Exemple #1
    def __call__(self, target):
        to_fetch = None
        if issue_tracker_tool.ISSUE_BE_LIKE.match(target) is None:
            # doesn't look like an issue
            to_fetch = [target]
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.fetch(to_fetch)), **FETCH_HANDLING)
        kind = None
        if all(x[1] for x in git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.is_remote_branch(target))):
            kind = "branch"
        elif all(x[1] for x in git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.is_tag(target))):
            kind = "tag"
        elif issue_tracker_tool.validate_issue(target) is not None:
            _target = target
            target = branchname_from_issue(target, test=True)
            kind = "branch"

            if target is None:
                print ("Can't find any matching branches. You probably didn't run 'new-feature'")
                do_new_feature = raw_input("Do you want to run it now [y/N]?")
                if do_new_feature in YES:
                    target = branchname_from_issue(_target)
                    print RED("Please run new-feature first")

        if kind is not None:
            resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.checkout_remote(target, kind)),
                           title="Checking out %s %s..." % (kind, target))
            print "Failed to resolve target '%s'" % target
Exemple #2
    def __call__(self, build_no, project="Android,Context,Discovery"):
        tag = "cibuild_%s" % build_no
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.fetch()), **FETCH_HANDLING)

        # make sure we get the correct week even if we freeze on Sunday
        now = datetime.datetime.now()
        day = datetime.timedelta(days=1)
        cal = (now+day).isocalendar()
        year = cal[0]
        pulse = cal[1]
        branchname = "rc-%d-%02d" % (year, pulse)

        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.new_branch(branchname, tag)),
                       title="Freezing into %s" % branchname)
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.forcepush(branchname)),
                       title="Pushing %s" % branchname)

        def protect():
            repo = git_tool.get_repo()
            success = cr_tool.protect_branch(repo, branchname)
            return None, None if success else "Failed"

        def mark_issues_to_rc():
            mark issues as IN_RC:
            we search Jira for all issues with IN_MASTER status and then exclude issues not found in the git log
            of the branchname
            jql = 'project in ({0}) and status="{1}"'.format(project, issue_tracker_tool.JiraStatus.LANDED_IN_MASTER)
            issues = issue_tracker_tool.search(jql)
            keys_in_master = [issue.key for issue in issues]

            exclude = issues_not_in_branch(branchname)
            print 'excluding issues not in {0}'.format(branchname), exclude

            for key in set(keys_in_master) - set(exclude):
                print "{0}: marking in rc".format(key)
                issue_tracker_tool.mark_in_rc(key, branchname)

        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(protect), title="Protecting %s" % branchname)


        print BOLD("Initiating a build")
        rc_build_no, success = builder_tool.build_launcher(branch=branchname,

        if success:
            print BOLD("Updating Rollout")
            rollout_tool.create_release(rc_build_no, 0)  # freezing a release is always with distribution=0

            print BOLD("Sending event to Timebox")
            timebox_tool.send_event('freeze', rc_build_no, '0', pulse, builder_tool.get_build_path(str(rc_build_no)))
Exemple #3
    def __call__(self):
        uninited_modules = git_tool.get_uninited_submodules()
        if uninited_modules:

        current_branch = get_current_branch()
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.fetch([current_branch])), **FETCH_HANDLING)
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.rebase_if_needed(current_branch)), **REBASE_HANDLING)
        resolve_errors(git_tool.fix_refs(), title="Fixing submodule references")
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(git_tool.push), title="Pushing...")
Exemple #4
    def __call__(self, what):
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.fetch()), **FETCH_HANDLING)

        if self.is_issue(what):
            branchname = branchname_from_issue(what, test=True, squashed=True)
            branchname = what

        def approve():
            if git_tool.is_merged_with("origin/%s" % branchname, ref="origin/master"):
                return None, None
            added = self.APPROVAL_FUNC(git_tool.get_repo(), branchname)
            return added, None

        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(approve), title="Marking your approvals...")
Exemple #5
def branchname_from_issue(issue, test=False, squashed=False, exit_on_fail=True):
    possible_branchnames = git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: get_branches_for_issue(issue, squashed), False, False)
    possible_branchname_set = set()
    for ret in possible_branchnames:
        submodule, branchnames = ret
        branchnames = filter(lambda x: x.endswith('__sq') == squashed, branchnames)
        if len(branchnames) == 1:
        elif len(branchnames) > 1:
            print "Found multiple possible branches in submodule %s: %r" % (submodule, branchnames)

    if len(possible_branchname_set) == 1:
        return possible_branchname_set.pop()

    if len(possible_branchname_set) == 0:
        if test:
            return None
        print "Failed to find branches matching issue %s" % issue
        sys.exit(1) if exit_on_fail else None

    if len(possible_branchname_set) > 1:
        if test:
            return None
        print "Found multiple possible branches for issue: %r" % possible_branchname_set
        sys.exit(1) if exit_on_fail else None

    return None
Exemple #6
    def process(self, assigner, assignee, build_number, issue, title, apk_path, squashed_branch):
        hipchat_assigner = user_db.get_user_for_service(assigner, 'hipchat')
        hipchat_assignee = user_db.get_user_for_service(assignee, 'hipchat')
        jenkins_job_url = builder_tool.get_build_path(build_number)
        jira_issue_url = issue_tracker_tool.get_issue_url(issue.key)
        issue_tracker_tool.comment_issue(issue.key, "Build {0}, [Download Link|{1}]".format(build_number, apk_path))
        im_tool.send_message(hipchat_assigner, "Build {0} ({1}) is successful, listing MRs... [{2}, {3}]".format(build_number, issue, jenkins_job_url, jira_issue_url))
        im_tool.send_message(hipchat_assignee, "Build {0} ({1}) is successful, MRs are coming your way... [{2}, {3}]".format(build_number, issue, jenkins_job_url, jira_issue_url))

        def open_mr():
            if git_tool.is_branch_diverged('origin/master'):
                mr = cr_tool.create_mr(git_tool.get_repo(), squashed_branch, assignee, "WIP: "+title)
                cr_tool.approve_build(git_tool.get_repo(), squashed_branch, build_number)

                im_tool.send_message(hipchat_assigner, "MR {0} has been assigned to @{1}".format(mr, hipchat_assignee))
                im_tool.send_message(hipchat_assignee, "Hey, @{0} sent you a MR to review: {1}".format(hipchat_assigner, mr))
                return mr, None
            return None, None

        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(open_mr), title="Opening MRs...")
        update_jira(partial(issue_tracker_tool.send_to_cr, issue.key, user_db.get_user_for_service(assignee, 'jira')),
                    'Requested code review')
Exemple #7
    def __call__(self, checks=True, push=True):
        if checks:

        uninited_modules = git_tool.get_uninited_submodules()
        if uninited_modules:

        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.fetch(['master'])), **FETCH_HANDLING)
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.rebase_if_needed('master')), **REBASE_HANDLING)
        resolve_errors(git_tool.fix_refs(), title="Fixing submodule references")

        if push:
            resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(git_tool.forcepush), title="Pushing...")
Exemple #8
def get_current_branch():
    current_branches = git_tool.recurse_submodules(git_tool.get_current_branch, False, False, concurrent=True)

    grouped_branches = itertools.groupby(sorted(current_branches, key=itemgetter(1)), itemgetter(1))
    grouped_branches = {k: map(itemgetter(0), v) for k, v in grouped_branches}
    if len(grouped_branches) != 1:
        print "Invalid state: on more than one branch:"
        for branch_name, submodules in grouped_branches.iteritems():
            print '{}:'.format(branch_name)
            for submodule in submodules:
                print '\t{}'.format(submodule)
    return grouped_branches.keys()[0]
Exemple #9
    def __call__(self, namespace):
        branch = get_current_branch()
        authors = Counter()

        if is_squashed_branch(branch):
            print "You are trying to submit a squashed branch doll, go back to the original branch, it'll surely work!"

        squashed_branch = append_squashed_branch_suffix(branch)
        issue = issue_from_branchname(branch)
        issue = issue_tracker_tool.validate_issue(issue)

        title = issue.fields.summary
        title = "%s: %s" % (issue.key, title)

        uninited_modules = git_tool.get_uninited_submodules()
        if uninited_modules:
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.fetch(['master'])), **FETCH_HANDLING)
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.rebase_if_needed('master')), **REBASE_HANDLING)

        def get_original_author():
            if git_tool.is_branch_diverged('origin/master'):
                authors[git_tool.get_author()] += 1

        author = authors.most_common(1)[0][0] if authors else None

        def create_squashed_branch():
            git_tool.gitcmd(['branch', '-f', squashed_branch, branch])
            return git_tool.gitcmd(['checkout', squashed_branch])

        def squash():
            ret = err = None
            if git_tool.is_branch_diverged('origin/master'):
                ret, err = git_tool.squash(title, author)
            return ret, err

        def push_and_back():
            git_tool.gitcmd(['checkout', branch])
            return git_tool.forcepush(squashed_branch)

        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(git_tool.forcepush), title="Pushing...")
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(create_squashed_branch), title="Creating squashed branch...")
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(squash), title="Squashing...")
        resolve_errors(git_tool.fix_refs(), title="Fixing refs...")
        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(push_and_back), title="Pushing squashed branch...")

        self.process(namespace, squashed_branch)
Exemple #10
    def __call__(self, message):
        current_branches = get_current_branch()
        current_issue = issue_from_branchname(current_branches)
        message = "%s: %s" % (current_issue, message)

        def commit_if_necessary():
            status = git_tool.status()
            if status is None:
                return None, "Status is none??"
            if len(status.staged) > 0:
                return git_tool.gitcmd(["commit", "-nm", message])
            return None, None

Exemple #11
    def __call__(self, issue):
        print BOLD("Aborting issue {}...".format(issue))
        branchname = branchname_from_issue(issue, squashed=True, exit_on_fail=False)

        def close():
            if git_tool.is_merged_with("origin/%s" % branchname, ref="origin/master"):
                return None, None
            closed = cr_tool.close_mr(git_tool.get_repo(), branchname)
            return closed, None

        # close open MRs, if there are any
        if branchname:
            resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(close), title="Closing open MRs...")
            print BOLD("No open MRs to close")

        # move Jira ticket to "Aborted"
        print BOLD("Aborting Jira ticket...")
        print BOLD("DONE")
Exemple #12
    def __call__(self, issue, branchname):

        def do_the_cherry():
            if os.path.exists('.git/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD'):
                ret, err = git_tool.gitcmd(['cherry-pick', '--allow-empty-message', '--continue'])
                if err is not None:
                    return ret, err
            ret, err = git_tool.gitcmd(
                ['log', '--grep=%s' % issue, '--reverse', '--date-order', '--cherry', '--oneline',
                 '%s..origin/master' % branchname])
            if err is not None:
                return ret, err
            commits = [x[1:].split() for x in ret.split('\n') if len(x) > 1]
            commits = [x[0] for x in commits if len(x) > 0]
            if len(commits) > 0:
                print BOLD("applying " + ", ".join(UNDERLINE(x) for x in commits))
                commits = ['cherry-pick'] + commits
                return None, None
            return git_tool.gitcmd(commits)

        return resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(do_the_cherry), title="Cherry Picking...")
Exemple #13
    def __call__(self, issue, dry_run):
        branch = get_current_branch()
        if branch != 'master':

        # list of reverted commits and their 'revert commits'
        excluded_commits = set()

        def should_revert(commit):
            message = commit['message']
            if "This reverts commit" in message:
                revert_commit = commit['id']
                reverted_commit = message.split("This reverts commit", 1)[1].strip(' .')
                print '{repo}: {reverted_commit} is already reverted by {revert_commit}'\
                    .format(repo=git_tool.get_repo(), reverted_commit=reverted_commit, revert_commit=revert_commit)
                return False

            return not commit['id'] in excluded_commits

        def do_the_revert():
            GIT_COMMIT_FIELDS = ['id', 'author_name', 'author_email', 'date', 'message']
            GIT_LOG_FORMAT = ['%H', '%an', '%ae', '%ad', '%B']
            GIT_LOG_FORMAT = '%x1f'.join(GIT_LOG_FORMAT) + '%x1e'
            REVERT_TEMPLATE = """Revert "{message}"\n\nThis reverts commit {commit}."""

            # ":" is added to issue id to prevent mistakes (--grep AN-xxx:)
            (log, err) = git_tool.gitcmd(['log', '--grep', issue+':', '--format={}'.format(GIT_LOG_FORMAT)])
            if not log:
                return log, err
            # turn log into a list of dictionaries for for easier use
            log = log.strip('\n\x1e').split("\x1e")
            log = [row.strip().split("\x1f") for row in log]
            log = [dict(zip(GIT_COMMIT_FIELDS, row)) for row in log]

            # filter only those commits which have not been reverted already
            revert_candidates = filter(should_revert, log)
            ret = None if not revert_candidates else '\n'.join(map(str, revert_candidates))

            if not dry_run:
                for commit in revert_candidates:
                    # try reverting
                    revert_ret, revert_err = git_tool.gitcmd(['revert','--no-edit',commit['id']])

                    submodules = None
                    if revert_err is not None:
                        # try resolving submodule reference issues automatically
                        gitstatus = git_tool.status()
                        if submodules is None:
                            submodules = git_tool.get_submodules()
                            if submodules is None:
                                return ret, err
                        non_subs = set(gitstatus.conflict) - set(submodules)
                        if len(non_subs) > 0:
                            print "Conflict in non submodules %r" % non_subs
                            return revert_ret, revert_err
                        for sub in gitstatus.conflict:
                            print "Adding %s" % sub
                            add_ret, add_err = git_tool.gitcmd(['add', sub])
                            if add_err is not None:
                                return revert_ret, revert_err
                        commit_ret, commit_err = git_tool.gitcmd(['commit', '-m', REVERT_TEMPLATE.format(message=commit['message'], commit=commit['id'])])

                        return commit_ret, commit_err

                    if revert_err:
                        ret = revert_ret
                        err = revert_err
            return ret, err

        if not dry_run:
            input = raw_input(RED("Are you sure you want backout {issue}? "
                    "(It is advised that you use '-n' to initiate a dry run first) [y/N]".format(issue=issue)))
            if input not in ['Y', 'y']:

        ret = resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(do_the_revert), title="Reverting...")

        #there was an error during resolve_errors, don't reopen the ticket just yet
        if not ret:
            print "OMG! There was an error during revert. Fix it and try again..."

        if not dry_run:
            print 'Stopping Progress on Jira issue {issue}'.format(issue=issue)
            if issue_tracker_tool.stop_progress(issue):
                print 'Successfully stopped progress on {issue}'.format(issue=issue)
                print 'Could not stop progress on {issue}'.format(issue=issue)

        return ret
Exemple #14
    def __call__(self, what, ok_no_ff):

        if get_current_branch() != 'master':
            print "You should be on the master branch before landing a feature, sweetie!"
        fetched = False
        if issue_tracker_tool.ISSUE_BE_LIKE.match(what) is not None:
            issue = what
            branchname = branchname_from_issue(issue, test=True, squashed=True)
            if branchname is None:
                resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(lambda: git_tool.fetch()), **FETCH_HANDLING)
                fetched = True
                branchname = branchname_from_issue(what, squashed=True)
            branchname = what
            issue = issue_from_branchname(what, squashed=True)
        if not is_squashed_branch(branchname):
            print YELLOW("Warning: landning non-squashed branch!")
        if issue is None:
            print YELLOW("Warning: unknown issue!")

        def is_ready_to_land():
            if not fetched:
                git_tool.fetch([branchname, 'master'])
            if git_tool.is_merged_with("origin/%s" % branchname, ref="origin/master"):
                return None, None

            err = []
            if not git_tool.is_merged_with("origin/master", ref="origin/%s" % branchname):
                err.append("Not rebased!")
            approvals = list(cr_tool.get_signed_comments(git_tool.get_repo(), branchname))
            body = lambda x: x['body']
            built = filter(compose(cr_tool.ApproveBuild.filter_message, body), approvals)
            cr = filter(compose(cr_tool.ApproveCR.filter_message, body), approvals)
            qa = filter(compose(cr_tool.ApproveQA.filter_message, body), approvals)
            ui = filter(compose(cr_tool.ApproveUITests.filter_message, body), approvals)
            probe = filter(compose(cr_tool.ApproveProbeTests.filter_message, body), approvals)

            ret = []
            if len(built) == 0:
                err.append("Wasn't built!")
                ret.extend('Built by %s at %s' % (x['author']['name'], x['created_at']) for x in built)
            if len(cr) == 0:
                err.append("Wasn't reviewed!")
                ret.extend('Reviewd by %s at %s' % (x['author']['name'], x['created_at']) for x in cr)
            if len(qa) == 0:
                err.append("Didn't pass QA!")
                ret.extend("Passed QA's %s at %s" % (x['author']['name'], x['created_at']) for x in qa)
            if len(ui) == 0:
                err.append("Didn't pass UI tests!")
                ret.extend("Passed UI Tests at %s" % x['created_at'] for x in ui)
            if len(probe) == 0:
                err.append("Didn't pass Probe benchmark test")
                ret.extend("Passed Probe benchmark test at %s" % x['created_at'] for x in probe)

            return "\n".join(ret), (None if len(err) == 0 else "\n".join(err))

        resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(is_ready_to_land), **APPROVAL_HANDLING)

        def do_push():
            return git_tool.push('master')

        def do_merge():
            ret, err = git_tool.gitcmd(['merge', '--ff' if ok_no_ff else '--ff-only', 'origin/%s' % branchname])
            if err is not None:
                return ret, err

            return ret, None

        merge_success = resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(do_merge), **MERGE_HANDLING)
        if merge_success:
            resolve_errors(git_tool.fix_refs(), title="Fixing submodule references")
            push_success = resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(do_push), title="Pushing...")

            # Make sure all MR for this issue in gitlab are closed
            def check_open_mr():
                repo = git_tool.get_repo()
                project = cr_tool.get_project(repo)
                mr = cr_tool.get_open_mr(project, branchname)
                if mr is not None:
                    print RED("ALERT: merge request is still open in GitLab for {}!".format(repo))
                    return None, "ALERT: merge request is still open in GitLab"
                return None, None

            gitlab_check_success = resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(check_open_mr), title="Checking GitLab status...")
            if not gitlab_check_success:
                print RED("ERROR: there are still open MR in GitLab after land for {}, something is terribly wrong!!".format(issue))

            if push_success and issue is not None:
                update_jira(partial(issue_tracker_tool.land, issue), 'landed in master')
                return push_success
        return False
Exemple #15
 def __call__(self):
     branch = get_current_branch()
     resolve_errors(git_tool.recurse_submodules(git_tool.forcepush), title="Pushing...")
     print BOLD("Building")
     builder_tool.build_launcher(branch, ["Debug"], False)