Exemple #1
def visualize_col():

    adj_matrix = col_matrix(col_k, nnc_mps, agreement_matrix, nnc_arbit, mps)
    classes = get_equiv_classes(nnc_mps, agreement_matrix, nnc_arbit, mps)
    classes_set = set(classes)
    num_classes = len(classes_set)
    classes_ord = list(classes_set)
    class_indices = {classes_ord[i]: i for i in range(num_classes)}
    class_sizes = [classes.count(cls) for cls in classes_ord]
    groups = [None for i in range(len(classes))]
    for i in range(len(classes_ord)):
        class_index = i
        rel_p = [mp[1][0] for mp in mps if classes[mps.index(mp)] == classes_ord[class_index]]
        counts = [rel_p.count(rel_p[j]) for j in range(len(rel_p))]
        dominant = rel_p[counts.index(max(counts))]
        groups[i] = dominant
    names = [str(i) for i in range(len(adj_matrix))]
    #groups = [str(i) for i in range(len(adj_matrix))]
                             filename = "viz/col/" + agr_method + '_' + str(start_session) +
                    '_' + str(end_session) + 'minsess' +
                    str(min_sessions) + '_' + 'k=' + str(col_k) +
                    '_' + str(nnc_arbit) + ".json")
Exemple #2
def top_k(k, nnc_mps, internal, agreement_matrix, arbit, mps, common_session_matrix=None):
    Compute the matrix for the NNC graph.


    k - number of top neighbors to be included
    nnc_mps - the set of MPs to be considered
    internal - if True, we take the top k neighbors among nnc_mps;
               if False, we take the top k neighbors among all MPs
               (but visualize only the connections to neighbors among
               the nnc_mps)
    agreement_matrix - the agreement matrix used
    arbit - whether to take all neighbors corresponding to the top k values
    of similarity, or take the first in each group
    mps - all the nodes in the network
    common_session_matrix - the matrix holding common session counts over the
    min_sessions threshold, indexed in the same way as the agreement matrix


    An adjacency matrix over the MPs so that there is a edge
    from i to j if j is among the top k neighbors of i.


    I am stupid and have implemented this with an adjacency matrix.
    However, the graph is very likely to be sufficiently sparse, so
    an adjacency list will be much better.

    # MPs to be considered
    nnc_mps_ind = [mps.index(mp) for mp in nnc_mps]
    adj_matrix = [[0 for i in mps] for j in mps]

    for i in nnc_mps_ind:
        row = [agreement_matrix[i][j] for j in nnc_mps_ind if j != i]
        for j in range(len(row)):
            if row[j] == none_value:
                row[j] = 0
        row_values = list(set(row))
        row_values.sort(key = lambda x: -x)
        top_ki = row_values[:k]
        top_ki = [value for value in top_ki if value != 0]
        if arbit == False:
            for j in nnc_mps_ind:
                if j != i and agreement_matrix[i][j] in top_ki:
                    adj_matrix[i][j] = 1
        if arbit == True:
            marked = [False]*len(top_ki)
            for j in nnc_mps_ind:
                if j != i and agreement_matrix[i][j] in top_ki:
                    ind = top_ki.index(agreement_matrix[i][j])
                    if marked[ind] == False:
                        marked[ind] = True
                        adj_matrix[i][j] = 1
    return adj_matrix
Exemple #3
def get_equiv_classes(nnc_mps, agreement_matrix, nnc_arbit, mps):
    adj_matrix = top_k(1, nnc_mps, nnc_internal, agreement_matrix, nnc_arbit, mps)
    rel_indices = [mps.index(mp) for mp in nnc_mps]
    size = len(adj_matrix)
    classes = [-1]*size
    marked = [False]*size
    for i in rel_indices:
        if not marked[i]:
            marked[i] = True
            classes[i] = i
            cloud = set([i])
            new = True
            while new:
                new_cloud = set()
                for j in cloud:
                    temp = [l for l in rel_indices if not marked[l] and (adj_matrix[j][l] == 1 or adj_matrix[l][j] == 1)]
                    for l in temp:
                        marked[l] = True
                        classes[l] = i
                if len(new_cloud) == 0:
                    new = False
                cloud = new_cloud
    return classes
Exemple #4
def top_k_old(k, nnc_mps, internal, agreement_matrix, arbit, mps, common_session_matrix=None):
    Compute the matrix for the NNC graph.


    k - number of top neighbors to be included
    nnc_mps - the set of MPs to be considered
    internal - if True, we take the top k neighbors among nnc_mps;
               if False, we take the top k neighbors among all MPs
               (but visualize only the connections to neighbors among
               the nnc_mps)
    agreement_matrix - the agreement matrix used
    arbit - whether to take all neighbors corresponding to the top k values
    of similarity, or take the first in each group
    mps - all the nodes in the network
    common_session_matrix - the matrix holding common session counts over the
    min_sessions threshold, indexed in the same way as the agreement matrix


    An adjacency matrix over the MPs so that there is a edge
    from i to j if j is among the top k neighbors of i.


    I am stupid and have implemented this with an adjacency matrix.
    However, the graph is very likely to be sufficiently sparse, so
    an adjacency list will be much better.

    # MPs to be considered
    graph_mps = nnc_mps
    nnc_mps_ind = [mps.index(mp) for mp in nnc_mps]
    adj_matrix = [[None for i in mps] for j in mps]

    # compute the matrix
    for i in nnc_mps_ind:
        row = []
        if internal == True:
            for j in range(len(mps)):
                if agreement_matrix[i][j] == None or j not in nnc_mps_ind:
        if internal == False:
            for j in range(len(mps)):
                if agreement_matrix[i][j] == None:
        ind = range(len(mps))
        ind.sort(key = lambda index: -row[index])
        ind = [index for index in ind if index != i and row[index] != -1]
        if arbit == False:
            trunc = ind[:min(len(ind), k)]
            rel_neigh = [t for t in nnc_mps_ind if agreement_matrix[i][t] in [agreement_matrix[i][l] for l in trunc]]
            for t in rel_neigh:
                adj_matrix[i][t] = 1
            for t in range(min(len(ind), k)):
                adj_matrix[i][ind[t]] = 1
    return adj_matrix