Exemple #1
def test_duplicate(tmpdir):
    Test that there aren't duplicate imports when using a labeled and
    non-labeled version of the same metric.


    tmpdir = Path(tmpdir)

        ROOT / "data" / "duplicate_labeled.yaml", "kotlin", tmpdir, {"namespace": "Foo"}

    assert set(x.name for x in tmpdir.iterdir()) == set(["Category.kt"])

    with open(tmpdir / "Category.kt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
        content = fd.read()
        assert (
                "import mozilla.components.service.glean.private.CounterMetricType"
            == 1
def test_translate_unknown_format():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        translate.translate([], "foo", ".")

    assert "Unknown output format" in str(e)
def test_gecko_datapoints(tmpdir):
    """Test translating metrics to Kotlin files."""
    tmpdir = Path(tmpdir)

        ROOT / "data" / "gecko.yaml",
        {"glean_namespace": "Bar"},
        {"allow_reserved": True},

    metrics_files = [
    assert set(
        for x in tmpdir.iterdir()) == set(["GleanGeckoMetricsMapping.kt"] +

    # Make sure descriptions made it in
    with open(tmpdir / "GleanGeckoMetricsMapping.kt", "r",
              encoding="utf-8") as fd:
        content = fd.read()
        # Make sure we're adding the relevant Glean SDK import, once.
        assert content.count("import Bar.private.HistogramMetricBase") == 1

        # Validate the generated Gecko metric mapper Kotlin functions.
        # NOTE: Indentation, whitespaces  and text formatting of the block
        # below are important. Do not change them unless the file format
        # changes, otherwise validation will fail.
        expected_func = """    fun getHistogram(geckoMetricName: String): HistogramMetricBase? {
        return when (geckoMetricName) {
            // From GfxContentCheckerboard.kt
            "CHECKERBOARD_DURATION" -> GfxContentCheckerboard.duration
            // From PagePerf.kt
            "GV_PAGE_LOAD_MS" -> PagePerf.loadTime
            "GV_PAGE_RELOAD_MS" -> PagePerf.reloadTime
            else -> null

        assert expected_func in content

        expected_func = """    fun getCategoricalMetric(
        geckoMetricName: String
    ): LabeledMetricType<CounterMetricType>? {
        return when (geckoMetricName) {
            // From PagePerf.kt
            "DOM_SCRIPT_PRELOAD_RESULT" -> PagePerf.domScriptPreload
            else -> null

        assert expected_func in content

        expected_func = """    fun getBooleanScalar(geckoMetricName: String): BooleanMetricType? {
        return when (geckoMetricName) {
            // From GfxInfoAdapter.kt
            "gfx_adapter.stand_alone" -> GfxInfoAdapter.standAlone
            else -> null

        assert expected_func in content

        expected_func = """    fun getStringScalar(geckoMetricName: String): StringMetricType? {
        return when (geckoMetricName) {
            // From GfxInfoAdapter.kt
            "gfx_adapter.vendor_id" -> GfxInfoAdapter.vendorId
            else -> null

        assert expected_func in content

        expected_func = """    fun getQuantityScalar(geckoMetricName: String): QuantityMetricType? {
        return when (geckoMetricName) {
            // From GfxInfoAdapter.kt
            "gfx_adapter.width" -> GfxInfoAdapter.screenWidth
            else -> null

        assert expected_func in content

    for file_name in metrics_files:
        with open(tmpdir / file_name, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd:
            content = fd.read()
            assert "HistogramMetricBase" not in content

    # Only run this test if ktlint is on the path
    if shutil.which("ktlint"):
        for filepath in tmpdir.glob("*.kt"):
            subprocess.check_call(["ktlint", filepath])
def test_translate_unknown_format():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e:
        translate.translate([], 'foo', '.')

    assert 'Unknown output format' in str(e)
def test_translate_missing_directory(tmpdir):
    output = Path(tmpdir) / 'foo'

    translate.translate(ROOT / 'data' / 'core.yaml', 'kotlin', output)

    assert len(os.listdir(output)) == 3