def __init__(self, g_pool, world_camera_intrinsics , cal_ref_points_3d, eye_to_world_matrix0 , cal_gaze_points0_3d, eye_to_world_matrix1 = np.eye(4) , cal_gaze_points1_3d = [], name = "Debug Calibration Visualizer", run_independently = False): # super(Visualizer, self).__init__() self.g_pool = g_pool self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update self.focal_length = 620 self.image_height = 480 self.eye_to_world_matrix0 = eye_to_world_matrix0 self.eye_to_world_matrix1 = eye_to_world_matrix1 self.cal_ref_points_3d = cal_ref_points_3d self.cal_gaze_points0_3d = cal_gaze_points0_3d self.cal_gaze_points1_3d = cal_gaze_points1_3d self.world_camera_width = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][0] self.world_camera_height = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][1] self.world_camera_focal = (world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][0][0] + world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][1][1] ) / 2.0 # transformation matrices self.anthromorphic_matrix = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() self.adjusted_pixel_space_matrix = self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(1) = name self.window_size = (640,480) self.window = None self.input = None self.run_independently = run_independently camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan( self.window_size[0] / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov) self.trackball.distance = [0,0,-0.1] self.trackball.pitch = 0 self.trackball.roll = 180
def __init__(self, g_pool, world_camera_intrinsics , cal_ref_points_3d, cal_observed_points_3d, eye_camera_to_world_matrix0 , cal_gaze_points0_3d, eye_camera_to_world_matrix1 = np.eye(4) , cal_gaze_points1_3d = [], run_independently = False , name = "Calibration Visualizer" ): super().__init__( g_pool,name, run_independently) self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update self.focal_length = 620 self.image_height = 480 self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix0 = eye_camera_to_world_matrix0 self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix1 = eye_camera_to_world_matrix1 self.cal_ref_points_3d = cal_ref_points_3d self.cal_observed_points_3d = cal_observed_points_3d self.cal_gaze_points0_3d = cal_gaze_points0_3d self.cal_gaze_points1_3d = cal_gaze_points1_3d if world_camera_intrinsics: self.world_camera_width = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][0] self.world_camera_height = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][1] self.world_camera_focal = (world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][0][0] + world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][1][1] ) / 2.0 else: self.world_camera_width = 0 self.world_camera_height = 0 self.world_camera_focal = 0 camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan( self.window_size[0] / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov) self.trackball.distance = [0,0,-80.] self.trackball.pitch = 210 self.trackball.roll = 0
def __init__(self,g_pool , focal_length ): super(Eye_Visualizer, self).__init__(g_pool , "Debug Visualizer", False) self.focal_length = focal_length self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update self.image_height = 480 camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan( self.image_height / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov)
def open_window(self): if not self._window: if self.fullscreen: monitor = glfwGetMonitors()[self.monitor_idx] mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor) height, width = mode[0], mode[1] else: monitor = None height, width = ( 640, int(640.0 / (self.real_world_size["x"] / self.real_world_size["y"])), ) # open with same aspect ratio as surface self._window = glfwCreateWindow( height, width, "Reference Surface: " +, monitor=monitor, share=glfwGetCurrentContext(), ) if not self.fullscreen: glfwSetWindowPos( self._window, self.window_position_default[0], self.window_position_default[1], ) self.trackball = Trackball() self.input = {"down": False, "mouse": (0, 0)} # Register callbacks glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(self._window, self.on_resize) glfwSetKeyCallback(self._window, self.on_window_key) glfwSetWindowCloseCallback(self._window, self.on_close) glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(self._window, self.on_window_mouse_button) glfwSetCursorPosCallback(self._window, self.on_pos) glfwSetScrollCallback(self._window, self.on_scroll) self.on_resize(self._window, *glfwGetFramebufferSize(self._window)) # gl_state settings active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) basic_gl_setup() make_coord_system_norm_based() # refresh speed settings glfwSwapInterval(0) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window)
def __init__(self, g_pool, world_camera_intrinsics , cal_ref_points_3d, cal_observed_points_3d, eye_camera_to_world_matrix0 , cal_gaze_points0_3d, eye_camera_to_world_matrix1 = np.eye(4) , cal_gaze_points1_3d = [], run_independently = False , name = "Calibration Visualizer" ): super(Calibration_Visualizer, self).__init__( g_pool,name, run_independently) self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update self.focal_length = 620 self.image_height = 480 self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix0 = eye_camera_to_world_matrix0 self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix1 = eye_camera_to_world_matrix1 self.cal_ref_points_3d = cal_ref_points_3d self.cal_observed_points_3d = cal_observed_points_3d self.cal_gaze_points0_3d = cal_gaze_points0_3d self.cal_gaze_points1_3d = cal_gaze_points1_3d if world_camera_intrinsics: self.world_camera_width = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][0] self.world_camera_height = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][1] self.world_camera_focal = (world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][0][0] + world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][1][1] ) / 2.0 else: self.world_camera_width = 0 self.world_camera_height = 0 self.world_camera_focal = 0 camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan( self.window_size[0] / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov) self.trackball.distance = [0,0,-80.] self.trackball.pitch = 210 self.trackball.roll = 0
def __init__(self,focal_length, name = "Debug Visualizer", run_independently = False): # super(Visualizer, self).__init__() self.focal_length = focal_length self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update self.image_height = 480 # transformation matrices self.anthromorphic_matrix = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() = name self.window_size = (640,480) self._window = None self.input = None self.run_independently = run_independently camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan( self.image_height / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov)
def __init__(self, g_pool, focal_length): super().__init__(g_pool, "Debug Visualizer", False) self.focal_length = focal_length self.image_width = 192 # right values are assigned in update self.image_height = 192 camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan(self.image_height / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov) # self.residuals_single_means = deque(np.zeros(50), 50) # self.residuals_single_stds = deque(np.zeros(50), 50) # self.residuals_means = deque(np.zeros(50), 50) # self.residuals_stds = deque(np.zeros(50), 50) self.eye = LeGrandEye() self.cost_history = deque([], maxlen=200) self.optimization_number = 0
def open_window(self): if not self._window: if self.fullscreen: monitor = glfwGetMonitors()[self.monitor_idx] mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor) height, width = mode[0], mode[1] else: monitor = None height, width = ( 640, int(640.0 / (self.real_world_size["x"] / self.real_world_size["y"])), ) # open with same aspect ratio as surface self._window = glfwCreateWindow( height, width, "Reference Surface: " +, monitor=monitor, share=glfwGetCurrentContext() ) if not self.fullscreen: glfwSetWindowPos(self._window, 200, 0) self.trackball = Trackball() self.input = {"down": False, "mouse": (0, 0)} # Register callbacks glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(self._window, self.on_resize) glfwSetKeyCallback(self._window, self.on_key) glfwSetWindowCloseCallback(self._window, self.on_close) glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(self._window, self.on_button) glfwSetCursorPosCallback(self._window, self.on_pos) glfwSetScrollCallback(self._window, self.on_scroll) self.on_resize(self._window, *glfwGetFramebufferSize(self._window)) # gl_state settings active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) basic_gl_setup() make_coord_system_norm_based() # refresh speed settings glfwSwapInterval(0) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window)
class Reference_Surface(object): """docstring for Reference Surface The surface coodinate system is 0-1. Origin is the bottom left corner, (1,1) is the top right The first scalar in the pos vector is width we call this 'u'. The second is height we call this 'v'. The surface is thus defined by 4 vertecies: Our convention is this order: (0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1) The surface is supported by a set of n>=1 Markers: Each marker has an id, you can not not have markers with the same id twice. Each marker has 4 verts (order is the same as the surface verts) Each maker vertex has a uv coord that places it on the surface When we find the surface in locate() we use the correspondence of uv and screen coords of all 4 verts of all detected markers to get the surface to screen homography. This allows us to get homographies for partially visible surfaces, all we need are 2 visible markers. (We could get away with just one marker but in pracise this is to noisy.) The more markers we find the more accurate the homography. """ def __init__(self,name="unnamed",saved_definition=None): = name self.markers = {} self.detected_markers = 0 self.defined = False self.build_up_status = 0 self.required_build_up = 90. self.detected = False self.m_to_screen = None self.m_from_screen = None self.camera_pose_3d = None self.crop_region = None self.uid = str(time()) self.real_world_size = {'x':1.,'y':1.} ###window and gui vars self._window = None self.fullscreen = False self.window_should_open = False self.window_should_close = False self.gaze_on_srf = [] # points on surface for realtime feedback display self.glfont = fontstash.Context() self.glfont.add_font('opensans',get_opensans_font_path()) self.glfont.set_size(22) self.glfont.set_color_float((0.2,0.5,0.9,1.0)) if saved_definition is not None: self.load_from_dict(saved_definition) def save_to_dict(self): """ save all markers and name of this surface to a dict. """ markers = dict([(m_id,m.uv_coords) for m_id,m in self.markers.iteritems()]) return {'name','uid':self.uid,'markers':markers,'real_world_size':self.real_world_size} def load_from_dict(self,d): """ load all markers of this surface to a dict. """ = d['name'] self.uid = d['uid'] self.real_world_size = d.get('real_world_size',{'x':1.,'y':1.}) marker_dict = d['markers'] for m_id,uv_coords in marker_dict.iteritems(): self.markers[m_id] = Support_Marker(m_id) self.markers[m_id].load_uv_coords(uv_coords) #flag this surface as fully defined self.defined = True self.build_up_status = self.required_build_up def build_correspondance(self, visible_markers): """ - use all visible markers - fit a convex quadrangle around it - use quadrangle verts to establish perpective transform - map all markers into surface space - build up list of found markers and their uv coords """ if visible_markers == []: self.m_to_screen = None self.m_from_screen = None self.detected = False return all_verts = np.array([[m['verts_norm'] for m in visible_markers]]) all_verts.shape = (-1,1,2) # [vert,vert,vert,vert,vert...] with vert = [[r,c]] hull = cv2.convexHull(all_verts,clockwise=False) #simplify until we have excatly 4 verts if hull.shape[0]>4: new_hull = cv2.approxPolyDP(hull,epsilon=1,closed=True) if new_hull.shape[0]>=4: hull = new_hull if hull.shape[0]>4: curvature = abs(GetAnglesPolyline(hull,closed=True)) most_acute_4_threshold = sorted(curvature)[3] hull = hull[curvature<=most_acute_4_threshold] #now we need to roll the hull verts until we have the right orientation: distance_to_origin = np.sqrt(hull[:,:,0]**2+hull[:,:,1]**2) top_left_idx = np.argmin(distance_to_origin) hull = np.roll(hull,-top_left_idx,axis=0) #based on these 4 verts we calculate the transformations into a 0,0 1,1 square space self.m_to_screen = m_verts_to_screen(hull) self.m_from_screen = m_verts_from_screen(hull) self.detected = True # map the markers vertices in to the surface space (one can think of these as texture coordinates u,v) marker_uv_coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform(all_verts,self.m_from_screen) marker_uv_coords.shape = (-1,4,1,2) #[marker,marker...] marker = [ [[r,c]],[[r,c]] ] # build up a dict of discovered markers. Each with a history of uv coordinates for m,uv in zip (visible_markers,marker_uv_coords): try: self.markers[m['id']].add_uv_coords(uv) except KeyError: self.markers[m['id']] = Support_Marker(m['id']) self.markers[m['id']].add_uv_coords(uv) #average collection of uv correspondences accros detected markers self.build_up_status = sum([len(m.collected_uv_coords) for m in self.markers.values()])/float(len(self.markers)) if self.build_up_status >= self.required_build_up: self.finalize_correnspondance() self.defined = True def finalize_correnspondance(self): """ - prune markers that have been visible in less than x percent of frames. - of those markers select a good subset of uv coords and compute mean. - this mean value will be used from now on to estable surface transform """ persistent_markers = {} for k,m in self.markers.iteritems(): if len(m.collected_uv_coords)>self.required_build_up*.5: persistent_markers[k] = m self.markers = persistent_markers for m in self.markers.values(): m.compute_robust_mean() def locate(self, visible_markers, locate_3d=False, camera_intrinsics = None): """ - find overlapping set of surface markers and visible_markers - compute homography (and inverse) based on this subset """ if not self.defined: self.build_correspondance(visible_markers) else: marker_by_id = dict([(m['id'],m) for m in visible_markers]) visible_ids = set(marker_by_id.keys()) requested_ids = set(self.markers.keys()) overlap = visible_ids & requested_ids self.detected_markers = len(overlap) if len(overlap)>=min(1,len(requested_ids)): self.detected = True yx = np.array( [marker_by_id[i]['verts_norm'] for i in overlap] ) uv = np.array( [self.markers[i].uv_coords for i in overlap] ) yx.shape=(-1,1,2) uv.shape=(-1,1,2) #print 'uv',uv #print 'yx',yx self.m_to_screen,mask = cv2.findHomography(uv,yx) self.m_from_screen = np.linalg.inv(self.m_to_screen) #self.m_from_screen,mask = cv2.findHomography(yx,uv) if locate_3d: K,dist_coef,img_size = camera_intrinsics ###marker support pose estiamtion: # denormalize image reference points to pixel space yx.shape = -1,2 yx *= img_size yx.shape = -1, 1, 2 print 'yx', yx print '----------' # scale normalized object points to world space units (think m,cm,mm) uv.shape = -1,2 uv *= [self.real_world_size['x'], self.real_world_size['y']] # convert object points to lie on z==0 plane in 3d space uv3d = np.zeros((uv.shape[0], uv.shape[1]+1)) uv3d[:,:-1] = uv # compute pose of object relative to camera center self.is3dPoseAvailable, rot3d_cam_to_object, translate3d_cam_to_object = cv2.solvePnP(uv3d, yx, K, dist_coef,flags=cv2.CV_EPNP) # not verifed, potentially usefull info: ###marker posed estimation from virtually projected points. # object_pts = np.array([[[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0]]],dtype=np.float32) # projected_pts = cv2.perspectiveTransform(object_pts,self.m_to_screen) # projected_pts.shape = -1,2 # projected_pts *= img_size # projected_pts.shape = -1, 1, 2 # # scale object points to world space units (think m,cm,mm) # object_pts.shape = -1,2 # object_pts *= self.real_world_size # # convert object points to lie on z==0 plane in 3d space # object_pts_3d = np.zeros((4,3)) # object_pts_3d[:,:-1] = object_pts # self.is3dPoseAvailable, rot3d_cam_to_object, translate3d_cam_to_object = cv2.solvePnP(object_pts_3d, projected_pts, K, dist_coef,flags=cv2.CV_EPNP) # transformation from Camera Optical Center: # first: translate from Camera center to object origin. # second: rotate x,y,z # coordinate system is x,y,z where z goes out from the camera into the viewed volume. # print rot3d_cam_to_object[0],rot3d_cam_to_object[1],rot3d_cam_to_object[2], translate3d_cam_to_object[0],translate3d_cam_to_object[1],translate3d_cam_to_object[2] #turn translation vectors into 3x3 rot mat. rot3d_cam_to_object_mat, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rot3d_cam_to_object) #to get the transformation from object to camera we need to reverse rotation and translation translate3d_object_to_cam = - translate3d_cam_to_object # rotation matrix inverse == transpose rot3d_object_to_cam_mat = rot3d_cam_to_object_mat.T # we assume that the volume of the object grows out of the marker surface and not into it. We thus have to flip the z-Axis: flip_z_axix_hm = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) flip_z_axix_hm[2,2] = -1 # create a homogenous tranformation matrix from the rotation mat rot3d_object_to_cam_hm = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) rot3d_object_to_cam_hm[:-1,:-1] = rot3d_object_to_cam_mat # create a homogenous tranformation matrix from the translation vect translate3d_object_to_cam_hm = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) translate3d_object_to_cam_hm[:-1, -1] = translate3d_object_to_cam.reshape(3) # combine all tranformations into of matrix that decribes the move from object origin and orientation to camera origin and orientation tranform3d_object_to_cam = np.matrix(flip_z_axix_hm) * np.matrix(rot3d_object_to_cam_hm) * np.matrix(translate3d_object_to_cam_hm) self.camera_pose_3d = tranform3d_object_to_cam else: self.is3dPoseAvailable = False else: self.detected = False self.is3dPoseAvailable = False self.m_from_screen = None self.m_to_screen = None def img_to_ref_surface(self,pos): if self.m_from_screen is not None: #convenience lines to allow 'simple' vectors (x,y) to be used shape = pos.shape pos.shape = (-1,1,2) new_pos = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pos,self.m_from_screen ) new_pos.shape = shape return new_pos else: return None def ref_surface_to_img(self,pos): if self.m_to_screen is not None: #convenience lines to allow 'simple' vectors (x,y) to be used shape = pos.shape pos.shape = (-1,1,2) new_pos = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pos,self.m_to_screen ) new_pos.shape = shape return new_pos else: return None def move_vertex(self,vert_idx,new_pos): """ this fn is used to manipulate the surface boundary (coordinate system) new_pos is in uv-space coords if we move one vertex of the surface we need to find the tranformation from old quadrangle to new quardangle and apply that transformation to our marker uv-coords """ before = np.array(((0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1)),dtype=np.float32) after = before.copy() after[vert_idx] = new_pos transform = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(after,before) for m in self.markers.values(): m.uv_coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform(m.uv_coords,transform) def marker_status(self): return "%s %s/%s" %(,self.detected_markers,len(self.markers)) def gl_draw_frame(self,img_size): """ draw surface and markers """ if self.detected: frame = np.array([[[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1],[0,0]]],dtype=np.float32) hat = np.array([[[.3,.7],[.7,.7],[.5,.9],[.3,.7]]],dtype=np.float32) hat = cv2.perspectiveTransform(hat,self.m_to_screen) frame = cv2.perspectiveTransform(frame,self.m_to_screen) alpha = min(1,self.build_up_status/self.required_build_up) draw_polyline_norm(frame.reshape((5,2)),1,RGBA(1.0,0.2,0.6,alpha)) draw_polyline_norm(hat.reshape((4,2)),1,RGBA(1.0,0.2,0.6,alpha)) #grid = frame.reshape((5,2)) # self.crop_region = np.array([ # [grid[0][0] * img_size[1], grid[0][1] * img_size[0]], # [grid[1][0] * img_size[1], grid[1][1] * img_size[0]], # [grid[2][0] * img_size[1], grid[2][1] * img_size[0]], # [grid[3][0] * img_size[1], grid[3][1] * img_size[0]]], # dtype=np.float32) draw_points_norm(frame.reshape((5,-1))[0:1]) text_anchor = frame.reshape((5,-1))[2] text_anchor[1] = 1-text_anchor[1] text_anchor *=img_size[1],img_size[0] self.glfont.draw_text(text_anchor[0],text_anchor[1],self.marker_status()) def gl_draw_corners(self): """ draw surface and markers """ if self.detected: frame = np.array([[[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1]]],dtype=np.float32) frame = cv2.perspectiveTransform(frame,self.m_to_screen) draw_points_norm(frame.reshape((4,2)),15,RGBA(1.0,0.2,0.6,.5)) #### fns to draw surface in separate window def gl_display_in_window(self,world_tex_id): """ here we map a selected surface onto a seperate window. """ if self._window and self.detected: active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) clear_gl_screen() # cv uses 3x3 gl uses 4x4 tranformation matricies m = cvmat_to_glmat(self.m_from_screen) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPushMatrix() glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(0, 1, 0, 1,-1,1) # gl coord convention glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPushMatrix() #apply m to our quad - this will stretch the quad such that the ref suface will span the window extends glLoadMatrixf(m) draw_named_texture(world_tex_id) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPopMatrix() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPopMatrix() # now lets get recent pupil positions on this surface: draw_points_norm(self.gaze_on_srf,color=RGBA(0.,8.,.5,.8), size=80) glfwSwapBuffers(self._window) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) if self.window_should_close: self.close_window() #### fns to draw surface in separate window def gl_display_in_window_3d(self,world_tex_id,camera_intrinsics): """ here we map a selected surface onto a seperate window. """ K,dist_coef,img_size = camera_intrinsics if self._window and self.detected: active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) glClearColor(.8,.8,.8,1.) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) glClearDepth(1.0) glDepthFunc(GL_LESS) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) self.trackball.push() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) draw_coordinate_system(l=self.real_world_size['x']) glPushMatrix() glScalef(self.real_world_size['x'],self.real_world_size['y'],1) draw_polyline([[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0]],color = RGBA(.5,.3,.1,.5),thickness=3) glPopMatrix() # Draw the world window as projected onto the plane using the homography mapping glPushMatrix() glScalef(self.real_world_size['x'], self.real_world_size['y'], 1) # cv uses 3x3 gl uses 4x4 tranformation matricies m = cvmat_to_glmat(self.m_from_screen) glMultMatrixf(m) glTranslatef(0,0,-.01) draw_named_texture(world_tex_id) draw_polyline([[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0]],color = RGBA(.5,.3,.6,.5),thickness=3) glPopMatrix() # Draw the camera frustum and origin using the 3d tranformation obtained from solvepnp glPushMatrix() glMultMatrixf(self.camera_pose_3d.T.flatten()) draw_frustum(self.img_size, K, 150) glLineWidth(1) draw_frustum(self.img_size, K, .1) draw_coordinate_system(l=5) glPopMatrix() self.trackball.pop() glfwSwapBuffers(self._window) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def open_window(self): if not self._window: if self.fullscreen: monitor = glfwGetMonitors()[self.monitor_idx] mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor) height,width= mode[0],mode[1] else: monitor = None height,width= 640,int(640./(self.real_world_size['x']/self.real_world_size['y'])) #open with same aspect ratio as surface self._window = glfwCreateWindow(height, width, "Reference Surface: " +, monitor=monitor, share=glfwGetCurrentContext()) if not self.fullscreen: glfwSetWindowPos(self._window,200,0) self.trackball = Trackball() self.input = {'down':False, 'mouse':(0,0)} #Register callbacks glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(self._window,self.on_resize) glfwSetKeyCallback(self._window,self.on_key) glfwSetWindowCloseCallback(self._window,self.on_close) glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(self._window,self.on_button) glfwSetCursorPosCallback(self._window,self.on_pos) glfwSetScrollCallback(self._window,self.on_scroll) self.on_resize(self._window,*glfwGetFramebufferSize(self._window)) # gl_state settings active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) basic_gl_setup() make_coord_system_norm_based() # refresh speed settings glfwSwapInterval(0) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def close_window(self): if self._window: glfwDestroyWindow(self._window) self._window = None self.window_should_close = False def open_close_window(self): if self._window: self.close_window() else: self.open_window() # window calbacks def on_resize(self,window,w, h): self.trackball.set_window_size(w,h) active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) adjust_gl_view(w,h) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_key(self,window, key, scancode, action, mods): if action == GLFW_PRESS: if key == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE: self.on_close() def on_close(self,window=None): self.window_should_close = True def on_button(self,window,button, action, mods): if action == GLFW_PRESS: self.input['down'] = True self.input['mouse'] = glfwGetCursorPos(window) if action == GLFW_RELEASE: self.input['down'] = False def on_pos(self,window,x, y): if self.input['down']: old_x,old_y = self.input['mouse'] self.trackball.drag_to(x-old_x,y-old_y) self.input['mouse'] = x,y def on_scroll(self,window,x,y): self.trackball.zoom_to(y) def cleanup(self): if self._window: self.close_window()
class Visualizer(object): def __init__(self,focal_length, name = "Debug Visualizer", run_independently = False): # super(Visualizer, self).__init__() self.focal_length = focal_length self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update self.image_height = 480 # transformation matrices self.anthromorphic_matrix = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() = name self.window_size = (640,480) self._window = None self.input = None self.run_independently = run_independently camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan( self.image_height / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov) ############## MATRIX FUNCTIONS ############################## def get_anthropomorphic_matrix(self): temp = np.identity(4) temp[2,2] *= -1 return temp def get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(self,scale): # returns a homoegenous matrix temp = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() temp[3,3] *= scale return temp def get_image_space_matrix(self,scale=1.): temp = self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(scale) temp[1,1] *=-1 #image origin is top left temp[0,3] = -self.image_width/2.0 temp[1,3] = self.image_height/2.0 temp[2,3] = -self.focal_length return temp.T def get_pupil_transformation_matrix(self,circle_normal,circle_center, circle_scale = 1.0): """ OpenGL matrix convention for typical GL software with positive Y=up and positive Z=rearward direction RT = right UP = up BK = back POS = position/translation US = uniform scale float transform[16]; [0] [4] [8 ] [12] [1] [5] [9 ] [13] [2] [6] [10] [14] [3] [7] [11] [15] [RT.x] [UP.x] [BK.x] [POS.x] [RT.y] [UP.y] [BK.y] [POS.y] [RT.z] [UP.z] [BK.z] [POS.Z] [ ] [ ] [ ] [US ] """ temp = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() right = temp[:3,0] up = temp[:3,1] back = temp[:3,2] translation = temp[:3,3] back[:] = np.array(circle_normal) back[2] *=-1 #our z axis is inverted if np.linalg.norm(back) != 0: back[:] /= np.linalg.norm(back) right[:] = get_perpendicular_vector(back)/np.linalg.norm(get_perpendicular_vector(back)) up[:] = np.cross(right,back)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(right,back)) right[:] *= circle_scale back[:] *=circle_scale up[:] *=circle_scale translation[:] = np.array(circle_center) translation[2] *= -1 return temp.T ############## DRAWING FUNCTIONS ############################## def draw_frustum(self ): W = self.image_width/2.0 H = self.image_height/2.0 Z = self.focal_length glPushMatrix() # draw it glLineWidth(1) glColor4f( 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5 ) glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( -W, H, Z ) glVertex3f( W, H, Z ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( W, H, Z ) glVertex3f( W, -H, Z ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( W, -H, Z ) glVertex3f( -W, -H, Z ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( -W, -H, Z ) glVertex3f( -W, H, Z ) glEnd( ) glPopMatrix() def draw_coordinate_system(self,l=1): # Draw x-axis line. RED glLineWidth(2) glColor3f( 1, 0, 0 ) glBegin( GL_LINES ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( l, 0, 0 ) glEnd( ) # Draw y-axis line. GREEN. glColor3f( 0, 1, 0 ) glBegin( GL_LINES ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( 0, l, 0 ) glEnd( ) # Draw z-axis line. BLUE glColor3f( 0, 0, 1 ) glBegin( GL_LINES ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, l ) glEnd( ) def draw_sphere(self,sphere_position, sphere_radius,contours = 45, color =RGBA(.2,.5,0.5,.5) ): # this function draws the location of the eye sphere glPushMatrix() glTranslatef(sphere_position[0],sphere_position[1],sphere_position[2]) #sphere[0] contains center coordinates (x,y,z) glTranslatef(0,0,sphere_radius) #sphere[1] contains radius for i in xrange(1,contours+1): glTranslatef(0,0, -sphere_radius/contours*2) position = sphere_radius - i*sphere_radius*2/contours draw_radius = np.sqrt(sphere_radius**2 - position**2) glPushMatrix() glScalef(draw_radius,draw_radius,1) draw_polyline((circle_xy),2,color) glPopMatrix() glPopMatrix() def draw_circle(self, circle_center, circle_normal, circle_radius, color=RGBA(1.1,0.2,.8), num_segments = 20): vertices = [] vertices.append( (0,0,0) ) # circle center #create circle vertices in the xy plane for i in np.linspace(0.0, 2.0*math.pi , num_segments ): x = math.sin(i) y = math.cos(i) z = 0 vertices.append((x,y,z)) glPushMatrix() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW ) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_pupil_transformation_matrix(circle_normal,circle_center, circle_radius)) draw_polyline((vertices),color=color, line_type = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) # circle draw_polyline( [ (0,0,0), (0,0, 4) ] ,color=RGBA(0,0,0), line_type = GL_LINES) #normal glPopMatrix() def draw_contours(self, contours, thickness = 1, color = RGBA(0.,0.,0.,0.5) ): glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrixf(self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix()) for contour in contours: draw_polyline(contour, thickness, color = color ) glPopMatrix() def draw_contour(self, contour, thickness = 1, color = RGBA(0.,0.,0.,0.5) ): glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrixf(self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix()) draw_polyline(contour,thickness, color) glPopMatrix() def draw_debug_info(self, result ): models = result['models'] eye = models[0]['sphere']; direction = result['circle'][1]; pupil_radius = result['circle'][2]; status = ' Eyeball center : X: %.2fmm Y: %.2fmm Z: %.2fmm\n Pupil direction: X: %.2f Y: %.2f Z: %.2f\n Pupil Diameter: %.2fmm\n ' \ %(eye[0][0], eye[0][1],eye[0][2], direction[0], direction[1],direction[2], pupil_radius*2) self.glfont.push_state() self.glfont.set_color_float( (0,0,0,1) ) self.glfont.draw_multi_line_text(5,20,status) #draw model info for each model delta_y = 20 for model in models: modelStatus = ('Model: %d \n ' % model['modelID'] , ' maturity: %.3f\n' % model['maturity'] , ' fit: %.6f\n' % model['fit'] , ' performance: %.6f\n' % model['performance'] , ' perf.Grad.: %.3e\n' % model['performanceGradient'] , ) modeltext = ''.join( modelStatus ) self.glfont.draw_multi_line_text(self.window_size[0] - 200 ,delta_y, modeltext) delta_y += 100 self.glfont.pop_state() ########## Setup functions I don't really understand ############ def basic_gl_setup(self): glEnable(GL_POINT_SPRITE ) glEnable(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE) # overwrite pointsize glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) glEnable(GL_BLEND) glClearColor(.8,.8,.8,1.) glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) # glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH) glHint(GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST) glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) glHint(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST) def adjust_gl_view(self,w,h): """ adjust view onto our scene. """ glViewport(0, 0, w, h) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(0, w, h, 0, -1, 1) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() def clear_gl_screen(self): glClearColor(.9,.9,0.9,1.) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) ########### Open, update, close ##################### def open_window(self): if not self._window: self.input = {'button':None, 'mouse':(0,0)} # get glfw started if self.run_independently: glfwInit() window = glfwGetCurrentContext() self._window = glfwCreateWindow(self.window_size[0], self.window_size[1],, None, window) glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) if not self._window: exit() glfwSetWindowPos(self._window,0,0) # Register callbacks window glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(self._window,self.on_resize) glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(self._window,self.on_iconify) glfwSetKeyCallback(self._window,self.on_key) glfwSetCharCallback(self._window,self.on_char) glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(self._window,self.on_button) glfwSetCursorPosCallback(self._window,self.on_pos) glfwSetScrollCallback(self._window,self.on_scroll) # get glfw started if self.run_independently: init() self.basic_gl_setup() self.glfont = fs.Context() self.glfont.add_font('opensans',get_opensans_font_path()) self.glfont.set_size(22) self.glfont.set_color_float((0.2,0.5,0.9,1.0)) self.on_resize(self._window,*glfwGetFramebufferSize(self._window)) glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) # self.gui = ui.UI() def update_window(self, g_pool, result ): if not result: return if glfwWindowShouldClose(self._window): self.close_window() return if self._window != None: glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) else: return self.image_width , self.image_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size latest_circle = result['circle'] predicted_circle = result['predictedCircle'] edges = result['edges'] sphere_models = result['models'] self.clear_gl_screen() self.trackball.push() # 2. in pixel space draw video frame glLoadMatrixf(self.get_image_space_matrix(15)) g_pool.image_tex.draw( quad=((0,self.image_height),(self.image_width,self.image_height),(self.image_width,0),(0,0)) ,alpha=0.5) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(15)) self.draw_frustum() glLoadMatrixf(self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix()) model_count = 0; sphere_color = RGBA( 0,147/255.,147/255.,0.2) initial_sphere_color = RGBA( 0,147/255.,147/255.,0.2) alternative_sphere_color = RGBA( 1,0.5,0.5,0.05) alternative_initial_sphere_color = RGBA( 1,0.5,0.5,0.05) for model in sphere_models: bin_positions = model['binPositions'] sphere = model['sphere'] initial_sphere = model['initialSphere'] if model_count == 0: # self.draw_sphere(initial_sphere[0],initial_sphere[1], color = sphere_color ) self.draw_sphere(sphere[0],sphere[1], color = initial_sphere_color ) draw_points(bin_positions, 3 , RGBA(0.6,0.0,0.6,0.5) ) else: #self.draw_sphere(initial_sphere[0],initial_sphere[1], color = alternative_sphere_color ) self.draw_sphere(sphere[0],sphere[1], color = alternative_initial_sphere_color ) model_count += 1 self.draw_circle( latest_circle[0], latest_circle[1], latest_circle[2], RGBA(0.0,1.0,1.0,0.4)) # self.draw_circle( predicted_circle[0], predicted_circle[1], predicted_circle[2], RGBA(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.4)) draw_points(edges, 2 , RGBA(1.0,0.0,0.6,0.5) ) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix()) self.draw_coordinate_system(4) self.trackball.pop() self.draw_debug_info(result) glfwSwapBuffers(self._window) glfwPollEvents() return True def close_window(self): if self._window: glfwDestroyWindow(self._window) self._window = None ############ window callbacks ################# def on_resize(self,window,w, h): h = max(h,1) w = max(w,1) self.trackball.set_window_size(w,h) self.window_size = (w,h) active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) self.adjust_gl_view(w,h) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_char(self,window,char): if char == ord('r'): self.trackball.distance = [0,0,-0.1] self.trackball.pitch = 0 self.trackball.roll = 0 def on_button(self,window,button, action, mods): # self.gui.update_button(button,action,mods) if action == GLFW_PRESS: self.input['button'] = button self.input['mouse'] = glfwGetCursorPos(window) if action == GLFW_RELEASE: self.input['button'] = None def on_pos(self,window,x, y): hdpi_factor = float(glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0]/glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) x,y = x*hdpi_factor,y*hdpi_factor # self.gui.update_mouse(x,y) if self.input['button']==GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT: old_x,old_y = self.input['mouse'] self.trackball.drag_to(x-old_x,y-old_y) self.input['mouse'] = x,y if self.input['button']==GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: old_x,old_y = self.input['mouse'] self.trackball.pan_to(x-old_x,y-old_y) self.input['mouse'] = x,y def on_scroll(self,window,x,y): self.trackball.zoom_to(y) def on_iconify(self,window,iconified): pass def on_key(self,window, key, scancode, action, mods): pass
class Reference_Surface(object): """docstring for Reference Surface The surface coodinate system is 0-1. Origin is the bottom left corner, (1,1) is the top right The first scalar in the pos vector is width we call this 'u'. The second is height we call this 'v'. The surface is thus defined by 4 vertecies: Our convention is this order: (0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1) The surface is supported by a set of n>=1 Markers: Each marker has an id, you can not not have markers with the same id twice. Each marker has 4 verts (order is the same as the surface verts) Each maker vertex has a uv coord that places it on the surface When we find the surface in locate() we use the correspondence of uv and screen coords of all 4 verts of all detected markers to get the surface to screen homography. This allows us to get homographies for partially visible surfaces, all we need are 2 visible markers. (We could get away with just one marker but in pracise this is to noisy.) The more markers we find the more accurate the homography. """ def __init__(self, g_pool, name="unnamed", saved_definition=None): self.g_pool = g_pool = name self.markers = {} self.detected_markers = 0 self.defined = False self.build_up_status = 0 self.required_build_up = 90. self.detected = False self.m_to_screen = None self.m_from_screen = None self.camera_pose_3d = None self.use_distortion = True self.uid = str(time()) self.real_world_size = {'x': 1., 'y': 1.} self.heatmap = np.ones(0) self.heatmap_detail = .2 self.heatmap_texture = Named_Texture() self.gaze_history = deque() self.gaze_history_length = 1.0 # unit: seconds # window and gui vars self._window = None self.fullscreen = False self.window_should_open = False self.window_should_close = False self.gaze_on_srf = [ ] # points on surface for realtime feedback display self.glfont = fontstash.Context() self.glfont.add_font('opensans', get_opensans_font_path()) self.glfont.set_size(22) self.glfont.set_color_float((0.2, 0.5, 0.9, 1.0)) self.old_corners_robust = None if saved_definition is not None: self.load_from_dict(saved_definition) # UI Platform tweaks if system() == 'Linux': self.window_position_default = (0, 0) elif system() == 'Windows': self.window_position_default = (8, 31) else: self.window_position_default = (0, 0) def save_to_dict(self): """ save all markers and name of this surface to a dict. """ markers = dict([(m_id, m.uv_coords.tolist()) for m_id, m in self.markers.items()]) return { 'name':, 'uid': self.uid, 'markers': markers, 'real_world_size': self.real_world_size, 'gaze_history_length': self.gaze_history_length } def load_from_dict(self, d): """ load all markers of this surface to a dict. """ = d['name'] self.uid = d['uid'] self.gaze_history_length = d.get('gaze_history_length', self.gaze_history_length) self.real_world_size = d.get('real_world_size', {'x': 1., 'y': 1.}) marker_dict = d['markers'] for m_id, uv_coords in marker_dict.items(): self.markers[m_id] = Support_Marker(m_id) self.markers[m_id].load_uv_coords(np.asarray(uv_coords)) # flag this surface as fully defined self.defined = True self.build_up_status = self.required_build_up def build_correspondence(self, visible_markers, min_marker_perimeter, min_id_confidence): """ - use all visible markers - fit a convex quadrangle around it - use quadrangle verts to establish perpective transform - map all markers into surface space - build up list of found markers and their uv coords """ usable_markers = [ m for m in visible_markers if m['perimeter'] >= min_marker_perimeter ] all_verts = [m['verts'] for m in usable_markers] if not all_verts: return all_verts = np.array(all_verts, dtype=np.float32) all_verts.shape = ( -1, 1, 2) # [vert,vert,vert,vert,vert...] with vert = [[r,c]] # all_verts_undistorted_normalized centered in img center flipped in y and range [-1,1] all_verts_undistorted_normalized = self.g_pool.capture.intrinsics.undistortPoints( all_verts, use_distortion=self.use_distortion) hull = cv2.convexHull(all_verts_undistorted_normalized.astype( np.float32), clockwise=False) #simplify until we have excatly 4 verts if hull.shape[0] > 4: new_hull = cv2.approxPolyDP(hull, epsilon=1, closed=True) if new_hull.shape[0] >= 4: hull = new_hull if hull.shape[0] > 4: curvature = abs(GetAnglesPolyline(hull, closed=True)) most_acute_4_threshold = sorted(curvature)[3] hull = hull[curvature <= most_acute_4_threshold] # all_verts_undistorted_normalized space is flipped in y. # we need to change the order of the hull vertecies hull = hull[[1, 0, 3, 2], :, :] # now we need to roll the hull verts until we have the right orientation: # all_verts_undistorted_normalized space has its origin at the image center. # adding 1 to the coordinates puts the origin at the top left. distance_to_top_left = np.sqrt((hull[:, :, 0] + 1)**2 + (hull[:, :, 1] + 1)**2) bot_left_idx = np.argmin(distance_to_top_left) + 1 hull = np.roll(hull, -bot_left_idx, axis=0) #based on these 4 verts we calculate the transformations into a 0,0 1,1 square space m_from_undistored_norm_space = m_verts_from_screen(hull) self.detected = True # map the markers vertices into the surface space (one can think of these as texture coordinates u,v) marker_uv_coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform( all_verts_undistorted_normalized, m_from_undistored_norm_space) marker_uv_coords.shape = ( -1, 4, 1, 2) #[marker,marker...] marker = [ [[r,c]],[[r,c]] ] # build up a dict of discovered markers. Each with a history of uv coordinates for m, uv in zip(usable_markers, marker_uv_coords): try: self.markers[m['id']].add_uv_coords(uv) except KeyError: self.markers[m['id']] = Support_Marker(m['id']) self.markers[m['id']].add_uv_coords(uv) #average collection of uv correspondences across detected markers self.build_up_status = sum( [len(m.collected_uv_coords) for m in self.markers.values()]) / float(len(self.markers)) if self.build_up_status >= self.required_build_up: self.finalize_correspondence() def finalize_correspondence(self): """ - prune markers that have been visible in less than x percent of frames. - of those markers select a good subset of uv coords and compute mean. - this mean value will be used from now on to estable surface transform """ persistent_markers = {} for k, m in self.markers.items(): if len(m.collected_uv_coords) > self.required_build_up * .5: persistent_markers[k] = m self.markers = persistent_markers for m in self.markers.values(): m.compute_robust_mean() self.defined = True if hasattr(self, 'on_finish_define'): self.on_finish_define() del self.on_finish_define def update_gaze_history(self): self.gaze_history.extend(self.gaze_on_srf) try: # use newest gaze point to determine age threshold age_threshold = self.gaze_history[-1][ 'timestamp'] - self.gaze_history_length while self.gaze_history[1]['timestamp'] < age_threshold: self.gaze_history.popleft() # remove outdated gaze points except IndexError: pass def generate_heatmap(self): data = [ gp['norm_pos'] for gp in self.gaze_history if gp['confidence'] > 0.6 ] self._generate_heatmap(data) def _generate_heatmap(self, data): if not data: return grid = int(self.real_world_size['y']), int(self.real_world_size['x']) xvals, yvals = zip(*((x, 1. - y) for x, y in data)) hist, *edges = np.histogram2d(yvals, xvals, bins=grid, range=[[0, 1.], [0, 1.]], normed=False) filter_h = int(self.heatmap_detail * grid[0]) // 2 * 2 + 1 filter_w = int(self.heatmap_detail * grid[1]) // 2 * 2 + 1 hist = cv2.GaussianBlur(hist, (filter_h, filter_w), 0) hist_max = hist.max() hist *= (255. / hist_max) if hist_max else 0. hist = hist.astype(np.uint8) c_map = cv2.applyColorMap(hist, cv2.COLORMAP_JET) # reuse allocated memory if possible if self.heatmap.shape != (*grid, 4): self.heatmap = np.ones((*grid, 4), dtype=np.uint8) self.heatmap[:, :, 3] = 125 self.heatmap[:, :, :3] = c_map self.heatmap_texture.update_from_ndarray(self.heatmap) def gl_display_heatmap(self): if self.detected: m = cvmat_to_glmat(self.m_to_screen) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPushMatrix() glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1) # gl coord convention glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPushMatrix() # apply m to our quad - this will stretch the quad such that the ref suface will span the window extends glLoadMatrixf(m) self.heatmap_texture.draw() glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPopMatrix() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPopMatrix() def locate( self, visible_markers, min_marker_perimeter, min_id_confidence, locate_3d=False, ): """ - find overlapping set of surface markers and visible_markers - compute homography (and inverse) based on this subset """ if not self.defined: self.build_correspondence(visible_markers, min_marker_perimeter, min_id_confidence) res = self._get_location(visible_markers, min_marker_perimeter, min_id_confidence, locate_3d) self.detected = res['detected'] self.detected_markers = res['detected_markers'] self.m_to_screen = res['m_to_screen'] self.m_from_screen = res['m_from_screen'] self.camera_pose_3d = res['camera_pose_3d'] def _get_location(self, visible_markers, min_marker_perimeter, min_id_confidence, locate_3d=False): filtered_markers = [ m for m in visible_markers if m['perimeter'] >= min_marker_perimeter and m['id_confidence'] > min_id_confidence ] marker_by_id = {} #if an id shows twice we use the bigger marker (usually this is a screen camera echo artifact.) for m in filtered_markers: if m["id"] in marker_by_id and m["perimeter"] < marker_by_id[ m['id']]['perimeter']: pass else: marker_by_id[m["id"]] = m visible_ids = set(marker_by_id.keys()) requested_ids = set(self.markers.keys()) overlap = visible_ids & requested_ids # need at least two markers per surface when the surface is more that 1 marker. if overlap and len(overlap) >= min(2, len(requested_ids)): detected = True xy = np.array([marker_by_id[i]['verts'] for i in overlap]) uv = np.array([self.markers[i].uv_coords for i in overlap]) uv.shape = (-1, 1, 2) # our camera lens creates distortions we want to get a good 2d estimate despite that so we: # compute the homography transform from marker into the undistored normalized image space # (the line below is the same as what you find in methods.undistort_unproject_pts, except that we ommit the z corrd as it is always one.) xy_undistorted_normalized = self.g_pool.capture.intrinsics.undistortPoints( xy.reshape(-1, 2), use_distortion=self.use_distortion) m_to_undistored_norm_space, mask = cv2.findHomography( uv, xy_undistorted_normalized, method=cv2.RANSAC, ransacReprojThreshold=100) if not mask.all(): detected = False m_from_undistored_norm_space, mask = cv2.findHomography( xy_undistorted_normalized, uv) # project the corners of the surface to undistored space corners_undistored_space = cv2.perspectiveTransform( marker_corners_norm.reshape(-1, 1, 2), m_to_undistored_norm_space) # project and distort these points and normalize them corners_redistorted = self.g_pool.capture.intrinsics.projectPoints( cv2.convertPointsToHomogeneous(corners_undistored_space), use_distortion=self.use_distortion) corners_nulldistorted = self.g_pool.capture.intrinsics.projectPoints( cv2.convertPointsToHomogeneous(corners_undistored_space), use_distortion=self.use_distortion) #normalize to pupil norm space corners_redistorted.shape = -1, 2 corners_redistorted /= self.g_pool.capture.intrinsics.resolution corners_redistorted[:, -1] = 1 - corners_redistorted[:, -1] #normalize to pupil norm space corners_nulldistorted.shape = -1, 2 corners_nulldistorted /= self.g_pool.capture.intrinsics.resolution corners_nulldistorted[:, -1] = 1 - corners_nulldistorted[:, -1] # maps for extreme lens distortions will behave irratically beyond the image bounds # since our surfaces often extend beyond the screen we need to interpolate # between a distored projection and undistored one. # def ratio(val): # centered_val = abs(.5 - val) # # signed distance to img cennter .5 is imag bound # # we look to interpolate between .7 and .9 # inter = max() corners_robust = [] for nulldist, redist in zip(corners_nulldistorted, corners_redistorted): if -.4 < nulldist[0] < 1.4 and -.4 < nulldist[1] < 1.4: corners_robust.append(redist) else: corners_robust.append(nulldist) corners_robust = np.array(corners_robust) if self.old_corners_robust is not None and np.mean( np.abs(corners_robust - self.old_corners_robust)) < 0.02: smooth_corners_robust = self.old_corners_robust smooth_corners_robust += .5 * (corners_robust - self.old_corners_robust) corners_robust = smooth_corners_robust self.old_corners_robust = smooth_corners_robust else: self.old_corners_robust = corners_robust #compute a perspective thransform from from the marker norm space to the apparent image. # The surface corners will be at the right points # However the space between the corners may be distored due to distortions of the lens, m_to_screen = m_verts_to_screen(corners_robust) m_from_screen = m_verts_from_screen(corners_robust) camera_pose_3d = None if locate_3d: # 3d marker support pose estimation: # scale normalized object points to world space units (think m,cm,mm) uv.shape = -1, 2 uv *= [self.real_world_size['x'], self.real_world_size['y']] # convert object points to lie on z==0 plane in 3d space uv3d = np.zeros((uv.shape[0], uv.shape[1] + 1)) uv3d[:, :-1] = uv xy.shape = -1, 1, 2 # compute pose of object relative to camera center is3dPoseAvailable, rot3d_cam_to_object, translate3d_cam_to_object = self.g_pool.capture.intrinsics.solvePnP( uv3d, xy) print("{} \t {} \t {}".format(translate3d_cam_to_object[0], translate3d_cam_to_object[1], translate3d_cam_to_object[2])) if is3dPoseAvailable: # not verifed, potentially usefull info: ###marker posed estimation from virtually projected points. # object_pts = np.array([[[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0]]],dtype=np.float32) # projected_pts = cv2.perspectiveTransform(object_pts,self.m_to_screen) # projected_pts.shape = -1,2 # projected_pts *= img_size # projected_pts.shape = -1, 1, 2 # # scale object points to world space units (think m,cm,mm) # object_pts.shape = -1,2 # object_pts *= self.real_world_size # # convert object points to lie on z==0 plane in 3d space # object_pts_3d = np.zeros((4,3)) # object_pts_3d[:,:-1] = object_pts # self.is3dPoseAvailable, rot3d_cam_to_object, translate3d_cam_to_object = cv2.solvePnP(object_pts_3d, projected_pts, K, dist_coef,flags=cv2.CV_EPNP) # transformation from Camera Optical Center: # first: translate from Camera center to object origin. # second: rotate x,y,z # coordinate system is x,y,z where z goes out from the camera into the viewed volume. # print rot3d_cam_to_object[0],rot3d_cam_to_object[1],rot3d_cam_to_object[2], translate3d_cam_to_object[0],translate3d_cam_to_object[1],translate3d_cam_to_object[2] #turn translation vectors into 3x3 rot mat. rot3d_cam_to_object_mat, _ = cv2.Rodrigues( rot3d_cam_to_object) #to get the transformation from object to camera we need to reverse rotation and translation translate3d_object_to_cam = -translate3d_cam_to_object # rotation matrix inverse == transpose rot3d_object_to_cam_mat = rot3d_cam_to_object_mat.T # we assume that the volume of the object grows out of the marker surface and not into it. We thus have to flip the z-Axis: flip_z_axix_hm = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) flip_z_axix_hm[2, 2] = -1 # create a homogenous tranformation matrix from the rotation mat rot3d_object_to_cam_hm = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) rot3d_object_to_cam_hm[:-1, :-1] = rot3d_object_to_cam_mat # create a homogenous tranformation matrix from the translation vect translate3d_object_to_cam_hm = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) translate3d_object_to_cam_hm[:-1, -1] = translate3d_object_to_cam.reshape( 3) # combine all tranformations into transformation matrix that decribes the move from object origin and orientation to camera origin and orientation tranform3d_object_to_cam = np.matrix( flip_z_axix_hm) * np.matrix( rot3d_object_to_cam_hm) * np.matrix( translate3d_object_to_cam_hm) camera_pose_3d = tranform3d_object_to_cam if detected == False: camera_pose_3d = None m_from_screen = None m_to_screen = None m_from_undistored_norm_space = None m_to_undistored_norm_space = None else: detected = False camera_pose_3d = None m_from_screen = None m_to_screen = None m_from_undistored_norm_space = None m_to_undistored_norm_space = None return { 'detected': detected, 'detected_markers': len(overlap), 'm_from_undistored_norm_space': m_from_undistored_norm_space, 'm_to_undistored_norm_space': m_to_undistored_norm_space, 'm_from_screen': m_from_screen, 'm_to_screen': m_to_screen, 'camera_pose_3d': camera_pose_3d } def img_to_ref_surface(self, pos): #convenience lines to allow 'simple' vectors (x,y) to be used shape = pos.shape pos.shape = (-1, 1, 2) new_pos = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pos, self.m_from_screen) new_pos.shape = shape return new_pos def ref_surface_to_img(self, pos): #convenience lines to allow 'simple' vectors (x,y) to be used shape = pos.shape pos.shape = (-1, 1, 2) new_pos = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pos, self.m_to_screen) new_pos.shape = shape return new_pos @staticmethod def map_datum_to_surface(d, m_from_screen): pos = np.array([d['norm_pos']]).reshape(1, 1, 2) mapped_pos = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pos, m_from_screen) mapped_pos.shape = (2) on_srf = bool((0 <= mapped_pos[0] <= 1) and (0 <= mapped_pos[1] <= 1)) return { 'topic': d['topic'] + "_on_surface", 'norm_pos': (mapped_pos[0], mapped_pos[1]), 'confidence': d['confidence'], 'on_srf': on_srf, 'base_data': d, 'timestamp': d['timestamp'] } def map_data_to_surface(self, data, m_from_screen): return [self.map_datum_to_surface(d, m_from_screen) for d in data] def move_vertex(self, vert_idx, new_pos): """ this fn is used to manipulate the surface boundary (coordinate system) new_pos is in uv-space coords if we move one vertex of the surface we need to find the tranformation from old quadrangle to new quardangle and apply that transformation to our marker uv-coords """ before = marker_corners_norm after = before.copy() after[vert_idx] = new_pos transform = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(after, before) for m in self.markers.values(): m.uv_coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform(m.uv_coords, transform) def add_marker(self, marker, visible_markers, min_marker_perimeter, min_id_confidence): ''' add marker to surface. ''' res = self._get_location(visible_markers, min_marker_perimeter, min_id_confidence, locate_3d=False) if res['detected']: support_marker = Support_Marker(marker['id']) marker_verts = np.array(marker['verts']) marker_verts.shape = (-1, 1, 2) if self.use_distortion: marker_verts_undistorted_normalized = self.g_pool.capture.intrinsics.undistortPoints( marker_verts) else: marker_verts_undistorted_normalized = self.g_pool.capture.intrinsics.undistortPoints( marker_verts) marker_uv_coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform( marker_verts_undistorted_normalized, res['m_from_undistored_norm_space']) support_marker.load_uv_coords(marker_uv_coords) self.markers[marker['id']] = support_marker def remove_marker(self, marker): if len(self.markers) == 1: logger.warning( "Need at least one marker per surface. Will not remove this last marker." ) return self.markers.pop(marker['id']) def marker_status(self): return "{} {}/{}".format(, self.detected_markers, len(self.markers)) def get_mode_toggle(self, pos, img_shape): if self.detected and self.defined: x, y = pos frame = np.array([[[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]]], dtype=np.float32) frame = cv2.perspectiveTransform(frame, self.m_to_screen) text_anchor = frame.reshape((5, -1))[2] text_anchor[1] = 1 - text_anchor[1] text_anchor *= img_shape[1], img_shape[0] text_anchor = text_anchor[0], text_anchor[1] - 75 surface_edit_anchor = text_anchor[0], text_anchor[1] + 25 marker_edit_anchor = text_anchor[0], text_anchor[1] + 50 if np.sqrt((x - surface_edit_anchor[0])**2 + (y - surface_edit_anchor[1])**2) < 15: return 'surface_mode' elif np.sqrt((x - marker_edit_anchor[0])**2 + (y - marker_edit_anchor[1])**2) < 15: return 'marker_mode' else: return None else: return None def gl_draw_frame(self, img_size, color=(1.0, 0.2, 0.6, 1.0), highlight=False, surface_mode=False, marker_mode=False): """ draw surface and markers """ if self.detected: r, g, b, a = color frame = np.array([[[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]]], dtype=np.float32) hat = np.array([[[.3, .7], [.7, .7], [.5, .9], [.3, .7]]], dtype=np.float32) hat = cv2.perspectiveTransform(hat, self.m_to_screen) frame = cv2.perspectiveTransform(frame, self.m_to_screen) alpha = min(1, self.build_up_status / self.required_build_up) if highlight: draw_polyline_norm(frame.reshape((5, 2)), 1, RGBA(r, g, b, a * .1), line_type=GL_POLYGON) draw_polyline_norm(frame.reshape((5, 2)), 1, RGBA(r, g, b, a * alpha)) draw_polyline_norm(hat.reshape((4, 2)), 1, RGBA(r, g, b, a * alpha)) text_anchor = frame.reshape((5, -1))[2] text_anchor[1] = 1 - text_anchor[1] text_anchor *= img_size[1], img_size[0] text_anchor = text_anchor[0], text_anchor[1] - 75 surface_edit_anchor = text_anchor[0], text_anchor[1] + 25 marker_edit_anchor = text_anchor[0], text_anchor[1] + 50 if self.defined: if marker_mode: draw_points([marker_edit_anchor], color=RGBA(0, .8, .7)) else: draw_points([marker_edit_anchor]) if surface_mode: draw_points([surface_edit_anchor], color=RGBA(0, .8, .7)) else: draw_points([surface_edit_anchor]) self.glfont.set_blur(3.9) self.glfont.set_color_float((0, 0, 0, .8)) self.glfont.draw_text(text_anchor[0] + 15, text_anchor[1] + 6, self.marker_status()) self.glfont.draw_text(surface_edit_anchor[0] + 15, surface_edit_anchor[1] + 6, 'edit surface') self.glfont.draw_text(marker_edit_anchor[0] + 15, marker_edit_anchor[1] + 6, 'add/remove markers') self.glfont.set_blur(0.0) self.glfont.set_color_float((0.1, 8., 8., .9)) self.glfont.draw_text(text_anchor[0] + 15, text_anchor[1] + 6, self.marker_status()) self.glfont.draw_text(surface_edit_anchor[0] + 15, surface_edit_anchor[1] + 6, 'edit surface') self.glfont.draw_text(marker_edit_anchor[0] + 15, marker_edit_anchor[1] + 6, 'add/remove markers') else: progress = (self.build_up_status / float(self.required_build_up)) * 100 progress_text = '%.0f%%' % progress self.glfont.set_blur(3.9) self.glfont.set_color_float((0, 0, 0, .8)) self.glfont.draw_text(text_anchor[0] + 15, text_anchor[1] + 6, self.marker_status()) self.glfont.draw_text(surface_edit_anchor[0] + 15, surface_edit_anchor[1] + 6, 'Learning affiliated markers...') self.glfont.draw_text(marker_edit_anchor[0] + 15, marker_edit_anchor[1] + 6, progress_text) self.glfont.set_blur(0.0) self.glfont.set_color_float((0.1, 8., 8., .9)) self.glfont.draw_text(text_anchor[0] + 15, text_anchor[1] + 6, self.marker_status()) self.glfont.draw_text(surface_edit_anchor[0] + 15, surface_edit_anchor[1] + 6, 'Learning affiliated markers...') self.glfont.draw_text(marker_edit_anchor[0] + 15, marker_edit_anchor[1] + 6, progress_text) def gl_draw_corners(self): """ draw surface and markers """ if self.detected: frame = cv2.perspectiveTransform( marker_corners_norm.reshape(-1, 1, 2), self.m_to_screen) draw_points_norm(frame.reshape((4, 2)), 20, RGBA(1.0, 0.2, 0.6, .5)) #### fns to draw surface in seperate window def gl_display_in_window(self, world_tex): """ here we map a selected surface onto a seperate window. """ if self._window and self.detected: active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) clear_gl_screen() # cv uses 3x3 gl uses 4x4 tranformation matricies m = cvmat_to_glmat(self.m_from_screen) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPushMatrix() glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1) # gl coord convention glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPushMatrix() #apply m to our quad - this will stretch the quad such that the ref suface will span the window extends glLoadMatrixf(m) world_tex.draw() glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPopMatrix() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPopMatrix() # now lets get recent pupil positions on this surface: for gp in self.gaze_on_srf: draw_points_norm([gp['norm_pos']], color=RGBA(0.0, 0.8, 0.5, 0.8), size=80) glfwSwapBuffers(self._window) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) #### fns to draw surface in separate window def gl_display_in_window_3d(self, world_tex): """ here we map a selected surface onto a seperate window. """ K, img_size = self.g_pool.capture.intrinsics.K, self.g_pool.capture.intrinsics.resolution if self._window and self.camera_pose_3d is not None: active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) glClearColor(.8, .8, .8, 1.) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) glClearDepth(1.0) glDepthFunc(GL_LESS) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) self.trackball.push() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) draw_coordinate_system(l=self.real_world_size['x']) glPushMatrix() glScalef(self.real_world_size['x'], self.real_world_size['y'], 1) draw_polyline([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0]], color=RGBA(.5, .3, .1, .5), thickness=3) glPopMatrix() # Draw the world window as projected onto the plane using the homography mapping glPushMatrix() glScalef(self.real_world_size['x'], self.real_world_size['y'], 1) # cv uses 3x3 gl uses 4x4 tranformation matricies m = cvmat_to_glmat(self.m_from_screen) glMultMatrixf(m) glTranslatef(0, 0, -.01) world_tex.draw() draw_polyline([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0]], color=RGBA(.5, .3, .6, .5), thickness=3) glPopMatrix() # Draw the camera frustum and origin using the 3d tranformation obtained from solvepnp glPushMatrix() glMultMatrixf(self.camera_pose_3d.T.flatten()) draw_frustum(img_size, K, 150) glLineWidth(1) draw_frustum(img_size, K, .1) draw_coordinate_system(l=5) glPopMatrix() self.trackball.pop() glfwSwapBuffers(self._window) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def open_window(self): if not self._window: if self.fullscreen: monitor = glfwGetMonitors()[self.monitor_idx] mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor) height, width = mode[0], mode[1] else: monitor = None height, width = 640, int( 640. / (self.real_world_size['x'] / self.real_world_size['y']) ) #open with same aspect ratio as surface self._window = glfwCreateWindow(height, width, "Reference Surface: " +, monitor=monitor, share=glfwGetCurrentContext()) if not self.fullscreen: glfwSetWindowPos(self._window, self.window_position_default[0], self.window_position_default[1]) self.trackball = Trackball() self.input = {'down': False, 'mouse': (0, 0)} #Register callbacks glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(self._window, self.on_resize) glfwSetKeyCallback(self._window, self.on_window_key) glfwSetWindowCloseCallback(self._window, self.on_close) glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(self._window, self.on_window_mouse_button) glfwSetCursorPosCallback(self._window, self.on_pos) glfwSetScrollCallback(self._window, self.on_scroll) self.on_resize(self._window, *glfwGetFramebufferSize(self._window)) # gl_state settings active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) basic_gl_setup() make_coord_system_norm_based() # refresh speed settings glfwSwapInterval(0) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def close_window(self): if self._window: glfwDestroyWindow(self._window) self._window = None self.window_should_close = False def open_close_window(self): if self._window: self.close_window() else: self.open_window() # window calbacks def on_resize(self, window, w, h): self.trackball.set_window_size(w, h) active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) adjust_gl_view(w, h) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_window_key(self, window, key, scancode, action, mods): if action == GLFW_PRESS: if key == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE: self.on_close() def on_close(self, window=None): self.close_window() def on_window_mouse_button(self, window, button, action, mods): if action == GLFW_PRESS: self.input['down'] = True self.input['mouse'] = glfwGetCursorPos(window) if action == GLFW_RELEASE: self.input['down'] = False def on_pos(self, window, x, y): if self.input['down']: old_x, old_y = self.input['mouse'] self.trackball.drag_to(x - old_x, y - old_y) self.input['mouse'] = x, y def on_scroll(self, window, x, y): self.trackball.zoom_to(y) def cleanup(self): if self._window: self.close_window()
class Calibration_Visualizer(Visualizer): def __init__(self, g_pool, world_camera_intrinsics, cal_ref_points_3d, cal_observed_points_3d, eye_camera_to_world_matrix0, cal_gaze_points0_3d, eye_camera_to_world_matrix1=np.eye(4), cal_gaze_points1_3d=[], run_independently=False, name="Calibration Visualizer"): super().__init__(g_pool, name, run_independently) self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update self.focal_length = 620 self.image_height = 480 self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix0 = np.asarray( eye_camera_to_world_matrix0) self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix1 = np.asarray( eye_camera_to_world_matrix1) self.cal_ref_points_3d = cal_ref_points_3d self.cal_observed_points_3d = cal_observed_points_3d self.cal_gaze_points0_3d = cal_gaze_points0_3d self.cal_gaze_points1_3d = cal_gaze_points1_3d if world_camera_intrinsics: self.world_camera_width = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][0] self.world_camera_height = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][1] self.world_camera_focal = ( world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][0][0] + world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][1][1]) / 2.0 else: self.world_camera_width = 0 self.world_camera_height = 0 self.world_camera_focal = 0 camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan(self.window_size[0] / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov) self.trackball.distance = [0, 0, -80.] self.trackball.pitch = 210 self.trackball.roll = 0 ########### Open, update, close ##################### def update_window(self, g_pool, gaze_points0, sphere0, gaze_points1=[], sphere1=None, intersection_points=[]): if not self.window: return self.begin_update_window() #sets context self.clear_gl_screen() self.trackball.push() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) # draw things in world camera coordinate system glPushMatrix() glLoadIdentity() calibration_points_line_color = RGBA(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1) error_line_color = RGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) self.draw_coordinate_system(200) if self.world_camera_width != 0: self.draw_frustum(self.world_camera_width / 10.0, self.world_camera_height / 10.0, self.world_camera_focal / 10.0) for p in self.cal_observed_points_3d: glutils.draw_polyline([(0, 0, 0), p], 1, calibration_points_line_color, line_type=GL_LINES) #draw error lines form eye gaze points to ref points for (cal_point, ref_point) in zip(self.cal_ref_points_3d, self.cal_observed_points_3d): glutils.draw_polyline([cal_point, ref_point], 1, error_line_color, line_type=GL_LINES) #calibration points glutils.draw_points(self.cal_ref_points_3d, 4, RGBA(0, 1, 1, 1)) glPopMatrix() if sphere0: # eye camera glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrixf(self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix0.T) self.draw_coordinate_system(60) self.draw_frustum(self.image_width / 10.0, self.image_height / 10.0, self.focal_length / 10.) glPopMatrix() #everything else is in world coordinates #eye sphere_center0 = list(sphere0['center']) sphere_radius0 = sphere0['radius'] self.draw_sphere(sphere_center0, sphere_radius0, color=RGBA(1, 1, 0, 1)) #gazelines for p in self.cal_gaze_points0_3d: glutils.draw_polyline([sphere_center0, p], 1, calibration_points_line_color, line_type=GL_LINES) #calibration points # glutils.draw_points( self.cal_gaze_points0_3d , 4 , RGBA( 1, 0, 1, 1 ) ) #current gaze points glutils.draw_points(gaze_points0, 2, RGBA(1, 0, 0, 1)) for p in gaze_points0: glutils.draw_polyline([sphere_center0, p], 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1), line_type=GL_LINES) #draw error lines form eye gaze points to ref points for (cal_gaze_point, ref_point) in zip(self.cal_gaze_points0_3d, self.cal_ref_points_3d): glutils.draw_polyline([cal_gaze_point, ref_point], 1, error_line_color, line_type=GL_LINES) #second eye if sphere1: # eye camera glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrixf(self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix1.T) self.draw_coordinate_system(60) self.draw_frustum(self.image_width / 10.0, self.image_height / 10.0, self.focal_length / 10.) glPopMatrix() #everything else is in world coordinates #eye sphere_center1 = list(sphere1['center']) sphere_radius1 = sphere1['radius'] self.draw_sphere(sphere_center1, sphere_radius1, color=RGBA(1, 1, 0, 1)) #gazelines for p in self.cal_gaze_points1_3d: glutils.draw_polyline([sphere_center1, p], 4, calibration_points_line_color, line_type=GL_LINES) #calibration points glutils.draw_points(self.cal_gaze_points1_3d, 4, RGBA(1, 0, 1, 1)) #current gaze points glutils.draw_points(gaze_points1, 2, RGBA(1, 0, 0, 1)) for p in gaze_points1: glutils.draw_polyline([sphere_center1, p], 1, RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1), line_type=GL_LINES) #draw error lines form eye gaze points to ref points for (cal_gaze_point, ref_point) in zip(self.cal_gaze_points1_3d, self.cal_ref_points_3d): glutils.draw_polyline([cal_gaze_point, ref_point], 1, error_line_color, line_type=GL_LINES) self.trackball.pop() self.end_update_window() #swap buffers, handle context ############ window callbacks ################# def on_resize(self, window, w, h): Visualizer.on_resize(self, window, w, h) self.trackball.set_window_size(w, h) def on_window_char(self, window, char): if char == ord('r'): self.trackball.distance = [0, 0, -0.1] self.trackball.pitch = 0 self.trackball.roll = 180 def on_scroll(self, window, x, y): self.trackball.zoom_to(y)
class Reference_Surface(object): """docstring for Reference Surface The surface coodinate system is 0-1. Origin is the bottom left corner, (1,1) is the top right The first scalar in the pos vector is width we call this 'u'. The second is height we call this 'v'. The surface is thus defined by 4 vertecies: Our convention is this order: (0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1) The surface is supported by a set of n>=1 Markers: Each marker has an id, you can not not have markers with the same id twice. Each marker has 4 verts (order is the same as the surface verts) Each maker vertex has a uv coord that places it on the surface When we find the surface in locate() we use the correspondence of uv and screen coords of all 4 verts of all detected markers to get the surface to screen homography. This allows us to get homographies for partially visible surfaces, all we need are 2 visible markers. (We could get away with just one marker but in pracise this is to noisy.) The more markers we find the more accurate the homography. """ def __init__(self,name="unnamed",saved_definition=None): = name self.markers = {} self.detected_markers = 0 self.defined = False self.build_up_status = 0 self.required_build_up = 90. self.detected = False self.m_to_screen = None self.m_from_screen = None self.camera_pose_3d = None self.use_distortion = 0 self.uid = str(time()) self.real_world_size = {'x':1.,'y':1.} ###window and gui vars self._window = None self.fullscreen = False self.window_should_open = False self.window_should_close = False self.gaze_on_srf = [] # points on surface for realtime feedback display self.glfont = fontstash.Context() self.glfont.add_font('opensans',get_opensans_font_path()) self.glfont.set_size(22) self.glfont.set_color_float((0.2,0.5,0.9,1.0)) self.old_corners_robust = None if saved_definition is not None: self.load_from_dict(saved_definition) def save_to_dict(self): """ save all markers and name of this surface to a dict. """ markers = dict([(m_id,m.uv_coords) for m_id,m in self.markers.iteritems()]) return {'name','uid':self.uid,'markers':markers,'real_world_size':self.real_world_size} def load_from_dict(self,d): """ load all markers of this surface to a dict. """ = d['name'] self.uid = d['uid'] self.real_world_size = d.get('real_world_size',{'x':1.,'y':1.}) marker_dict = d['markers'] for m_id,uv_coords in marker_dict.iteritems(): self.markers[m_id] = Support_Marker(m_id) self.markers[m_id].load_uv_coords(uv_coords) #flag this surface as fully defined self.defined = True self.build_up_status = self.required_build_up def build_correspondance(self, visible_markers,camera_calibration,min_marker_perimeter,min_id_confidence): """ - use all visible markers - fit a convex quadrangle around it - use quadrangle verts to establish perpective transform - map all markers into surface space - build up list of found markers and their uv coords """ all_verts = [m['verts'] for m in visible_markers if m['perimeter']>=min_marker_perimeter] if not all_verts: return all_verts = np.array(all_verts) all_verts.shape = (-1,1,2) # [vert,vert,vert,vert,vert...] with vert = [[r,c]] # all_verts_undistorted_normalized centered in img center flipped in y and range [-1,1] all_verts_undistorted_normalized = cv2.undistortPoints(all_verts, camera_calibration['camera_matrix'],camera_calibration['dist_coefs']*self.use_distortion) hull = cv2.convexHull(all_verts_undistorted_normalized,clockwise=False) #simplify until we have excatly 4 verts if hull.shape[0]>4: new_hull = cv2.approxPolyDP(hull,epsilon=1,closed=True) if new_hull.shape[0]>=4: hull = new_hull if hull.shape[0]>4: curvature = abs(GetAnglesPolyline(hull,closed=True)) most_acute_4_threshold = sorted(curvature)[3] hull = hull[curvature<=most_acute_4_threshold] # all_verts_undistorted_normalized space is flipped in y. # we need to change the order of the hull vertecies hull = hull[[1,0,3,2],:,:] # now we need to roll the hull verts until we have the right orientation: # all_verts_undistorted_normalized space has its origin at the image center. # adding 1 to the coordinates puts the origin at the top left. distance_to_top_left = np.sqrt((hull[:,:,0]+1)**2+(hull[:,:,1]+1)**2) bot_left_idx = np.argmin(distance_to_top_left)+1 hull = np.roll(hull,-bot_left_idx,axis=0) #based on these 4 verts we calculate the transformations into a 0,0 1,1 square space m_from_undistored_norm_space = m_verts_from_screen(hull) self.detected = True # map the markers vertices into the surface space (one can think of these as texture coordinates u,v) marker_uv_coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform(all_verts_undistorted_normalized,m_from_undistored_norm_space) marker_uv_coords.shape = (-1,4,1,2) #[marker,marker...] marker = [ [[r,c]],[[r,c]] ] # build up a dict of discovered markers. Each with a history of uv coordinates for m,uv in zip (visible_markers,marker_uv_coords): try: self.markers[m['id']].add_uv_coords(uv) except KeyError: self.markers[m['id']] = Support_Marker(m['id']) self.markers[m['id']].add_uv_coords(uv) #average collection of uv correspondences accros detected markers self.build_up_status = sum([len(m.collected_uv_coords) for m in self.markers.values()])/float(len(self.markers)) if self.build_up_status >= self.required_build_up: self.finalize_correnspondance() def finalize_correnspondance(self): """ - prune markers that have been visible in less than x percent of frames. - of those markers select a good subset of uv coords and compute mean. - this mean value will be used from now on to estable surface transform """ persistent_markers = {} for k,m in self.markers.iteritems(): if len(m.collected_uv_coords)>self.required_build_up*.5: persistent_markers[k] = m self.markers = persistent_markers for m in self.markers.values(): m.compute_robust_mean() self.defined = True def locate(self, visible_markers,camera_calibration,min_marker_perimeter,min_id_confidence, locate_3d=False,): """ - find overlapping set of surface markers and visible_markers - compute homography (and inverse) based on this subset """ if not self.defined: self.build_correspondance(visible_markers,camera_calibration,min_marker_perimeter,min_id_confidence) res = self._get_location(visible_markers,camera_calibration,min_marker_perimeter,min_id_confidence,locate_3d) self.detected = res['detected'] self.detected_markers = res['detected_markers'] self.m_to_screen = res['m_to_screen'] self.m_from_screen = res['m_from_screen'] self.camera_pose_3d = res['camera_pose_3d'] def _get_location(self,visible_markers,camera_calibration,min_marker_perimeter,min_id_confidence, locate_3d=False): filtered_markers = [m for m in visible_markers if m['perimeter']>=min_marker_perimeter and m['id_confidence']>min_id_confidence] marker_by_id ={} #if an id shows twice we use the bigger marker (usually this is a screen camera echo artifact.) for m in filtered_markers: if m["id"] in marker_by_id and m["perimeter"] < marker_by_id[m['id']]['perimeter']: pass else: marker_by_id[m["id"]] = m visible_ids = set(marker_by_id.keys()) requested_ids = set(self.markers.keys()) overlap = visible_ids & requested_ids # need at least two markers per surface when the surface is more that 1 marker. if overlap and len(overlap) >= min(2,len(requested_ids)): detected = True xy = np.array( [marker_by_id[i]['verts'] for i in overlap] ) uv = np.array( [self.markers[i].uv_coords for i in overlap] ) uv.shape=(-1,1,2) # our camera lens creates distortions we want to get a good 2d estimate despite that so we: # compute the homography transform from marker into the undistored normalized image space # (the line below is the same as what you find in methods.undistort_unproject_pts, except that we ommit the z corrd as it is always one.) xy_undistorted_normalized = cv2.undistortPoints(xy.reshape(-1,1,2), camera_calibration['camera_matrix'],camera_calibration['dist_coefs']*self.use_distortion) m_to_undistored_norm_space,mask = cv2.findHomography(uv,xy_undistorted_normalized,,ransacReprojThreshold=0.1) if not mask.all(): detected = False m_from_undistored_norm_space,mask = cv2.findHomography(xy_undistorted_normalized,uv) # project the corners of the surface to undistored space corners_undistored_space = cv2.perspectiveTransform(marker_corners_norm.reshape(-1,1,2),m_to_undistored_norm_space) # project and distort these points and normalize them corners_redistorted, corners_redistorted_jacobian = cv2.projectPoints(cv2.convertPointsToHomogeneous(corners_undistored_space), np.array([0,0,0], dtype=np.float32) , np.array([0,0,0], dtype=np.float32), camera_calibration['camera_matrix'], camera_calibration['dist_coefs']*self.use_distortion) corners_nulldistorted, corners_nulldistorted_jacobian = cv2.projectPoints(cv2.convertPointsToHomogeneous(corners_undistored_space), np.array([0,0,0], dtype=np.float32) , np.array([0,0,0], dtype=np.float32), camera_calibration['camera_matrix'], camera_calibration['dist_coefs']*0) #normalize to pupil norm space corners_redistorted.shape = -1,2 corners_redistorted /= camera_calibration['resolution'] corners_redistorted[:,-1] = 1-corners_redistorted[:,-1] #normalize to pupil norm space corners_nulldistorted.shape = -1,2 corners_nulldistorted /= camera_calibration['resolution'] corners_nulldistorted[:,-1] = 1-corners_nulldistorted[:,-1] # maps for extreme lens distortions will behave irratically beyond the image bounds # since our surfaces often extend beyond the screen we need to interpolate # between a distored projection and undistored one. # def ratio(val): # centered_val = abs(.5 - val) # # signed distance to img cennter .5 is imag bound # # we look to interpolate between .7 and .9 # inter = max() corners_robust = [] for nulldist,redist in zip(corners_nulldistorted,corners_redistorted): if -.4 < nulldist[0] <1.4 and -.4 < nulldist[1] <1.4: corners_robust.append(redist) else: corners_robust.append(nulldist) corners_robust = np.array(corners_robust) if self.old_corners_robust is not None and np.mean(np.abs(corners_robust-self.old_corners_robust)) < 0.02: smooth_corners_robust = self.old_corners_robust smooth_corners_robust += .5*(corners_robust-self.old_corners_robust ) corners_robust = smooth_corners_robust self.old_corners_robust = smooth_corners_robust else: self.old_corners_robust = corners_robust #compute a perspective thransform from from the marker norm space to the apparent image. # The surface corners will be at the right points # However the space between the corners may be distored due to distortions of the lens, m_to_screen = m_verts_to_screen(corners_robust) m_from_screen = m_verts_from_screen(corners_robust) camera_pose_3d = None if locate_3d: dist_coef, = camera_calibration['dist_coefs'] img_size = camera_calibration['resolution'] K = camera_calibration['camera_matrix'] # 3d marker support pose estimation: # scale normalized object points to world space units (think m,cm,mm) uv.shape = -1,2 uv *= [self.real_world_size['x'], self.real_world_size['y']] # convert object points to lie on z==0 plane in 3d space uv3d = np.zeros((uv.shape[0], uv.shape[1]+1)) uv3d[:,:-1] = uv xy.shape = -1,1,2 # compute pose of object relative to camera center is3dPoseAvailable, rot3d_cam_to_object, translate3d_cam_to_object = cv2.solvePnP(uv3d, xy, K, dist_coef,flags=cv2.CV_EPNP) if is3dPoseAvailable: # not verifed, potentially usefull info: ###marker posed estimation from virtually projected points. # object_pts = np.array([[[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0]]],dtype=np.float32) # projected_pts = cv2.perspectiveTransform(object_pts,self.m_to_screen) # projected_pts.shape = -1,2 # projected_pts *= img_size # projected_pts.shape = -1, 1, 2 # # scale object points to world space units (think m,cm,mm) # object_pts.shape = -1,2 # object_pts *= self.real_world_size # # convert object points to lie on z==0 plane in 3d space # object_pts_3d = np.zeros((4,3)) # object_pts_3d[:,:-1] = object_pts # self.is3dPoseAvailable, rot3d_cam_to_object, translate3d_cam_to_object = cv2.solvePnP(object_pts_3d, projected_pts, K, dist_coef,flags=cv2.CV_EPNP) # transformation from Camera Optical Center: # first: translate from Camera center to object origin. # second: rotate x,y,z # coordinate system is x,y,z where z goes out from the camera into the viewed volume. # print rot3d_cam_to_object[0],rot3d_cam_to_object[1],rot3d_cam_to_object[2], translate3d_cam_to_object[0],translate3d_cam_to_object[1],translate3d_cam_to_object[2] #turn translation vectors into 3x3 rot mat. rot3d_cam_to_object_mat, _ = cv2.Rodrigues(rot3d_cam_to_object) #to get the transformation from object to camera we need to reverse rotation and translation translate3d_object_to_cam = - translate3d_cam_to_object # rotation matrix inverse == transpose rot3d_object_to_cam_mat = rot3d_cam_to_object_mat.T # we assume that the volume of the object grows out of the marker surface and not into it. We thus have to flip the z-Axis: flip_z_axix_hm = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) flip_z_axix_hm[2,2] = -1 # create a homogenous tranformation matrix from the rotation mat rot3d_object_to_cam_hm = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) rot3d_object_to_cam_hm[:-1,:-1] = rot3d_object_to_cam_mat # create a homogenous tranformation matrix from the translation vect translate3d_object_to_cam_hm = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) translate3d_object_to_cam_hm[:-1, -1] = translate3d_object_to_cam.reshape(3) # combine all tranformations into transformation matrix that decribes the move from object origin and orientation to camera origin and orientation tranform3d_object_to_cam = np.matrix(flip_z_axix_hm) * np.matrix(rot3d_object_to_cam_hm) * np.matrix(translate3d_object_to_cam_hm) camera_pose_3d = tranform3d_object_to_cam if detected == False: camera_pose_3d = None m_from_screen = None m_to_screen = None m_from_undistored_norm_space = None m_to_undistored_norm_space = None else: detected = False camera_pose_3d = None m_from_screen = None m_to_screen = None m_from_undistored_norm_space = None m_to_undistored_norm_space = None return {'detected':detected,'detected_markers':len(overlap),'m_from_undistored_norm_space':m_from_undistored_norm_space,'m_to_undistored_norm_space':m_to_undistored_norm_space,'m_from_screen':m_from_screen,'m_to_screen':m_to_screen,'camera_pose_3d':camera_pose_3d} def img_to_ref_surface(self,pos): #convenience lines to allow 'simple' vectors (x,y) to be used shape = pos.shape pos.shape = (-1,1,2) new_pos = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pos,self.m_from_screen ) new_pos.shape = shape return new_pos def ref_surface_to_img(self,pos): #convenience lines to allow 'simple' vectors (x,y) to be used shape = pos.shape pos.shape = (-1,1,2) new_pos = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pos,self.m_to_screen ) new_pos.shape = shape return new_pos @staticmethod def map_datum_to_surface(d,m_from_screen): pos = np.array([d['norm_pos']]).reshape(1,1,2) mapped_pos = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pos , m_from_screen ) mapped_pos.shape = (2) on_srf = bool((0 <= mapped_pos[0] <= 1) and (0 <= mapped_pos[1] <= 1)) return {'topic':d['topic']+"_on_surface",'norm_pos':(mapped_pos[0],mapped_pos[1]),'confidence':d['confidence'],'on_srf':on_srf,'base_data':d } def map_data_to_surface(self,data,m_from_screen): return [self.map_datum_to_surface(d,m_from_screen) for d in data] def move_vertex(self,vert_idx,new_pos): """ this fn is used to manipulate the surface boundary (coordinate system) new_pos is in uv-space coords if we move one vertex of the surface we need to find the tranformation from old quadrangle to new quardangle and apply that transformation to our marker uv-coords """ before = marker_corners_norm after = before.copy() after[vert_idx] = new_pos transform = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(after,before) for m in self.markers.values(): m.uv_coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform(m.uv_coords,transform) def add_marker(self,marker,visible_markers,camera_calibration,min_marker_perimeter,min_id_confidence): ''' add marker to surface. ''' res = self._get_location(visible_markers,camera_calibration,min_marker_perimeter,min_id_confidence,locate_3d=False) if res['detected']: support_marker = Support_Marker(marker['id']) marker_verts = np.array(marker['verts']) marker_verts.shape = (-1,1,2) marker_verts_undistorted_normalized = cv2.undistortPoints(marker_verts, camera_calibration['camera_matrix'],camera_calibration['dist_coefs']*self.use_distortion) marker_uv_coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform(marker_verts_undistorted_normalized,res['m_from_undistored_norm_space']) support_marker.load_uv_coords(marker_uv_coords) self.markers[marker['id']] = support_marker def remove_marker(self,marker): if len(self.markers) == 1: logger.warning("Need at least one marker per surface. Will not remove this last marker.") return self.markers.pop(marker['id']) def marker_status(self): return "%s %s/%s" %(,self.detected_markers,len(self.markers)) def get_mode_toggle(self,pos,img_shape): if self.detected and self.defined: x,y = pos frame = np.array([[[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1],[0,0]]],dtype=np.float32) frame = cv2.perspectiveTransform(frame,self.m_to_screen) text_anchor = frame.reshape((5,-1))[2] text_anchor[1] = 1-text_anchor[1] text_anchor *=img_shape[1],img_shape[0] text_anchor = text_anchor[0],text_anchor[1]-75 surface_edit_anchor = text_anchor[0],text_anchor[1]+25 marker_edit_anchor = text_anchor[0],text_anchor[1]+50 if np.sqrt((x-surface_edit_anchor[0])**2 + (y-surface_edit_anchor[1])**2) <15: return 'surface_mode' elif np.sqrt((x-marker_edit_anchor[0])**2 + (y-marker_edit_anchor[1])**2) <15: return 'marker_mode' else: return None else: return None def gl_draw_frame(self,img_size,color = (1.0,0.2,0.6,1.0),highlight=False,surface_mode=False,marker_mode=False): """ draw surface and markers """ if self.detected: r,g,b,a = color frame = np.array([[[0,0],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1],[0,0]]],dtype=np.float32) hat = np.array([[[.3,.7],[.7,.7],[.5,.9],[.3,.7]]],dtype=np.float32) hat = cv2.perspectiveTransform(hat,self.m_to_screen) frame = cv2.perspectiveTransform(frame,self.m_to_screen) alpha = min(1,self.build_up_status/self.required_build_up) if highlight: draw_polyline_norm(frame.reshape((5,2)),1,RGBA(r,g,b,a*.1),line_type=GL_POLYGON) draw_polyline_norm(frame.reshape((5,2)),1,RGBA(r,g,b,a*alpha)) draw_polyline_norm(hat.reshape((4,2)),1,RGBA(r,g,b,a*alpha)) text_anchor = frame.reshape((5,-1))[2] text_anchor[1] = 1-text_anchor[1] text_anchor *=img_size[1],img_size[0] text_anchor = text_anchor[0],text_anchor[1]-75 surface_edit_anchor = text_anchor[0],text_anchor[1]+25 marker_edit_anchor = text_anchor[0],text_anchor[1]+50 if self.defined: if marker_mode: draw_points([marker_edit_anchor],color=RGBA(0,.8,.7)) else: draw_points([marker_edit_anchor]) if surface_mode: draw_points([surface_edit_anchor],color=RGBA(0,.8,.7)) else: draw_points([surface_edit_anchor]) self.glfont.set_blur(3.9) self.glfont.set_color_float((0,0,0,.8)) self.glfont.draw_text(text_anchor[0]+15,text_anchor[1]+6,self.marker_status()) self.glfont.draw_text(surface_edit_anchor[0]+15,surface_edit_anchor[1]+6,'edit surface') self.glfont.draw_text(marker_edit_anchor[0]+15,marker_edit_anchor[1]+6,'add/remove markers') self.glfont.set_blur(0.0) self.glfont.set_color_float((0.1,8.,8.,.9)) self.glfont.draw_text(text_anchor[0]+15,text_anchor[1]+6,self.marker_status()) self.glfont.draw_text(surface_edit_anchor[0]+15,surface_edit_anchor[1]+6,'edit surface') self.glfont.draw_text(marker_edit_anchor[0]+15,marker_edit_anchor[1]+6,'add/remove markers') else: progress = (self.build_up_status/float(self.required_build_up))*100 progress_text = '%.0f%%'%progress self.glfont.set_blur(3.9) self.glfont.set_color_float((0,0,0,.8)) self.glfont.draw_text(text_anchor[0]+15,text_anchor[1]+6,self.marker_status()) self.glfont.draw_text(surface_edit_anchor[0]+15,surface_edit_anchor[1]+6,'Learning affiliated markers...') self.glfont.draw_text(marker_edit_anchor[0]+15,marker_edit_anchor[1]+6,progress_text) self.glfont.set_blur(0.0) self.glfont.set_color_float((0.1,8.,8.,.9)) self.glfont.draw_text(text_anchor[0]+15,text_anchor[1]+6,self.marker_status()) self.glfont.draw_text(surface_edit_anchor[0]+15,surface_edit_anchor[1]+6,'Learning affiliated markers...') self.glfont.draw_text(marker_edit_anchor[0]+15,marker_edit_anchor[1]+6,progress_text) def gl_draw_corners(self): """ draw surface and markers """ if self.detected: frame = cv2.perspectiveTransform(marker_corners_norm.reshape(-1,1,2),self.m_to_screen) draw_points_norm(frame.reshape((4,2)),20,RGBA(1.0,0.2,0.6,.5)) #### fns to draw surface in seperate window def gl_display_in_window(self,world_tex): """ here we map a selected surface onto a seperate window. """ if self._window and self.detected: active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) clear_gl_screen() # cv uses 3x3 gl uses 4x4 tranformation matricies m = cvmat_to_glmat(self.m_from_screen) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPushMatrix() glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(0, 1, 0, 1,-1,1) # gl coord convention glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPushMatrix() #apply m to our quad - this will stretch the quad such that the ref suface will span the window extends glLoadMatrixf(m) world_tex.draw() glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPopMatrix() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPopMatrix() # now lets get recent pupil positions on this surface: for gp in self.gaze_on_srf: draw_points_norm([gp['norm_pos']],color=RGBA(0.0,0.8,0.5,0.8), size=80) glfwSwapBuffers(self._window) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) #### fns to draw surface in separate window def gl_display_in_window_3d(self,world_tex,camera_intrinsics): """ here we map a selected surface onto a seperate window. """ K,dist_coef,img_size = camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'],camera_intrinsics['dist_coefs'],camera_intrinsics['resolution'] if self._window and self.camera_pose_3d is not None: active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) glClearColor(.8,.8,.8,1.) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) glClearDepth(1.0) glDepthFunc(GL_LESS) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) self.trackball.push() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) draw_coordinate_system(l=self.real_world_size['x']) glPushMatrix() glScalef(self.real_world_size['x'],self.real_world_size['y'],1) draw_polyline([[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0]],color = RGBA(.5,.3,.1,.5),thickness=3) glPopMatrix() # Draw the world window as projected onto the plane using the homography mapping glPushMatrix() glScalef(self.real_world_size['x'], self.real_world_size['y'], 1) # cv uses 3x3 gl uses 4x4 tranformation matricies m = cvmat_to_glmat(self.m_from_screen) glMultMatrixf(m) glTranslatef(0,0,-.01) world_tex.draw() draw_polyline([[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0]],color = RGBA(.5,.3,.6,.5),thickness=3) glPopMatrix() # Draw the camera frustum and origin using the 3d tranformation obtained from solvepnp glPushMatrix() glMultMatrixf(self.camera_pose_3d.T.flatten()) draw_frustum(img_size, K, 150) glLineWidth(1) draw_frustum(img_size, K, .1) draw_coordinate_system(l=5) glPopMatrix() self.trackball.pop() glfwSwapBuffers(self._window) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def open_window(self): if not self._window: if self.fullscreen: monitor = glfwGetMonitors()[self.monitor_idx] mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor) height,width= mode[0],mode[1] else: monitor = None height,width= 640,int(640./(self.real_world_size['x']/self.real_world_size['y'])) #open with same aspect ratio as surface self._window = glfwCreateWindow(height, width, "Reference Surface: " +, monitor=monitor, share=glfwGetCurrentContext()) if not self.fullscreen: glfwSetWindowPos(self._window,200,0) self.trackball = Trackball() self.input = {'down':False, 'mouse':(0,0)} #Register callbacks glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(self._window,self.on_resize) glfwSetKeyCallback(self._window,self.on_key) glfwSetWindowCloseCallback(self._window,self.on_close) glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(self._window,self.on_button) glfwSetCursorPosCallback(self._window,self.on_pos) glfwSetScrollCallback(self._window,self.on_scroll) self.on_resize(self._window,*glfwGetFramebufferSize(self._window)) # gl_state settings active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) basic_gl_setup() make_coord_system_norm_based() # refresh speed settings glfwSwapInterval(0) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def close_window(self): if self._window: glfwDestroyWindow(self._window) self._window = None self.window_should_close = False def open_close_window(self): if self._window: self.close_window() else: self.open_window() # window calbacks def on_resize(self,window,w, h): self.trackball.set_window_size(w,h) active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) adjust_gl_view(w,h) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_key(self,window, key, scancode, action, mods): if action == GLFW_PRESS: if key == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE: self.on_close() def on_close(self,window=None): self.window_should_close = True def on_button(self,window,button, action, mods): if action == GLFW_PRESS: self.input['down'] = True self.input['mouse'] = glfwGetCursorPos(window) if action == GLFW_RELEASE: self.input['down'] = False def on_pos(self,window,x, y): if self.input['down']: old_x,old_y = self.input['mouse'] self.trackball.drag_to(x-old_x,y-old_y) self.input['mouse'] = x,y def on_scroll(self,window,x,y): self.trackball.zoom_to(y) def cleanup(self): if self._window: self.close_window()
class Eye_Visualizer(Visualizer): def __init__(self, g_pool, focal_length): super().__init__(g_pool, "Debug Visualizer", False) self.focal_length = focal_length self.image_width = 192 # right values are assigned in update self.image_height = 192 camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan(self.image_height / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov) # self.residuals_single_means = deque(np.zeros(50), 50) # self.residuals_single_stds = deque(np.zeros(50), 50) # self.residuals_means = deque(np.zeros(50), 50) # self.residuals_stds = deque(np.zeros(50), 50) self.eye = LeGrandEye() self.cost_history = deque([], maxlen=200) self.optimization_number = 0 ############## MATRIX FUNCTIONS ############ def get_anthropomorphic_matrix(self): temp = np.identity(4) temp[2, 2] *= -1 return temp def get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(self, scale): # returns a homoegenous matrix temp = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() temp[3, 3] *= scale return temp def get_image_space_matrix(self, scale=1.0): temp = self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(scale) temp[1, 1] *= -1 # image origin is top left temp[0, 3] = -self.image_width / 2.0 temp[1, 3] = self.image_height / 2.0 temp[2, 3] = -self.focal_length return temp.T ############## DRAWING FUNCTIONS ########### def draw_eye(self, result): self.eye.pupil_radius = result["circle_3d"]["radius"] self.eye.move_to_point([ result["sphere"]["center"][0], -result["sphere"]["center"][1], -result["sphere"]["center"][2], ]) if result["confidence"] > 0.0 and not np.isnan( result["circle_3d"]["normal"][0]): self.eye.update_from_gaze_vector([ result["circle_3d"]["normal"][0], -result["circle_3d"]["normal"][1], result["circle_3d"]["normal"][2], ]) self.eye.draw_gl(alpha=0.7) def draw_debug_info(self, result): sphere_center = result["sphere"]["center"] gaze_vector = result["circle_3d"]["normal"] pupil_radius = result["circle_3d"]["radius"] status = ("Eyeball center : X: %.2fmm Y: %.2fmm Z: %.2fmm \n" "Gaze vector: X: %.2f Y: %.2f Z: %.2f\n" "Pupil Diameter: %.2fmm\n" "No. of supporting pupil observations: %i\n" % ( sphere_center[0], sphere_center[1], sphere_center[2], gaze_vector[0], gaze_vector[1], gaze_vector[2], pupil_radius * 2, len(result["debug_info"]["Dierkes_lines"]), )) self.glfont.push_state() self.glfont.set_color_float((0, 0, 0, 1)) self.glfont.draw_multi_line_text(7, 20, status) self.glfont.pop_state() def draw_residuals(self, result): glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPushMatrix() glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1) # gl coord convention glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPushMatrix() glLoadIdentity() glTranslatef(0.01, 0.01, 0) glScale(1.5, 1.5, 1) glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.3) glBegin(GL_QUADS) glVertex3f(0, 0, 0) glVertex3f(0, 0.15, 0) glVertex3f(0.15, 0.15, 0) glVertex3f(0.15, 0, 0) glEnd() glTranslatef(0.01, 0.01, 0) glScale(0.13, 0.13, 1) vertices = [[0, 0], [0, 1]] glutils.draw_polyline(vertices, thickness=2, color=RGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9)) vertices = [[0, 0], [1, 0]] glutils.draw_polyline(vertices, thickness=2, color=RGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9)) glScale(1, 0.33, 1) vertices = [[0, 1], [1, 1]] glutils.draw_polyline(vertices, thickness=1, color=RGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9)) vertices = [[0, 2], [1, 2]] glutils.draw_polyline(vertices, thickness=1, color=RGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9)) vertices = [[0, 3], [1, 3]] glutils.draw_polyline(vertices, thickness=1, color=RGBA(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9)) try: vertices = list( zip( np.clip((np.asarray(result["debug_info"]["angles"]) - 10) / 40.0, 0, 1), np.clip( np.log10(np.array(result["debug_info"]["residuals"])) + 2, 0.1, 3.9, ), )) alpha = 0.2 / (len(result["debug_info"]["angles"])**0.2) size = 2 + 10 / (len(result["debug_info"]["angles"])**0.1) glutils.draw_points(vertices, size=size, color=RGBA(255 / 255, 165 / 255, 0, alpha)) except: pass glPopMatrix() glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPopMatrix() def draw_Dierkes_lines(self, result): glPushMatrix() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glColor4f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1) glLineWidth(1.0) for line in result["debug_info"]["Dierkes_lines"][::4]: glBegin(GL_LINES) glVertex3f(line[0], line[1], line[2]) glVertex3f(line[3], line[4], line[5]) glEnd() glPopMatrix() def update_window(self, g_pool, result): if not result: return if not self.window: return self.begin_update_window() self.image_width, self.image_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size self.clear_gl_screen() self.trackball.push() glLoadMatrixf(self.get_image_space_matrix(15)) g_pool.image_tex.draw( quad=( (0, self.image_height), (self.image_width, self.image_height), (self.image_width, 0), (0, 0), ), alpha=1.0, ) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(15)) self.draw_frustum(self.image_width, self.image_height, self.focal_length) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix()) self.eye.pose = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() self.draw_coordinate_system(4) self.draw_eye(result) self.draw_Dierkes_lines(result) self.trackball.pop() self.draw_debug_info(result) self.draw_residuals(result) self.end_update_window() return True ############ WINDOW CALLBACKS ############### def on_resize(self, window, w, h): Visualizer.on_resize(self, window, w, h) self.trackball.set_window_size(w, h) def on_window_char(self, window, char): if char == ord("r"): self.trackball.distance = [0, 0, -0.1] self.trackball.pitch = 0 self.trackball.roll = 0 def on_scroll(self, window, x, y): self.trackball.zoom_to(y)
class Eye_Visualizer(Visualizer): def __init__(self,g_pool , focal_length ): super(Eye_Visualizer, self).__init__(g_pool , "Debug Visualizer", False) self.focal_length = focal_length self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update self.image_height = 480 camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan( self.image_height / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov) ############## MATRIX FUNCTIONS ############################## def get_anthropomorphic_matrix(self): temp = np.identity(4) temp[2,2] *= -1 return temp def get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(self,scale): # returns a homoegenous matrix temp = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() temp[3,3] *= scale return temp def get_image_space_matrix(self,scale=1.): temp = self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(scale) temp[1,1] *=-1 #image origin is top left temp[0,3] = -self.image_width/2.0 temp[1,3] = self.image_height/2.0 temp[2,3] = -self.focal_length return temp.T def get_pupil_transformation_matrix(self,circle_normal,circle_center, circle_scale = 1.0): """ OpenGL matrix convention for typical GL software with positive Y=up and positive Z=rearward direction RT = right UP = up BK = back POS = position/translation US = uniform scale float transform[16]; [0] [4] [8 ] [12] [1] [5] [9 ] [13] [2] [6] [10] [14] [3] [7] [11] [15] [RT.x] [UP.x] [BK.x] [POS.x] [RT.y] [UP.y] [BK.y] [POS.y] [RT.z] [UP.z] [BK.z] [POS.Z] [ ] [ ] [ ] [US ] """ temp = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() right = temp[:3,0] up = temp[:3,1] back = temp[:3,2] translation = temp[:3,3] back[:] = np.array(circle_normal) back[2] *=-1 #our z axis is inverted if np.linalg.norm(back) != 0: back[:] /= np.linalg.norm(back) right[:] = get_perpendicular_vector(back)/np.linalg.norm(get_perpendicular_vector(back)) up[:] = np.cross(right,back)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(right,back)) right[:] *= circle_scale back[:] *=circle_scale up[:] *=circle_scale translation[:] = np.array(circle_center) translation[2] *= -1 return temp.T ############## DRAWING FUNCTIONS ############################## def draw_debug_info(self, result ): models = result['models'] eye = models[0]['sphere']; direction = result['circle'][1]; pupil_radius = result['circle'][2]; status = ' Eyeball center : X: %.2fmm Y: %.2fmm Z: %.2fmm\n Pupil direction: X: %.2f Y: %.2f Z: %.2f\n Pupil Diameter: %.2fmm\n ' \ %(eye[0][0], eye[0][1],eye[0][2], direction[0], direction[1],direction[2], pupil_radius*2) self.glfont.push_state() self.glfont.set_color_float( (0,0,0,1) ) self.glfont.draw_multi_line_text(5,20,status) #draw model info for each model delta_y = 20 for model in models: modelStatus = ('Model: %d \n' % model['model_id'] , ' age: %.1fs\n' %(self.g_pool.get_timestamp()-model['birth_timestamp']) , ' maturity: %.3f\n' % model['maturity'] , ' solver fit: %.6f\n' % model['solver_fit'] , ' confidence: %.6f\n' % model['confidence'] , ' performance: %.6f\n' % model['performance'] , ' perf.Grad.: %.3e\n' % model['performance_gradient'] , ) modeltext = ''.join( modelStatus ) self.glfont.draw_multi_line_text(self.window_size[0] - 200 ,delta_y, modeltext) delta_y += 160 self.glfont.pop_state() def draw_circle(self, circle_center, circle_normal, circle_radius, color=RGBA(1.1,0.2,.8), num_segments = 20): vertices = [] vertices.append( (0,0,0) ) # circle center #create circle vertices in the xy plane for i in np.linspace(0.0, 2.0*math.pi , num_segments ): x = math.sin(i) y = math.cos(i) z = 0 vertices.append((x,y,z)) glPushMatrix() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW ) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_pupil_transformation_matrix(circle_normal,circle_center, circle_radius)) glutils.draw_polyline((vertices),color=color, line_type = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) # circle glutils.draw_polyline( [ (0,0,0), (0,0, 4) ] ,color=RGBA(0,0,0), line_type = GL_LINES) #normal glPopMatrix() def update_window(self, g_pool, result ): if not result: return if not self.window: return self.begin_update_window() self.image_width , self.image_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size latest_circle = result['circle'] predicted_circle = result['predicted_circle'] edges = result['edges'] sphere_models = result['models'] self.clear_gl_screen() self.trackball.push() # 2. in pixel space draw video frame glLoadMatrixf(self.get_image_space_matrix(15)) g_pool.image_tex.draw( quad=((0,self.image_height),(self.image_width,self.image_height),(self.image_width,0),(0,0)) ,alpha=0.5) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(15)) self.draw_frustum( self.image_width, self.image_height, self.focal_length ) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix()) model_count = 0; sphere_color = RGBA( 0,147/255.,147/255.,0.2) initial_sphere_color = RGBA( 0,147/255.,147/255.,0.2) alternative_sphere_color = RGBA( 1,0.5,0.5,0.05) alternative_initial_sphere_color = RGBA( 1,0.5,0.5,0.05) for model in sphere_models: bin_positions = model['bin_positions'] sphere = model['sphere'] initial_sphere = model['initial_sphere'] if model_count == 0: # self.draw_sphere(initial_sphere[0],initial_sphere[1], color = sphere_color ) self.draw_sphere(sphere[0],sphere[1], color = initial_sphere_color ) glutils.draw_points(bin_positions, 3 , RGBA(0.6,0.0,0.6,0.5) ) else: #self.draw_sphere(initial_sphere[0],initial_sphere[1], color = alternative_sphere_color ) self.draw_sphere(sphere[0],sphere[1], color = alternative_initial_sphere_color ) model_count += 1 self.draw_circle( latest_circle[0], latest_circle[1], latest_circle[2], RGBA(0.0,1.0,1.0,0.4)) # self.draw_circle( predicted_circle[0], predicted_circle[1], predicted_circle[2], RGBA(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.4)) glutils.draw_points(edges, 2 , RGBA(1.0,0.0,0.6,0.5) ) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix()) self.draw_coordinate_system(4) self.trackball.pop() self.draw_debug_info(result) self.end_update_window() return True ############ window callbacks ################# def on_resize(self,window,w, h): Visualizer.on_resize(self,window,w, h) self.trackball.set_window_size(w,h) def on_char(self,window,char): if char == ord('r'): self.trackball.distance = [0,0,-0.1] self.trackball.pitch = 0 self.trackball.roll = 0 def on_scroll(self,window,x,y): self.trackball.zoom_to(y)
class Calibration_Visualizer(object): def __init__(self, g_pool, world_camera_intrinsics , cal_ref_points_3d, eye_to_world_matrix0 , cal_gaze_points0_3d, eye_to_world_matrix1 = np.eye(4) , cal_gaze_points1_3d = [], name = "Debug Calibration Visualizer", run_independently = False): # super(Visualizer, self).__init__() self.g_pool = g_pool self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update self.focal_length = 620 self.image_height = 480 self.eye_to_world_matrix0 = eye_to_world_matrix0 self.eye_to_world_matrix1 = eye_to_world_matrix1 self.cal_ref_points_3d = cal_ref_points_3d self.cal_gaze_points0_3d = cal_gaze_points0_3d self.cal_gaze_points1_3d = cal_gaze_points1_3d self.world_camera_width = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][0] self.world_camera_height = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][1] self.world_camera_focal = (world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][0][0] + world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][1][1] ) / 2.0 # transformation matrices self.anthromorphic_matrix = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() self.adjusted_pixel_space_matrix = self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(1) = name self.window_size = (640,480) self.window = None self.input = None self.run_independently = run_independently camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan( self.window_size[0] / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov) self.trackball.distance = [0,0,-0.1] self.trackball.pitch = 0 self.trackball.roll = 180 ############## MATRIX FUNCTIONS ############################## def get_anthropomorphic_matrix(self): temp = np.identity(4) return temp def get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(self,scale = 1.0): # returns a homoegenous matrix temp = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() temp[3,3] *= scale return temp def get_image_space_matrix(self,scale=1.): temp = self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(scale) #temp[1,1] *=-1 #image origin is top left #temp[2,2] *=-1 #image origin is top left temp[0,3] = -self.world_camera_width/2.0 temp[1,3] = -self.world_camera_height/2.0 temp[2,3] = self.world_camera_focal return temp.T def get_pupil_transformation_matrix(self,circle_normal,circle_center, circle_scale = 1.0): """ OpenGL matrix convention for typical GL software with positive Y=up and positive Z=rearward direction RT = right UP = up BK = back POS = position/translation US = uniform scale float transform[16]; [0] [4] [8 ] [12] [1] [5] [9 ] [13] [2] [6] [10] [14] [3] [7] [11] [15] [RT.x] [UP.x] [BK.x] [POS.x] [RT.y] [UP.y] [BK.y] [POS.y] [RT.z] [UP.z] [BK.z] [POS.Z] [ ] [ ] [ ] [US ] """ temp = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() right = temp[:3,0] up = temp[:3,1] back = temp[:3,2] translation = temp[:3,3] back[:] = np.array(circle_normal) # if np.linalg.norm(back) != 0: back[:] /= np.linalg.norm(back) right[:] = get_perpendicular_vector(back)/np.linalg.norm(get_perpendicular_vector(back)) up[:] = np.cross(right,back)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(right,back)) right[:] *= circle_scale back[:] *=circle_scale up[:] *=circle_scale translation[:] = np.array(circle_center) return temp.T ############## DRAWING FUNCTIONS ############################## def draw_frustum(self, width, height , length): W = width/2.0 H = height/2.0 Z = length # draw it glLineWidth(1) glColor4f( 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5 ) glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( -W, H, Z ) glVertex3f( W, H, Z ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( W, H, Z ) glVertex3f( W, -H, Z ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( W, -H, Z ) glVertex3f( -W, -H, Z ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( -W, -H, Z ) glVertex3f( -W, H, Z ) glEnd( ) def draw_coordinate_system(self,l=1): # Draw x-axis line. RED glLineWidth(2) glColor3f( 1, 0, 0 ) glBegin( GL_LINES ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( l, 0, 0 ) glEnd( ) # Draw y-axis line. GREEN. glColor3f( 0, 1, 0 ) glBegin( GL_LINES ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( 0, l, 0 ) glEnd( ) # Draw z-axis line. BLUE glColor3f( 0, 0, 1 ) glBegin( GL_LINES ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, l ) glEnd( ) def draw_sphere(self,sphere_position, sphere_radius,contours = 45, color =RGBA(.2,.5,0.5,.5) ): # this function draws the location of the eye sphere glPushMatrix() glTranslatef(sphere_position[0],sphere_position[1],sphere_position[2]) #sphere[0] contains center coordinates (x,y,z) glTranslatef(0,0,sphere_radius) #sphere[1] contains radius for i in xrange(1,contours+1): glTranslatef(0,0, -sphere_radius/contours*2) position = sphere_radius - i*sphere_radius*2/contours draw_radius = np.sqrt(sphere_radius**2 - position**2) glPushMatrix() glScalef(draw_radius,draw_radius,1) draw_polyline((circle_xy),2,color) glPopMatrix() glPopMatrix() def draw_circle(self, circle_center, circle_normal, circle_radius, color=RGBA(1.1,0.2,.8), num_segments = 20): vertices = [] vertices.append( (0,0,0) ) # circle center #create circle vertices in the xy plane for i in np.linspace(0.0, 2.0*math.pi , num_segments ): x = math.sin(i) y = math.cos(i) z = 0 vertices.append((x,y,z)) glPushMatrix() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW ) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_pupil_transformation_matrix(circle_normal,circle_center, circle_radius)) draw_polyline((vertices),color=color, line_type = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) # circle draw_polyline( [ (0,0,0), (0,0, 4) ] ,color=RGBA(0,0,0), line_type = GL_LINES) #normal glPopMatrix() def basic_gl_setup(self): glEnable(GL_POINT_SPRITE ) glEnable(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE) # overwrite pointsize glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) glEnable(GL_BLEND) glClearColor(.8,.8,.8,1.) glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) # glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH) glHint(GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST) glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) glHint(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST) def adjust_gl_view(self,w,h): """ adjust view onto our scene. """ glViewport(0, 0, w, h) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(0, w, h, 0, -1, 1) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() def clear_gl_screen(self): glClearColor(.9,.9,0.9,1.) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) ########### Open, update, close ##################### def open_window(self): if not self.window: self.input = {'button':None, 'mouse':(0,0)} # get glfw started if self.run_independently: glfwInit() self.window = glfwCreateWindow(self.window_size[0], self.window_size[1],, None, share=self.g_pool.main_window ) active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext(); glfwMakeContextCurrent(self.window) glfwSetWindowPos(self.window,0,0) # Register callbacks window glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(self.window,self.on_resize) glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(self.window,self.on_iconify) glfwSetKeyCallback(self.window,self.on_key) glfwSetCharCallback(self.window,self.on_char) glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(self.window,self.on_button) glfwSetCursorPosCallback(self.window,self.on_pos) glfwSetScrollCallback(self.window,self.on_scroll) # get glfw started if self.run_independently: init() self.basic_gl_setup() self.glfont = fs.Context() self.glfont.add_font('opensans',get_opensans_font_path()) self.glfont.set_size(22) self.glfont.set_color_float((0.2,0.5,0.9,1.0)) self.on_resize(self.window,*glfwGetFramebufferSize(self.window)) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) # self.gui = ui.UI() def update_window(self, g_pool , gaze_points0 , sphere0 , gaze_points1 = [] , sphere1 = None, intersection_points = [] ): if self.window: if glfwWindowShouldClose(self.window): self.close_window() return active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self.window) self.clear_gl_screen() self.trackball.push() # use opencv coordinate system #glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ) #glScalef( 1. ,-1. , -1. ) glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ) # draw things in world camera coordinate system glPushMatrix() glLoadIdentity() calibration_points_line_color = RGBA(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.05); error_line_color = RGBA(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.5) self.draw_coordinate_system(200) self.draw_frustum( self.world_camera_width/ 10.0 , self.world_camera_height/ 10.0 , self.world_camera_focal / 10.0) for p in self.cal_ref_points_3d: draw_polyline( [ (0,0,0), p] , 1 , calibration_points_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #calibration points draw_points( self.cal_ref_points_3d , 4 , RGBA( 0, 1, 1, 1 ) ) glPopMatrix() if sphere0: # draw things in first eye oordinate system glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrixf( self.eye_to_world_matrix0.T ) sphere_center0 = list(sphere0['center']) sphere_radius0 = sphere0['radius'] self.draw_sphere(sphere_center0,sphere_radius0, color = RGBA(1,1,0,1)) for p in self.cal_gaze_points0_3d: draw_polyline( [ sphere_center0, p] , 1 , calibration_points_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #calibration points draw_points( self.cal_gaze_points0_3d , 4 , RGBA( 1, 0, 1, 1 ) ) # eye camera self.draw_coordinate_system(60) self.draw_frustum( self.image_width / 10.0, self.image_height / 10.0, self.focal_length /10.) draw_points( gaze_points0 , 2 , RGBA( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) ) for p in gaze_points0: draw_polyline( [sphere_center0, p] , 1 , RGBA(0,0,0,1), line_type = GL_LINES) glPopMatrix() #draw error lines form eye gaze points to world camera ref points for(cal_gaze_point,ref_point) in zip(self.cal_gaze_points0_3d, self.cal_ref_points_3d): point = np.zeros(4) point[:3] = cal_gaze_point point[3] = 1.0 point = point ) point = np.squeeze(np.asarray(point)) draw_polyline( [ point[:3], ref_point] , 1 , error_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) # if we have a second eye if sphere1: # draw things in second eye oordinate system glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrixf( self.eye_to_world_matrix1.T ) sphere_center1 = list(sphere1['center']) sphere_radius1 = sphere1['radius'] self.draw_sphere(sphere_center1,sphere_radius1, color = RGBA(1,1,0,1)) for p in self.cal_gaze_points1_3d: draw_polyline( [ sphere_center1, p] , 1 , calibration_points_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #calibration points draw_points( self.cal_gaze_points1_3d , 4 , RGBA( 1, 0, 1, 1 ) ) # eye camera self.draw_coordinate_system(60) self.draw_frustum( self.image_width / 10.0, self.image_height / 10.0, self.focal_length /10.) draw_points( gaze_points1 , 2 , RGBA( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) ) for p in gaze_points1: draw_polyline( [sphere_center1, p] , 1 , RGBA(0,0,0,1), line_type = GL_LINES) glPopMatrix() #draw error lines form eye gaze points to world camera ref points for(cal_gaze_point,ref_point) in zip(self.cal_gaze_points1_3d, self.cal_ref_points_3d): point = np.zeros(4) point[:3] = cal_gaze_point point[3] = 1.0 point = point ) point = np.squeeze(np.asarray(point)) draw_polyline( [ point[:3], ref_point] , 1 , error_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #intersection points in world coordinate system if len(intersection_points) > 0: draw_points( intersection_points , 2 , RGBA( 1, 0.5, 0.5, 1 ) ) for p in intersection_points: draw_polyline( [(0,0,0), p] , 1 , RGBA(0.3,0.3,0.9,1), line_type = GL_LINES) self.trackball.pop() glfwSwapBuffers(self.window) glfwPollEvents() glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def close_window(self): if self.window: active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext(); glfwDestroyWindow(self.window) self.window = None glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) ############ window callbacks ################# def on_resize(self,window,w, h): h = max(h,1) w = max(w,1) self.trackball.set_window_size(w,h) self.window_size = (w,h) active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) self.adjust_gl_view(w,h) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_char(self,window,char): if char == ord('r'): self.trackball.distance = [0,0,-0.1] self.trackball.pitch = 0 self.trackball.roll = 180 def on_button(self,window,button, action, mods): # self.gui.update_button(button,action,mods) if action == GLFW_PRESS: self.input['button'] = button self.input['mouse'] = glfwGetCursorPos(window) if action == GLFW_RELEASE: self.input['button'] = None def on_pos(self,window,x, y): hdpi_factor = float(glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0]/glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) x,y = x*hdpi_factor,y*hdpi_factor # self.gui.update_mouse(x,y) if self.input['button']==GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT: old_x,old_y = self.input['mouse'] self.trackball.drag_to(x-old_x,y-old_y) self.input['mouse'] = x,y if self.input['button']==GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: old_x,old_y = self.input['mouse'] self.trackball.pan_to(x-old_x,y-old_y) self.input['mouse'] = x,y def on_scroll(self,window,x,y): self.trackball.zoom_to(y) def on_iconify(self,window,iconified): pass def on_key(self,window, key, scancode, action, mods): pass
class Calibration_Visualizer(Visualizer): def __init__(self, g_pool, world_camera_intrinsics , cal_ref_points_3d, cal_observed_points_3d, eye_camera_to_world_matrix0 , cal_gaze_points0_3d, eye_camera_to_world_matrix1 = np.eye(4) , cal_gaze_points1_3d = [], run_independently = False , name = "Calibration Visualizer" ): super(Calibration_Visualizer, self).__init__( g_pool,name, run_independently) self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update self.focal_length = 620 self.image_height = 480 self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix0 = eye_camera_to_world_matrix0 self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix1 = eye_camera_to_world_matrix1 self.cal_ref_points_3d = cal_ref_points_3d self.cal_observed_points_3d = cal_observed_points_3d self.cal_gaze_points0_3d = cal_gaze_points0_3d self.cal_gaze_points1_3d = cal_gaze_points1_3d if world_camera_intrinsics: self.world_camera_width = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][0] self.world_camera_height = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][1] self.world_camera_focal = (world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][0][0] + world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][1][1] ) / 2.0 else: self.world_camera_width = 0 self.world_camera_height = 0 self.world_camera_focal = 0 camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan( self.window_size[0] / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov) self.trackball.distance = [0,0,-80.] self.trackball.pitch = 210 self.trackball.roll = 0 ########### Open, update, close ##################### def update_window(self, g_pool , gaze_points0 , sphere0 , gaze_points1 = [] , sphere1 = None, intersection_points = [] ): if not self.window: return self.begin_update_window() #sets context self.clear_gl_screen() self.trackball.push() glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ) # draw things in world camera coordinate system glPushMatrix() glLoadIdentity() calibration_points_line_color = RGBA(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.1); error_line_color = RGBA(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.5) self.draw_coordinate_system(200) if self.world_camera_width != 0: self.draw_frustum( self.world_camera_width/ 10.0 , self.world_camera_height/ 10.0 , self.world_camera_focal / 10.0) for p in self.cal_observed_points_3d: glutils.draw_polyline( [ (0,0,0), p] , 1 , calibration_points_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #draw error lines form eye gaze points to ref points for(cal_point,ref_point) in zip(self.cal_ref_points_3d, self.cal_observed_points_3d): glutils.draw_polyline( [ cal_point, ref_point] , 1 , error_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #calibration points glutils.draw_points( self.cal_ref_points_3d , 4 , RGBA( 0, 1, 1, 1 ) ) glPopMatrix() if sphere0: # eye camera glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrixf( self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix0.T ) self.draw_coordinate_system(60) self.draw_frustum( self.image_width / 10.0, self.image_height / 10.0, self.focal_length /10.) glPopMatrix() #everything else is in world coordinates #eye sphere_center0 = list(sphere0['center']) sphere_radius0 = sphere0['radius'] self.draw_sphere(sphere_center0,sphere_radius0, color = RGBA(1,1,0,1)) #gazelines for p in self.cal_gaze_points0_3d: glutils.draw_polyline( [ sphere_center0, p] , 1 , calibration_points_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #calibration points # glutils.draw_points( self.cal_gaze_points0_3d , 4 , RGBA( 1, 0, 1, 1 ) ) #current gaze points glutils.draw_points( gaze_points0 , 2 , RGBA( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) ) for p in gaze_points0: glutils.draw_polyline( [sphere_center0, p] , 1 , RGBA(0,0,0,1), line_type = GL_LINES) #draw error lines form eye gaze points to ref points for(cal_gaze_point,ref_point) in zip(self.cal_gaze_points0_3d, self.cal_ref_points_3d): glutils.draw_polyline( [ cal_gaze_point, ref_point] , 1 , error_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #second eye if sphere1: # eye camera glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrixf( self.eye_camera_to_world_matrix1.T ) self.draw_coordinate_system(60) self.draw_frustum( self.image_width / 10.0, self.image_height / 10.0, self.focal_length /10.) glPopMatrix() #everything else is in world coordinates #eye sphere_center1 = list(sphere1['center']) sphere_radius1 = sphere1['radius'] self.draw_sphere(sphere_center1,sphere_radius1, color = RGBA(1,1,0,1)) #gazelines for p in self.cal_gaze_points1_3d: glutils.draw_polyline( [ sphere_center1, p] , 4 , calibration_points_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #calibration points glutils.draw_points( self.cal_gaze_points1_3d , 4 , RGBA( 1, 0, 1, 1 ) ) #current gaze points glutils.draw_points( gaze_points1 , 2 , RGBA( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) ) for p in gaze_points1: glutils.draw_polyline( [sphere_center1, p] , 1 , RGBA(0,0,0,1), line_type = GL_LINES) #draw error lines form eye gaze points to ref points for(cal_gaze_point,ref_point) in zip(self.cal_gaze_points1_3d, self.cal_ref_points_3d): glutils.draw_polyline( [ cal_gaze_point, ref_point] , 1 , error_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) self.trackball.pop() self.end_update_window() #swap buffers, handle context ############ window callbacks ################# def on_resize(self,window,w, h): Visualizer.on_resize(self,window,w, h) self.trackball.set_window_size(w,h) def on_char(self,window,char): if char == ord('r'): self.trackball.distance = [0,0,-0.1] self.trackball.pitch = 0 self.trackball.roll = 180 def on_scroll(self,window,x,y): self.trackball.zoom_to(y)
class Eye_Visualizer(Visualizer): def __init__(self, g_pool, focal_length): super().__init__(g_pool, "Debug Visualizer", False) self.focal_length = focal_length self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update self.image_height = 480 camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan(self.image_height / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov) ############## MATRIX FUNCTIONS ############################## def get_anthropomorphic_matrix(self): temp = np.identity(4) temp[2, 2] *= -1 return temp def get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(self, scale): # returns a homoegenous matrix temp = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() temp[3, 3] *= scale return temp def get_image_space_matrix(self, scale=1.): temp = self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(scale) temp[1, 1] *= -1 #image origin is top left temp[0, 3] = -self.image_width / 2.0 temp[1, 3] = self.image_height / 2.0 temp[2, 3] = -self.focal_length return temp.T def get_pupil_transformation_matrix(self, circle_normal, circle_center, circle_scale=1.0): """ OpenGL matrix convention for typical GL software with positive Y=up and positive Z=rearward direction RT = right UP = up BK = back POS = position/translation US = uniform scale float transform[16]; [0] [4] [8 ] [12] [1] [5] [9 ] [13] [2] [6] [10] [14] [3] [7] [11] [15] [RT.x] [UP.x] [BK.x] [POS.x] [RT.y] [UP.y] [BK.y] [POS.y] [RT.z] [UP.z] [BK.z] [POS.Z] [ ] [ ] [ ] [US ] """ temp = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() right = temp[:3, 0] up = temp[:3, 1] back = temp[:3, 2] translation = temp[:3, 3] back[:] = np.array(circle_normal) back[2] *= -1 #our z axis is inverted if np.linalg.norm(back) != 0: back[:] /= np.linalg.norm(back) right[:] = get_perpendicular_vector(back) / np.linalg.norm( get_perpendicular_vector(back)) up[:] = np.cross(right, back) / np.linalg.norm( np.cross(right, back)) right[:] *= circle_scale back[:] *= circle_scale up[:] *= circle_scale translation[:] = np.array(circle_center) translation[2] *= -1 return temp.T ############## DRAWING FUNCTIONS ############################## def draw_debug_info(self, result): models = result['models'] eye = models[0]['sphere'] direction = result['circle'][1] pupil_radius = result['circle'][2] status = ' Eyeball center : X: %.2fmm Y: %.2fmm Z: %.2fmm\n Pupil direction: X: %.2f Y: %.2f Z: %.2f\n Pupil Diameter: %.2fmm\n ' \ %(eye[0][0], eye[0][1],eye[0][2], direction[0], direction[1],direction[2], pupil_radius*2) self.glfont.push_state() self.glfont.set_color_float((0, 0, 0, 1)) self.glfont.draw_multi_line_text(5, 20, status) #draw model info for each model delta_y = 20 for model in models: modelStatus = ( 'Model: %d \n' % model['model_id'], ' age: %.1fs\n' % (self.g_pool.get_timestamp() - model['birth_timestamp']), ' maturity: %.3f\n' % model['maturity'], ' solver fit: %.6f\n' % model['solver_fit'], ' confidence: %.6f\n' % model['confidence'], ' performance: %.6f\n' % model['performance'], ' perf.Grad.: %.3e\n' % model['performance_gradient'], ) modeltext = ''.join(modelStatus) self.glfont.draw_multi_line_text(self.window_size[0] - 200, delta_y, modeltext) delta_y += 160 self.glfont.pop_state() def draw_circle(self, circle_center, circle_normal, circle_radius, color=RGBA(1.1, 0.2, .8), num_segments=20): vertices = [] vertices.append((0, 0, 0)) # circle center #create circle vertices in the xy plane for i in np.linspace(0.0, 2.0 * math.pi, num_segments): x = math.sin(i) y = math.cos(i) z = 0 vertices.append((x, y, z)) glPushMatrix() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadMatrixf( self.get_pupil_transformation_matrix(circle_normal, circle_center, circle_radius)) glutils.draw_polyline((vertices), color=color, line_type=GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) # circle glutils.draw_polyline([(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 4)], color=RGBA(0, 0, 0), line_type=GL_LINES) #normal glPopMatrix() def update_window(self, g_pool, result): if not result: return if not self.window: return self.begin_update_window() self.image_width, self.image_height = g_pool.capture.frame_size latest_circle = result['circle'] predicted_circle = result['predicted_circle'] edges = result['edges'] sphere_models = result['models'] self.clear_gl_screen() self.trackball.push() # 2. in pixel space draw video frame glLoadMatrixf(self.get_image_space_matrix(15)) g_pool.image_tex.draw(quad=((0, self.image_height), (self.image_width, self.image_height), (self.image_width, 0), (0, 0)), alpha=0.5) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(15)) self.draw_frustum(self.image_width, self.image_height, self.focal_length) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix()) model_count = 0 sphere_color = RGBA(0, 147 / 255., 147 / 255., 0.2) initial_sphere_color = RGBA(0, 147 / 255., 147 / 255., 0.2) alternative_sphere_color = RGBA(1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.05) alternative_initial_sphere_color = RGBA(1, 0.5, 0.5, 0.05) for model in sphere_models: bin_positions = model['bin_positions'] sphere = model['sphere'] initial_sphere = model['initial_sphere'] if model_count == 0: # self.draw_sphere(initial_sphere[0],initial_sphere[1], color = sphere_color ) self.draw_sphere(sphere[0], sphere[1], color=initial_sphere_color) glutils.draw_points(bin_positions, 3, RGBA(0.6, 0.0, 0.6, 0.5)) else: #self.draw_sphere(initial_sphere[0],initial_sphere[1], color = alternative_sphere_color ) self.draw_sphere(sphere[0], sphere[1], color=alternative_initial_sphere_color) model_count += 1 self.draw_circle(latest_circle[0], latest_circle[1], latest_circle[2], RGBA(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4)) # self.draw_circle( predicted_circle[0], predicted_circle[1], predicted_circle[2], RGBA(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.4)) glutils.draw_points(edges, 2, RGBA(1.0, 0.0, 0.6, 0.5)) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix()) self.draw_coordinate_system(4) self.trackball.pop() self.draw_debug_info(result) self.end_update_window() return True ############ window callbacks ################# def on_resize(self, window, w, h): Visualizer.on_resize(self, window, w, h) self.trackball.set_window_size(w, h) def on_window_char(self, window, char): if char == ord('r'): self.trackball.distance = [0, 0, -0.1] self.trackball.pitch = 0 self.trackball.roll = 0 def on_scroll(self, window, x, y): self.trackball.zoom_to(y)
class Reference_Surface(object): """docstring for Reference Surface The surface coodinate system is 0-1. Origin is the bottom left corner, (1,1) is the top right The first scalar in the pos vector is width we call this 'u'. The second is height we call this 'v'. The surface is thus defined by 4 vertecies: Our convention is this order: (0,0),(1,0),(1,1),(0,1) The surface is supported by a set of n>=1 Markers: Each marker has an id, you can not not have markers with the same id twice. Each marker has 4 verts (order is the same as the surface verts) Each maker vertex has a uv coord that places it on the surface When we find the surface in locate() we use the correspondence of uv and screen coords of all 4 verts of all detected markers to get the surface to screen homography. This allows us to get homographies for partially visible surfaces, all we need are 2 visible markers. (We could get away with just one marker but in pracise this is to noisy.) The more markers we find the more accurate the homography. """ def __init__(self, name="unnamed", saved_definition=None): = name self.markers = {} self.detected_markers = 0 self.defined = False self.build_up_status = 0 self.required_build_up = 90. self.detected = False self.m_to_screen = None self.m_from_screen = None self.camera_pose_3d = None self.uid = str(time()) self.real_world_size = {'x': 1., 'y': 1.} ###window and gui vars self._window = None self.fullscreen = False self.window_should_open = False self.window_should_close = False self.gaze_on_srf = [ ] # points on surface for realtime feedback display self.glfont = fontstash.Context() self.glfont.add_font('opensans', get_opensans_font_path()) self.glfont.set_size(22) self.glfont.set_color_float((0.2, 0.5, 0.9, 1.0)) if saved_definition is not None: self.load_from_dict(saved_definition) def save_to_dict(self): """ save all markers and name of this surface to a dict. """ markers = dict([(m_id, m.uv_coords) for m_id, m in self.markers.iteritems()]) return { 'name':, 'uid': self.uid, 'markers': markers, 'real_world_size': self.real_world_size } def load_from_dict(self, d): """ load all markers of this surface to a dict. """ = d['name'] self.uid = d['uid'] self.real_world_size = d.get('real_world_size', {'x': 1., 'y': 1.}) marker_dict = d['markers'] for m_id, uv_coords in marker_dict.iteritems(): self.markers[m_id] = Support_Marker(m_id) self.markers[m_id].load_uv_coords(uv_coords) #flag this surface as fully defined self.defined = True self.build_up_status = self.required_build_up def build_correspondance(self, visible_markers): """ - use all visible markers - fit a convex quadrangle around it - use quadrangle verts to establish perpective transform - map all markers into surface space - build up list of found markers and their uv coords """ if visible_markers == []: self.m_to_screen = None self.m_from_screen = None self.detected = False return all_verts = np.array([[m['verts_norm'] for m in visible_markers]]) all_verts.shape = ( -1, 1, 2) # [vert,vert,vert,vert,vert...] with vert = [[r,c]] hull = cv2.convexHull(all_verts, clockwise=False) #simplify until we have excatly 4 verts if hull.shape[0] > 4: new_hull = cv2.approxPolyDP(hull, epsilon=1, closed=True) if new_hull.shape[0] >= 4: hull = new_hull if hull.shape[0] > 4: curvature = abs(GetAnglesPolyline(hull, closed=True)) most_acute_4_threshold = sorted(curvature)[3] hull = hull[curvature <= most_acute_4_threshold] #now we need to roll the hull verts until we have the right orientation: distance_to_origin = np.sqrt(hull[:, :, 0]**2 + hull[:, :, 1]**2) top_left_idx = np.argmin(distance_to_origin) hull = np.roll(hull, -top_left_idx, axis=0) #based on these 4 verts we calculate the transformations into a 0,0 1,1 square space self.m_to_screen = m_verts_to_screen(hull) self.m_from_screen = m_verts_from_screen(hull) self.detected = True # map the markers vertices in to the surface space (one can think of these as texture coordinates u,v) marker_uv_coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform(all_verts, self.m_from_screen) marker_uv_coords.shape = ( -1, 4, 1, 2) #[marker,marker...] marker = [ [[r,c]],[[r,c]] ] # build up a dict of discovered markers. Each with a history of uv coordinates for m, uv in zip(visible_markers, marker_uv_coords): try: self.markers[m['id']].add_uv_coords(uv) except KeyError: self.markers[m['id']] = Support_Marker(m['id']) self.markers[m['id']].add_uv_coords(uv) #average collection of uv correspondences accros detected markers self.build_up_status = sum( [len(m.collected_uv_coords) for m in self.markers.values()]) / float(len(self.markers)) if self.build_up_status >= self.required_build_up: self.finalize_correnspondance() self.defined = True def finalize_correnspondance(self): """ - prune markers that have been visible in less than x percent of frames. - of those markers select a good subset of uv coords and compute mean. - this mean value will be used from now on to estable surface transform """ persistent_markers = {} for k, m in self.markers.iteritems(): if len(m.collected_uv_coords) > self.required_build_up * .5: persistent_markers[k] = m self.markers = persistent_markers for m in self.markers.values(): m.compute_robust_mean() def locate(self, visible_markers, locate_3d=False, camera_intrinsics=None): """ - find overlapping set of surface markers and visible_markers - compute homography (and inverse) based on this subset """ if not self.defined: self.build_correspondance(visible_markers) else: marker_by_id = dict([(m['id'], m) for m in visible_markers]) visible_ids = set(marker_by_id.keys()) requested_ids = set(self.markers.keys()) overlap = visible_ids & requested_ids self.detected_markers = len(overlap) if len(overlap) >= min(1, len(requested_ids)): self.detected = True yx = np.array([marker_by_id[i]['verts_norm'] for i in overlap]) uv = np.array([self.markers[i].uv_coords for i in overlap]) yx.shape = (-1, 1, 2) uv.shape = (-1, 1, 2) # print 'uv',uv # print 'yx',yx self.m_to_screen, mask = cv2.findHomography(uv, yx) self.m_from_screen = np.linalg.inv(self.m_to_screen) #self.m_from_screen,mask = cv2.findHomography(yx,uv) if locate_3d: K, dist_coef, img_size = camera_intrinsics ###marker support pose estiamtion: # denormalize image reference points to pixel space yx.shape = -1, 2 yx *= img_size yx.shape = -1, 1, 2 # scale normalized object points to world space units (think m,cm,mm) uv.shape = -1, 2 uv *= [ self.real_world_size['x'], self.real_world_size['y'] ] # convert object points to lie on z==0 plane in 3d space uv3d = np.zeros((uv.shape[0], uv.shape[1] + 1)) uv3d[:, :-1] = uv # compute pose of object relative to camera center self.is3dPoseAvailable, rot3d_cam_to_object, translate3d_cam_to_object = cv2.solvePnP( uv3d, yx, K, dist_coef, flags=cv2.CV_EPNP) # not verifed, potentially usefull info: ###marker posed estimation from virtually projected points. # object_pts = np.array([[[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0]]],dtype=np.float32) # projected_pts = cv2.perspectiveTransform(object_pts,self.m_to_screen) # projected_pts.shape = -1,2 # projected_pts *= img_size # projected_pts.shape = -1, 1, 2 # # scale object points to world space units (think m,cm,mm) # object_pts.shape = -1,2 # object_pts *= self.real_world_size # # convert object points to lie on z==0 plane in 3d space # object_pts_3d = np.zeros((4,3)) # object_pts_3d[:,:-1] = object_pts # self.is3dPoseAvailable, rot3d_cam_to_object, translate3d_cam_to_object = cv2.solvePnP(object_pts_3d, projected_pts, K, dist_coef,flags=cv2.CV_EPNP) # transformation from Camera Optical Center: # first: translate from Camera center to object origin. # second: rotate x,y,z # coordinate system is x,y,z where z goes out from the camera into the viewed volume. # print rot3d_cam_to_object[0],rot3d_cam_to_object[1],rot3d_cam_to_object[2], translate3d_cam_to_object[0],translate3d_cam_to_object[1],translate3d_cam_to_object[2] #turn translation vectors into 3x3 rot mat. rot3d_cam_to_object_mat, _ = cv2.Rodrigues( rot3d_cam_to_object) #to get the transformation from object to camera we need to reverse rotation and translation translate3d_object_to_cam = -translate3d_cam_to_object # rotation matrix inverse == transpose rot3d_object_to_cam_mat = rot3d_cam_to_object_mat.T # we assume that the volume of the object grows out of the marker surface and not into it. We thus have to flip the z-Axis: flip_z_axix_hm = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) flip_z_axix_hm[2, 2] = -1 # create a homogenous tranformation matrix from the rotation mat rot3d_object_to_cam_hm = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) rot3d_object_to_cam_hm[:-1, :-1] = rot3d_object_to_cam_mat # create a homogenous tranformation matrix from the translation vect translate3d_object_to_cam_hm = np.eye(4, dtype=np.float32) translate3d_object_to_cam_hm[:-1, -1] = translate3d_object_to_cam.reshape( 3) # combine all tranformations into of matrix that decribes the move from object origin and orientation to camera origin and orientation tranform3d_object_to_cam = np.matrix( flip_z_axix_hm) * np.matrix( rot3d_object_to_cam_hm) * np.matrix( translate3d_object_to_cam_hm) self.camera_pose_3d = tranform3d_object_to_cam else: self.is3dPoseAvailable = False else: self.detected = False self.is3dPoseAvailable = False self.m_from_screen = None self.m_to_screen = None def img_to_ref_surface(self, pos): if self.m_from_screen is not None: #convenience lines to allow 'simple' vectors (x,y) to be used shape = pos.shape pos.shape = (-1, 1, 2) new_pos = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pos, self.m_from_screen) new_pos.shape = shape return new_pos else: return None def ref_surface_to_img(self, pos): if self.m_to_screen is not None: #convenience lines to allow 'simple' vectors (x,y) to be used shape = pos.shape pos.shape = (-1, 1, 2) new_pos = cv2.perspectiveTransform(pos, self.m_to_screen) new_pos.shape = shape return new_pos else: return None def move_vertex(self, vert_idx, new_pos): """ this fn is used to manipulate the surface boundary (coordinate system) new_pos is in uv-space coords if we move one vertex of the surface we need to find the tranformation from old quadrangle to new quardangle and apply that transformation to our marker uv-coords """ before = np.array(((0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)), dtype=np.float32) after = before.copy() after[vert_idx] = new_pos transform = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(after, before) for m in self.markers.values(): m.uv_coords = cv2.perspectiveTransform(m.uv_coords, transform) def marker_status(self): return "%s %s/%s" % (, self.detected_markers, len(self.markers)) def gl_draw_frame(self, img_size): """ draw surface and markers """ if self.detected: frame = np.array([[[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [0, 0]]], dtype=np.float32) hat = np.array([[[.3, .7], [.7, .7], [.5, .9], [.3, .7]]], dtype=np.float32) hat = cv2.perspectiveTransform(hat, self.m_to_screen) frame = cv2.perspectiveTransform(frame, self.m_to_screen) alpha = min(1, self.build_up_status / self.required_build_up) draw_polyline_norm(frame.reshape((5, 2)), 1, RGBA(1.0, 0.2, 0.6, alpha)) draw_polyline_norm(hat.reshape((4, 2)), 1, RGBA(1.0, 0.2, 0.6, alpha)) draw_points_norm(frame.reshape((5, -1))[0:1]) text_anchor = frame.reshape((5, -1))[2] text_anchor[1] = 1 - text_anchor[1] text_anchor *= img_size[1], img_size[0] self.glfont.draw_text(text_anchor[0], text_anchor[1], self.marker_status()) def gl_draw_corners(self): """ draw surface and markers """ if self.detected: frame = np.array([[[0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]]], dtype=np.float32) frame = cv2.perspectiveTransform(frame, self.m_to_screen) draw_points_norm(frame.reshape((4, 2)), 15, RGBA(1.0, 0.2, 0.6, .5)) #### fns to draw surface in separate window def gl_display_in_window(self, world_tex_id): """ here we map a selected surface onto a seperate window. """ if self._window and self.detected: active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) clear_gl_screen() # cv uses 3x3 gl uses 4x4 tranformation matricies m = cvmat_to_glmat(self.m_from_screen) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPushMatrix() glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1) # gl coord convention glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPushMatrix() #apply m to our quad - this will stretch the quad such that the ref suface will span the window extends glLoadMatrixf(m) draw_named_texture(world_tex_id) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPopMatrix() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glPopMatrix() # now lets get recent pupil positions on this surface: draw_points_norm(self.gaze_on_srf, color=RGBA(0., 8., .5, .8), size=80) glfwSwapBuffers(self._window) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) if self.window_should_close: self.close_window() #### fns to draw surface in separate window def gl_display_in_window_3d(self, world_tex_id, camera_intrinsics): """ here we map a selected surface onto a seperate window. """ K, dist_coef, img_size = camera_intrinsics if self._window and self.detected: active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) glClearColor(.8, .8, .8, 1.) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) glClearDepth(1.0) glDepthFunc(GL_LESS) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) self.trackball.push() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) draw_coordinate_system(l=self.real_world_size['x']) glPushMatrix() glScalef(self.real_world_size['x'], self.real_world_size['y'], 1) draw_gl_polyline([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0]], color=RGBA(.5, .3, .1, .5), thickness=3) glPopMatrix() # Draw the world window as projected onto the plane using the homography mapping glPushMatrix() glScalef(self.real_world_size['x'], self.real_world_size['y'], 1) # cv uses 3x3 gl uses 4x4 tranformation matricies m = cvmat_to_glmat(self.m_from_screen) glMultMatrixf(m) glTranslatef(0, 0, -.01) draw_named_texture(world_tex_id) draw_gl_polyline([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 0]], color=RGBA(.5, .3, .6, .5), thickness=3) glPopMatrix() # Draw the camera frustum and origin using the 3d tranformation obtained from solvepnp glPushMatrix() glMultMatrixf(self.camera_pose_3d.T.flatten()) draw_frustum(self.img_size, K, 150) glLineWidth(1) draw_frustum(self.img_size, K, .1) draw_coordinate_system(l=5) glPopMatrix() self.trackball.pop() glfwSwapBuffers(self._window) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def open_window(self): if not self._window: if self.fullscreen: monitor = glfwGetMonitors()[self.monitor_idx] mode = glfwGetVideoMode(monitor) height, width = mode[0], mode[1] else: monitor = None height, width = 640, int( 640. / (self.real_world_size['x'] / self.real_world_size['y']) ) #open with same aspect ratio as surface self._window = glfwCreateWindow(height, width, "Reference Surface: " +, monitor=monitor, share=glfwGetCurrentContext()) if not self.fullscreen: glfwSetWindowPos(self._window, 200, 0) self.trackball = Trackball() self.input = {'down': False, 'mouse': (0, 0)} self.on_resize(self._window, height, width) #Register callbacks glfwSetWindowSizeCallback(self._window, self.on_resize) glfwSetKeyCallback(self._window, self.on_key) glfwSetWindowCloseCallback(self._window, self.on_close) glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(self._window, self.on_button) glfwSetCursorPosCallback(self._window, self.on_pos) glfwSetScrollCallback(self._window, self.on_scroll) # gl_state settings active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self._window) basic_gl_setup() make_coord_system_norm_based() # refresh speed settings glfwSwapInterval(0) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def close_window(self): if self._window: glfwDestroyWindow(self._window) self._window = None self.window_should_close = False def open_close_window(self): if self._window: self.close_window() else: self.open_window() # window calbacks def on_resize(self, window, w, h): self.trackball.set_window_size(w, h) active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) adjust_gl_view(w, h) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_key(self, window, key, scancode, action, mods): if action == GLFW_PRESS: if key == GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE: self.on_close() def on_close(self, window=None): self.window_should_close = True def on_button(self, window, button, action, mods): if action == GLFW_PRESS: self.input['down'] = True self.input['mouse'] = glfwGetCursorPos(window) if action == GLFW_RELEASE: self.input['down'] = False def on_pos(self, window, x, y): if self.input['down']: old_x, old_y = self.input['mouse'] self.trackball.drag_to(x - old_x, y - old_y) self.input['mouse'] = x, y def on_scroll(self, window, x, y): self.trackball.zoom_to(y) def cleanup(self): if self._window: self.close_window()
class Calibration_Visualizer(object): def __init__(self, g_pool, world_camera_intrinsics , cal_ref_points_3d, eye_to_world_matrix0 , cal_gaze_points0_3d, eye_to_world_matrix1 = np.eye(4) , cal_gaze_points1_3d = [], name = "Debug Calibration Visualizer", run_independently = False): # super(Visualizer, self).__init__() self.g_pool = g_pool self.image_width = 640 # right values are assigned in update self.focal_length = 620 self.image_height = 480 self.eye_to_world_matrix0 = eye_to_world_matrix0 self.eye_to_world_matrix1 = eye_to_world_matrix1 self.cal_ref_points_3d = cal_ref_points_3d self.cal_gaze_points0_3d = cal_gaze_points0_3d self.cal_gaze_points1_3d = cal_gaze_points1_3d self.world_camera_width = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][0] self.world_camera_height = world_camera_intrinsics['resolution'][1] self.world_camera_focal = (world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][0][0] + world_camera_intrinsics['camera_matrix'][1][1] ) / 2.0 # transformation matrices self.anthromorphic_matrix = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() self.adjusted_pixel_space_matrix = self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(1) = name self.window_size = (640,480) self.window = None self.input = None self.run_independently = run_independently camera_fov = math.degrees(2.0 * math.atan( self.window_size[0] / (2.0 * self.focal_length))) self.trackball = Trackball(camera_fov) self.trackball.distance = [0,0,-0.1] self.trackball.pitch = 0 self.trackball.roll = 180 ############## MATRIX FUNCTIONS ############################## def get_anthropomorphic_matrix(self): temp = np.identity(4) return temp def get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(self,scale = 1.0): # returns a homoegenous matrix temp = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() temp[3,3] *= scale return temp def get_image_space_matrix(self,scale=1.): temp = self.get_adjusted_pixel_space_matrix(scale) #temp[1,1] *=-1 #image origin is top left #temp[2,2] *=-1 #image origin is top left temp[0,3] = -self.world_camera_width/2.0 temp[1,3] = -self.world_camera_height/2.0 temp[2,3] = self.world_camera_focal return temp.T def get_pupil_transformation_matrix(self,circle_normal,circle_center, circle_scale = 1.0): """ OpenGL matrix convention for typical GL software with positive Y=up and positive Z=rearward direction RT = right UP = up BK = back POS = position/translation US = uniform scale float transform[16]; [0] [4] [8 ] [12] [1] [5] [9 ] [13] [2] [6] [10] [14] [3] [7] [11] [15] [RT.x] [UP.x] [BK.x] [POS.x] [RT.y] [UP.y] [BK.y] [POS.y] [RT.z] [UP.z] [BK.z] [POS.Z] [ ] [ ] [ ] [US ] """ temp = self.get_anthropomorphic_matrix() right = temp[:3,0] up = temp[:3,1] back = temp[:3,2] translation = temp[:3,3] back[:] = np.array(circle_normal) # if np.linalg.norm(back) != 0: back[:] /= np.linalg.norm(back) right[:] = get_perpendicular_vector(back)/np.linalg.norm(get_perpendicular_vector(back)) up[:] = np.cross(right,back)/np.linalg.norm(np.cross(right,back)) right[:] *= circle_scale back[:] *=circle_scale up[:] *=circle_scale translation[:] = np.array(circle_center) return temp.T ############## DRAWING FUNCTIONS ############################## def draw_frustum(self, width, height , length): W = width/2.0 H = height/2.0 Z = length # draw it glLineWidth(1) glColor4f( 1, 0.5, 0, 0.5 ) glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( -W, H, Z ) glVertex3f( W, H, Z ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( W, H, Z ) glVertex3f( W, -H, Z ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( W, -H, Z ) glVertex3f( -W, -H, Z ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( -W, -H, Z ) glVertex3f( -W, H, Z ) glEnd( ) def draw_coordinate_system(self,l=1): # Draw x-axis line. RED glLineWidth(2) glColor3f( 1, 0, 0 ) glBegin( GL_LINES ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( l, 0, 0 ) glEnd( ) # Draw y-axis line. GREEN. glColor3f( 0, 1, 0 ) glBegin( GL_LINES ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( 0, l, 0 ) glEnd( ) # Draw z-axis line. BLUE glColor3f( 0, 0, 1 ) glBegin( GL_LINES ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, 0 ) glVertex3f( 0, 0, l ) glEnd( ) def draw_sphere(self,sphere_position, sphere_radius,contours = 45, color =RGBA(.2,.5,0.5,.5) ): # this function draws the location of the eye sphere glPushMatrix() glTranslatef(sphere_position[0],sphere_position[1],sphere_position[2]) #sphere[0] contains center coordinates (x,y,z) glTranslatef(0,0,sphere_radius) #sphere[1] contains radius for i in xrange(1,contours+1): glTranslatef(0,0, -sphere_radius/contours*2) position = sphere_radius - i*sphere_radius*2/contours draw_radius = np.sqrt(sphere_radius**2 - position**2) glPushMatrix() glScalef(draw_radius,draw_radius,1) draw_polyline((circle_xy),2,color) glPopMatrix() glPopMatrix() def draw_circle(self, circle_center, circle_normal, circle_radius, color=RGBA(1.1,0.2,.8), num_segments = 20): vertices = [] vertices.append( (0,0,0) ) # circle center #create circle vertices in the xy plane for i in np.linspace(0.0, 2.0*math.pi , num_segments ): x = math.sin(i) y = math.cos(i) z = 0 vertices.append((x,y,z)) glPushMatrix() glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW ) glLoadMatrixf(self.get_pupil_transformation_matrix(circle_normal,circle_center, circle_radius)) draw_polyline((vertices),color=color, line_type = GL_TRIANGLE_FAN) # circle draw_polyline( [ (0,0,0), (0,0, 4) ] ,color=RGBA(0,0,0), line_type = GL_LINES) #normal glPopMatrix() def basic_gl_setup(self): glEnable(GL_POINT_SPRITE ) glEnable(GL_VERTEX_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE) # overwrite pointsize glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) glEnable(GL_BLEND) glClearColor(.8,.8,.8,1.) glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) # glEnable(GL_POINT_SMOOTH) glHint(GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST) glEnable(GL_LINE_SMOOTH) glEnable(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH) glHint(GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT, GL_NICEST) def adjust_gl_view(self,w,h): """ adjust view onto our scene. """ glViewport(0, 0, w, h) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(0, w, h, 0, -1, 1) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() def clear_gl_screen(self): glClearColor(.9,.9,0.9,1.) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) ########### Open, update, close ##################### def open_window(self): if not self.window: self.input = {'button':None, 'mouse':(0,0)} # get glfw started if self.run_independently: glfwInit() self.window = glfwCreateWindow(self.window_size[0], self.window_size[1],, None, share=self.g_pool.main_window ) active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext(); glfwMakeContextCurrent(self.window) glfwSetWindowPos(self.window,0,0) # Register callbacks window glfwSetFramebufferSizeCallback(self.window,self.on_resize) glfwSetWindowIconifyCallback(self.window,self.on_iconify) glfwSetKeyCallback(self.window,self.on_key) glfwSetCharCallback(self.window,self.on_char) glfwSetMouseButtonCallback(self.window,self.on_button) glfwSetCursorPosCallback(self.window,self.on_pos) glfwSetScrollCallback(self.window,self.on_scroll) # get glfw started if self.run_independently: init() self.basic_gl_setup() self.glfont = fs.Context() self.glfont.add_font('opensans',get_opensans_font_path()) self.glfont.set_size(22) self.glfont.set_color_float((0.2,0.5,0.9,1.0)) self.on_resize(self.window,*glfwGetFramebufferSize(self.window)) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) # self.gui = ui.UI() def update_window(self, g_pool , gaze_points0 , sphere0 , gaze_points1 = [] , sphere1 = None, intersection_points = [] ): if self.window: if glfwWindowShouldClose(self.window): self.close_window() return active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(self.window) self.clear_gl_screen() self.trackball.push() # use opencv coordinate system #glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ) #glScalef( 1. ,-1. , -1. ) glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ) # draw things in world camera coordinate system glPushMatrix() glLoadIdentity() calibration_points_line_color = RGBA(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.05); error_line_color = RGBA(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.5) self.draw_coordinate_system(200) self.draw_frustum( self.world_camera_width/ 10.0 , self.world_camera_height/ 10.0 , self.world_camera_focal / 10.0) for p in self.cal_ref_points_3d: draw_polyline( [ (0,0,0), p] , 1 , calibration_points_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #calibration points draw_points( self.cal_ref_points_3d , 4 , RGBA( 0, 1, 1, 1 ) ) glPopMatrix() if sphere0: # draw things in first eye oordinate system glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrixf( self.eye_to_world_matrix0.T ) sphere_center0 = list(sphere0['center']) sphere_radius0 = sphere0['radius'] self.draw_sphere(sphere_center0,sphere_radius0, color = RGBA(1,1,0,1)) for p in self.cal_gaze_points0_3d: draw_polyline( [ sphere_center0, p] , 1 , calibration_points_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #calibration points draw_points( self.cal_gaze_points0_3d , 4 , RGBA( 1, 0, 1, 1 ) ) # eye camera self.draw_coordinate_system(60) self.draw_frustum( self.image_width / 10.0, self.image_height / 10.0, self.focal_length /10.) draw_points( gaze_points0 , 2 , RGBA( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) ) for p in gaze_points0: draw_polyline( [sphere_center0, p] , 1 , RGBA(0,0,0,1), line_type = GL_LINES) glPopMatrix() #draw error lines form eye gaze points to world camera ref points for(cal_gaze_point,ref_point) in zip(self.cal_gaze_points0_3d, self.cal_ref_points_3d): point = np.zeros(4) point[:3] = cal_gaze_point point[3] = 1.0 point = point ) point = np.squeeze(np.asarray(point)) draw_polyline( [ point[:3], ref_point] , 1 , error_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) # if we have a second eye if sphere1: # draw things in second eye oordinate system glPushMatrix() glLoadMatrixf( self.eye_to_world_matrix1.T ) sphere_center1 = list(sphere1['center']) sphere_radius1 = sphere1['radius'] self.draw_sphere(sphere_center1,sphere_radius1, color = RGBA(1,1,0,1)) for p in self.cal_gaze_points1_3d: draw_polyline( [ sphere_center1, p] , 1 , calibration_points_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #calibration points draw_points( self.cal_gaze_points1_3d , 4 , RGBA( 1, 0, 1, 1 ) ) # eye camera self.draw_coordinate_system(60) self.draw_frustum( self.image_width / 10.0, self.image_height / 10.0, self.focal_length /10.) draw_points( gaze_points1 , 2 , RGBA( 1, 0, 0, 1 ) ) for p in gaze_points1: draw_polyline( [sphere_center1, p] , 1 , RGBA(0,0,0,1), line_type = GL_LINES) glPopMatrix() #draw error lines form eye gaze points to world camera ref points for(cal_gaze_point,ref_point) in zip(self.cal_gaze_points1_3d, self.cal_ref_points_3d): point = np.zeros(4) point[:3] = cal_gaze_point point[3] = 1.0 point = point ) point = np.squeeze(np.asarray(point)) draw_polyline( [ point[:3], ref_point] , 1 , error_line_color, line_type = GL_LINES) #intersection points in world coordinate system if len(intersection_points) > 0: draw_points( intersection_points , 2 , RGBA( 1, 0.5, 0.5, 1 ) ) for p in intersection_points: draw_polyline( [(0,0,0), p] , 1 , RGBA(0.3,0.3,0.9,1), line_type = GL_LINES) self.trackball.pop() glfwSwapBuffers(self.window) glfwPollEvents() glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def close_window(self): if self.window: glfwDestroyWindow(self.window) self.window = None ############ window callbacks ################# def on_resize(self,window,w, h): h = max(h,1) w = max(w,1) self.trackball.set_window_size(w,h) self.window_size = (w,h) active_window = glfwGetCurrentContext() glfwMakeContextCurrent(window) self.adjust_gl_view(w,h) glfwMakeContextCurrent(active_window) def on_char(self,window,char): if char == ord('r'): self.trackball.distance = [0,0,-0.1] self.trackball.pitch = 0 self.trackball.roll = 180 def on_button(self,window,button, action, mods): # self.gui.update_button(button,action,mods) if action == GLFW_PRESS: self.input['button'] = button self.input['mouse'] = glfwGetCursorPos(window) if action == GLFW_RELEASE: self.input['button'] = None def on_pos(self,window,x, y): hdpi_factor = float(glfwGetFramebufferSize(window)[0]/glfwGetWindowSize(window)[0]) x,y = x*hdpi_factor,y*hdpi_factor # self.gui.update_mouse(x,y) if self.input['button']==GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT: old_x,old_y = self.input['mouse'] self.trackball.drag_to(x-old_x,y-old_y) self.input['mouse'] = x,y if self.input['button']==GLFW_MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT: old_x,old_y = self.input['mouse'] self.trackball.pan_to(x-old_x,y-old_y) self.input['mouse'] = x,y def on_scroll(self,window,x,y): self.trackball.zoom_to(y) def on_iconify(self,window,iconified): pass def on_key(self,window, key, scancode, action, mods): pass