Exemple #1
    def test_parametrization_setter(self):
        top = Topology()

        assert top.typed == False
        assert top.is_typed() == False
        top.typed = True
        assert top.typed == True
        assert top.is_typed() == False
Exemple #2
def from_mbuild(compound, box=None, search_method=element_by_symbol):
    """Convert an mbuild.Compound to a gmso.Topology

    This conversion makes the following assumptions about the inputted
        * All positional and box dimension values in compound are in nanometers

        * If the `Compound` has 4 or more levels of hierarchy, these are\
            compressed to 3 levels of hierarchy in the resulting `Topology`. The\
            top level `Compound` becomes the `Topology`, the second level\
            Compounds become `SubTopologies`, and each particle becomes a `Site`,\
            which are added to their corresponding `SubTopologies`.\

        * Furthermore, `Sites` that do not belong to a sub-`Compound` are\
            added to a single-`Site` `SubTopology`.

        * The box dimension are extracted from `compound.periodicity`. If the\
            `compound.periodicity` is `None`, the box lengths are the lengths of\
            the bounding box + a 0.5 nm buffer.

        * Only `Bonds` are added for each bond in the `Compound`. If `Angles`\
        and `Dihedrals` are desired in the resulting `Topology`, they must be\
        added separately from this function.

    compound : mbuild.Compound
        mbuild.Compound instance that need to be converted
    box : mbuild.Box, optional, default=None
        Box information to be loaded to a gmso.Topology
    search_method : function, optional, default=element_by_symbol
        Searching method used to assign element from periodic table to
        particle site.
        The information specified in the `search_method` argument is extracted
        from each `Particle`'s `name` attribute.
        Valid functions are element_by_symbol, element_by_name,
        element_by_atomic_number, and element_by_mass, which can be imported
        from `gmso.core.element'

    top : gmso.Topology


    msg = ("Argument compound is not an mbuild.Compound")
    assert isinstance(compound, mb.Compound), msg

    top = Topology()
    top.typed = False

    # Keep the name if it is not the default mBuild Compound name
    if compound.name != mb.Compound().name:
        top.name = compound.name

    site_map = dict()
    for child in compound.children:
        if len(child.children) == 0:
            subtop = SubTopology(name=child.name)
            for particle in child.particles():
                pos = particle.xyz[0] * u.nanometer
                ele = search_method(particle.name)
                site = Site(name=particle.name, position=pos, element=ele)
                site_map[particle] = site

    for particle in compound.particles():
        already_added_site = site_map.get(particle, None)
        if already_added_site:

        pos = particle.xyz[0] * u.nanometer
        ele = search_method(particle.name)
        site = Site(name=particle.name, position=pos, element=ele)
        site_map[particle] = site

        # If the top has subtopologies, then place this particle into
        # a single-site subtopology -- ensures that all sites are in the
        # same level of hierarchy.
        if len(top.subtops) > 0:
            subtop = SubTopology(name=particle.name)

    for b1, b2 in compound.bonds():
        new_bond = Bond(connection_members=[site_map[b1], site_map[b2]],

    if box:
        top.box = from_mbuild_box(box)
    # Assumes 2-D systems are not supported in mBuild
    # if compound.periodicity is None and not box:
        if np.allclose(compound.periodicity, np.zeros(3)):
            box = from_mbuild_box(compound.boundingbox)
            if box:
                box.lengths += [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] * u.nm
            top.box = box
            top.box = Box(lengths=compound.periodicity)

    return top