Exemple #1
 def test_annotation_simple(self):
     test = '''
      * Above text
      * Glue:Annotation()
      * Below text
     annotations = GlueAnnotation.get_annotations(test)
     self.assertEqual(1, len(annotations))
     self.assertEqual('Annotation', annotations[0].name)
Exemple #2
    def test_annotation_escape(self):
         * Glue:Block(family=core; extensible; description=
         * A simple constant,
         * this will output the value a=b!; escaped=
         * `This can contains ;, because there is escape`
         * )
        annotations = GlueAnnotation.get_annotations(test)
        self.assertEqual(1, len(annotations))
        self.assertEqual('Block', annotations[0].name)

        params = annotations[0].params
        self.assertEqual(4, len(params))
        self.assertEqual('core', params['family'])
        self.assertEqual(True, params['extensible'])
        self.assertEqual('A simple constant, this will output the value a=b!', params['description'])
        self.assertEqual('This can contains ;, because there is escape', params['escaped'])
Exemple #3
 def test_annotation_multiple(self):
     test = '''
     * Blha blha
     * Glue:A(x=1; y=2)
     * Blha blha
     * Glue:B(m=3; n=2)
     * Blha blha
     annotations = GlueAnnotation.get_annotations(test)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(annotations))
     a = annotations[0]
     b = annotations[1]
     self.assertEqual('A', a.name)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(a.params))
     self.assertEqual('1', a.params['x'])
     self.assertEqual('2', a.params['y'])
     self.assertEqual('B', b.name)
     self.assertEqual(2, len(b.params))
     self.assertEqual('3', b.params['m'])
     self.assertEqual('2', b.params['n'])