Exemple #1
def newevent(type, project, package, x1):
    newevent = "" + str(gitmer.get_next_event() + 1) + "|" + str(
    ) + "|" + type + "|" + project + "|" + package + "|" + x1 + "\n"

    f = open("lastevents", "a")
Exemple #2
    def send_head(self):
        def lookup_path(projectname):
            doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse("mappings.xml")            
            for x in doc.getElementsByTagName("mapping"):
                if x.attributes["project"].value == projectname:
                    return x.attributes["path"].value
            return None
        def lookup_binariespath(projectname):
            doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse("mappings.xml")            
            for x in doc.getElementsByTagName("mapping"):
                if x.attributes["project"].value == projectname:
                    return x.attributes["binaries"].value
            return None
        def string2stream(thestr):
            content = StringIO()
            content.seek(0, os.SEEK_END)
            contentsize = content.tell()
            content.seek(0, os.SEEK_SET)
            return contentsize, content
        def file2stream(path):
            f = open(path, 'rb')
            fs = os.fstat(f.fileno())
            return fs[6], fs.st_mtime, f
        content = None
        contentsize = 0
        contentmtime = 0
        contenttype = None

        pathparsed = urlparse.urlparse(self.path)
        path = pathparsed[2] 

        if self.headers.getheader('Content-Length') is not None:
            data = self.rfile.read(int(self.headers.getheader('Content-Length')))
            query = urlparse.parse_qs(data)
        elif pathparsed[4] is not None:
            query = urlparse.parse_qs(pathparsed[4])
            query = {}

        threading.current_thread().name = self.path

        if path.startswith("/public/lastevents"):
            if query.has_key("start"):
                filters = []
                if query.has_key("filter"):
                    for x in query["filter"]:
                        spl = x.split('/')
                        if len(spl) == 2:
                            filters.append((urllib.unquote(spl[0]), urllib.unquote(spl[1]), None))
                            filters.append((urllib.unquote(spl[0]), urllib.unquote(spl[1]), urllib.unquote(spl[2])))

                if "obsname" in query:
                    threading.current_thread().name = "%s Watcher" % query["obsname"][0]

                print "%s: will poll every 10 seconds" % threading.current_thread().name

                while int(query["start"][0]) == gitmer.get_next_event():

                contentsize, content = string2stream(gitmer.get_events_filtered(int(query["start"][0]), filters))
                contenttype = "text/html"
                contentmtime = time.time()
                output = '<events next="' + str(gitmer.get_next_event()) + '" sync="lost" />\n'
                contentsize, content = string2stream(output)
                contenttype = "text/html"
                contentmtime = time.time()
        elif path.startswith("/public/source/"):
            pathparts = path.split("/")
            pathparts = pathparts[1:]
            for x in range(0, len(pathparts)):
                pathparts[x] = urllib.unquote(pathparts[x])
            realproject = None
            if len(pathparts) >= 3:
               realproject = pathparts[2]
               pathparts[2] = lookup_path(pathparts[2])
               if pathparts[2] is None:
                    pathparts[2] = "--UNKNOWNPROJECT"
            # /source/project/
            if len(pathparts) == 3:
                if os.path.isfile(pathparts[2] + "/packages.xml"):
                      contentsize, content = string2stream(gitmer.build_project_index(pathparts[2]))
                      contenttype = "text/xml"
                      contentmtime = time.time()
            # package or metadata for project
            elif len(pathparts) == 4:
                if pathparts[3] == "_config":
                    contentsize, contentmtime, content = file2stream(pathparts[2] + "/" + pathparts[3])
                    contenttype = "text/plain"
                elif pathparts[3] == "_meta":
                    contentsize, content = string2stream(gitmer.adjust_meta(pathparts[2], realproject))
                    contenttype = "text/xml"
                    contentmtime = time.time()
                elif pathparts[3] == "_pubkey":
                    content = None # 404 it
                elif pathparts[3] == "_pattern":
                    content = None # 404 it
                    expand = 0
                    rev = None
                    if query.has_key("expand"):
                        expand = int(query["expand"][0])
                    if query.has_key("rev"):
                        rev = query["rev"][0]
                    contentsize, content = string2stream(gitmer.get_package_index_supportlink(pathparts[2], pathparts[3], rev, expand))
                    contenttype = "text/xml"
                    contentmtime = time.time()
            elif len(pathparts) == 5:
                rev = None
                expand = 0
                if query.has_key("expand"):
                        expand = int(query["expand"][0])
                if query.has_key("rev"):
                        rev = query["rev"][0]
                contentsize, contentst = gitmer.get_package_file(realproject, pathparts[2], pathparts[3], pathparts[4], rev)
                contentz, content = string2stream(contentst)
                contenttype = "application/octet-stream"
                contentmtime = time.time()
        elif path.startswith("/public/build"):
            pathparts = path.split("/")
            pathparts = pathparts[1:]

            if len(pathparts) >= 3:
                pathparts[2] = lookup_binariespath(pathparts[2])
                if pathparts[2] is None:
                    pathparts[2] = "--UNKNOWNPROJECT"
            if len(pathparts) == 6 and pathparts[5] != "_repository":
                if not isinstance(query.get("binary", None), list):
                    query["binary"] = []
                if not isinstance(query.get("view", None), list):
                    query["view"] = ["names"]

                pathparts[5] = "_repository"

            print pathparts
            print query

            if len(pathparts) == 6 and pathparts[5] == "_repository":
                # pathparts[2]  == project
                #          [3]  == repository
                #          [4]  == scheduler
                if query.has_key("view") and query["view"][0] == "cache":
                    if os.path.isfile(pathparts[2] + "/" + pathparts[3] + "/" + pathparts[4] + "/_repository?view=cache"):
                        contentsize, contentmtime, content = file2stream(pathparts[2] + "/" + pathparts[3] + "/" + pathparts[4] + "/_repository?view=cache")
                        contenttype = "application/octet-stream"
                        contentsize, contentmtime, content = file2stream("tools/emptyrepositorycache.cpio")
                        contenttype = "application/octet-stream"
                elif query.has_key("view") and query["view"][0] == "solvstate":
                    if os.path.isfile(pathparts[2] + "/" + pathparts[3] + "/" + pathparts[4] + "/_repository?view=solvstate"):
                        contentsize, contentmtime, content = file2stream(pathparts[2] + "/" + pathparts[3] + "/" + pathparts[4] + "/_repository?view=solvstate")
                        contenttype = "application/octet-stream"
                        contentsize, contentmtime, content = file2stream("tools/emptyrepositorycache.cpio")
                        contenttype = "application/octet-stream"
                elif query.has_key("view") and query["view"][0] == "cpio":
                    binaries = ""
                    for x in query["binary"]:
                        if os.path.isfile(pathparts[2] + "/" + pathparts[3] + "/" + pathparts[4] + "/" + os.path.basename(x) + ".rpm"):
                            assert "" + pathparts[2] + "/" + pathparts[3] + "/" + pathparts[4] + "/" + os.path.basename(x) + ".rpm was not found"
                        binaries = binaries + os.path.basename(x) + ".rpm\n"
                    print binaries

                    cpiooutput = subprocess.Popen(["tools/createcpio", pathparts[2] + "/" + pathparts[3] + "/" + pathparts[4]], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(binaries)[0]
                    contentsize, content = string2stream(cpiooutput)
                    print contentsize
                    contentmtime = time.time()
                    contenttype = "application/x-cpio"
                elif query.has_key("view") and query["view"][0] == "names":
                    if os.path.isfile(pathparts[2] + "/" + pathparts[3] + "/" + pathparts[4] + "/_repository?view=names"):
                        doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(pathparts[2] + "/" + pathparts[3] + "/" + pathparts[4] + "/_repository?view=names")
                        removables = []
                        for x in doc.getElementsByTagName("binary"):
                            if not os.path.splitext(x.attributes["filename"].value)[0] in query["binary"]:
                        for x in removables:
                        contentsize, content = string2stream(doc.childNodes[0].toxml())
                        contentmtime = time.time()
                        contenttype = "text/html"                    
                        contentsize, content = string2stream("<binarylist />")
                        contenttype = "text/html"
                        contentmtime = time.time()
                elif query.has_key("view") and query["view"][0] == "binaryversions":                   
                    if os.path.isfile(pathparts[2] + "/" + pathparts[3] + "/" + pathparts[4] + "/_repository?view=cache"):
                        doc = xml.dom.minidom.parse(pathparts[2] + "/" + pathparts[3] + "/" + pathparts[4] + "/_repository?view=binaryversions")
                        removables = []
                        for x in doc.getElementsByTagName("binary"):
                            if not os.path.splitext(x.attributes["name"].value)[0] in query["binary"]:
                        for x in removables:
                        contentsize, content = string2stream(doc.childNodes[0].toxml())
                        contentmtime = time.time()
                        contenttype = "text/html"                    
                        contentsize, content = string2stream("<binaryversionlist />")
                        contenttype = "text/html"
                        contentmtime = time.time()
        if content is None:
              print "404: path"
              self.send_error(404, "File not found")
              return None
        self.send_header("Content-type", contenttype)
        self.send_header("Content-Length", contentsize)
        self.send_header("Last-Modified", self.date_time_string(contentmtime))
        return content
Exemple #3
def newevent(type, project, package, x1):
    newevent= "" + str(gitmer.get_next_event() + 1) + "|" + str(int(time.time())) + "|" + type + "|" + project + "|" + package + "|" + x1 + "\n"

    f = open("lastevents", "a")