def get(self, metric_id):
        Implements the GET method for endpoint "/metrics/{metric_id}/configs". By default
        the results are order by 'config_name' ascending.

        Implemented Query Parameters:
        - sort: allows one to order the resulting collection by 'config_name' in
        descending order. This should be done by specifying the query parameter as
        "sort=-config_name". Case insensitive.

        Note: if unknown query parameters are given these will be ignored.

        :param metric_id: the metric_id associated with this endpoint
        :return: a collection of metric configs for the specified metric_id
        query = MetricConfig.query.filter_by(metric_id=metric_id)

        # check if the 'sort' has been requested for the only implemented field
        sort = request.args.get("sort")
        if sort is not None and sort.lstrip("-").lower() == 'config_name':
            query = query.order_by(MetricConfig.config_name.desc())
            # by default sorts ascending
            query = query.order_by(MetricConfig.config_name)

        # execute query
        configs = query.all()

        result = self.schema_collection.dump(configs)
        return success(result=result)
    def post(self, metric_id):
        Implements the POST method for endpoint "/metrics/{metric_id}/configs". It should
        be used to create a new metric config.

        :param metric_id: the metric_id associated with this endpoint
        :return: the metric config as a json created in the database (in case of success)
        json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
        if not json_data:
            abort(400, 'No input data provided')
        # validate and deserialize input
        metric_config = self.load(json_data, session=db.session)

        # get respective metric by the id, associate the newly create config with this
        # metric obtained from the database
        metric = get_metric_by_id(metric_id)
        metric_config.metric = metric

        # add object to db
        except SQLAlchemyError as e:
            abort(400, message=f'Database error. Reason: {e}')

        # send result back
        result = self.schema.dump(metric_config)
        return success(result, code=201)
    def put(self, metric_id, config_name):
        Implements the PUT method for endpoint
        "/metrics/{metric_id}/configs/{config_name}". It should be used to update a metric

        :param metric_id: the metric_id associated with this endpoint
        :param config_name: the name of the configuration being updated
        :return: the metric config as a json after the update (in case of success)
        json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
        if not json_data:
            abort(400, message='No input data provided')

        # Validate and deserialize input
        config = self._get_metric_config_by_name(metric_id, config_name)
        self.load(json_data, instance=config, session=db.session, partial=True)

        # if it was found and deserialized successfully try to commit
        except SQLAlchemyError as e:
            abort(400, message=f'Database error. Reason: {e}')

        return success(json_data)
Exemple #4
    def post(self):
        Implements the POST method for endpoint "/metrics". It should be used to create a
        new metric.

        :return: the metric as a json created in the database (in case of success)
        json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
        if not json_data:
            abort(400, message='No input data provided')
        # make sure the metric_id (temporary) and metric_type (model) are filled
        json_data["metric_id"] = "TBD"
        json_data["metric_type"] = "model"

        # validate and deserialize input
        new_metric = self.load(json_data, session=db.session)

        # get the next metric id and update metric object
        except SQLAlchemyError as e:
            abort(400, message=f'Database error. Reason: {e}')

        # dump to json and return result
        result = self.schema.dump(new_metric)
        return success(result, code=201)
Exemple #5
    def get(self, metric_id):
        Implements the GET method for endpoint "/metrics/{metric_id}/runs". By default
        the results are order by 'cob_date' ascending.

        Implemented Query Parameters:
        - start: to obtain results from this "start" date (including). Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
        - end: to obtain results up to this "end" date (including). Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
        - breach: to filter results that were either in "breach" or not. Case insensitive.
        - status: to filter results according to a given metric result status. Case
        - sort: allows one to order the resulting collection by 'cob_date' in
        descending order. This should be done by specifying the query parameter as
        "sort=-cob_date". Case insensitive.

        Note: if unknown query parameters are given these will be ignored.

        :param metric_id: the metric_id associated with this endpoint
        :return: a collection of metric results for the specified metric_id
        # base query will always filter by metric_id
        query = MetricRun.query.filter_by(metric_id=metric_id)

        # get query parameters from request
        start = request.args.get('start')
        end = request.args.get('end')
        breach = request.args.get('breach')
        status = request.args.get('status')
        sort = request.args.get("sort")

        # process (convert if needed) each parameter and append to query filters
        if start is not None:
            start = _datestr_to_datetime(start, 'start')
            query = query.filter(MetricRun.cob_date >= start)
        if end is not None:
            end = _datestr_to_datetime(end, 'end')
            query = query.filter(MetricRun.cob_date <= end)
        if breach is not None:
            breach = breach.lower() == 'true'
            query = query.filter_by(breach=breach)
        if status is not None:
                metric_status = MetricStatus.from_name(status)
            except ValueError as e:
                msg = f"Invalid 'status': {status}. Use one of {MetricStatus.values()}"
                abort(400, message=msg)
            query = query.filter(MetricRun.status == metric_status)
        # check if the 'sort' has been requested for the only implemented field
        if sort is not None and sort.lstrip("-").lower() == 'cob_date':
            query = query.order_by(MetricRun.cob_date.desc())
            # by default sorts ascending
            query = query.order_by(MetricRun.cob_date)

        # execute query
        results = query.all()

        # dump results into a json like object
        res = self.schema_collection.dump(results)
        return success(result=res)
Exemple #6
    def delete(self, metric_id):
        Implements the DELETE method for endpoint "/metrics/{metric_id}". It should be
        used to delete a metric result matching the provided metric_id and cob_date.

        :param metric_id: the metric_id associated with this endpoint
        :return: the metric as a json after the delete (in case of success)
        metric = get_metric_by_id(metric_id)
        # dump as json to send in the end if del is successful
        result = self.schema.dump(metric)

        # if result was found, delete it from database
        except SQLAlchemyError as e:
            abort(400, message=f'Database error. Reason: {e}')
        return success(result)
    def delete(self, metric_id, config_name):
        Implements the DELETE method for endpoint
        "/metrics/{metric_id}/configs/{config_name}". It should be used to delete a metric
        config matching the provided metric_id and config_name.

        :param metric_id: the metric_id associated with this endpoint
        :param config_name: the name of the configuration being deleted
        :return: the metric config as a json after the delete (in case of success)
        config = self._get_metric_config_by_name(metric_id, config_name)
        result = self.schema.dump(config)

        # if result was found, delete it from database
        except SQLAlchemyError as e:
            abort(400, message=f'Database error. Reason: {e}')

        return success(result)
Exemple #8
    def put(self, metric_id):
        Implements the PUT method for endpoint "/metrics/{metric_id}". It should be used
        to update a metric.

        :param metric_id: the metric_id associated with this endpoint
        :return: the metric as a json after the update (in case of success)
        json_data = request.get_json(force=True)
        if not json_data:
            abort(400, message='No input data provided')

        # Validate and deserialize input
        metric = get_metric_by_id(metric_id)
        self.load(json_data, metric, db.session, partial=True)

        # if it was found and deserialized successfully try to commit
        except SQLAlchemyError as e:
            abort(400, message=f'Database error. Reason: {e}')

        return success(json_data)
Exemple #9
    def get(self):
        Implements the GET method for endpoint "/metrics". By default the results are
        order by 'metric_id' ascending.

        Implemented Query Parameters:
        - is_active: to filter results that are either active or inactive. Boolean and
        case insensitive.
        - frequency: filter results based on a metric frequency. Values of this enum must
        be respected. Case insensitive.
        - threshold_type: filter results based on a metric threshold type. Values of this
        enum must be respected. Case insensitive.
        - sort: allows one to order the resulting collecting by 'metric_id' in descending
        order. This should be done by specifying the query parameter as "sort=-metric_id".
        Case insensitive.

        Note: if unknown query parameters are given these will be ignored.

        :return: a collection of metrics
        query = self.build_query()
        metrics = query.all()
        result = self.schema_collection.dump(metrics)
        return success(result)