def check():
    """Warn the user that calpy was not found."""
    if calpy_path is None:

    if not utils.hasModule('calpy',check=True):
        GD.warning("Sorry, I can not run this example, because you do not have calpy installed (at least not in a place where I can find it).")
    def partitionByAngle(self,angle,firstprop=0,startat=0,maxruns=-1):
        """Detects different parts of the surface.
        Faces are considered to belong to the same part if the angle between
        these faces is smaller than the given value.
        p = -ones((self.nfaces()),dtype=int)
        if self.nfaces() <= 0:
            return p
        # Construct table of elements connected to each edge
        conn = self.connections()
        # Bail out if some edge has more than two connected faces
        if conn.shape[1] != 2:
            GD.warning("Surface is not a manifold")
            return p

        # Flag edges that connect two faces
        conn2 = (conn >= 0).sum(axis=-1) == 2
        # compute normals and flag small angles over edges
        cosangle = cosd(angle)
        n = self.areaNormals()[1][conn[conn2]]
        small_angle = ones(conn2.shape,dtype=bool)
        small_angle[conn2] = dotpr(n[:,0],n[:,1]) >= cosangle

        # Remember edges and elements left for processing
        todo = ones((self.nedges(),),dtype=bool)

        # start with element startat
        startat = clip(startat,0,self.nfaces())
        elems = array([startat])
        prop = max(0,firstprop)
        run = 0
        while elems.size > 0 and (maxruns < 0 or run < maxruns):
            run += 1
            # Store prop value
            p[elems] = prop
            # Determine border
            edges = unique(self.faces[elems])
            edges = edges[todo[edges]]

            if edges.size > 0:
                # flag edges as done
                todo[edges] = 0
                # take elements connected over small angle
                elems = conn[edges][small_angle[edges]].ravel()
                if elems.size > 0:

            # No more elements in this part: start a new one
            elems = where(p<firstprop)[0]
            if elems.size > 0:
                # Start a new part
                elems = elems[[0]]
                prop += 1
        return p
    def edgeFront(self,startat=0,okedges=None,front_increment=1):
        """Generator function returning the frontal elements.

        startat is an element number or list of numbers of the starting front.
        On first call, this function returns the starting front.
        Each next() call returns the next front.
        print "FRONT_INCREMENT %s" % front_increment
        p = -ones((self.nfaces()),dtype=int)
        if self.nfaces() <= 0:
        # Construct table of elements connected to each edge
        conn = self.edgeConnections()
        # Bail out if some edge has more than two connected faces
        if conn.shape[1] != 2:
            GD.warning("Surface is not a manifold")
        # Check size of okedges
        if okedges is None:
            okedges = arange(self.nedges())
            if okedges.ndim != 1 or okedges.shape[0] != self.nedges():
                raise ValueError,"okedges has incorrect shape"

        # Remember edges left for processing
        todo = ones((self.nedges(),),dtype=bool)
        elems = clip(asarray(startat),0,self.nfaces())
        prop = 0
        while elems.size > 0:
            # Store prop value for current elems
            p[elems] = prop
            yield p

            prop += front_increment

            # Determine border
            edges = unique(self.faces[elems])
            edges = edges[todo[edges]]
            if edges.size > 0:
                # flag edges as done
                todo[edges] = 0
                # take connected elements
                elems = conn[okedges[edges]].ravel()
                #elems = conn[edges].ravel()
                elems = elems[(elems >= 0) * (p[elems] < 0) ]
                if elems.size > 0:

            # No more elements in this part: start a new one
            print "NO MORE ELEMENTS"
            elems = where(p<0)[0]
            if elems.size > 0:
                # Start a new part
                elems = elems[[0]]
                prop += 1
    def partitionByFront(self,okedges,firstprop=0,startat=0,maxruns=-1,check=True):
        """Detects different parts of the surface using a frontal method.

        func is a function that takes the edge connection table as input and
        produces an array with nedges values flagging with a True/nonzero
        value all edges where the connected elements should belong to the
        same part.
        p = -ones((self.nfaces()),dtype=int)
        if self.nfaces() <= 0:
            return p
        # Construct table of elements connected to each edge
        conn = self.connections()
        # Bail out if some edge has more than two connected faces
        if conn.shape[1] != 2:
            GD.warning("Surface is not a manifold")
            return p
        # Check size of okedges
        if okedges.ndim != 1 or okedges.shape[0] != self.nedges():
            raise ValueError,"okedges has incorrect shape"

        # Remember edges left for processing
        todo = ones((self.nedges(),),dtype=bool)
        startat = clip(startat,0,self.nfaces())
        elems = array([startat])
        prop = max(0,firstprop)
        run = 0
        while elems.size > 0 and (maxruns < 0 or run < maxruns):
            run += 1
            # Store prop value
            p[elems] = prop
            # Determine border
            edges = unique(self.faces[elems])
            edges = edges[todo[edges]]

            if edges.size > 0:
                # flag edges as done
                todo[edges] = 0
                # take elements connected over small angle
                elems = conn[edges][okedges[edges]].ravel()
                if elems.size > 0:

            # No more elements in this part: start a new one
            elems = where(p<firstprop)[0]
            if elems.size > 0:
                # Start a new part
                elems = elems[[0]]
                prop += 1
        return p
def checkImageFormat(fmt,verbose=False):
    """Checks image format; if verbose, warn if it is not.

    Returns the image format, or None if it is not OK.
    GD.debug("Format requested: %s" % fmt)
    GD.debug("Formats available: %s" % imageFormats())
    if fmt in imageFormats():
        if fmt == 'tex' and verbose:
            GD.warning("This will only write a LaTeX fragment to include the 'eps' image\nYou have to create the .eps image file separately.\n")
        return fmt
        if verbose:
            error("Sorry, can not save in %s format!\n"
                  "I suggest you use 'png' format ;)"%fmt)
        return None
def createMovie():
    """Create a movie from a saved sequence of images."""
    if not multisave:
        GD.warning('You need to start multisave mode first!')

    names,format,window,border,hotkey,autosave,rootcrop = multisave
    glob = names.glob()
    if glob.split('.')[-1] != 'jpg':
        GD.warning("Currently you need to save in 'jpg' format to create movies")
    #cmd = "mencoder -ovc lavc -fps 5 -o output.avi %s" % names.glob()
    cmd = "ffmpeg -r 1 -i %s output.mp4" % names.glob()
def saveImage(filename=None,window=False,multi=False,hotkey=True,autosave=False,border=False,rootcrop=False,format=None,verbose=False):
    """Saves an image to file or Starts/stops multisave maode.

    With a filename and multi==False (default), the current viewport rendering
    is saved to the named file.

    With a filename and multi==True, multisave mode is started.
    Without a filename, multisave mode is turned off.
    Two subsequent calls starting multisave mode without an intermediate call
    to turn it off, do not cause an error. The first multisave mode will
    implicitely be ended before starting the second.

    In multisave mode, each call to saveNext() will save an image to the
    next generated file name.
    Filenames are generated by incrementing a numeric part of the name.
    If the supplied filename (after removing the extension) has a trailing
    numeric part, subsequent images will be numbered continuing from this
    number. Otherwise a numeric part '-000' will be added to the filename.
    If window is True, the full pyFormex window is saved.
    If window and border are True, the window decorations will be included.
    If window is False, only the current canvas viewport is saved.

    If hotkey is True, a new image will be saved by hitting the 'S' key.
    If autosave is True, a new image will be saved on each execution of
    the 'draw' function.
    If neither hotkey nor autosave are True, images can only be saved by
    executing the saveNext() function from a script.

    If no format is specified, it is derived from the filename extension.
    fmt should be one of the valid formats as returned by imageFormats()
    If verbose=True, error/warnings are activated. This is usually done when
    this function is called from the GUI.
    global multisave

    # Leave multisave mode if no filename or starting new multisave mode
    if multisave and (filename is None or multi):
        GD.message("Leave multisave mode")
        multisave = None

    if filename is None:

    name,ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
    # Get/Check format
    if not format: # is None:
        format = checkImageFormat(imageFormatFromExt(ext))
    if not format:

    if multi: # Start multisave mode
        names = utils.NameSequence(name,ext)
        if os.path.exists(names.peek()):
            next =
        GD.message("Start multisave mode to files: %s (%s)" % (,format))
        #print hotkey
        if hotkey:
             if verbose:
                 GD.warning("Each time you hit the '%s' key,\nthe image will be saved to the next number." % GD.cfg['keys/save'])
        multisave = (names,format,window,border,hotkey,autosave,rootcrop)
        print "MULTISAVE %s "% str(multisave)
        return multisave is None

    else: # Save the image
        if window:
            if rootcrop:
                sta = save_main_window(filename,format,border=border)
                sta = save_window(filename,format)
            sta = save(GD.canvas,filename,format)
        if sta:
            GD.debug("Error while saving image %s" % filename)
            GD.message("Image file %s written" % filename)