Exemple #1
def register_file_db(store, uploaded_file, internaltip_id):
    internaltip = store.find(InternalTip,
                             InternalTip.id == internaltip_id).one()

    if not internaltip:
        log.err("File associated to a non existent Internaltip!")
        raise errors.TipIdNotFound

    internaltip.update_date = datetime_now()

    new_file = InternalFile()
    new_file.name = uploaded_file['filename']
    new_file.content_type = uploaded_file['content_type']
    new_file.size = uploaded_file['body_len']
    new_file.internaltip_id = internaltip_id
    new_file.submission = uploaded_file['submission']
    new_file.file_path = uploaded_file['encrypted_path']
    if 'is_visible' in uploaded_file:
        new_file.is_visible = uploaded_file['is_visible']
    if 'description' in uploaded_file:
        new_file.description = uploaded_file['description']


    log.debug("=> Recorded new InternalFile %s" % uploaded_file['filename'])

    return serialize_file(new_file)
Exemple #2
def register_file_db(store, uploaded_file, internaltip_id):
    Remind: this is used only with fileApp - Tip append a new file,
    for the submission section, we relay on Token to keep track of the
    associated file, and in handlers/submission.py InternalFile(s) are

    :param uploaded_file: contain this struct of data:
          'body': <closed file u'/home/qq/Dev/GlobaLeaks/backend/workingdir/files/encrypted_upload/lryZO8IlldGg3BS3.aes', mode 'w+b' at 0xb5b68498>,
          'body_len': 667237,
          'content_type': 'image/png',
          'encrypted_path': u'/home/XYZ/Dev/GlobaLeaks/backend/workingdir/files/submission/lryZO8IlldGg3BS3.aes',
          'filename': 'SteganographyIsImportant.png'
    internaltip = store.find(InternalTip,
                             InternalTip.id == internaltip_id).one()

    if not internaltip:
        log.err("File associated to a non existent Internaltip!")
        raise errors.TipIdNotFound

    new_file = InternalFile()
    new_file.name = uploaded_file['filename']
    new_file.content_type = uploaded_file['content_type']
    new_file.size = uploaded_file['body_len']
    new_file.internaltip_id = internaltip_id
    new_file.file_path = uploaded_file['encrypted_path']


    log.debug("=> Recorded new InternalFile %s" % uploaded_file['filename'])

    return serialize_file(new_file)
Exemple #3
def register_file_db(store, uploaded_file, internaltip_id):
    Remind: this is used only with fileApp - Tip append a new file,
    for the submission section, we relay on Token to keep track of the
    associated file, and in handlers/submission.py InternalFile(s) are

    :param uploaded_file: contain this struct of data:
          'body': <closed file u'/home/qq/Dev/GlobaLeaks/backend/workingdir/files/encrypted_upload/lryZO8IlldGg3BS3.aes', mode 'w+b' at 0xb5b68498>,
          'body_len': 667237,
          'content_type': 'image/png',
          'encrypted_path': u'/home/XYZ/Dev/GlobaLeaks/backend/workingdir/files/submission/lryZO8IlldGg3BS3.aes',
          'filename': 'SteganographyIsImportant.png'
    internaltip = store.find(InternalTip,
                             InternalTip.id == internaltip_id).one()

    if not internaltip:
        log.err("File associated to a non existent Internaltip!")
        raise errors.TipIdNotFound

    new_file = InternalFile()
    new_file.name = uploaded_file['filename']
    new_file.content_type = uploaded_file['content_type']
    new_file.size = uploaded_file['body_len']
    new_file.internaltip_id = internaltip_id
    new_file.file_path = uploaded_file['encrypted_path']


    log.debug("=> Recorded new InternalFile %s" % uploaded_file['filename'])

    return serialize_file(new_file)
Exemple #4
def db_create_submission(store, token, request, language):
    context = store.find(Context, Context.id == token.context_associated).one()
    if not context:
        # this can happen only if the context is removed
        # between submission POST and PUT.. :) that's why is better just
        # ignore this check, take che cached and wait the reference below fault
        log.err("Context requested: [%s] not found!" % token.context_associated)
        raise errors.ContextIdNotFound

    submission = InternalTip()

    submission.expiration_date = utc_future_date(seconds=context.tip_timetolive)
    submission.context_id = context.id
    submission.creation_date = datetime_now()


        for filedesc in token.uploaded_files:
            associated_f = InternalFile()
            associated_f.name = filedesc['filename']
            # aio, when we are going to implement file.description ?
            associated_f.description = ""
            associated_f.content_type = filedesc['content_type']
            associated_f.size = filedesc['body_len']
            associated_f.internaltip_id = submission.id
            associated_f.file_path = filedesc['encrypted_path']

            log.debug("=> file associated %s|%s (%d bytes)" % (
                associated_f.name, associated_f.content_type, associated_f.size))

    except Exception as excep:
        log.err("Unable to create a DB entry for file! %s" % excep)
        raise excep

        wb_steps = request['wb_steps']
        steps = db_get_context_steps(store, context.id, language)
        verify_steps(steps, wb_steps)
        submission.wb_steps = wb_steps
    except Exception as excep:
        log.err("Submission create: fields validation fail: %s" % excep)
        raise excep

        import_receivers(store, submission, request['receivers'])
    except Exception as excep:
        log.err("Submission create: receivers import fail: %s" % excep)
        raise excep

    submission_dict = wb_serialize_internaltip(submission)
    return submission_dict
Exemple #5
def register_file_db(store, uploaded_file, filepath, internaltip_id):
    internaltip = store.find(InternalTip,
                             InternalTip.id == internaltip_id).one()

    if not internaltip:
        log.err("File submission register in a submission that's no more")
        raise errors.TipIdNotFound

    new_file = InternalFile()
    new_file.name = uploaded_file['filename']
    new_file.description = ""
    new_file.content_type = uploaded_file['content_type']
    new_file.mark = InternalFile._marker[0] # 'not processed'
    new_file.size = uploaded_file['body_len']
    new_file.internaltip_id = internaltip_id
    new_file.file_path = filepath


    log.debug("=> Recorded new InternalFile %s" % uploaded_file['filename'])

    return serialize_file(new_file)
Exemple #6
def register_ifile_on_db(store, uploaded_file, internaltip_id):
    internaltip = store.find(InternalTip,
                             InternalTip.id == internaltip_id).one()

    if not internaltip:
        log.err("Cannot associate a file to a not existent internaltip!")
        raise errors.TipIdNotFound

    internaltip.update_date = datetime_now()

    new_file = InternalFile()
    new_file.name = uploaded_file['name']
    new_file.content_type = uploaded_file['type']
    new_file.size = uploaded_file['size']
    new_file.internaltip_id = internaltip_id
    new_file.submission = uploaded_file['submission']
    new_file.file_path = uploaded_file['path']


    return serializers.serialize_ifile(new_file)
Exemple #7
def register_file_db(store, uploaded_file, filepath, internaltip_id):
    internaltip = store.find(InternalTip,
                             InternalTip.id == internaltip_id).one()

    if not internaltip:
        log.err("File submission register in a submission that's no more")
        raise errors.TipIdNotFound

    new_file = InternalFile()
    new_file.name = uploaded_file['filename']
    new_file.description = ""
    new_file.content_type = uploaded_file['content_type']
    new_file.mark = InternalFile._marker[0] # 'not processed'
    new_file.size = uploaded_file['body_len']
    new_file.internaltip_id = internaltip_id
    new_file.file_path = filepath


    log.debug("=> Recorded new InternalFile %s" % uploaded_file['filename'])

    return serialize_file(new_file)
Exemple #8
def register_file_db(store, uploaded_file, filepath, cksum, internaltip_id):
    internaltip = store.find(InternalTip, InternalTip.id == internaltip_id).one()

    if not internaltip:
        log.err("File submission register in a submission that's no more")
        raise errors.TipGusNotFound

    original_fname = uploaded_file["filename"]

        new_file = InternalFile()

        new_file.name = original_fname
        new_file.content_type = uploaded_file["content_type"]
        new_file.mark = InternalFile._marker[0]  # 'not processed'
        new_file.sha2sum = cksum
        new_file.size = uploaded_file["body_len"]
        new_file.internaltip_id = unicode(internaltip_id)
        new_file.file_path = filepath

    except Exception as excep:
        log.err("Unable to commit new InternalFile %s: %s" % (original_fname.encode("utf-8"), excep))
        raise excep

    # I'm forcing commits because I've got some inconsistencies
    # in this ReferenceSets. need to be investigated if needed.
        # internaltip.internalfiles.add(new_file)
    except Exception as excep:
        log.err("Unable to reference InternalFile %s in InternalTip: %s" % (original_fname, excep))
        raise excep

    log.debug("=> Recorded new InternalFile %s (%s)" % (original_fname, cksum))

    return serialize_file(new_file)
Exemple #9
def register_ifile_on_db(store, uploaded_file, internaltip_id):
    internaltip = store.find(InternalTip,
                             InternalTip.id == internaltip_id).one()

    if not internaltip:
        log.err("Cannot associate a file to a not existent internaltip!")
        raise errors.TipIdNotFound

    internaltip.update_date = datetime_now()

    new_file = InternalFile()
    new_file.name = uploaded_file['name']
    new_file.content_type = uploaded_file['type']
    new_file.size = uploaded_file['size']
    new_file.internaltip_id = internaltip_id
    new_file.submission = uploaded_file['submission']
    new_file.file_path = uploaded_file['path']


    return serializers.serialize_ifile(new_file)
def register_file_db(store, uploaded_file, internaltip_id):
    internaltip = store.find(InternalTip,
                             InternalTip.id == internaltip_id).one()

    if not internaltip:
        log.err("File associated to a non existent Internaltip!")
        raise errors.TipIdNotFound

    internaltip.update_date = datetime_now()

    new_file = InternalFile()
    new_file.name = uploaded_file['filename']
    new_file.content_type = uploaded_file['content_type']
    new_file.size = uploaded_file['body_len']
    new_file.internaltip_id = internaltip_id
    new_file.submission = uploaded_file['submission']
    new_file.file_path = uploaded_file['encrypted_path']


    log.debug("=> Recorded new InternalFile %s" % uploaded_file['filename'])

    return serialize_file(new_file)
Exemple #11
def db_create_submission(store, token_id, request, t2w, language):
    # the .get method raise an exception if the token is invalid
    token = TokenList.get(token_id)

    if not token.context_associated == request['context_id']:
        raise errors.InvalidInputFormat(
            "Token context does not match the one specified in submission payload"



    answers = request['answers']

    context = store.find(Context, Context.id == token.context_associated).one()
    if not context:
        # this can happen only if the context is removed
        # between submission POST and PUT.. :) that's why is better just
        # ignore this check, take che cached and wait the reference below fault
        log.err("Context requested: [%s] not found!" %
        raise errors.ContextIdNotFound

    submission = InternalTip()

    submission.expiration_date = utc_future_date(
    submission.context_id = context.id
    submission.creation_date = datetime_now()

    # Tor2Web is spot in the handler and passed here, is done to keep track of the
    # security level adopted by the whistleblower
    submission.tor2web = t2w

        questionnaire = db_get_context_steps(
            store, context.id, GLSettings.memory_copy.default_language)
        questionnaire_hash = sha256(json.dumps(questionnaire))

        submission.questionnaire_hash = questionnaire_hash
        submission.preview = extract_answers_preview(questionnaire, answers)


        db_archive_questionnaire_schema(store, submission)

        db_save_questionnaire_answers(store, submission, answers)
    except Exception as excep:
        log.err("Submission create: fields validation fail: %s" % excep)
        raise excep

        import_receivers(store, submission, request['receivers'])
    except Exception as excep:
        log.err("Submission create: receivers import fail: %s" % excep)
        raise excep

        for filedesc in token.uploaded_files:
            associated_f = InternalFile()
            associated_f.name = filedesc['filename']
            associated_f.description = ""
            associated_f.content_type = filedesc['content_type']
            associated_f.size = filedesc['body_len']
            associated_f.internaltip_id = submission.id
            associated_f.file_path = filedesc['encrypted_path']

            log.debug("=> file associated %s|%s (%d bytes)" %
                      (associated_f.name, associated_f.content_type,

    except Exception as excep:
        log.err("Unable to create a DB entry for file! %s" % excep)
        raise excep

    receipt = db_create_whistleblower_tip(store, submission)

    submission_dict = wb_serialize_internaltip(store, submission)

    submission_dict.update({'receipt': receipt})

    return submission_dict
Exemple #12
def db_create_submission(store, token_id, request, t2w, language):
    # the .get method raise an exception if the token is invalid
    token = TokenList.get(token_id)

    if not token.context_associated == request['context_id']:
        raise errors.InvalidInputFormat("Token context does not match the one specified in submission payload")



    answers = request['answers']

    context = store.find(Context, Context.id == token.context_associated).one()
    if not context:
        # this can happen only if the context is removed
        # between submission POST and PUT.. :) that's why is better just
        # ignore this check, take che cached and wait the reference below fault
        log.err("Context requested: [%s] not found!" % token.context_associated)
        raise errors.ContextIdNotFound

    submission = InternalTip()

    submission.expiration_date = utc_future_date(seconds=context.tip_timetolive)
    submission.context_id = context.id
    submission.creation_date = datetime_now()

    # Tor2Web is spot in the handler and passed here, is done to keep track of the
    # security level adopted by the whistleblower
    submission.tor2web = t2w

        questionnaire = db_get_context_steps(store, context.id, GLSettings.memory_copy.default_language)
        questionnaire_hash = sha256(json.dumps(questionnaire))

        submission.questionnaire_hash = questionnaire_hash
        submission.preview = extract_answers_preview(questionnaire, answers)


        db_archive_questionnaire_schema(store, submission)

        db_save_questionnaire_answers(store, submission, answers)
    except Exception as excep:
        log.err("Submission create: fields validation fail: %s" % excep)
        raise excep

        import_receivers(store, submission, request['receivers'])
    except Exception as excep:
        log.err("Submission create: receivers import fail: %s" % excep)
        raise excep

        for filedesc in token.uploaded_files:
            associated_f = InternalFile()
            associated_f.name = filedesc['filename']
            associated_f.description = ""
            associated_f.content_type = filedesc['content_type']
            associated_f.size = filedesc['body_len']
            associated_f.internaltip_id = submission.id
            associated_f.file_path = filedesc['encrypted_path']

            log.debug("=> file associated %s|%s (%d bytes)" % (
                associated_f.name, associated_f.content_type, associated_f.size))

    except Exception as excep:
        log.err("Unable to create a DB entry for file! %s" % excep)
        raise excep

    receipt = db_create_whistleblower_tip(store, submission)

    submission_dict = wb_serialize_internaltip(store, submission)

    submission_dict.update({'receipt': receipt})

    return submission_dict