Exemple #1
    def SH_kgkg_sur(self, ni=10):
        Specific humidity [kg/kg]

        # temporary variable,  interpolate station by station
        dewp = np.zeros((self.nt, self.nstation), dtype=np.float32)
        time_in = self.nc_sa.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.getValues(self.nc_sa, 'd2m',
                                ni)  # self.nc_sa.variables['d2m'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            dewp[:, n] = series_interpolate(self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600,
                                            values[:, n] - 273.15)

        # compute
        SH = spec_hum_kgkg(dewp[:, :], self.rg.variables['PRESS_pl'][:, :])

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'SH_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = 'Specific humidity ERA-5 surface only'
        var.units = '1'
        var.standard_name = 'specific_humidity'
        self.rg.variables[vn][:, :] = SH
Exemple #2
    def WIND_sur(self):
        Wind speed and direction at 10 metre derived from surface data,

        # temporary variable, interpolate station by station
        U = np.zeros((self.nt, self.nstation), dtype=np.float32)
        time_in = self.nc_sa.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.nc_sa.variables['U10M'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            U[:, n] = series_interpolate(self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600,
                                         values[:, n])

        # temporary variable, interpolate station by station
        V = np.zeros((self.nt, self.nstation), dtype=np.float32)
        time_in = self.nc_sa.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.nc_sa.variables['V10M'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            V[:, n] = series_interpolate(self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600,
                                         values[:, n])

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'WSPD_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = '10 metre wind speed {} surface only'.format(self.NAME)
        var.units = 'm s-1'
        var.standard_name = 'wind_speed'

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'WDIR_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = '10 metre wind direction {} surface only'.format(
        var.units = 'degree'
        var.standard_name = 'wind_from_direction'

        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            WS = np.sqrt(np.power(V[:, n], 2) + np.power(U[:, n], 2))
            WD = [
                atan2(V[i, n], U[i, n]) * (180 / pi) + 180
                for i in np.arange(V.shape[0])

            self.rg.variables['WSPD_sur'][:, n] = WS
            self.rg.variables['WDIR_sur'][:, n] = WD
Exemple #3
    def WIND_sur(self, ni=10):
        Wind speed and direction temperature derived from surface data,
        # temporary variable, interpolate station by station
        U = np.zeros((self.nt, self.nstation), dtype=np.float32)
        time_in = self.nc_sa.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.getValues(self.nc_sa, 'u10',
                                ni)  # self.nc_sa.variables['u10'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            U[:, n] = series_interpolate(self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600,
                                         values[:, n])

        # temporary variable, interpolate station by station
        V = np.zeros((self.nt, self.nstation), dtype=np.float32)
        time_in = self.nc_sa.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.getValues(self.nc_sa, 'v10',
                                ni)  # self.nc_sa.variables['v10'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            V[:, n] = series_interpolate(self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600,
                                         values[:, n])

        # wind speed, add variable to ncdf file, convert
        vn_spd = 'WSPD_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn_spd, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = '10 wind speed ERA-5 surface only'
        var.units = 'm s-1'
        var.standard_name = 'wind_speed'

        # wind direction, add variable to ncdf file, convert, relative to North
        vn_dir = 'WDIR_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn_dir, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = '10 wind direction ERA-5 surface only'
        var.units = 'degree'
        var.standard_name = 'wind_from_direction'

        WS = np.sqrt(np.power(V, 2) + np.power(U, 2))
        self.rg.variables[vn_spd][:, :] = WS

        # Wind direction:
        # U - easterly component  V - northerly component
        # convert to "clockwise from north" from "anti-clockwise from x-axis" : 90 - angle
        # convert "from direction" : + 180
        WD = 90 - (np.arctan2(V, U) * (180 / np.pi)) + 180
        self.rg.variables[vn_dir][:, :] = WD
Exemple #4
    def AIRT_C_sur(self):
        Air temperature derived from surface data, exclusively.
        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'AIRT_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = '2_metre_temperature {} surface only'.format(self.NAME)
        var.units = self.nc_sa.variables['t2m'].units.encode('UTF8')

        # interpolate station by station
        time_in = self.nc_sa.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.nc_sa.variables['t2m'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            self.rg.variables[vn][:, n] = series_interpolate(
                self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600, values[:, n] - 273.15)
Exemple #5
    def AIRT_C_pl(self):
        Air temperature derived from pressure levels, exclusively.
        vn = 'AIRT_pl'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = 'air_temperature {} pressure levels only'.format(
        var.units = 'degrees_C'
        var.standard_name = 'air_temperature'

        # interpolate station by station
        time_in = self.nc_pl.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.nc_pl.variables['T'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            self.rg.variables[vn][:, n] = series_interpolate(
                self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600, values[:, n] - 273.15)
Exemple #6
    def PRESS_Pa_pl(self, ni=10):
        Surface air pressure from pressure levels.
        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'PRESS_pl'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = 'air_pressure ERA-5 pressure levels only'
        var.units = 'Pa'
        var.standard_name = 'surface_air_pressure'

        # interpolate station by station
        time_in = self.nc_pl.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.getValues(self.nc_pl, 'air_pressure', ni)
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            # scale from hPa to Pa
            self.rg.variables[vn][:, n] = series_interpolate(
                self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600, values[:, n]) * 100
Exemple #7
    def SH_kgkg_sur(self):
        Specific humidity [kg/kg] derived from surface data, exclusively.

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'SH_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = 'Specific humidity {} surface only'.format(self.NAME)
        var.units = '1'
        var.standard_name = 'specific_humidity'

        # interpolate station by station
        time_in = self.nc_sa.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.nc_sa.variables['QV2M'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            self.rg.variables[vn][:, n] = series_interpolate(
                self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600, values[:, n])
Exemple #8
    def LW_Wm2_sur(self):
        Long-wave radiation downwards derived from surface data, exclusively.

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'LW_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = 'Surface thermal radiation downwards {} surface only'.format(
        var.units = 'W m-2'
        var.standard_name = 'surface_downwelling_longwave_flux'

        # interpolate station by station
        time_in = self.nc_sf.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.nc_sf.variables['LWGDN'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            self.rg.variables[vn][:, n] = series_interpolate(
                self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600, values[:, n])
Exemple #9
    def RH_per_pl(self, ni=10):
        Relative humdity derived from pressure-level. 
        # temporary variable,  interpolate station by station
        rh = np.zeros((self.nt, self.nstation), dtype=np.float32)
        time_in = self.nc_sa.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.getValues(self.nc_pl, 'r', ni)
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            rh[:, n] = series_interpolate(self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600,
                                          values[:, n])

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'RH_pl'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = 'Relative humidity ERA-5 pressure-levels'
        var.units = 'percent'
        var.standard_name = 'relative_humidity'

        self.rg.variables[vn][:, :] = rh
Exemple #10
    def PRECCORR_mm_sur(self):
        Corrected Precipitation derived from surface data, exclusively.
        Convert units: kg/m2/s to mm/time_step (hours)
        1 kg/m2 = 1mm

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'PRECCORR_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = 'Corrected Total precipitation {} surface only'.format(
        var.units = 'kg m-2 s-1'
        var.comment = "units [kg m-2 s-1] corresponds to [mm/s] for water (density 1000 [kg m-3])"
        var.standard_name = 'precipitation_flux'

        # interpolate station by station
        time_in = self.nc_sf.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.nc_sf.variables['PRECTOTCORR'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            self.rg.variables[vn][:, n] = series_interpolate(
                self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600, values[:, n]) * self.scf
Exemple #11
    def RH_per_pl(self):
        Relative Humdity derived from pressure level data, exclusively.Clipped to
        range [0.1,99.9].

        # temporary variable,  interpolate station by station
        time_in = self.nc_pl.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.nc_pl.variables['RH'][:]

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'RH_pl'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = 'Relative humidity {} surface only'.format(self.NAME)
        var.units = 'percent'
        var.standard_name = 'relative_humidity'

        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            rh = series_interpolate(self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600,
                                    values[:, n])
            rh *= 100  # Convert to %
            self.rg.variables[vn][:, n] = rh
Exemple #12
    def RH_per_sur(self):
        Relative Humdity derived from surface data, exclusively.Clipped to
        range [0.1,99.9].

        # temporary variable,  interpolate station by station
        time_in = self.nc_sf.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        dewp = self.nc_sf.variables['T2MDEW'][:]
        t = self.nc_sa.variables['T2M'][:]
        relhu = relhu_approx_lawrence(t, dewp)

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'RH_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = 'Relative humidity {} surface only'.format(self.NAME)
        var.units = 'percent'
        var.standard_name = 'relative_humidity'

        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            rh = series_interpolate(self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600,
                                    relhu[:, n])
            self.rg.variables[vn][:, n] = rh
Exemple #13
    def RH_per_sur(self):
        Relative humdity derived from surface data, exclusively. Clipped to
        range [0.001, 0.999]. Kernel AIRT_ERAI_C_sur must be run before.
        # temporary variable,  interpolate station by station
        dewp = np.zeros((self.nt, self.nstation), dtype=np.float32)
        time_in = self.nc_sa.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.nc_sa.variables['d2m'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            dewp[:, n] = series_interpolate(self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600,
                                            values[:, n] - 273.15)

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'RH_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = 'Relative humidity {} surface only'.format(self.NAME)
        var.units = 'percent'
        var.standard_name = 'relative_humidity'

        # simple: https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-86-2-225
        RH = 100 - 5 * (self.rg.variables['AIRT_sur'][:, :] - dewp[:, :])
        self.rg.variables[vn][:, :] = RH.clip(min=0.1, max=99.9) / 100
Exemple #14
    def RH_per_sur(self, ni=10):
        Relative humdity derived from surface data, exclusively. Clipped to
        range [0.1,99.9]. Kernel AIRT_C_sur must be run before.
        # temporary variable,  interpolate station by station
        dewp = np.zeros((self.nt, self.nstation), dtype=np.float32)
        time_in = self.nc_sa.variables['time'][:].astype(np.int64)
        values = self.getValues(self.nc_sa, 'd2m',
                                ni)  # self.nc_sa.variables['d2m'][:]
        for n, s in enumerate(self.rg.variables['station'][:].tolist()):
            dewp[:, n] = series_interpolate(self.times_out_nc, time_in * 3600,
                                            values[:, n] - 273.15)

        # add variable to ncdf file
        vn = 'RH_sur'  # variable name
        var = self.rg.createVariable(vn, 'f4', ('time', 'station'))
        var.long_name = 'Relative humidity ERA-5 surface only'
        var.units = 'percent'
        var.standard_name = 'relative_humidity'

        RH = relhu_approx_lawrence(self.rg.variables['AIRT_sur'][:, :],
                                   dewp[:, :])
        self.rg.variables[vn][:, :] = RH.clip(min=0.1, max=99.9)