Exemple #1
 def test_utc_past_date(self):
     a = utility.datetime_now()
     b = utility.utc_past_date(seconds=99)
     c = utility.utc_past_date(minutes=99)
     d = utility.utc_past_date(hours=99)
     self.assertTrue(a > b)
     self.assertTrue(b > c)
     self.assertTrue(c > d)
Exemple #2
 def test_utc_past_date(self):
     a = utility.datetime_now()
     b = utility.utc_past_date(seconds=99)
     c = utility.utc_past_date(minutes=99)
     d = utility.utc_past_date(hours=99)
Exemple #3
def do_statspollute(dbfile):

    # source
    gl_database = create_database("sqlite:%s" % dbfile)
    source_store = Store(gl_database)

    stats = source_store.find(models.Stats)

    counter = 0
    for s in stats:
        counter += 1

    print "removed %d entry in stats" % counter

    counter = 0
    # 21 days in the past
    for past_hours in xrange(24 * 7 * 3):
        past_hours += 4
        when = utc_past_date(hours=past_hours)

        newstat = models.Stats()
        newstat.freemb = randint(1000, 1050)
        newstat.year = when.isocalendar()[0]
        newstat.week = when.isocalendar()[1]

        level = round((randint(0, 1000) / 240.0), 1) - 2

        def random_pollution():
            return int(randint(0,11) + (5 * level))

        activity_fake = {
            'successfull_logins': random_pollution(),
            'failed_logins': random_pollution(),
            'started_submissions': random_pollution(),
            'completed_submissions': random_pollution(),
            'uploaded_files': int(randint(0,11) + (5  * level)),
            'appended_files': random_pollution(),
            'wb_comments': random_pollution(),
            'wb_messages': random_pollution(),
            'receiver_comments': random_pollution(),
            'receiver_messages': random_pollution()

        for k, v in activity_fake.iteritems():
            if v < 0:
                activity_fake[k] = 0

        newstat.start = when
        newstat.summary = activity_fake
        counter += 1

    print "Committing %d stats" % counter
Exemple #4
def get_stats(store, week_delta):
    :param week_delta: commonly is 0, mean that you're taking this
        week. -1 is the previous week.
    At the moment do not support negative number and change of the year.
    now = datetime_now()
    week_delta = abs(week_delta)

    if week_delta > 0:
        # delta week in the past
        target_week = utc_past_date(hours=(week_delta * 24 * 7))
        # taking current time!
        target_week = datetime_now()

    looked_week = target_week.isocalendar()[1]
    looked_year = target_week.isocalendar()[0]

    current_wday = now.weekday()
    current_hour = now.hour
    current_week = now.isocalendar()[1]

    lower_bound = iso_to_gregorian(looked_year, looked_week, 1)
    upper_bound = iso_to_gregorian(looked_year, looked_week + 1, 1)

    hourlyentries = store.find(
        Stats, And(Stats.start >= lower_bound, Stats.start <= upper_bound))

    week_entries = 0
    week_map = [[dict() for i in xrange(24)] for j in xrange(7)]

    # Loop over the DB stats to fill the appropriate heatmap
    for hourdata in hourlyentries:
        # .weekday() return be 0..6
        stats_day = int(hourdata.start.weekday())
        stats_hour = int(hourdata.start.isoformat()[11:13])

        hourly_dict = {
            'hour': stats_hour,
            'day': stats_day,
            'summary': hourdata.summary,
            'free_disk_space': hourdata.free_disk_space,
            'valid': 0  # 0 means valid data

        if week_map[stats_day][stats_hour]:

        week_map[stats_day][stats_hour] = hourly_dict
        week_entries += 1

    # if all the hourly element are avail
    if week_entries == (7 * 24):
        return {
            'complete': True,
            'week': datetime_to_ISO8601(target_week),
            'heatmap': weekmap_to_heatmap(week_map)

    # else, supply default for the missing hour.
    # an hour can miss for two reason: the node was down (alarm)
    # or the hour is in the future (just don't display nothing)
    # -- this can be moved in the initialization phases ?
    for day in xrange(7):
        for hour in xrange(24):

            if week_map[day][hour]:

            # valid is used as status variable.
            # in the case the stats for the hour are missing it
            # assumes the following values:
            #  the hour is lacking from the results: -1
            #  the hour is in the future: -2
            #  the hour is the current hour (in the current day): -3
            if current_week != looked_week:
                marker = -1
            elif day > current_wday or \
                (day == current_wday and hour > current_hour):
                marker = -2
            elif current_wday == day and hour == current_hour:
                marker = -3
                marker = -1

            week_map[day][hour] = {
                'hour': hour,
                'day': day,
                'summary': {},
                'free_disk_space': 0,
                'valid': marker

    return {
        'complete': False,
        'week': datetime_to_ISO8601(target_week),
        'heatmap': weekmap_to_heatmap(week_map)
Exemple #5
def get_stats(store, week_delta):
    :param week_delta: commonly is 0, mean that you're taking this
        week. -1 is the previous week.
    At the moment do not support negative number and change of the year.

    now = datetime_now()
    week_delta = abs(week_delta)

    if week_delta > 0:
        # delta week in the past
        target_week = utc_past_date(hours=(week_delta * 24 * 7))
        # taking current time!
        target_week = datetime_now()

    looked_week = target_week.isocalendar()[1]
    looked_year = target_week.isocalendar()[0]

    current_wday = now.weekday()
    current_hour = now.hour
    current_week = now.isocalendar()[1]

    lower_bound = iso_to_gregorian(looked_year, looked_week, 1)
    upper_bound = iso_to_gregorian(looked_year, looked_week, 7)

    hourlyentries = store.find(Stats, And(Stats.start >= lower_bound, Stats.start <= upper_bound))

    week_entries = 0
    week_map = [[dict() for i in xrange(24)] for j in xrange(7)]

    # Loop over the DB stats to fill the appropriate heatmap
    for hourdata in hourlyentries:

        # .weekday() return be 0..6
        stats_day = int(hourdata.start.weekday())
        stats_hour = int(hourdata.start.isoformat()[11:13])

        hourly_dict = {
            'hour': stats_hour,
            'day': stats_day,
            'summary': hourdata.summary,
            'free_disk_space': hourdata.free_disk_space,
            'valid': 0  # 0 means valid data

        if week_map[stats_day][stats_hour]:

        week_map[stats_day][stats_hour] = hourly_dict
        week_entries += 1

    # if all the hourly element are avail
    if week_entries == (7 * 24):
        return {
            'complete': True,
            'associated_date': datetime_to_ISO8601(target_week),
            'heatmap': weekmap_to_heatmap(week_map)

    # else, supply default for the missing hour.
    # an hour can miss for two reason: the node was down (alarm)
    # or the hour is in the future (just don't display nothing)
    # -- this can be moved in the initialization phases ?
    for day in xrange(7):
        for hour in xrange(24):

            if week_map[day][hour]:

            # valid is used as status variable.
            # in the case the stats for the hour are missing it
            # assumes the following values:
            #  the hour is lacking from the results: -1
            #  the hour is in the future: -2
            #  the hour is the current hour (in the current day): -3
            if current_week != looked_week:
                marker = -1
            elif day > current_wday or \
                (day == current_wday and hour > current_hour):
                marker = -2
            elif current_wday == day and hour == current_hour:
                marker = -3
                marker = -1

            week_map[day][hour] = {
                'hour': hour,
                'day': day,
                'summary': {},
                'free_disk_space': 0,
                'valid': marker

    return {
        'complete': False,
        'associated_date': datetime_to_ISO8601(target_week),
        'heatmap': weekmap_to_heatmap(week_map)