Exemple #1
class Code2DbUpdate():
    This class handles the update of code data


    def __init__(self, db_name, project_name, repo_name, git_repo_path,
                 extensions, references, num_processes, config, log_root_path):
        :type db_name: str
        :param db_name: the name of an existing DB

        :type project_name: str
        :param project_name: the name of an existing project in the DB

        :type repo_name: str
        :param repo_name: the name of the Git repository to import

        :type git_repo_path: str
        :param git_repo_path: the local path of the Git repository

        :type extensions: list str
        :param extensions: file extensions to analyse. Currently extensions supported: ['java', 'py', 'php', 'scala', 'js', 'rb', 'cs', 'cpp', 'c']

        :type references: list str
        :param references: list of references to analyse

        :type num_processes: int
        :param num_processes: number of processes to import the data (default 5)

        :type config: dict
        :param config: the DB configuration file

        :type log_root_path: str
        :param log_root_path: the log path
        self._log_path = log_root_path + "update-code-" + db_name + "-" + project_name + "-" + repo_name
        self._git_repo_path = git_repo_path
        self._project_name = project_name
        self._db_name = db_name
        self._repo_name = repo_name
        self._extensions = extensions
        self._references = references

        if num_processes:
            self._num_processes = num_processes
            self._num_processes = Code2DbUpdate.NUM_PROCESSES

        config.update({'database': db_name})
        self._config = config

        self._logging_util = LoggingUtil()

        self._logger = None
        self._fileHandler = None
        self._querier = None
        self._dao = None

    def _get_new_commit_file_pairs(self, repo_id):
        pairs = []

        filter_references = "1 = 1"
        if self._references:
            filter_references = "r.name IN (" + ",".join(
                ["'" + e + "'" for e in self._references]) + ")"
        filter_extensions = "1 = 1"
        if self._extensions:
            filter_extensions = "f.ext IN (" + ",".join(
                ["'" + e + "'" for e in self._extensions]) + ")"

        cursor = self._dao.get_cursor()
        query = "SELECT existing_pairs.* " \
                "FROM ( " \
                "SELECT cac.commit_id, cac.file_id FROM code_at_commit cac GROUP BY cac.commit_id, cac.file_id) AS processed_pairs " \
                "RIGHT JOIN " \
                "(SELECT c.id as commit_id, c.sha, f.id AS file_id, f.name AS file_name, f.ext AS file_ext " \
                "FROM commit_in_reference cin JOIN reference r ON r.id = cin.ref_id " \
                "JOIN commit c ON c.id = cin.commit_id " \
                "JOIN file_modification fm ON fm.commit_id = c.id " \
                "JOIN file f ON f.id = fm.file_id " \
                "WHERE " + filter_references + " AND " + filter_extensions + " AND cin.repo_id = %s " \
                "GROUP BY c.id, f.id) AS existing_pairs " \
                "ON processed_pairs.commit_id = existing_pairs.commit_id AND processed_pairs.file_id = existing_pairs.file_id " \
                "WHERE processed_pairs.commit_id IS NULL"
        arguments = [repo_id]
        self._dao.execute(cursor, query, arguments)

        row = self._dao.fetchone(cursor)

        while row:
                "commit_id": row[0],
                "commit_sha": row[1],
                "file_id": row[2],
                "file_name": row[3],
                "file_ext": row[4]
            row = self._dao.fetchone(cursor)

        return pairs

    def _update_existing_references(self, repo_id, import_type):
        pairs = self._get_new_commit_file_pairs(repo_id)
        intervals = [
            i for i in multiprocessing_util.get_tasks_intervals(
                pairs, self._num_processes) if len(i) > 0

        queue_intervals = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
        results = multiprocessing.Queue()

        # Start consumers
        multiprocessing_util.start_consumers(self._num_processes, intervals,

        for interval in intervals:
            issue_extractor = Code2DbCommitFile(self._db_name,
                                                self._git_repo_path, interval,
                                                import_type, self._config,

        # Add end-of-queue markers

        # Wait for all of the tasks to finish

    def _update_info_code(self, repo_id, import_type):
        #updates code data
        self._update_existing_references(repo_id, import_type)

    def _get_import_type(self, repo_id):
        #gets import type
        import_type = 0
        import_type += self._dao.function_at_commit_is_empty(
            repo_id) + self._dao.code_at_commit_is_empty(repo_id)
        return import_type

    def update(self):
        updates the Git data stored in the DB
            self._logger = self._logging_util.get_logger(self._log_path)
            self._fileHandler = self._logging_util.get_file_handler(
                self._logger, self._log_path, "info")

            self._logger.info("Code2DbUpdate started")
            start_time = datetime.now()

            self._querier = GitQuerier(self._git_repo_path, self._logger)
            self._dao = GitDao(self._config, self._logger)

            project_id = self._dao.select_project_id(self._project_name)
            repo_id = self._dao.select_repo_id(self._repo_name)
            self._update_info_code(repo_id, self._get_import_type(repo_id))

            end_time = datetime.now()
            minutes_and_seconds = self._logging_util.calculate_execution_time(
                end_time, start_time)
            self._logger.info("Code2DbUpdate finished after " +
                              str(minutes_and_seconds[0]) + " minutes and " +
                              str(round(minutes_and_seconds[1], 1)) + " secs")
                self._logger, self._fileHandler)
            self._logger.error("Code2DbUpdate failed", exc_info=True)
            if self._dao:
class Git2DbUpdate():
    This class handles the update of Git data


    def __init__(self, db_name, project_name,
                 repo_name, git_repo_path, before_date,
                 num_processes, config, log_root_path):
        :type db_name: str
        :param db_name: the name of an existing DB

        :type project_name: str
        :param project_name: the name of an existing project in the DB

        :type repo_name: str
        :param repo_name: the name of the Git repository to import

        :type git_repo_path: str
        :param git_repo_path: the local path of the Git repository

        :type before_date: str
        :param before_date: import data before date (YYYY-mm-dd)

        :type num_processes: int
        :param num_processes: number of processes to import the data (default 5)

        :type config: dict
        :param config: the DB configuration file

        :type log_root_path: str
        :param log_root_path: the log path
        self._log_path = log_root_path + "import-git-" + db_name + "-" + project_name + "-" + repo_name
        self._git_repo_path = git_repo_path
        self._project_name = project_name
        self._db_name = db_name
        self._repo_name = repo_name
        self._before_date = before_date
        self._existing_refs = []

        if num_processes:
            self._num_processes = num_processes
            self._num_processes = Git2DbUpdate.NUM_PROCESSES

        config.update({'database': db_name})
        self._config = config

        self._logging_util = LoggingUtil()

        self._logger = None
        self._fileHandler = None
        self._querier = None
        self._dao = None

    def _update_existing_references(self, repo_id, import_type):
        #updates existing references in the DB
        cursor = self._dao.get_cursor()
        query = "SELECT c.sha, lc.ref_id " \
                "FROM commit c " \
                "JOIN (SELECT ref_id, max(commit_id) as last_commit_id_in_ref FROM commit_in_reference WHERE repo_id = %s GROUP BY ref_id) as lc " \
                "ON c.id = lc.last_commit_id_in_ref"
        arguments = [repo_id]
        self._dao.execute(cursor, query, arguments)

        queue_references = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
        results = multiprocessing.Queue()

        # Start consumers
        multiprocessing_util.start_consumers(self._num_processes, queue_references, results)

        row = self._dao.fetchone(cursor)
        while row:
            sha = row[0]
            ref_id = row[1]
            row = self._dao.fetchone(cursor)

            ref_name = self._dao.select_reference_name(repo_id, ref_id)

            for reference in self._querier.get_references():
                reference_name = reference[0]
                if reference_name == ref_name:

                    git_ref_extractor = Git2DbReference(self._db_name, repo_id, self._git_repo_path,
                                                        self._before_date, import_type, reference[0], sha,
                                                        self._config, self._log_path)



        # Add end-of-queue markers
        multiprocessing_util.add_poison_pills(self._num_processes, queue_references)

        # Wait for all of the tasks to finish

    def _update_repo(self, repo_id, import_type):
        #updates Git data
        self._update_existing_references(repo_id, import_type)

    def _get_import_type(self, repo_id):
        #gets import type
        import_type = 1
        import_type += self._dao.line_detail_table_is_empty(repo_id) + self._dao.file_modification_patch_is_empty(repo_id)
        return import_type

    def update(self):
        updates the Git data stored in the DB
            self._logger = self._logging_util.get_logger(self._log_path)
            self._fileHandler = self._logging_util.get_file_handler(self._logger, self._log_path, "info")

            self._logger.info("Git2DbUpdate started")
            start_time = datetime.now()

            self._querier = GitQuerier(self._git_repo_path, self._logger)
            self._dao = GitDao(self._config, self._logger)

            project_id = self._dao.select_project_id(self._project_name)
            repo_id = self._dao.select_repo_id(self._repo_name)
            self._update_repo(repo_id, self._get_import_type(repo_id))

            end_time = datetime.now()
            minutes_and_seconds = self._logging_util.calculate_execution_time(end_time, start_time)
            self._logger.info("Git2DbUpdate finished after " + str(minutes_and_seconds[0])
                         + " minutes and " + str(round(minutes_and_seconds[1], 1)) + " secs")
            self._logging_util.remove_file_handler_logger(self._logger, self._fileHandler)
            self._logger.error("Git2DbUpdate failed", exc_info=True)
            if self._dao:
class Git2DbMain():
    This class handles the import of Git data


    def __init__(self, db_name, project_name, repo_name, git_repo_path,
                 before_date, import_type, references, num_processes, config,
        :type db_name: str
        :param db_name: the name of an existing DB

        :type project_name: str
        :param project_name: the name of an existing project in the DB

        :type repo_name: str
        :param repo_name: the name of the Git repository to import

        :type git_repo_path: str
        :param git_repo_path: the local path of the Git repository

        :type before_date: str
        :param before_date: import data before date (YYYY-mm-dd)

        :type import_type: int
        :param import_type: 1 does not import patches, 2 imports patches but not at line level, 3 imports patches with line detail

        :type references: list str
        :param references: list of references to import

        :type num_processes: int
        :param num_processes: number of processes to import the data (default 5)

        :type config: dict
        :param config: the DB configuration file

        :type log_root_path: str
        :param log_root_path: the log path
        self._log_path = log_root_path + "import-git-" + db_name + "-" + project_name + "-" + repo_name
        self._git_repo_path = git_repo_path
        self._project_name = project_name
        self._db_name = db_name
        self._repo_name = repo_name
        self._before_date = before_date
        self._import_type = import_type

        self._references = references

        if num_processes:
            self._num_processes = num_processes
            self._num_processes = Git2DbMain.NUM_PROCESSES

        config.update({'database': db_name})
        self._config = config

        self._logging_util = LoggingUtil()

        self._logger = None
        self._fileHandler = None
        self._querier = None
        self._dao = None

    def _get_existing_references(self, repo_id):
        #retrieves already imported references
        existing_refs = []

        cursor = self._dao.get_cursor()
        query = "SELECT ref.name " \
                "FROM reference ref JOIN repository r ON ref.repo_id = r.id " \
                "WHERE r.id = %s"
        arguments = [repo_id]
        self._dao.execute(cursor, query, arguments)

        row = self._dao.fetchone(cursor)

        while row:
            row = self._dao.fetchone(cursor)

        return existing_refs

    def _get_info_contribution(self, repo_id):
        #processes Git data
        existing_refs = self._get_existing_references(repo_id)

        queue_references = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
        results = multiprocessing.Queue()

        # Start consumers
                                             queue_references, results)
        for reference in self._querier.get_references():
            if self._references:
                if reference[0] in self._references:
                    git_ref_extractor = Git2DbReference(
                        self._db_name, repo_id, self._git_repo_path,
                        self._before_date, self._import_type, reference[0], "",
                        self._config, self._log_path)

                if reference[0] not in existing_refs:
                    git_ref_extractor = Git2DbReference(
                        self._db_name, repo_id, self._git_repo_path,
                        self._before_date, self._import_type, reference[0], "",
                        self._config, self._log_path)


        # Add end-of-queue markers

        # Wait for all of the tasks to finish

    def extract(self):
        extracts Git data and stores it in the DB
            self._logger = self._logging_util.get_logger(self._log_path)
            self._fileHandler = self._logging_util.get_file_handler(
                self._logger, self._log_path, "info")

            self._logger.info("Git2DbMain started")
            start_time = datetime.now()

            self._querier = GitQuerier(self._git_repo_path, self._logger)
            self._dao = GitDao(self._config, self._logger)

            project_id = self._dao.select_project_id(self._project_name)
            self._dao.insert_repo(project_id, self._repo_name)
            repo_id = self._dao.select_repo_id(self._repo_name)
            #info contribution does not need a connection to the db
            end_time = datetime.now()
            minutes_and_seconds = self._logging_util.calculate_execution_time(
                end_time, start_time)
            self._logger.info("Git2DbMain finished after " +
                              str(minutes_and_seconds[0]) + " minutes and " +
                              str(round(minutes_and_seconds[1], 1)) + " secs")
                self._logger, self._fileHandler)
        except Exception:
            self._logger.error("Git2DbMain failed", exc_info=True)
            if self._dao:
Exemple #4
class Code2DbMain():
    This class handles the import of code information


    def __init__(self, db_name, project_name,
                 repo_name, git_repo_path, import_type, extensions, references, num_processes,
                 config, log_root_path):
        :type db_name: str
        :param db_name: the name of an existing DB

        :type project_name: str
        :param project_name: the name of an existing project in the DB

        :type repo_name: str
        :param repo_name: the name of the Git repository to import

        :type git_repo_path: str
        :param git_repo_path: the local path of the Git repository

        :type import_type: int
        :param import_type: 1 = import overall function statistics per file, 2 = import function-level information

        :type extensions: list str
        :param extensions: file extensions to analyse. Gitana calculates loc, comments and blank lines for most of the files.
        For the following languages ['java', 'py', 'php', 'scala', 'js', 'rb', 'cs', 'cpp', 'c'], Gitana also provides insights about ccn, functions and tokens.

        :type references: list str
        :param references: list of references to analyse

        :type num_processes: int
        :param num_processes: number of processes to import the data (default 10)

        :type config: dict
        :param config: the DB configuration file

        :type log_root_path: str
        :param log_root_path: the log path
        self._log_path = log_root_path + "import-code-" + db_name + "-" + project_name + "-" + repo_name
        self._git_repo_path = git_repo_path
        self._project_name = project_name
        self._db_name = db_name
        self._repo_name = repo_name
        self._import_type = import_type
        self._extensions = extensions
        self._references = references

        if num_processes:
            self._num_processes = num_processes
            self._num_processes = Code2DbMain.NUM_PROCESSES

        config.update({'database': db_name})
        self._config = config

        self._logging_util = LoggingUtil()

        self._logger = None
        self._fileHandler = None
        self._querier = None
        self._dao = None

    def _get_commit_file_pairs(self, repo_id):
        pairs = []

        filter_references = "1 = 1"
        if self._references:
            filter_references = "r.name IN (" + ",".join(["'" + e + "'" for e in self._references]) + ")"
        filter_extensions = "1 = 1"
        if self._extensions:
            filter_extensions = "f.ext IN (" + ",".join(["'" + e + "'" for e in self._extensions]) + ")"

        cursor = self._dao.get_cursor()
        query = "SELECT c.id AS commit_id, c.sha, f.id AS file_id, f.name AS file_name, f.ext AS file_ext " \
                "FROM commit_in_reference cin JOIN reference r ON r.id = cin.ref_id " \
                "JOIN commit c ON c.id = cin.commit_id " \
                "JOIN file_modification fm ON fm.commit_id = c.id " \
                "JOIN file f ON f.id = fm.file_id " \
                "WHERE " + filter_references + " AND " + filter_extensions + " AND cin.repo_id = %s " \
                "GROUP BY c.id, f.id"
        arguments = [repo_id]
        self._dao.execute(cursor, query, arguments)

        row = self._dao.fetchone(cursor)

        while row:
            pairs.append({"commit_id": row[0], "commit_sha": row[1], "file_id": row[2], "file_name": row[3], "file_ext": row[4]})
            row = self._dao.fetchone(cursor)

        return pairs

    def _get_info_code(self, repo_id):
        pairs = self._get_commit_file_pairs(repo_id)
        intervals = [i for i in multiprocessing_util.get_tasks_intervals(pairs, self._num_processes) if len(i) > 0]

        queue_intervals = multiprocessing.JoinableQueue()
        results = multiprocessing.Queue()

        # Start consumers
        multiprocessing_util.start_consumers(self._num_processes, queue_intervals, results)

        for interval in intervals:
            issue_extractor = Code2DbCommitFile(self._db_name, self._git_repo_path, interval, self._import_type,
                                                self._config, self._log_path)

        # Add end-of-queue markers
        multiprocessing_util.add_poison_pills(self._num_processes, queue_intervals)

        # Wait for all of the tasks to finish

    def extract(self):
        extracts code function data and stores it in the DB
            self._logger = self._logging_util.get_logger(self._log_path)
            self._fileHandler = self._logging_util.get_file_handler(self._logger, self._log_path, "info")

            self._logger.info("Code2DbMain started")
            start_time = datetime.now()

            self._querier = GitQuerier(self._git_repo_path, self._logger)
            self._dao = GitDao(self._config, self._logger)

            repo_id = self._dao.select_repo_id(self._repo_name)
            end_time = datetime.now()
            minutes_and_seconds = self._logging_util.calculate_execution_time(end_time, start_time)
            self._logger.info("Code2DbMain finished after " + str(minutes_and_seconds[0])
                            + " minutes and " + str(round(minutes_and_seconds[1], 1)) + " secs")
            self._logging_util.remove_file_handler_logger(self._logger, self._fileHandler)
        except Exception:
            self._logger.error("Code2DbMain failed", exc_info=True)
            if self._dao: