Exemple #1
    def _process_categorical_roi(self, roi):
        """ Returns a RoiSubsetState object.

        if isinstance(roi, RectangularROI):
            subsets = []
            axes = [('x', roi.xmin, roi.xmax),
                    ('y', roi.ymin, roi.ymax)]

            for coord, lo, hi in axes:
                comp = list(self._get_data_components(coord))
                if comp:
                    if comp[0].categorical:
                        subset = CategoricalROISubsetState.from_range(comp[0], self._get_attribute(coord), lo, hi)
                        subset = RangeSubsetState(lo, hi, self._get_attribute(coord))
                    subset = None
            raise AssertionError
        return AndState(*subsets)
Exemple #2
    def _process_categorical_roi(self, roi):
        """ Returns a RoiSubsetState object.

        if isinstance(roi, RectangularROI):
            subsets = []
            axes = [('x', roi.xmin, roi.xmax), ('y', roi.ymin, roi.ymax)]

            for coord, lo, hi in axes:
                comp = list(self._get_data_components(coord))
                if comp:
                    if comp[0].categorical:
                        subset = CategoricalROISubsetState.from_range(
                            comp[0], self._get_attribute(coord), lo, hi)
                        subset = RangeSubsetState(lo, hi,
                    subset = None
            raise AssertionError
        return AndState(*subsets)
Exemple #3
    def subset_from_roi(self, att, roi, other_comp=None, other_att=None,
                        coord='x', is_nested=False):
        Create a SubsetState object from an ROI.

        This encapsulates the logic for creating subset states with
        CategoricalComponents. There is an important caveat, only RangeROIs
        and RectangularROIs make sense in mixed type plots. As such, polygons
        are converted to their outer-most edges in this case.

        :param att: attribute name of this Component
        :param roi: an ROI object
        :param other_comp: The other Component for 2D ROIs
        :param other_att: The attribute name of the other Component
        :param coord: The orientation of this Component
        :param is_nested: True if this was passed from another Component.
        :return: A SubsetState (or subclass) object

        if coord not in ('x', 'y'):
            raise ValueError('coord should be one of x/y')

        if isinstance(roi, RangeROI):

            # The selection is either an x range or a y range

            if roi.ori == coord:

                # The selection applies to the current component
                return CategoricalROISubsetState.from_range(self, att, roi.min, roi.max)


                # The selection applies to the other component, so we delegate
                other_coord = 'y' if coord == 'x' else 'x'
                return other_comp.subset_from_roi(other_att, roi,

        elif isinstance(roi, RectangularROI):

            # In this specific case, we can decompose the rectangular
            # ROI into two RangeROIs that are combined with an 'and'
            # logical operation.

            other_coord = 'y' if coord == 'x' else 'x'

            if coord == 'x':
                range1 = XRangeROI(roi.xmin, roi.xmax)
                range2 = YRangeROI(roi.ymin, roi.ymax)
                range2 = XRangeROI(roi.xmin, roi.xmax)
                range1 = YRangeROI(roi.ymin, roi.ymax)

            # We get the subset state for the current component
            subset1 = self.subset_from_roi(att, range1,

            # We now get the subset state for the other component
            subset2 = other_comp.subset_from_roi(other_att, range2,

            return AndState(subset1, subset2)

        elif isinstance(roi, CategoricalROI):

            # The selection is categorical itself

            return CategoricalROISubsetState(roi=roi, att=att)


            # The selection is polygon-like, which requires special care.

            if isinstance(other_comp, CategoricalComponent):

                # For each category, we check which categories along the other
                # axis fall inside the polygon:

                selection = {}

                for code, label in enumerate(self.categories):

                    # Determine the coordinates of the points to check
                    n_other = len(other_comp.categories)
                    y = np.arange(n_other)
                    x = np.repeat(code, n_other)

                    if coord == 'y':
                        x, y = y, x

                    # Determine which points are in the polygon, and which
                    # categories these correspond to
                    in_poly = roi.contains(x, y)
                    categories = other_comp.categories[in_poly]

                    if len(categories) > 0:
                        selection[label] = set(categories)

                return CategoricalROISubsetState2D(selection, att, other_att)


                # If the other component is not categorical, we treat this as if
                # each categorical component was mapped to a numerical value,
                # and at each value, we keep track of the polygon intersection
                # with the component. This will result in zero, one, or
                # multiple separate numerical ranges for each categorical value.

                # TODO: if we ever allow the category order to be changed, we
                # need to figure out how to update this!

                x, y = roi.to_polygon()

                if is_nested:
                    x, y = y, x

                # We loop over each category and for each one we find the
                # numerical ranges

                selection = {}

                for code, label in enumerate(self.categories):

                    # We determine all the numerical segments that represent the
                    # ensemble of points in y that fall in the polygon
                    # TODO: profile the following function
                    segments = polygon_line_intersections(x, y, xval=code)

                    if len(segments) > 0:
                        selection[label] = segments

                return CategoricalMultiRangeSubsetState(selection, att, other_att)
Exemple #4
    def subset_from_roi(self,
        Create a SubsetState object from an ROI.

        This encapsulates the logic for creating subset states with
        CategoricalComponents. There is an important caveat, only RangeROIs
        and RectangularROIs make sense in mixed type plots. As such, polygons
        are converted to their outer-most edges in this case.

        :param att: attribute name of this Component
        :param roi: an ROI object
        :param other_comp: The other Component for 2D ROIs
        :param other_att: The attribute name of the other Component
        :param coord: The orientation of this Component
        :param is_nested: True if this was passed from another Component.
        :return: A SubsetState (or subclass) object

        if coord not in ('x', 'y'):
            raise ValueError('coord should be one of x/y')

        if isinstance(roi, RangeROI):

            # The selection is either an x range or a y range

            if roi.ori == coord:

                # The selection applies to the current component
                return CategoricalROISubsetState.from_range(
                    self, att, roi.min, roi.max)


                # The selection applies to the other component, so we delegate
                other_coord = 'y' if coord == 'x' else 'x'
                return other_comp.subset_from_roi(other_att,

        elif isinstance(roi, RectangularROI):

            # In this specific case, we can decompose the rectangular
            # ROI into two RangeROIs that are combined with an 'and'
            # logical operation.

            other_coord = 'y' if coord == 'x' else 'x'

            if coord == 'x':
                range1 = XRangeROI(roi.xmin, roi.xmax)
                range2 = YRangeROI(roi.ymin, roi.ymax)
                range2 = XRangeROI(roi.xmin, roi.xmax)
                range1 = YRangeROI(roi.ymin, roi.ymax)

            # We get the subset state for the current component
            subset1 = self.subset_from_roi(att,

            # We now get the subset state for the other component
            subset2 = other_comp.subset_from_roi(other_att,

            return AndState(subset1, subset2)

        elif isinstance(roi, CategoricalROI):

            # The selection is categorical itself

            return CategoricalROISubsetState(roi=roi, att=att)


            # The selection is polygon-like, which requires special care.

            if isinstance(other_comp, CategoricalComponent):

                # For each category, we check which categories along the other
                # axis fall inside the polygon:

                selection = {}

                for code, label in enumerate(self.categories):

                    # Determine the coordinates of the points to check
                    n_other = len(other_comp.categories)
                    y = np.arange(n_other)
                    x = np.repeat(code, n_other)

                    if coord == 'y':
                        x, y = y, x

                    # Determine which points are in the polygon, and which
                    # categories these correspond to
                    in_poly = roi.contains(x, y)
                    categories = other_comp.categories[in_poly]

                    if len(categories) > 0:
                        selection[label] = set(categories)

                return CategoricalROISubsetState2D(selection, att, other_att)


                # If the other component is not categorical, we treat this as if
                # each categorical component was mapped to a numerical value,
                # and at each value, we keep track of the polygon intersection
                # with the component. This will result in zero, one, or
                # multiple separate numerical ranges for each categorical value.

                # TODO: if we ever allow the category order to be changed, we
                # need to figure out how to update this!

                x, y = roi.to_polygon()

                if is_nested:
                    x, y = y, x

                # We loop over each category and for each one we find the
                # numerical ranges

                selection = {}

                for code, label in enumerate(self.categories):

                    # We determine all the numerical segments that represent the
                    # ensemble of points in y that fall in the polygon
                    # TODO: profile the following function
                    segments = polygon_line_intersections(x, y, xval=code)

                    if len(segments) > 0:
                        selection[label] = segments

                return CategoricalMultiRangeSubsetState(
                    selection, att, other_att)
Exemple #5
    def subset_from_roi(self, att, roi, other_comp=None, other_att=None,
                        coord='x', is_nested=False):
        Create a SubsetState object from an ROI.

        This encapsulates the logic for creating subset states with
        CategoricalComponents. There is an important caveat, only RangeROIs
        and RectangularROIs make sense in mixed type plots. As such, polygons
        are converted to their outer-most edges in this case.

        :param att: attribute name of this Component
        :param roi: an ROI object
        :param other_comp: The other Component for 2D ROIs
        :param other_att: The attribute name of the other Component
        :param coord: The orientation of this Component
        :param is_nested: True if this was passed from another Component.
        :return: A SubsetState (or subclass) object

        if coord not in ('x', 'y'):
            raise ValueError('coord should be one of x/y')

        if isinstance(roi, RangeROI):

            # The selection is either an x range or a y range

            if roi.ori == coord:

                # The selection applies to the current component
                return CategoricalROISubsetState.from_range(self, att, roi.min, roi.max)


                # The selection applies to the other component, so we delegate
                other_coord = 'y' if coord == 'x' else 'x'
                return other_comp.subset_from_roi(other_att, roi,

        elif isinstance(roi, CategoricalROI):

            # The selection is categorical itself

            return CategoricalROISubsetState(roi=roi, att=att)


            # The selection is polygon-like, which requires special care.

            # TODO: need to make this a public function
            from glue.core.subset import combine_multiple

            selection = []

            if isinstance(other_comp, CategoricalComponent):

                # For each category, we check which categories along the other
                # axis fall inside the polygon:

                for code, label in enumerate(self.categories):

                    # Determine the coordinates of the points to check
                    n_other = len(other_comp.categories)
                    y = np.arange(n_other)
                    x = np.repeat(code, n_other)

                    if coord == 'y':
                        x, y = y, x

                    # Determine which points are in the polygon, and which
                    # categories these correspond to
                    in_poly = roi.contains(x, y)
                    categories = other_comp.categories[in_poly]

                    # If any categories are in the polygon, we set up an
                    # AndState subset that includes only points for the current
                    # label and for all the categories that do fall inside the
                    # polygon.
                    if len(categories) > 0:

                        cat_roi_1 = CategoricalROI([label])
                        cat_subset_1 = CategoricalROISubsetState(att=att, roi=cat_roi_1)
                        cat_roi_2 = CategoricalROI(categories)
                        cat_subset_2 = CategoricalROISubsetState(att=other_att, roi=cat_roi_2)

                        selection.append(AndState(cat_subset_1, cat_subset_2))


                # If the other component is not categorical, we treat this as if
                # each categorical component was mapped to a numerical value,
                # and at each value, we keep track of the polygon intersection
                # with the component. This will result in zero, one, or
                # multiple separate numerical ranges for each categorical value.

                # TODO: if we ever allow the category order to be changed, we
                # need to figure out how to update this!

                x, y = roi.to_polygon()

                if is_nested:
                    x, y = y, x

                # We loop over each category and for each one we find the
                # numerical ranges

                for code, label in zip(self.codes, self.labels):

                    # We determine all the numerical segments that represent the
                    # ensemble of points in y that fall in the polygon
                    segments = polygon_line_intersections(x, y, xval=code)

                    # We make use of MultiRangeSubsetState to represent a
                    # discontinuous range, and then combine with the categorical
                    # component to create the selection.
                    cont_subset = MultiRangeSubsetState(segments, att=other_att)
                    cat_roi = CategoricalROI([label])
                    cat_subset = CategoricalROISubsetState(att=att, roi=cat_roi)

                    selection.append(AndState(cat_subset, cont_subset))

            return combine_multiple(selection, operator.or_)
Exemple #6
    def subset_from_roi(self,
        Create a SubsetState object from an ROI.

        This encapsulates the logic for creating subset states with
        CategoricalComponents. There is an important caveat, only RangeROIs
        and RectangularROIs make sense in mixed type plots. As such, polygons
        are converted to their outer-most edges in this case.

        :param att: attribute name of this Component
        :param roi: an ROI object
        :param other_comp: The other Component for 2D ROIs
        :param other_att: The attribute name of the other Component
        :param coord: The orientation of this Component
        :param is_nested: True if this was passed from another Component.
        :return: A SubsetState (or subclass) object

        if coord not in ('x', 'y'):
            raise ValueError('coord should be one of x/y')

        if isinstance(roi, RangeROI):

            # The selection is either an x range or a y range

            if roi.ori == coord:

                # The selection applies to the current component
                return CategoricalROISubsetState.from_range(
                    self, att, roi.min, roi.max)


                # The selection applies to the other component, so we delegate
                other_coord = 'y' if coord == 'x' else 'x'
                return other_comp.subset_from_roi(other_att,

        elif isinstance(roi, CategoricalROI):

            # The selection is categorical itself

            return CategoricalROISubsetState(roi=roi, att=att)


            # The selection is polygon-like, which requires special care.

            # TODO: need to make this a public function
            from glue.core.subset import combine_multiple

            selection = []

            if isinstance(other_comp, CategoricalComponent):

                # For each category, we check which categories along the other
                # axis fall inside the polygon:

                for code, label in enumerate(self.categories):

                    # Determine the coordinates of the points to check
                    n_other = len(other_comp.categories)
                    y = np.arange(n_other)
                    x = np.repeat(code, n_other)

                    if coord == 'y':
                        x, y = y, x

                    # Determine which points are in the polygon, and which
                    # categories these correspond to
                    in_poly = roi.contains(x, y)
                    categories = other_comp.categories[in_poly]

                    # If any categories are in the polygon, we set up an
                    # AndState subset that includes only points for the current
                    # label and for all the categories that do fall inside the
                    # polygon.
                    if len(categories) > 0:

                        cat_roi_1 = CategoricalROI([label])
                        cat_subset_1 = CategoricalROISubsetState(att=att,
                        cat_roi_2 = CategoricalROI(categories)
                        cat_subset_2 = CategoricalROISubsetState(att=other_att,

                        selection.append(AndState(cat_subset_1, cat_subset_2))


                # If the other component is not categorical, we treat this as if
                # each categorical component was mapped to a numerical value,
                # and at each value, we keep track of the polygon intersection
                # with the component. This will result in zero, one, or
                # multiple separate numerical ranges for each categorical value.

                # TODO: if we ever allow the category order to be changed, we
                # need to figure out how to update this!

                x, y = roi.to_polygon()

                if is_nested:
                    x, y = y, x

                # We loop over each category and for each one we find the
                # numerical ranges

                for code, label in zip(self.codes, self.labels):

                    # We determine all the numerical segments that represent the
                    # ensemble of points in y that fall in the polygon
                    segments = polygon_line_intersections(x, y, xval=code)

                    # We make use of MultiRangeSubsetState to represent a
                    # discontinuous range, and then combine with the categorical
                    # component to create the selection.
                    cont_subset = MultiRangeSubsetState(segments,
                    cat_roi = CategoricalROI([label])
                    cat_subset = CategoricalROISubsetState(att=att,

                    selection.append(AndState(cat_subset, cont_subset))

            return combine_multiple(selection, operator.or_)