Exemple #1
 def clean_expired_itips(self, store):
     This function, checks all the InternalTips and their expiration date.
     if expired InternalTips are found, it removes that along with
     all the related DB entries comment and tip related.
     db_delete_itips(store, store.find(models.InternalTip, models.InternalTip.expiration_date < datetime_now()))
Exemple #2
def perform_tips_operation(session, tid, receiver_id, operation, rtips_ids):
    Transaction for performing operation on submissions (postpone/delete)

    :param session: An ORM session
    :param tid: A tenant ID
    :param receiver_id: A recipient ID
    :param operation: An operation command (postpone/delete)
    :param rtips_ids: The set of submissions on which performing the specified operation
    receiver = models.db_get(session, models.User,
                             models.User.id == receiver_id)

    can_postpone_expiration = State.tenant_cache[
        tid].can_postpone_expiration or receiver.can_postpone_expiration
    can_delete_submission = State.tenant_cache[
        tid].can_delete_submission or receiver.can_delete_submission

    itips = session.query(models.InternalTip) \
                   .filter(models.ReceiverTip.receiver_id == receiver_id,
                           models.InternalTip.id == models.ReceiverTip.internaltip_id,
                           models.InternalTip.tid == tid)

    if operation == 'postpone' and can_postpone_expiration:
        for itip in itips:
            db_postpone_expiration(session, itip)

    elif operation == 'delete' and can_delete_submission:
        db_delete_itips(session, [itip.id for itip in itips])

        raise errors.ForbiddenOperation
Exemple #3
 def clean_expired_itips(self, store):
     This function, checks all the InternalTips and their expiration date.
     if expired InternalTips are found, it removes that along with
     all the related DB entries comment and tip related.
     db_delete_itips(store, store.find(models.InternalTip, models.InternalTip.expiration_date < datetime_now()))
Exemple #4
 def clean_expired_itips(self, session):
     This function, checks all the InternalTips and their expiration date.
     if expired InternalTips are found, it removes that along with
     all the related DB entries comment and tip related.
     itips_ids = [id[0] for id in session.query(models.InternalTip.id).filter(models.InternalTip.expiration_date < datetime_now())]
     if itips_ids:
         db_delete_itips(session, itips_ids)
Exemple #5
 def db_clean_expired_itips(self, session):
     This function, checks all the InternalTips and their expiration date.
     if expired InternalTips are found, it removes that along with
     all the related DB entries comment and tip related.
     itips_ids = [id[0] for id in session.query(models.InternalTip.id).filter(models.InternalTip.expiration_date < datetime_now())]
     if itips_ids:
         db_delete_itips(session, itips_ids)
Exemple #6
def reset_submissions(session, tid):
    Transaction to reset the submissions of the specified tenant

    :param session: An ORM session
    :param tid: A tenant ID
    session.query(Config).filter(Config.tid == tid, Config.var_name == 'counter_submissions').update({'value': 0})

    itip_ids = [x[0] for x in session.query(InternalTip.id).filter(InternalTip.tid == tid)]

    db_delete_itips(session, itip_ids)