def __init__(self, master):
        """Constructor:  Takes in a main tkinter window and creates a
         user interface"""

        self.__original_fields = []

        VAR = variables.Variables()  # Start the variables reader

        self.get_menubar(master, master)  # Setup menu bar items

        # Setup file / folder input output dialog boxes
        input_string, output_string = self.get_io(master, master, VAR)
        self.__input_string = input_string
        self.__output_string = output_string

        options_frame, mapping_list = self.get_mapping(master, VAR)
        self.__options_frame = options_frame
        self.__mapping_list = mapping_list

        # Setup Module checks
        arcpy_found = setup.check_arcpy(master, 4, 0, 3, 0, 6)

        # Setup command buttons
        run_button = self.get_buttons(master, master, VAR)

        # Disable run button if critical modules are not found
        if arcpy_found == False:
                state=TK.DISABLED)  #Disable if modules not available

        # Build options list for the first time. This is here since it can
        # not be built until both the input and options frames are in place
        self.set_option_list(master, VAR)
Exemple #2
def driver():
    input_folder = r'A:\Desktop\RGI32\Analysis'
    output_folder = r'A:\Desktop\RGI32\Final'

    import glacier_utilities.general_utilities.variables  as variables
    VAR = variables.Variables()
    rgi_analysis (input_folder, output_folder, VAR)
Exemple #3
def driver ():
    input_file = r'A:\Desktop\TestDataPrep\formate_test.shp'
    output_file = r'A:\Desktop\TestDataPrep\Output\formate_output.shp'
    mapping = {'NAME': 'Name', 'AREA': 'Area'}

    import glacier_utilities.general_utilities.variables  as variables
    VAR = variables.Variables()
    FormatRGI (input_file, output_file, mapping, VAR)
Exemple #4
def driver():
    Input = r'A:\Desktop\TestDataPrep\TestGlacier_Single.shp'
    Output = r'A:\Desktop\TestDataPrep\Output'
    DEM = r'A:\Desktop\TestDataPrep\Test_DEM.img'

    #Variables - WARNING: Use caution manually changing variables.
    import glacier_utilities.general_utilities.variables as variables
    variables = variables.Variables()

    process(Input, Output, DEM, variables)
def driver():
    input_folder = r'A:\Desktop\Mapdate'
    output_folder = r'A:\Desktop\Mapdate\Test'

    import glacier_utilities.general_utilities.variables as variables
    VAR = variables.Variables()

    VAR.set_variable('INPUT_FOLDER', 'STRING', input_folder)
    VAR.set_variable('OUTPUT_FOLDER', 'STRING', output_folder)

    def __init__(self, master):
        """Constructor:  Takes in a main tkinter window and creates a
         user interface"""
        VAR = variables.Variables() # Start the variables reader
        self.get_menubar(master, master) # Setup menu bar items
        # Setup file / folder input output dialog boxes
        input_string, output_string = self.get_io (master, master, VAR)
        self.__input_string = input_string
        self.__output_string = output_string

        # Setup Module checks
        arcpy_found = setup.check_arcpy(master, 4, 0, 3, 0, 6)
        # Setup command buttons
        run_button = self.get_buttons (master, master, VAR)
        # Disable run button if critical modules are not found
        if arcpy_found == False:
            run_button.configure (state=TK.DISABLED) #Disable if modules not available
Exemple #7
sys.path.append (os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))

import glacier_scripts.rgi_analyze as rgi_analyze
import glacier_utilities.general_utilities.variables as VAR
import arcpy as ARCPY                                      #@UnresolvedImport

# Read parameter values from ArcGIS tool input
# 1 - The folder containing RGI layers to be analyzed
# 2 - The output folder where processed files are placed
# 3 - Start the variables object

try: rgi_folder = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(0)
except: ARCPY.AddError('RGI Input File Error')

try: rgi_output = ARCPY.GetParameterAsText(1)
except: ARCPY.AddError('RGI Output Folder Error')

try: variables = VAR.Variables()
except: ARCPY.AddError('Could Not Initialize Variables')

# Run the analysis on rgi layers
    rgi_analyze.rgi_analysis(rgi_folder, rgi_output, variables)
    ARCPY.AddError('Errors generated during function execution')

# Driver - Currently Does nothing
def driver():
if __name__ == '__main__':
Exemple #8
    def __init__(self, master):
        """Setup the main GUI window and load default or starting settings."""

        VAR = variables.Variables()  # Start the variables reader

        self.get_menubar(master, master)  # Setup menu bar items

        # Setup file / folder input output dialog boxes
        input_string, dem_string, output_string = self.get_io(master, VAR)
        self.__input_string = input_string
        self.__dem_string = dem_string
        self.__output_string = output_string

        #Settings Frame
        options_frame = TK.LabelFrame(master, text='Options')
        options_frame.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=3, padx=6, pady=6)

        # Setup Centerline options
        centerline_boolean, cellsize_string, smoothing_string, cellsize_entry, smoothing_entry = self.get_centerline(
            options_frame, VAR)
        self.__centerline_boolean = centerline_boolean
        self.__cellsize_string = cellsize_string
        self.__smoothing_string = smoothing_string
        self.__cellsize_entry = cellsize_entry
        self.__smoothing_entry = smoothing_entry

        # Setup optional table check button frame
        hypsometry_boolean, slope_boolean, aspect_boolean = self.get_tables(
            options_frame, VAR)
        self.__hypsometry_boolean = hypsometry_boolean
        self.__slope_boolean = slope_boolean
        self.__aspect_boolean = aspect_boolean

        # Setup optional populate field check buttons
        glims_boolean, rgi_boolean, rgi_version, rgi_region, ver_entry, reg_entry = self.get_populate(
            options_frame, VAR)
        self.__glims_boolean = glims_boolean
        self.__rgi_boolean = rgi_boolean
        self.__rgi_version = rgi_version
        self.__rgi_region = rgi_region
        self.__rgi_version_entry = ver_entry
        self.__rgi_region_entry = reg_entry

        # Setup application parameters needed at runtime i.e. scale raster
        scaling_string, buffer_string = self.get_parameters(options_frame, VAR)
        self.__scaling_string = scaling_string
        self.__buffer_string = buffer_string

        # Setup bin options for application
        min_string, max_string, size_string = self.get_bins(options_frame, VAR)
        self.__min_string = min_string
        self.__max_string = max_string
        self.__size_string = size_string

        # Setup a restore defaults button for the application
        self.reset_default(options_frame, VAR)

        # Setup Module checks
        arcpy_found = setup.check_arcpy(master, 4, 0, 3, 0, 6)

        # Setup command buttons
        run_button = self.get_buttons(master, master, VAR)

        # Disable run button if critical modules are not found
        if arcpy_found == False:
                state=TK.DISABLED)  #Disable if modules not available

        self.enable()  # Enable or disable buttons depending on need