def update(): g.image().update() update_image_editor() engine = g.scene().render.engine if engine == _EEVEE: _update_eevee() elif engine == _CYCLES: _update_cycles()
def mouse_event_common(self, event): self.image_editor.tag_redraw() area_x = event.mouse_x - self.image_editor.x area_y = event.mouse_y - self.image_editor.y image_x, image_y = self.region.view2d.region_to_view(area_x, area_y) size = g.image().size self.img_x = int(image_x * size[0]) self.img_y = int(image_y * size[1]) inside = True if self.img_x < 0: self.img_x = 0 inside = False if self.img_x > size[0] - 1: self.img_x = size[0] - 1 inside = False if self.img_y < 0: self.img_y = 0 inside = False if self.img_y > size[1] - 1: self.img_y = size[1] - 1 inside = False return inside
def clear(): for scene in g.scenes(): if[0:len(_PREFIX)] == _PREFIX: g.scenes().remove(scene, do_unlink = True) g.scene().use_nodes = False image.set_as_env_map(g.scene(), g.image()) image.create_final()
def _set_started(context, value): global started started = value if started: active_image(context).hdr_pro_studio_data.edited = True else: g.image().hdr_pro_studio_data.edited = False
def _draw_callback_px(op, context): if g.wrong(context): return if g.no_lights(): return if not (cpp().lightIsVisible(g.light_index())): return if op.pressed: (x, y) = (op.img_x, op.img_y) else: (x, y) = (g.light().x, g.light().y) size = g.image().size uv_x, uv_y = x / size[0], y / size[1] reg_x, reg_y = context.region.view2d.view_to_region(uv_x, uv_y) gpu_extras.presets.draw_circle_2d((reg_x, reg_y), (0, 0, 0, 1), 9) gpu_extras.presets.draw_circle_2d((reg_x, reg_y), (1, 1, 1, 1), 10)
def py_image(): return g.image().as_pointer()
def execute(self, context): g.set_image(active_image(context)) if not (g.image()):{'ERROR'}, 'No image is selected in uv editor.') return {'CANCELLED'} image_pointer = blender.get_image_pointer(g.image().name) if not (image_pointer):{'ERROR'}, 'No image cache is available. Try opening ' 'image in uv editor.') g.set_image(None) return {'CANCELLED'} im_dna = blender.ImageDna.from_address(image_pointer.value) pool = im_dna.cache.contents.items_pool.contents item = blender.MovieCacheItem.from_address( - pool.esize) imbuf_pointer = item.ibuf if not (cast(imbuf_pointer, c_void_p).value): g.set_image(None) return {'CANCELLED'} rect_float_pointer = imbuf_pointer.contents.rect_float if not (cast(rect_float_pointer, c_void_p).value): g.set_image(None){'ERROR'}, 'This is not an hdr image.') return {'CANCELLED'} cpp().initImage(image_pointer) try: g.image().pack() except: cpp().clearImage() g.set_image(None){'ERROR'}, 'Failed to pack image. Try again with image ' 'without unsaved changes.') return {'CANCELLED'} if not (image.enable_renderer()): cpp().clearImage() g.set_image(None){'ERROR'}, 'Eevee and Cycles render engines are unavailable.') return {'CANCELLED'} image.set_as_env_map(g.scene(), g.image()) for l in g.lights(): image_name = l.image if not (image_name): continue try: g.images()[image_name] except: cpp().clearImage() g.set_image(None){'ERROR'}, 'Image \'' + image_name + '\' is ' 'unavailable.') return {'CANCELLED'} for area in g.areas(): if area.type == 'VIEW_3D': for space in area.spaces: if space.type == 'VIEW_3D': space.shading.type = 'RENDERED' break break light.Light.x = IntProperty(default=int(g.image().size[0] / 2), min=0, max=(g.image().size[0] - 1), update=light.update_x) light.Light.y = IntProperty(default=int(g.image().size[1] / 2), min=0, max=(g.image().size[1] - 1), update=light.update_y) for l in g.lights(): g.light_data.append( light.Data(g.data_name(l), g.data_name(l, 'flat'), g.data_name(l, 'image'))) for data in g.light_data: data.light_flat().falloff_curve.initialize() data.light_image().falloff_curve.initialize() for im in g.images(): if im.type == 'IMAGE' and im.has_data: im.update() for i in range(len(g.lights())): light.add(g.lights()[i], i) image.create_final() bpy.ops.hdr_pro_studio.move('INVOKE_DEFAULT') _set_hotkeys(False) _set_started(context, True) return {'FINISHED'}
def update_image_editor(): pixels = g.image().pixels pixels[0] = pixels[0] cpp().cleanImage()