:

    return hdr_fields
    def from_hdr(hdr_file: str):
        """ Get geo grid from envi geospatial header file

        :param hdr_file:
        check_file(hdr_file, '.hdr')
        hdr_info = read_hdr(hdr_file)
        if hdr_info['y_res'] != hdr_info['x_res']:
            raise AttributeError("X and Y image resolution must be the same")

        res = hdr_info['y_res']
        ll_corner = (hdr_info['y_origin'] - hdr_info['y_size'] * res + res / 2,
                     hdr_info['x_origin'] + res / 2)
        ur_corner = (hdr_info['y_origin'] - res / 2,
                     hdr_info['x_origin'] + hdr_info['x_size'] * res - res / 2)

        if "Lat/Lon" in hdr_info["proj"]:
            geotype = "latlon"
            geotype = "equal"

        return GeoGrid(ll_corner, ur_corner, res, geotype)