def __init__(self): # Window parameters self.WIDTH = 800 self.HEIGHT = 600 # LED parameters self.LED_WIDTH = 5 self.LED_SPACING = 5 # Number of LEDs on each wall self.LEFT_WALL = self.HEIGHT / (self.LED_WIDTH + self.LED_SPACING) self.RIGHT_WALL = self.LEFT_WALL self.TOP_WALL = self.WIDTH / (self.LED_WIDTH + self.LED_SPACING) # The window doing the rendering self.wnd = glwindow.window((800, 600)) # The context that we write to self.ctx = moderngl.create_context() def getPos(i): """ Calculates the position of the LED as an (x,y) coordinate, where x and y belong to (-1,1). Parameters: i Ranges from 0 to 1 and represents how far the desired LED is along the strip """ if i < 1/3.0: # Left wall return (-0.9, (6*i - 1)*0.95) elif i < 2/3.0: # Top wall return (((i - 1/3.0) * 6 - 1)*0.9, 0.95) else: # Right wall return (0.9, ((2/3.0 - i) * 6 + 1)*0.95) # Init LED objects n = rendering_conf.NUM_PIXELS # More concise self.leds = [_LED(self.ctx, getPos(i/n), self.LED_WIDTH) for i in range(n)]
gl_Position.y *= -1.0; } '''), fragment_shader=glsl(''' #version 450 #pragma shader_stage(fragment) layout (location = 0) in vec4 in_color; layout (location = 0) out vec4 out_color; void main() { out_color = in_color; } '''), vertex_count=3, ) wnd_1 = glwindow.window((512, 512), 'Window 1') wnd_2 = glwindow.window((512, 512), 'Window 2') instance.surface(wnd_1.handle, framebuffer.output[0]) instance.surface(wnd_2.handle, framebuffer.output[0]) while wnd_1.visible or wnd_2.visible: glwindow.update() instance.present()
void main() { gl_Position = vec4(positions[gl_VertexIndex], 0.0, 1.0); out_color = colors[gl_VertexIndex]; gl_Position.y *= -1.0; } '''), fragment_shader=glsl(''' #version 450 #pragma shader_stage(fragment) layout (location = 0) in vec4 in_color; layout (location = 0) out vec4 out_color; void main() { out_color = in_color; } '''), vertex_count=3, ) wnd = glwindow.window((512, 512)) instance.surface(wnd.handle, framebuffer.output[0]) while wnd.visible: glwindow.update() instance.present()
import glwindow import moderngl as mgl import numpy as np wnd = glwindow.window((840, 480)) ctx = mgl.create_context() prog = ctx.program( vertex_shader=''' #version 140 in vec2 vert; in vec4 vert_color; out vec4 frag_color; uniform vec2 scale; uniform float rotation; void main() { frag_color = vert_color; float r = rotation * (0.5 + gl_InstanceID * 0.05); mat2 rot = mat2(cos(r), sin(r), -sin(r), cos(r)); gl_Position = vec4((rot * vert) * scale, 0.0, 1.0); } ''', fragment_shader=''' #version 140 in vec4 frag_color; out vec4 color; void main() { color = vec4(frag_color); } ''', )