Exemple #1
    def generate_api_doc(self, uri):
        '''Make autodoc documentation template string for a module

        uri : string
            python location of module - e.g 'sphinx.builder'

        S : string
            Contents of API doc
        # get the names of all classes and functions
        functions, classes = self._parse_module(uri)
        workflows = []
        helper_functions = []
        for function in functions:

                finst = sys.modules[uri].__dict__[function]
            except TypeError:
                workflow = finst()
            except Exception:
                helper_functions.append((function, finst))

            if isinstance(workflow, Workflow):
                workflows.append((workflow,function, finst))

        if not classes and not workflows and not helper_functions:
            print('WARNING: Empty -',uri)  # dbg
            return ''

        # Make a shorter version of the uri that omits the package name for
        # titles
        uri_short = re.sub(r'^%s\.' % self.package_name, '', uri)
        #uri_short = uri

        ad = '.. AUTO-GENERATED FILE -- DO NOT EDIT!\n\n'

        chap_title = uri_short
        ad += (chap_title+'\n'+ self.rst_section_levels[1] * len(chap_title)
               + '\n\n')

        # Set the chapter title to read 'module' for all modules except for the
        # main packages
        #if '.' in uri:
        #    title = 'Module: :mod:`' + uri_short + '`'
        #    title = ':mod:`' + uri_short + '`'
        #ad += title + '\n' + self.rst_section_levels[2] * len(title)

        #ad += '\n' + 'Classes' + '\n' + \
        #    self.rst_section_levels[2] * 7 + '\n'
        for c in classes:
                with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    classinst = sys.modules[uri].__dict__[c]
            except Exception as inst:

            if not issubclass(classinst, BaseInterface):

            label = uri + '.' + c + ':'
            ad += '\n.. _%s\n\n' % label
            ad += '\n.. index:: %s\n\n' % c
            ad += c + '\n' + self.rst_section_levels[2] * len(c) + '\n\n'
            ad += "`Link to code <%s>`__\n\n" % get_file_url(classinst)
            ad += trim(classinst.help(returnhelp=True),
                       self.rst_section_levels[3]) + '\n'

        if workflows or helper_functions:
            ad += '\n.. module:: %s\n\n' % uri

        for workflow, name, finst in workflows:
            label = ':func:`' + name + '`'
            ad += '\n.. _%s:\n\n' % (uri + '.' + name)
            ad += '\n'.join((label, self.rst_section_levels[2] * len(label)))
            ad += "\n\n`Link to code <%s>`__\n\n" % get_file_url(finst)
            helpstr = trim(finst.__doc__, self.rst_section_levels[3])
            ad += '\n\n' + helpstr + '\n\n'

            # use sphinx autodoc for function signature
            ad += '\n.. _%s:\n\n' % (uri + '.' + name)
            ad += '.. autofunction:: %s\n\n' % name

            (_,fname) =  tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".dot")
            workflow.write_graph(dotfilename=fname, graph2use='hierarchical')

            ad += self._write_graph_section(fname, 'Graph') + '\n'

        for name, finst in helper_functions:
            label = ':func:`' + name + '`'
            ad += '\n.. _%s:\n\n' % (uri + '.' + name)
            ad += '\n'.join((label, self.rst_section_levels[2] * len(label)))
            ad += "\n\n`Link to code <%s>`__\n\n" % get_file_url(finst)
            helpstr = trim(finst.__doc__, self.rst_section_levels[3])
            ad += '\n\n' + helpstr + '\n\n'

        return ad
Exemple #2
    def generate_api_doc(self, uri):
        '''Make autodoc documentation template string for a module

        uri : string
            python location of module - e.g 'sphinx.builder'

        S : string
            Contents of API doc
        # get the names of all classes and functions
        functions, classes = self._parse_module(uri)
        workflows = []
        helper_functions = []
        for function in functions:

                finst = sys.modules[uri].__dict__[function]
            except TypeError:
                workflow = finst()
            except Exception:
                helper_functions.append((function, finst))

            if isinstance(workflow, Workflow):
                workflows.append((workflow, function, finst))

        if not classes and not workflows and not helper_functions:
            print 'WARNING: Empty -', uri  # dbg
            return ''

        # Make a shorter version of the uri that omits the package name for
        # titles
        uri_short = re.sub(r'^%s\.' % self.package_name, '', uri)
        #uri_short = uri

        ad = '.. AUTO-GENERATED FILE -- DO NOT EDIT!\n\n'

        chap_title = uri_short
        ad += (chap_title + '\n' +
               self.rst_section_levels[1] * len(chap_title) + '\n\n')

        # Set the chapter title to read 'module' for all modules except for the
        # main packages
        #if '.' in uri:
        #    title = 'Module: :mod:`' + uri_short + '`'
        #    title = ':mod:`' + uri_short + '`'
        #ad += title + '\n' + self.rst_section_levels[2] * len(title)

        #ad += '\n' + 'Classes' + '\n' + \
        #    self.rst_section_levels[2] * 7 + '\n'
        for c in classes:
            print c
                with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    classinst = sys.modules[uri].__dict__[c]
            except Exception as inst:
                print inst

            if not issubclass(classinst, BaseInterface):

            label = uri + '.' + c + ':'
            ad += '\n.. _%s\n\n' % label
            ad += '\n.. index:: %s\n\n' % c
            ad += c + '\n' + self.rst_section_levels[2] * len(c) + '\n\n'
            ad += "`Link to code <%s>`__\n\n" % get_file_url(classinst)
            ad += trim(classinst.help(returnhelp=True),
                       self.rst_section_levels[3]) + '\n'

        if workflows or helper_functions:
            ad += '\n.. module:: %s\n\n' % uri

        for workflow, name, finst in workflows:
            label = ':func:`' + name + '`'
            ad += '\n.. _%s:\n\n' % (uri + '.' + name)
            ad += '\n'.join((label, self.rst_section_levels[2] * len(label)))
            ad += "\n\n`Link to code <%s>`__\n\n" % get_file_url(finst)
            helpstr = trim(finst.__doc__, self.rst_section_levels[3])
            ad += '\n\n' + helpstr + '\n\n'
            # use sphinx autodoc for function signature
            ad += '\n.. _%s:\n\n' % (uri + '.' + name)
            ad += '.. autofunction:: %s\n\n' % name

            (_, fname) = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".dot")
            workflow.write_graph(dotfilename=fname, graph2use='hierarchical')

            ad += self._write_graph_section(fname, 'Graph') + '\n'

        for name, finst in helper_functions:
            label = ':func:`' + name + '`'
            ad += '\n.. _%s:\n\n' % (uri + '.' + name)
            ad += '\n'.join((label, self.rst_section_levels[2] * len(label)))
            ad += "\n\n`Link to code <%s>`__\n\n" % get_file_url(finst)
            helpstr = trim(finst.__doc__, self.rst_section_levels[3])
            ad += '\n\n' + helpstr + '\n\n'

        return ad