def dynamic_data(filepath,
        """Raise IOError on transcoding problems, or ValueError for invalid input.

        :param mock_sample: if provided, will be sent in place of a proper sample

        msg = upload_pb2.UploadSampleRequest()

        msg.uploader_id = uploader_id

        sample_msg = upload_pb2.TrackSample()

        sample_spec = server_challenge.challenge_info  # convenience

        if mock_sample is None:
            # The sample is simply a small (usually 15 second) clip of the song,
            # transcoded into 128kbs mp3. The server dictates where the cut should be made.
            sample_msg.sample = utils.transcode_to_mp3(
                slice_start=sample_spec.start_millis // 1000,
                slice_duration=sample_spec.duration_millis // 1000)
            sample_msg.sample = mock_sample

        # You can provide multiple samples; I just provide one at a time.

        return msg
Exemple #2
    def dynamic_data(filepath, server_challenge, track, uploader_id, mock_sample=None):
        """Raise IOError on transcoding problems, or ValueError for invalid input.

        :param mock_sample: if provided, will be sent in place of a proper sample

        msg = upload_pb2.UploadSampleRequest()

        msg.uploader_id = uploader_id

        sample_msg = upload_pb2.TrackSample()

        sample_spec = server_challenge.challenge_info  # convenience

        if mock_sample is None:
            # The sample is simply a small (usually 15 second) clip of the song,
            # transcoded into 128kbs mp3. The server dictates where the cut should be made.
            sample_msg.sample = utils.transcode_to_mp3(
                slice_start=sample_spec.start_millis / 1000,
                slice_duration=sample_spec.duration_millis / 1000,
            sample_msg.sample = mock_sample

        # You can provide multiple samples; I just provide one at a time.

        return msg
    def dynamic_data(file_contents, server_challenge, track, uploader_id):
        """Raise OSError on transcoding problems, or ValueError for invalid input."""
        msg = upload_pb2.UploadSampleRequest()

        msg.uploader_id = uploader_id

        sample_msg = upload_pb2.TrackSample()

        sample_spec = server_challenge.challenge_info  # convenience

        #The sample is simply a small (usually 15 second) clip of the song,
        # transcoded into 128kbs mp3. The server dictates where the cut should be made.
        sample_msg.sample = utils.transcode_to_mp3(
            file_contents, quality='128k',
            slice_start=sample_spec.start_millis / 1000,
            slice_duration=sample_spec.duration_millis / 1000

        #You can provide multiple samples; I just provide one at a time.

        return msg
    def upload(self,
        """Uploads the given filepaths.

        All non-mp3 files will be transcoded before being uploaded.
        This is a limitation of Google's backend.

        An available installation of ffmpeg or avconv is required in most cases:
        see `the installation page
        /latest/usage.html?#installation>`__ for details.

        Returns a 3-tuple ``(uploaded, matched, not_uploaded)`` of dictionaries, eg::

                {'<filepath>': '<new server id>'},               # uploaded
                {'<filepath>': '<new server id>'},               # matched
                {'<filepath>': '<reason, eg ALREADY_EXISTS>'}    # not uploaded

        :param filepaths: a list of filepaths, or a single filepath.

        :param enable_matching: if ``True``, attempt to use `scan and match
          to avoid uploading every song.
          This requires ffmpeg or avconv.
          **WARNING**: currently, mismatched songs can *not* be fixed with the 'Fix Incorrect Match'
          button nor :py:func:`report_incorrect_match
          They would have to be deleted and reuploaded with matching disabled
          (or with the Music Manager).
          Fixing matches from gmusicapi may be supported in a future release; see issue `#89

        :param enable_transcoding:
          if ``False``, non-MP3 files that aren't matched using `scan and match
          will not be uploaded.

        :param transcode_quality: if int, pass to ffmpeg/avconv ``-q:a`` for libmp3lame
          (`lower-better int,
          If string, pass to ffmpeg/avconv ``-b:a`` (eg ``'128k'`` for an average bitrate of 128k).
          The default is 320kbps cbr (the highest possible quality).

        All Google-supported filetypes are supported; see `Google's documentation

        If ``PERMANENT_ERROR`` is given as a not_uploaded reason, attempts to reupload will never
        succeed. The file will need to be changed before the server will reconsider it; the easiest
        way is to change metadata tags (it's not important that the tag be uploaded, just that the
        contents of the file change somehow).

        if self.uploader_id is None or self.uploader_name is None:
            raise NotLoggedIn("Not authenticated as an upload device;"
                              " run Api.login(...perform_upload_auth=True...)"
                              " first.")

        # TODO there is way too much code in this function.

        # To return.
        uploaded = {}
        matched = {}
        not_uploaded = {}

        # Gather local information on the files.
        local_info = {}  # {clientid: (path, Track)}
        for path in filepaths:
                track = musicmanager.UploadMetadata.fill_track_info(path)
            except BaseException as e:
                self.logger.exception("problem gathering local info of '%r'",

                user_err_msg = str(e)

                if 'Non-ASCII strings must be converted to unicode' in str(e):
                    # This is a protobuf-specific error; they require either ascii or unicode.
                    # To keep behavior consistent, make no effort to guess - require users
                    # to decode first.
                    user_err_msg = (
                        "nonascii bytestrings must be decoded to unicode"
                        " (error: '%s')" % user_err_msg)

                not_uploaded[path] = user_err_msg
                local_info[track.client_id] = (path, track)

        if not local_info:
            return uploaded, matched, not_uploaded

        # TODO allow metadata faking

        # Upload metadata; the server tells us what to do next.
        res = self._make_call(musicmanager.UploadMetadata,
                              [t for (path, t) in local_info.values()],

        # TODO checking for proper contents should be handled in verification
        md_res = res.metadata_response

        responses = [r for r in md_res.track_sample_response]
        sample_requests = [req for req in md_res.signed_challenge_info]

        # Send scan and match samples if requested.
        for sample_request in sample_requests:
            path, track = local_info[

            bogus_sample = None
            if not enable_matching:
                bogus_sample = b''  # just send empty bytes

                res = self._make_call(musicmanager.ProvideSample, path,
                                      sample_request, track, self.uploader_id,

            except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
                    "couldn't create scan and match sample for '%r': %s", path,
                not_uploaded[path] = str(e)

        # Read sample responses and prep upload requests.
        to_upload = {}  # {serverid: (path, Track, do_not_rematch?)}
        for sample_res in responses:
            path, track = local_info[sample_res.client_track_id]

            if sample_res.response_code == upload_pb2.TrackSampleResponse.MATCHED:
      "matched '%r' to sid %s", path,

                matched[path] = sample_res.server_track_id

                if not enable_matching:
                        "'%r' was matched without matching enabled", path)

            elif sample_res.response_code == upload_pb2.TrackSampleResponse.UPLOAD_REQUESTED:
                to_upload[sample_res.server_track_id] = (path, track, False)

                # there was a problem
                # report the symbolic name of the response code enum for debugging
                enum_desc = upload_pb2._TRACKSAMPLERESPONSE.enum_types[0]
                res_name = enum_desc.values_by_number[

                err_msg = "TrackSampleResponse code %s: %s" % (
                    sample_res.response_code, res_name)

                if res_name == 'ALREADY_EXISTS':
                    # include the sid, too
                    # this shouldn't be relied on externally, but I use it in
                    # tests - being surrounded by parens is how it's matched
                    err_msg += "(%s)" % sample_res.server_track_id

                self.logger.warning("upload of '%r' rejected: %s", path,
                not_uploaded[path] = err_msg

        # Send upload requests.
        if to_upload:
            # TODO reordering requests could avoid wasting time waiting for reup sync
            self._make_call(musicmanager.UpdateUploadState, 'start',

            for server_id, (path, track, do_not_rematch) in to_upload.items():
                # It can take a few tries to get an session.
                should_retry = True
                attempts = 0

                while should_retry and attempts < 10:
                    session = self._make_call(musicmanager.GetUploadSession,
                                              self.uploader_id, len(uploaded),
                                              track, path, server_id,
                    attempts += 1

                    got_session, error_details = \

                    if got_session:
              "got an upload session for '%r'",

                    should_retry, reason, error_code = error_details
                        "problem getting upload session: %s\ncode=%s retrying=%s",
                        reason, error_code, should_retry)

                    if error_code == 200 and do_not_rematch:
                        # reupload requests need to wait on a server sync
                        # 200 == already uploaded, so force a retry in this case
                        should_retry = True

                    time.sleep(6)  # wait before retrying
                    err_msg = "GetUploadSession error %s: %s" % (error_code,

                        "giving up on upload session for '%r': %s", path,
                    not_uploaded[path] = err_msg

                    continue  # to next upload

                # got a session, do the upload
                # this terribly inconsistent naming isn't my fault: Google--
                session = session['sessionStatus']
                external = session['externalFieldTransfers'][0]

                session_url = external['putInfo']['url']
                content_type = external.get('content_type', 'audio/mpeg')

                if track.original_content_type != locker_pb2.Track.MP3:
                    if enable_transcoding:
                  "transcoding '%r' to mp3", path)
                            contents = utils.transcode_to_mp3(
                                path, quality=transcode_quality)
                        except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
                            self.logger.warning("error transcoding %r: %s",
                                                path, e)
                            not_uploaded[path] = "transcoding error: %s" % e
                        not_uploaded[path] = "transcoding disabled"
                    with open(path, 'rb') as f:
                        contents =

                upload_response = self._make_call(musicmanager.UploadFile,
                                                  session_url, content_type,

                success = upload_response.get('sessionStatus', {}).get('state')
                if success:
                    uploaded[path] = server_id
                    # 404 == already uploaded? serverside check on clientid?
                        "could not finalize upload of '%r'. response: %s",
                        path, upload_response)
                        path] = 'could not finalize upload; details in log'

            self._make_call(musicmanager.UpdateUploadState, 'stopped',

        return uploaded, matched, not_uploaded
Exemple #5
    def upload(self, filepaths, enable_matching=False,
               enable_transcoding=True, transcode_quality='320k'):
        """Uploads the given filepaths.

        All non-mp3 files will be transcoded before being uploaded.
        This is a limitation of Google's backend.

        An available installation of ffmpeg or avconv is required in most cases:
        see `the installation page
        /latest/usage.html?#installation>`__ for details.

        Returns a 3-tuple ``(uploaded, matched, not_uploaded)`` of dictionaries, eg::

                {'<filepath>': '<new server id>'},               # uploaded
                {'<filepath>': '<new server id>'},               # matched
                {'<filepath>': '<reason, eg ALREADY_EXISTS>'}    # not uploaded

        :param filepaths: a list of filepaths, or a single filepath.

        :param enable_matching: if ``True``, attempt to use `scan and match
          to avoid uploading every song.
          This requires ffmpeg or avconv.
          **WARNING**: currently, mismatched songs can *not* be fixed with the 'Fix Incorrect Match'
          button nor :py:func:`report_incorrect_match
          They would have to be deleted and reuploaded with matching disabled
          (or with the Music Manager).
          Fixing matches from gmusicapi may be supported in a future release; see issue `#89

        :param enable_transcoding:
          if ``False``, non-MP3 files that aren't matched using `scan and match
          will not be uploaded.

        :param transcode_quality: if int, pass to ffmpeg/avconv ``-q:a`` for libmp3lame
          (`lower-better int,
          If string, pass to ffmpeg/avconv ``-b:a`` (eg ``'128k'`` for an average bitrate of 128k).
          The default is 320kbps cbr (the highest possible quality).

        All Google-supported filetypes are supported; see `Google's documentation

        If ``PERMANENT_ERROR`` is given as a not_uploaded reason, attempts to reupload will never
        succeed. The file will need to be changed before the server will reconsider it; the easiest
        way is to change metadata tags (it's not important that the tag be uploaded, just that the
        contents of the file change somehow).

        if self.uploader_id is None or self.uploader_name is None:
            raise NotLoggedIn("Not authenticated as an upload device;"
                              " run Api.login(...perform_upload_auth=True...)"
                              " first.")

        # TODO there is way too much code in this function.

        # To return.
        uploaded = {}
        matched = {}
        not_uploaded = {}

        # Gather local information on the files.
        local_info = {}  # {clientid: (path, Track)}
        for path in filepaths:
                track = musicmanager.UploadMetadata.fill_track_info(path)
            except BaseException as e:
                self.logger.exception("problem gathering local info of '%r'", path)

                user_err_msg = str(e)

                if 'Non-ASCII strings must be converted to unicode' in str(e):
                    # This is a protobuf-specific error; they require either ascii or unicode.
                    # To keep behavior consistent, make no effort to guess - require users
                    # to decode first.
                    user_err_msg = ("nonascii bytestrings must be decoded to unicode"
                                    " (error: '%s')" % user_err_msg)

                not_uploaded[path] = user_err_msg
                local_info[track.client_id] = (path, track)

        if not local_info:
            return uploaded, matched, not_uploaded

        # TODO allow metadata faking

        # Upload metadata; the server tells us what to do next.
        res = self._make_call(musicmanager.UploadMetadata,
                              [t for (path, t) in local_info.values()],

        # TODO checking for proper contents should be handled in verification
        md_res = res.metadata_response

        responses = [r for r in md_res.track_sample_response]
        sample_requests = [req for req in md_res.signed_challenge_info]

        # Send scan and match samples if requested.
        for sample_request in sample_requests:
            path, track = local_info[sample_request.challenge_info.client_track_id]

            bogus_sample = None
            if not enable_matching:
                bogus_sample = b''  # just send empty bytes

                res = self._make_call(musicmanager.ProvideSample,
                                      path, sample_request, track,
                                      self.uploader_id, bogus_sample)

            except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
                self.logger.warning("couldn't create scan and match sample for '%r': %s",
                                    path, str(e))
                not_uploaded[path] = str(e)

        # Read sample responses and prep upload requests.
        to_upload = {}  # {serverid: (path, Track, do_not_rematch?)}
        for sample_res in responses:
            path, track = local_info[sample_res.client_track_id]

            if sample_res.response_code == upload_pb2.TrackSampleResponse.MATCHED:
      "matched '%r' to sid %s", path, sample_res.server_track_id)

                matched[path] = sample_res.server_track_id

                if not enable_matching:
                    self.logger.error("'%r' was matched without matching enabled", path)

            elif sample_res.response_code == upload_pb2.TrackSampleResponse.UPLOAD_REQUESTED:
                to_upload[sample_res.server_track_id] = (path, track, False)

                # there was a problem
                # report the symbolic name of the response code enum for debugging
                enum_desc = upload_pb2._TRACKSAMPLERESPONSE.enum_types[0]
                res_name = enum_desc.values_by_number[sample_res.response_code].name

                err_msg = "TrackSampleResponse code %s: %s" % (sample_res.response_code, res_name)

                if res_name == 'ALREADY_EXISTS':
                    # include the sid, too
                    # this shouldn't be relied on externally, but I use it in
                    # tests - being surrounded by parens is how it's matched
                    err_msg += "(%s)" % sample_res.server_track_id

                self.logger.warning("upload of '%r' rejected: %s", path, err_msg)
                not_uploaded[path] = err_msg

        # Send upload requests.
        if to_upload:
            # TODO reordering requests could avoid wasting time waiting for reup sync
            self._make_call(musicmanager.UpdateUploadState, 'start', self.uploader_id)

            for server_id, (path, track, do_not_rematch) in to_upload.items():
                # It can take a few tries to get an session.
                should_retry = True
                attempts = 0

                while should_retry and attempts < 10:
                    session = self._make_call(musicmanager.GetUploadSession,
                                              self.uploader_id, len(uploaded),
                                              track, path, server_id, do_not_rematch)
                    attempts += 1

                    got_session, error_details = \

                    if got_session:
              "got an upload session for '%r'", path)

                    should_retry, reason, error_code = error_details
                    self.logger.debug("problem getting upload session: %s\ncode=%s retrying=%s",
                                      reason, error_code, should_retry)

                    if error_code == 200 and do_not_rematch:
                        # reupload requests need to wait on a server sync
                        # 200 == already uploaded, so force a retry in this case
                        should_retry = True

                    time.sleep(6)  # wait before retrying
                    err_msg = "GetUploadSession error %s: %s" % (error_code, reason)

                    self.logger.warning("giving up on upload session for '%r': %s", path, err_msg)
                    not_uploaded[path] = err_msg

                    continue  # to next upload

                # got a session, do the upload
                # this terribly inconsistent naming isn't my fault: Google--
                session = session['sessionStatus']
                external = session['externalFieldTransfers'][0]

                session_url = external['putInfo']['url']
                content_type = external.get('content_type', 'audio/mpeg')

                if track.original_content_type != locker_pb2.Track.MP3:
                    if enable_transcoding:
                  "transcoding '%r' to mp3", path)
                            contents = utils.transcode_to_mp3(path, quality=transcode_quality)
                        except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
                            self.logger.warning("error transcoding %r: %s", path, e)
                            not_uploaded[path] = "transcoding error: %s" % e
                        not_uploaded[path] = "transcoding disabled"
                    with open(path, 'rb') as f:
                        contents =

                upload_response = self._make_call(musicmanager.UploadFile,
                                                  session_url, content_type, contents)

                success = upload_response.get('sessionStatus', {}).get('state')
                if success:
                    uploaded[path] = server_id
                    # 404 == already uploaded? serverside check on clientid?
                    self.logger.debug("could not finalize upload of '%r'. response: %s",
                                      path, upload_response)
                    not_uploaded[path] = 'could not finalize upload; details in log'

            self._make_call(musicmanager.UpdateUploadState, 'stopped', self.uploader_id)

        return uploaded, matched, not_uploaded
    def upload(self, filepaths, transcode_quality=3, enable_matching=False):
        """Uploads the given filepaths.
        Any non-mp3 files will be `transcoded with avconv
        blob/develop/gmusicapi/utils/>`__ before being uploaded.

        Return a 3-tuple ``(uploaded, matched, not_uploaded)`` of dictionaries, eg::

                {'<filepath>': '<new server id>'},               # uploaded
                {'<filepath>': '<new server id>'},               # matched
                {'<filepath>': '<reason, eg ALREADY_UPLOADED>'}  # not uploaded

        :param filepaths: a list of filepaths, or a single filepath.
        :param transcode_quality: if int, pass to avconv ``-qscale`` for libmp3lame
          (lower-better int, roughly corresponding to `hydrogenaudio -vX settings
          If string, pass to avconv ``-ab`` (eg ``'128k'`` for an average bitrate of 128k). The
          default is ~175kbs vbr.

        :param enable_matching: if ``True``, attempt to use `scan and match
          to avoid uploading every song.
          **WARNING**: currently, mismatched songs can *not* be fixed with the 'Fix Incorrect Match'
          button or :func:`report_incorrect_match`. They would have to be deleted and reuploaded
          with the Music Manager.
          Fixing matches from gmusicapi will be supported in a future release; see issue `#89

        All Google-supported filetypes are supported; see `Google's documentation

        Unlike Google's Music Manager, this function will currently allow the same song to
        be uploaded more than once if its tags are changed. This is subject to change in the future.

        If ``PERMANENT_ERROR`` is given as a not_uploaded reason, attempts to reupload will never
        succeed. The file will need to be changed before the server will reconsider it; the easiest
        way is to change metadata tags (it's not important that the tag be uploaded, just that the
        contents of the file change somehow).

        if self.uploader_id is None or self.uploader_name is None:
            raise NotLoggedIn("Not authenticated as an upload device;"
                              " run Api.login(...perform_upload_auth=True...)"
                              " first.")

        #TODO there is way too much code in this function.

        #To return.
        uploaded = {}
        matched = {}
        not_uploaded = {}

        #Gather local information on the files.
        local_info = {}  # {clientid: (path, contents, Track)}
        for path in filepaths:
                with open(path, 'rb') as f:
                    contents =
                track = musicmanager.UploadMetadata.fill_track_info(path, contents)
            except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
                self.log.exception("problem gathering local info of '%s'" % path)
                not_uploaded[path] = str(e)
                local_info[track.client_id] = (path, contents, track)

        if not local_info:
            return uploaded, matched, not_uploaded

        #TODO allow metadata faking

        #Upload metadata; the server tells us what to do next.
        res = self._make_call(musicmanager.UploadMetadata,
                              [track for (path, contents, track) in local_info.values()],

        #TODO checking for proper contents should be handled in verification
        md_res = res.metadata_response

        responses = [r for r in md_res.track_sample_response]
        sample_requests = [req for req in md_res.signed_challenge_info]

        #Send scan and match samples if requested.
        for sample_request in sample_requests:
            path, contents, track = local_info[sample_request.challenge_info.client_track_id]

                res = self._make_call(musicmanager.ProvideSample,
                                      contents, sample_request, track, self.uploader_id)
            except ValueError as e:
                self.log.warning("couldn't create scan and match sample for '%s': %s", path, str(e))
                not_uploaded[path] = str(e)

        #Read sample responses and prep upload requests.
        to_upload = {}  # {serverid: (path, contents, Track, do_not_rematch?)}
        for sample_res in responses:
            path, contents, track = local_info[sample_res.client_track_id]

            if sample_res.response_code == upload_pb2.TrackSampleResponse.MATCHED:
      "matched '%s' to sid %s", path, sample_res.server_track_id)

                if enable_matching:
                    matched[path] = sample_res.server_track_id
                    #Immediately request a reupload session (ie, hit 'fix incorrect match').
                        self._make_call(webclient.ReportBadSongMatch, [sample_res.server_track_id])

                        #Wait for server to register our request.
                        retries = 0
                        while retries < 5:
                            jobs = self._make_call(musicmanager.GetUploadJobs, self.uploader_id)
                            matching = [job for job in jobs.getjobs_response.tracks_to_upload
                                        if (job.client_id == sample_res.client_track_id and
                                            job.status == upload_pb2.TracksToUpload.FORCE_REUPLOAD)]
                            if matching:
                                reup_sid = matching[0].server_id

                            self.log.debug("wait for reup job (%s)", retries)
                            retries += 1
                            raise CallFailure(
                                "could not get reupload/rematch job for '%s'" % path,

                    except CallFailure as e:
                        self.log.exception("'%s' was matched without matching enabled", path)
                        matched[path] = sample_res.server_track_id
              "will reupload '%s'", path)

                        to_upload[reup_sid] = (path, contents, track, True)

            elif sample_res.response_code == upload_pb2.TrackSampleResponse.UPLOAD_REQUESTED:
                to_upload[sample_res.server_track_id] = (path, contents, track, False)
                #Report the symbolic name of the response code enum.
                enum_desc = upload_pb2._TRACKSAMPLERESPONSE.enum_types[0]
                res_name = enum_desc.values_by_number[sample_res.response_code].name

                err_msg = "TrackSampleResponse code %s: %s" % (sample_res.response_code, res_name)

                self.log.warning("upload of '%s' rejected: %s", path, err_msg)
                not_uploaded[path] = err_msg

        #Send upload requests.
        if to_upload:
            #TODO reordering requests could avoid wasting time waiting for reup sync
            self._make_call(musicmanager.UpdateUploadState, 'start', self.uploader_id)

            for server_id, (path, contents, track, do_not_rematch) in to_upload.items():
                #It can take a few tries to get an session.
                should_retry = True
                attempts = 0

                while should_retry and attempts < 10:
                    session = self._make_call(musicmanager.GetUploadSession,
                                              self.uploader_id, len(uploaded),
                                              track, path, server_id, do_not_rematch)
                    attempts += 1

                    got_session, error_details = \

                    if got_session:
              "got an upload session for '%s'", path)

                    should_retry, reason, error_code = error_details
                    self.log.debug("problem getting upload session: %s\ncode=%s retrying=%s",
                                   reason, error_code, should_retry)

                    if error_code == 200 and do_not_rematch:
                        #reupload requests need to wait on a server sync
                        #200 == already uploaded, so force a retry in this case
                        should_retry = True

                    time.sleep(6)  # wait before retrying
                    err_msg = "GetUploadSession error %s: %s" % (error_code, reason)

                    self.log.warning("giving up on upload session for '%s': %s", path, err_msg)
                    not_uploaded[path] = err_msg

                    continue  # to next upload

                #got a session, do the upload
                #this terribly inconsistent naming isn't my fault: Google--
                session = session['sessionStatus']
                external = session['externalFieldTransfers'][0]

                session_url = external['putInfo']['url']
                content_type = external['content_type']

                if track.original_content_type != locker_pb2.Track.MP3:
              "transcoding '%s' to mp3", path)
                        contents = utils.transcode_to_mp3(contents, quality=transcode_quality)
                    except (OSError, ValueError) as e:
                        self.log.warning("error transcoding %s: %s", path, e)
                        not_uploaded[path] = "transcoding error: %s" % e

                upload_response = self._make_call(musicmanager.UploadFile,
                                                  session_url, content_type, contents)

                success = upload_response.get('sessionStatus', {}).get('state')
                if success:
                    uploaded[path] = server_id
                    #404 == already uploaded? serverside check on clientid?
                    self.log.debug("could not finalize upload of '%s'. response: %s",
                                   path, upload_response)
                    not_uploaded[path] = 'could not finalize upload; details in log'

            self._make_call(musicmanager.UpdateUploadState, 'stopped', self.uploader_id)

        return uploaded, matched, not_uploaded
Exemple #7
    def upload(self, filepaths, transcode_quality=3, enable_matching=False):
        """Uploads the given filepaths.
        Any non-mp3 files will be `transcoded with avconv
        blob/develop/gmusicapi/utils/>`__ before being uploaded.

        Return a 3-tuple ``(uploaded, matched, not_uploaded)`` of dictionaries, eg::

                {'<filepath>': '<new server id>'},               # uploaded
                {'<filepath>': '<new server id>'},               # matched
                {'<filepath>': '<reason, eg ALREADY_UPLOADED>'}  # not uploaded

        :param filepaths: a list of filepaths, or a single filepath.
        :param transcode_quality: if int, pass to avconv ``-qscale`` for libmp3lame
          (lower-better int, roughly corresponding to `hydrogenaudio -vX settings
          If string, pass to avconv ``-ab`` (eg ``'128k'`` for an average bitrate of 128k). The
          default is ~175kbs vbr.

        :param enable_matching: if ``True``, attempt to use `scan and match
          to avoid uploading every song.
          **WARNING**: currently, mismatched songs can *not* be fixed with the 'Fix Incorrect Match'
          button or :func:`report_incorrect_match`. They would have to be deleted and reuploaded
          with the Music Manager.
          Fixing matches from gmusicapi will be supported in a future release; see issue `#89

        All Google-supported filetypes are supported; see `Google's documentation

        Unlike Google's Music Manager, this function will currently allow the same song to
        be uploaded more than once if its tags are changed. This is subject to change in the future.

        If ``PERMANENT_ERROR`` is given as a not_uploaded reason, attempts to reupload will never
        succeed. The file will need to be changed before the server will reconsider it; the easiest
        way is to change metadata tags (it's not important that the tag be uploaded, just that the
        contents of the file change somehow).

        if self.uploader_id is None or self.uploader_name is None:
            raise NotLoggedIn("Not authenticated as an upload device;"
                              " run Api.login(...perform_upload_auth=True...)"
                              " first.")

        #TODO there is way too much code in this function.

        #To return.
        uploaded = {}
        matched = {}
        not_uploaded = {}

        #Gather local information on the files.
        local_info = {}  # {clientid: (path, Track)}
        for path in filepaths:
                track = musicmanager.UploadMetadata.fill_track_info(path)
            except BaseException as e:
                log.exception("problem gathering local info of '%r'", path)

                user_err_msg = str(e)

                if 'Non-ASCII strings must be converted to unicode' in str(e):
                    #This is a protobuf-specific error; they require either ascii or unicode.
                    #To keep behavior consistent, make no effort to guess - require users
                    # to decode first.
                    user_err_msg = (
                        "nonascii bytestrings must be decoded to unicode"
                        " (error: '%s')" % err_msg)

                not_uploaded[path] = user_err_msg
                local_info[track.client_id] = (path, track)

        if not local_info:
            return uploaded, matched, not_uploaded

        #TODO allow metadata faking

        #Upload metadata; the server tells us what to do next.
        res = self._make_call(musicmanager.UploadMetadata,
                              [track for (path, track) in local_info.values()],

        #TODO checking for proper contents should be handled in verification
        md_res = res.metadata_response

        responses = [r for r in md_res.track_sample_response]
        sample_requests = [req for req in md_res.signed_challenge_info]

        #Send scan and match samples if requested.
        for sample_request in sample_requests:
            path, track = local_info[

                res = self._make_call(musicmanager.ProvideSample, path,
                                      sample_request, track, self.uploader_id)
            except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
                    "couldn't create scan and match sample for '%s': %s", path,
                not_uploaded[path] = str(e)

        #Read sample responses and prep upload requests.
        to_upload = {}  # {serverid: (path, Track, do_not_rematch?)}
        for sample_res in responses:
            path, track = local_info[sample_res.client_track_id]

            if sample_res.response_code == upload_pb2.TrackSampleResponse.MATCHED:
      "matched '%s' to sid %s", path,

                if enable_matching:
                    matched[path] = sample_res.server_track_id
                    # request a reupload session (ie, hit 'fix incorrect match').
                    time.sleep(10)  # wait for upload servers to sync

                        #Wait for server to register our request.
                        retries = 0
                        while retries < 5:
                            jobs = self._make_call(musicmanager.GetUploadJobs,
                            matching = [
                                job for job in
                                if (job.client_id == sample_res.client_track_id
                                    and job.status ==
                            if matching:
                                reup_sid = matching[0].server_id

                            log.debug("wait for reup job (%s)", retries)
                            retries += 1
                            raise CallFailure(
                                "could not get reupload/rematch job for '%s'" %
                                path, 'GetUploadJobs')

                    except CallFailure as e:
                            "'%s' was matched without matching enabled", path)
                        matched[path] = sample_res.server_track_id
              "will reupload '%s'", path)

                        to_upload[reup_sid] = (path, track, True)

            elif sample_res.response_code == upload_pb2.TrackSampleResponse.UPLOAD_REQUESTED:
                to_upload[sample_res.server_track_id] = (path, track, False)
                #Report the symbolic name of the response code enum.
                enum_desc = upload_pb2._TRACKSAMPLERESPONSE.enum_types[0]
                res_name = enum_desc.values_by_number[

                err_msg = "TrackSampleResponse code %s: %s" % (
                    sample_res.response_code, res_name)

                log.warning("upload of '%s' rejected: %s", path, err_msg)
                not_uploaded[path] = err_msg

        #Send upload requests.
        if to_upload:
            #TODO reordering requests could avoid wasting time waiting for reup sync
            self._make_call(musicmanager.UpdateUploadState, 'start',

            for server_id, (path, track, do_not_rematch) in to_upload.items():
                #It can take a few tries to get an session.
                should_retry = True
                attempts = 0

                while should_retry and attempts < 10:
                    session = self._make_call(musicmanager.GetUploadSession,
                                              self.uploader_id, len(uploaded),
                                              track, path, server_id,
                    attempts += 1

                    got_session, error_details = \

                    if got_session:
              "got an upload session for '%s'", path)

                    should_retry, reason, error_code = error_details
                        "problem getting upload session: %s\ncode=%s retrying=%s",
                        reason, error_code, should_retry)

                    if error_code == 200 and do_not_rematch:
                        #reupload requests need to wait on a server sync
                        #200 == already uploaded, so force a retry in this case
                        should_retry = True

                    time.sleep(6)  # wait before retrying
                    err_msg = "GetUploadSession error %s: %s" % (error_code,

                    log.warning("giving up on upload session for '%s': %s",
                                path, err_msg)
                    not_uploaded[path] = err_msg

                    continue  # to next upload

                #got a session, do the upload
                #this terribly inconsistent naming isn't my fault: Google--
                session = session['sessionStatus']
                external = session['externalFieldTransfers'][0]

                session_url = external['putInfo']['url']
                content_type = external.get('content_type', 'audio/mpeg')

                if track.original_content_type != locker_pb2.Track.MP3:
              "transcoding '%s' to mp3", path)
                        contents = utils.transcode_to_mp3(
                            path, quality=transcode_quality)
                    except (IOError, ValueError) as e:
                        log.warning("error transcoding %s: %s", path, e)
                        not_uploaded[path] = "transcoding error: %s" % e
                    with open(path, 'rb') as f:
                        contents =

                upload_response = self._make_call(musicmanager.UploadFile,
                                                  session_url, content_type,

                success = upload_response.get('sessionStatus', {}).get('state')
                if success:
                    uploaded[path] = server_id
                    #404 == already uploaded? serverside check on clientid?
                        "could not finalize upload of '%s'. response: %s",
                        path, upload_response)
                        path] = 'could not finalize upload; details in log'

            self._make_call(musicmanager.UpdateUploadState, 'stopped',

        return uploaded, matched, not_uploaded