Exemple #1
def guess_from_comments(repo_dir, upstream, comments):
    commits = {}
    pull_requests = []
    for c in comments:
        if not c.has_key('text') or c.get('text', None) == None or c.get('text', '') == '':
        for r in commit_regex:
            c_txt = c['text']
            matches = r.finditer(c_txt)
            for m in matches:
                d = m.groupdict()
                if d.has_key('id'):
                    commit_id = d['id']
                    if git.git_object_type(repo_dir, commit_id) == 'commit':
                        if git.get_rev(repo_dir, commit_id) and git.commit_on_branch(repo_dir, commit_id, upstream):
                            if not commits.has_key(commit_id):
                                commits[commit_id] = []
                            # The reason should include the person's real name!
                            reason = "%s made a comment which matched the pattern %s:\n%s\n%s" % (
                                c['creator']['name'], r.pattern, "-"*80, c_txt)

                elif d.has_key('pr'):
                        pr_num = int(d['pr'], 10)
                    except ValueError:

                    if not pr_num in pull_requests:

    for pr_num in pull_requests:
        guess_from_pr(repo_dir, upstream, pr_num)
    return commits
Exemple #2
def merge(repo_dir, gaia_url, branch_to, branch_from):
    t = util.time_start()
    if os.path.exists(repo_dir):
        print "Updating Gaia"
        git.update_gaia(repo_dir, gaia_url)
        print "Updated Gaia in %0.2f seconds" % util.time_end(t)
        print "Creating Gaia"
        git.create_gaia(repo_dir, gaia_url)  # This is sadly broken
        print "Created Gaia in %0.2f seconds" % util.time_end(t)

    print "Merging %s into branch %s" % (branch_from, branch_to)
    if not branch_to in git.branches(repo_dir):
        print >> sys.stderr, "Asking to merge into a branch that doesn't exist (%s)" % branch_to
        return None
    if not branch_from in git.branches(repo_dir):
        print >> sys.stderr, "Asking to merge from a branch that doesn't exist (%s)" % branch_from
        return None

    git.checkout(repo_dir, branch_to)
    start_commit = git.get_rev(repo_dir)
    git.merge(repo_dir, branch_from, strategy="recursive")
    end_commit = git.get_rev(repo_dir)
    print "Merge range is %s..%s" % (start_commit[:7], end_commit[:7])
    print git.log(repo_dir, "%s..%s" % (start_commit, end_commit), pretty="oneline")
    print "Dry Run push"
    git.push(repo_dir, remote="origin", branches=[branch_to], dry_run=True)
    info = git.push(repo_dir, remote="origin", branches=[branch_to])
    print "Would be pusing to %s" % info["url"]
    for branch in info["branches"].keys():
        s, e = info["branches"][branch]
        print "  %s: %s..%s" % (branch, s, e)
    if util.ask_yn("Push for realises?"):
        info = git.push(repo_dir, remote="origin", branches=[branch_to], dry_run=False)
        print "Pushed to %s" % info["url"]
        for branch in info["branches"].keys():
            s, e = info["branches"][branch]
            print "  %s: %s..%s" % (branch, s, e)
        comment(repo_dir, branch_to, "%s..%s" % (start_commit, end_commit))
Exemple #3
def merge_script(repo_dir, commit, branches):
    full_commit = git.get_rev(repo_dir, commit)
    s=["  git checkout %s" % branches[0]]
    master_num = git.determine_cherry_pick_master_number(repo_dir, commit, 'master')
    if not master_num:
        master_num = ""
    s.append("  git cherry-pick -x %s %s" % (master_num, full_commit))
    s.append("  <RESOLVE MERGE CONFLICTS>")
    s.append("  git commit")
    for branch in branches[1:]:
        s.append("  git checkout %s" % branch)
        s.append("  git cherry-pick -x $(git log -n1 %s --pretty=%%H)" % branches[0])
    return "\n".join(s)
Exemple #4
def add_commit(repo_dir, upstream, commits, commit):
    if not git.valid_id(commit):
        print "This sha1 is not a valid commit id: %s" % commit

        on_branch = git.commit_on_branch(repo_dir, commit, upstream)
        on_branch = False

    if not on_branch:
        print "Commit %s is not on upstream branch '%s'" % (commit, upstream)

        full_rev = git.get_rev(repo_dir, id=commit)
    except git.GitError, e:
        full_rev = None