Exemple #1
def choose_winner_cli(participants, date):
    """choose a winner from PARTICIPANTS while using DATE to count seed"""
    with open(participants) as fp:
        raw_usernames = load(fp)
    hashed_participants = process_usernames(raw_usernames)
    hashed_winner = choose_winner(hashed_participants, date)
    participants = [prepare_username(uname) for uname in raw_usernames]
    winner = find_winner(hashed_winner, participants)
Exemple #2
def prepare_original_cli(source, destination):
    """Parse a file with a of participants, clean it up and save to json"""
    with open(source) as fp:
        lines = (line for line in fp)
        valid_lines = filter_usernames(lines)
        prepared_usernames = [prepare_username(uname) for uname in valid_lines]

    with open(destination, "w") as ofp:
        dump(prepared_usernames, ofp)
Exemple #3
def choose_winner_cli(participants, date, n):
    """Choose a winner from PARTICIPANTS while using DATE to count seed"""
    if date is None:
        date = get_date_from_filename(participants)
    with open(participants) as fp:
        raw_usernames = load(fp)
    hashed_participants = process_usernames(raw_usernames)
    hashed_winners = choose_winners(hashed_participants, date, n=n)
    participants = [prepare_username(uname) for uname in raw_usernames]
    winners = find_winners(hashed_winners, participants)
    click.echo(" ".join(winners))
Exemple #4
def verify_choice_cli(hashed_participants, username):
    Verify given USERNAME is present in a HASHED_PARTICIPANTS file.
    with open(hashed_participants) as fp:
        hashed_participants = load(fp)
    hashed_username = hash_username(prepare_username(username))
    click.echo(f"Hashed username: {hashed_username}")
    is_in_participants = hashed_username in hashed_participants
    if is_in_participants:
            f"{username} may not be a winner. But it is present in a list of participants."
        click.echo(f"{username} is a creep and does not belong here :(")
Exemple #5
def verify_choice_cli(hashed_participants, date, username):
    Verify choice using a HASHED_PARTICIPANTS file and DATE. Optionally you can provide a username to verify
    that it was chosen.
    with open(hashed_participants) as fp:
        hashed_participants = load(fp)
    hashed_winner = choose_winner(hashed_participants, date)
    click.echo(f"Winner's hash is {hashed_winner}.")
    if username:
        prepared_username = prepare_username(username)
        is_winner = verify_winner(prepared_username, hashed_winner)
        if is_winner:
            click.echo(f"Yup! {username} is definitely a winner.")
                f"Unfortunately, {username} is not a winner. But don't worry, better luck next time!"
Exemple #6
def verify_choice_cli(hashed_participants, date, username, n):
    Verify choice using a HASHED_PARTICIPANTS file and DATE. Optionally you can provide a username to verify
    that it was chosen.
    if date is None:
        date = get_date_from_filename(hashed_participants)
    with open(hashed_participants) as fp:
        hashed_participants = load(fp)
    hashed_winners = choose_winners(hashed_participants, date, n=n)
    click.echo(f"Winners are: {', '.join(hashed_winners)}.")
    if username:
        prepared_username = prepare_username(username)
        is_winner = any(verify_winner(prepared_username, hashed_winner) for hashed_winner in hashed_winners)
        if is_winner:
            click.echo(f"Yup! {username} is definitely a winner.")
                f"Unfortunately, {username} is not a winner. But don't worry, better luck next time!"