def main(): log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('gmusicapi').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) cred_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.gmusic-sync') if not os.path.isfile(cred_path): raise NoCredentialException( 'No username/password was specified. No config file could ' 'be found either. Try creating %s and specifying your ' 'username/password there. Make sure to chmod 600.' % cred_path) if not oct(os.stat(cred_path)[os.path.stat.ST_MODE]).endswith('00'): raise NoCredentialException( 'Config file is not protected. Please run: ' 'chmod 600 %s' % cred_path) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() src_user = config.get('src','username') src_pass = config.get('src','password') src_device = config.get('src','deviceid') dst_user = config.get('dst','username') dst_pass = config.get('dst','password') dst_device = config.get('dst','deviceid') if not src_user or not src_pass or not dst_user or not dst_pass: raise NoCredentialException( 'No username/password could be read from config file' ': %s' % cred_path) if not src_device or not dst_device: raise NoCredentialException( 'No deviceId could be read from config file' ': %s' % cred_path) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='gmusic-sync', add_help=False) parser.add_argument('-d', '--dst',help='Use dst credentials instead of src', action='store_true',dest='dst') parser.add_argument('-t', '--trackid', help='Store ID for the Track', dest='trackid') args = parser.parse_args() # do some arg parsing here later api = Mobileclient() if args.dst: api.login(dst_user, dst_pass, dst_device) else: api.login(src_user, src_pass, src_device) print api.get_track_info(args.trackid)
class Client(object): def __init__(self): self.client = Mobileclient() self.client.login(config.gmusic['email'], config.gmusic['password'], Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS) def search_songs(self, query_str): song_hits =, 8)['song_hits'] songs = [] for song_hit in song_hits: songs.append({ 'title': song_hit['track']['title'], 'artist': song_hit['track']['artist'], 'album': song_hit['track']['album'], 'nid': song_hit['track']['nid'] }) return songs def get_song_url(self, song_nid): song_id = self.__prepare_song_id(song_nid) return self.client.get_stream_url(song_id) def get_song_info(self, song_nid): song_id = self.__prepare_song_id(song_nid) return self.client.get_track_info(song_id) def __prepare_song_id(self, song_nid): return 'T{0}'.format(song_nid)
def saveAlbumArt(songkey): if songkey[0] == "T": #If the key is from GPM - all GPM keys start with T. songinfo = Mobileclient.get_track_info(api, songkey) imgLink = songinfo['albumArtRef'][0]['url'] f = open('Output/albumart.jpg', 'wb') f.write(urllib.request.urlopen(imgLink).read()) f.close() else: #Otherwise just use the generic image. copyfile('generic_art.jpg', 'Output/albumart.jpg')
class Plugin: name = 'gmusic' def __init__(self, username, password): self.client = Mobileclient() self.client.login(username, password, Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS) # self.webclient = Webclient() # self.webclient.login(username, password) def get_tracks(self, artist=None, album=None): """ Fetches tracks from api. If no filter is defined, it will get user tracks """ return TrackList(self.client.get_all_songs()) def get_playlists(self): """ Get playlists and radios """ playlists = [] for playlist in self.client.get_all_user_playlist_contents(): tracks = TrackList([ self.client.get_track_info(x['trackId']) for x in playlist['tracks'] ]) playlists.append(PlayList(playlist['name'], tracks)) return playlists def stream(self, track): def _stream(url): inp = requests.get(url, stream=True) chunk_size = 1024 for chunk in inp.iter_content(chunk_size): if not chunk: continue yield chunk song_id = track.uri.split(':')[-1] return _stream(self.client.get_stream_url(song_id)) def search(self, keywords, matches): results = if matches == 'artist': return {'artists': results.get('artist_hits', [])} elif matches == 'album': return {'albums': results.get('album_hits', [])} elif matches == 'tracks': return {'tracks': results.get('song_hits', [])} elif matches == 'all': return { 'artists': results.get('artist_hits', []), 'albums': results.get('album_hits', []), 'tracks': results.get('song_hits', []) }
class GoogleMusic(object): def __init__(self): self.webclient = Webclient() self.mobileclient = Mobileclient() def is_authenticated(self): if not self.webclient.is_authenticated(): if self.mobileclient.is_authenticated(): return True return False def login(self, username, password): if not self.is_authenticated(): try: self.mobileclient.login(username, password, Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS) self.webclient.login(username, password) except Exception as e: raise Exception('Couldn\'t log into Google Music: ' + e.message) def search(self, query, kind): if self.is_authenticated(): results =[kind + '_hits'] return results def get_track(self, store_id): return self.mobileclient.get_track_info(store_id) def save_stream(self, track, destination): if self.is_authenticated(): with open(destination, 'w+b') as stream_file: url = self.mobileclient.get_stream_url(track.get('storeId')) stream_file.truncate(0), 2) audio = self.webclient.session._rsession.get(url).content stream_file.write(audio) tag = easyid3.EasyID3() tag['title'] = track.get('title').__str__() tag['artist'] = track.get('artist').__str__() tag['album'] = track.get('album').__str__() tag['date'] = track.get('year').__str__() tag['discnumber'] = track.get('discNumber').__str__() tag['tracknumber'] = track.get('trackNumber').__str__() tag['performer'] = track.get('albumArtist').__str__() tag = mp3.MP3(destination) tag.tags.add( id3.APIC(3, 'image/jpeg', 3, 'Front cover', urllib.urlopen(track.get('albumArtRef')[0].get('url')).read()) )
class Plugin: name = 'gmusic' def __init__(self, username, password): self.client = Mobileclient() self.client.login(username, password, Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS) # self.webclient = Webclient() # self.webclient.login(username, password) def get_tracks(self, artist=None, album=None): """ Fetches tracks from api. If no filter is defined, it will get user tracks """ return TrackList(self.client.get_all_songs()) def get_playlists(self): """ Get playlists and radios """ playlists = [] for playlist in self.client.get_all_user_playlist_contents(): tracks = TrackList([self.client.get_track_info(x['trackId']) for x in playlist['tracks']]) playlists.append(PlayList(playlist['name'], tracks)) return playlists def stream(self, track): def _stream(url): inp = requests.get(url, stream=True) chunk_size = 1024 for chunk in inp.iter_content(chunk_size): if not chunk: continue yield chunk song_id = track.uri.split(':')[-1] return _stream(self.client.get_stream_url(song_id)) def search(self, keywords, matches): results = if matches == 'artist': return {'artists': results.get('artist_hits', [])} elif matches == 'album': return {'albums': results.get('album_hits', [])} elif matches == 'tracks': return {'tracks': results.get('song_hits', [])} elif matches == 'all': return {'artists': results.get('artist_hits', []), 'albums': results.get('album_hits', []), 'tracks': results.get('song_hits', [])}
class MusicManager(object): def __init__(self): self.api = Mobileclient(validate=False, debug_logging=False) if config.GOOGLE_STREAMKEY is not None: self.api.login(config.GOOGLE_USERNAME, config.GOOGLE_PASSWORD, config.GOOGLE_STREAMKEY) else: self.api.login(config.GOOGLE_USERNAME, config.GOOGLE_PASSWORD, Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS) self.queue = [] self.current_index = len(self.queue) - 1 self.vlc = VlcManager() self.state_thread = Thread(target=self.check_state) self.state_thread.daemon = True self.state_thread.start() def play_song(self, id): song = self.queue_song(id) self.current_index = len(self.queue) - 1 self.load_song() return song def queue_song(self, id): self.queue.append(self.getSongInfo(id)) def play_radio_station(self, id): results = self.api.get_station_tracks(id, num_tracks=40) for song in results: song['albumArtRef'] = song['albumArtRef'][0]['url'] if 'artistId' in song: song['artistId'] = song['artistId'][0] self.current_index = len(self.queue) - 1 self.queue.append(results) self.load_song() def play_album(self, args): album = self.get_album_details(args) songs = [] for index in range(len(album['tracks'])): song = album['tracks'][index] if index == 0: songs.append(self.play_song(song['nid'])) else: songs.append(self.queue_song(song['nid'])) return songs def queue_album(self, args): album = self.get_album_details(args) songs = [] for song in album['tracks']: songs.append(self.queue_song(song['nid'])) return songs def next(self): self.current_index += 1 self.load_song() def prev(self): self.current_index -= 1 self.load_song() def pause(self): self.vlc.vlc_pause() def resume(self): self.vlc.vlc_resume() def volume(self, val): self.vlc.vlc_volume(val) def delete(self, id): if id > self.current_index: del self.queue[id] elif id < self.current_index: del self.queue[id] self.current_index -= 1 else: del self.queue[id] self.load_song() def go_to(self, id): self.current_index = id self.load_song() def load_song(self): if self.current_index < len(self.queue): song = self.queue[self.current_index] url = self.api.get_stream_url(song['nid'], config.GOOGLE_STREAMKEY) self.vlc.vlc_play(url) def check_state(self): while True: status = self.vlc.player.get_state() if status == vlc.State.Ended: if self.current_index != len(self.queue) - 1: time.sleep(1) def get_status(self): status = self.vlc.vlc_status() # status['queue'] = self.queue[:] # for i in range(len(status['queue'])): # status['queue'][i]['vlcid'] = i # if i == self.current_index: # status['queue'][i]['current'] = True # status['current'] = status['queue'][i] if len(self.queue) > 0: status['current'] = self.queue[self.current_index] return status def get_queue(self): queue = self.queue[:] for i in range(len(queue)): queue[i]['vlcid'] = i return queue def search(self, query): results = self.api.search_all_access(query, max_results=50) results['artist_hits'] = [artist['artist'] for artist in results['artist_hits']] results['album_hits'] = [album['album'] for album in results['album_hits']] for album in results['album_hits']: album['artistId'] = album['artistId'][0] results['song_hits'] = [song['track'] for song in results['song_hits']] for song in results['song_hits']: song['albumArtRef'] = song['albumArtRef'][0]['url'] if 'artistId' in song: song['artistId'] = song['artistId'][0] return results def get_album_details(self, id): results = self.api.get_album_info(album_id=id, include_tracks=True) results['artistId'] = results['artistId'][0] for song in results['tracks']: song['albumArtRef'] = song['albumArtRef'][0]['url'] if 'artistId' in song: song['artistId'] = song['artistId'][0] return results def get_artist_details(self, id): results = self.api.get_artist_info(artist_id=id) for album in results['albums']: album['artistId'] = album['artistId'][0] for song in results['topTracks']: song['albumArtRef'] = song['albumArtRef'][0]['url'] if 'artistId' in song: song['artistId'] = song['artistId'][0] return results def create_radio_station(self, name, id): if id[0] == 'A': station_id = self.api.create_station(name, artist_id=id) elif id[0] == 'B': station_id = self.api.create_station(name, album_id=id) else: station_id = self.api.create_station(name, track_id=id) return station_id def get_radio_stations(self): return self.api.get_all_stations() def flush(self): self.vlc.vlc_stop() self.queue = [] def getSongInfo(self, id): song = self.api.get_track_info(id) song['albumArtRef'] = song['albumArtRef'][0]['url'] if 'artistId' in song: song['artistId'] = song['artistId'][0] return song
class GMusicSession(object): def __init__(self): super(GMusicSession, self).__init__()'Mopidy uses Google Music') self.api = Mobileclient() def login(self, username, password, deviceid): if self.api.is_authenticated(): self.api.logout() try: self.api.login(username, password) except CallFailure as error: logger.error(u'Failed to login as "%s": %s', username, error) if self.api.is_authenticated(): if deviceid is None: self.deviceid = self.get_deviceid(username, password) else: self.deviceid = deviceid else: return False def logout(self): if self.api.is_authenticated(): return self.api.logout() else: return True def get_all_songs(self): if self.api.is_authenticated(): return self.api.get_all_songs() else: return {} def get_stream_url(self, song_id): if self.api.is_authenticated(): try: return self.api.get_stream_url(song_id, self.deviceid) except CallFailure as error: logger.error(u'Failed to lookup "%s": %s', song_id, error) def get_all_playlist_contents(self): if self.api.is_authenticated(): return self.api.get_all_user_playlist_contents() else: return {} def get_shared_playlist_contents(self, shareToken): if self.api.is_authenticated(): return self.api.get_shared_playlist_contents(shareToken) else: return {} def get_all_playlists(self): if self.api.is_authenticated(): return self.api.get_all_playlists() else: return {} def get_deviceid(self, username, password): logger.warning(u'No mobile device ID configured. ' u'Trying to detect one.') webapi = Webclient(validate=False) webapi.login(username, password) devices = webapi.get_registered_devices() deviceid = None for device in devices: if device['type'] == 'PHONE' and device['id'][0:2] == u'0x': # Omit the '0x' prefix deviceid = device['id'][2:] break webapi.logout() if deviceid is None: logger.error(u'No valid mobile device ID found. ' u'Playing songs will not work.') else:'Using mobile device ID %s', deviceid) return deviceid def get_track_info(self, store_track_id): if self.api.is_authenticated(): try: return self.api.get_track_info(store_track_id) except CallFailure as error: logger.error(u'Failed to get All Access track info: %s', error) def get_album_info(self, albumid, include_tracks=True): if self.api.is_authenticated(): try: return self.api.get_album_info(albumid, include_tracks) except CallFailure as error: logger.error(u'Failed to get All Access album info: %s', error)
class GoogleMusic(object): def __init__(self): self.webclient = Webclient() self.mobileclient = Mobileclient() def is_authenticated(self): if self.webclient.is_authenticated(): if self.mobileclient.is_authenticated(): return True return False def login(self, username, password): if not self.is_authenticated(): try: self.mobileclient.login(username, password) self.webclient.login(username, password) except: raise Exception('Couldn\'t log into Google Music') def search(self, query, kind): if self.is_authenticated(): results = self.mobileclient.search_all_access(query)[kind + '_hits'] return results def get_track(self, store_id): return self.mobileclient.get_track_info(store_id) def save_stream(self, track, destination): if self.is_authenticated(): with open(destination, 'w+b') as stream_file: urls = self.webclient.get_stream_urls(track.get('storeId')) if len(urls) == 1: stream_file.write( self.webclient.session._rsession.get(urls[0]).content) range_pairs = [[int(s) for s in val.split('-')] for url in urls for key, val in parse_qsl(urlparse(url)[4]) if key == 'range'] for url, (start, end) in zip(urls, range_pairs): stream_file.truncate(start), 2) audio = self.webclient.session._rsession.get(url).content stream_file.write(audio) tag = easyid3.EasyID3() tag['title'] = track.get('title').__str__() tag['artist'] = track.get('artist').__str__() tag['album'] = track.get('album').__str__() tag['date'] = track.get('year').__str__() tag['discnumber'] = track.get('discNumber').__str__() tag['tracknumber'] = track.get('trackNumber').__str__() tag['performer'] = track.get('albumArtist').__str__() tag = mp3.MP3(destination) tag.tags.add( id3.APIC( 3, 'image/jpeg', 3, 'Front cover', urllib.urlopen( track.get('albumArtRef')[0].get('url')).read()))
class tizgmusicproxy(object): """A class for logging into a Google Play Music account and retrieving song URLs. """ all_songs_album_title = "All Songs" thumbs_up_playlist_name = "Thumbs Up" # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-public-methods def __init__(self, email, password, device_id): self.__gmusic = Mobileclient() self.__email = email self.__device_id = device_id self.logged_in = False self.queue = list() self.queue_index = -1 self.play_queue_order = list() self.play_modes = TizEnumeration(["NORMAL", "SHUFFLE"]) self.current_play_mode = self.play_modes.NORMAL self.now_playing_song = None userdir = os.path.expanduser('~') tizconfig = os.path.join(userdir, ".config/tizonia/." + email + ".auth_token") auth_token = "" if os.path.isfile(tizconfig): with open(tizconfig, "r") as f: auth_token = pickle.load(f) if auth_token: # 'Keep track of the auth token' workaround. See: # print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Authenticating] : " \ "'with cached auth token'") self.__gmusic.android_id = device_id self.__gmusic.session._authtoken = auth_token self.__gmusic.session.is_authenticated = True try: self.__gmusic.get_registered_devices() except CallFailure: # The token has expired. Reset the client object print_wrn("[Google Play Music] [Authenticating] : " \ "'auth token expired'") self.__gmusic = Mobileclient() auth_token = "" if not auth_token: attempts = 0 print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Authenticating] : " \ "'with user credentials'") while not self.logged_in and attempts < 3: self.logged_in = self.__gmusic.login(email, password, device_id) attempts += 1 with open(tizconfig, "a+") as f: f.truncate() pickle.dump(self.__gmusic.session._authtoken, f) self.library = CaseInsensitiveDict() self.song_map = CaseInsensitiveDict() self.playlists = CaseInsensitiveDict() self.stations = CaseInsensitiveDict() def logout(self): """ Reset the session to an unauthenticated, default state. """ self.__gmusic.logout() def set_play_mode(self, mode): """ Set the playback mode. :param mode: curren tvalid values are "NORMAL" and "SHUFFLE" """ self.current_play_mode = getattr(self.play_modes, mode) self.__update_play_queue_order() def current_song_title_and_artist(self): """ Retrieve the current track's title and artist name. """"current_song_title_and_artist") song = self.now_playing_song if song: title = to_ascii(self.now_playing_song.get('title')) artist = to_ascii(self.now_playing_song.get('artist'))"Now playing %s by %s", title, artist) return artist, title else: return '', '' def current_song_album_and_duration(self): """ Retrieve the current track's album and duration. """"current_song_album_and_duration") song = self.now_playing_song if song: album = to_ascii(self.now_playing_song.get('album')) duration = to_ascii \ (self.now_playing_song.get('durationMillis'))"album %s duration %s", album, duration) return album, int(duration) else: return '', 0 def current_track_and_album_total(self): """Return the current track number and the total number of tracks in the album, if known. """"current_track_and_album_total") song = self.now_playing_song track = 0 total = 0 if song: try: track = self.now_playing_song['trackNumber'] total = self.now_playing_song['totalTrackCount']"track number %s total tracks %s", track, total) except KeyError:"trackNumber or totalTrackCount : not found") else:"current_song_track_number_" "and_total_tracks : not found") return track, total def current_song_year(self): """ Return the current track's year of publication. """"current_song_year") song = self.now_playing_song year = 0 if song: try: year = song['year']"track year %s", year) except KeyError:"year : not found") else:"current_song_year : not found") return year def clear_queue(self): """ Clears the playback queue. """ self.queue = list() self.queue_index = -1 def enqueue_tracks(self, arg): """ Search the user's library for tracks and add them to the playback queue. :param arg: a track search term """ try: songs = self.__gmusic.get_all_songs() track_hits = list() for song in songs: song_title = song['title'] if arg.lower() in song_title.lower(): track_hits.append(song) print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Track] '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(song_title))) if not len(track_hits): print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) random.seed() track_hits = random.sample(songs, MAX_TRACKS) for hit in track_hits: song_title = hit['title'] print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Track] '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(song_title))) if not len(track_hits): raise KeyError tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(track_hits)"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", \ tracks_added, arg) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Track not found : {0}".format(arg)) def enqueue_artist(self, arg): """ Search the user's library for tracks from the given artist and add them to the playback queue. :param arg: an artist """ try: self.__update_local_library() artist = None artist_dict = None if arg not in self.library.keys(): for name, art in self.library.iteritems(): if arg.lower() in name.lower(): artist = name artist_dict = art if arg.lower() != name.lower(): print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. " \ "Playing '{1}' instead." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'), \ name.encode('utf-8'))) break if not artist: # Play some random artist from the library random.seed() artist = random.choice(self.library.keys()) artist_dict = self.library[artist] print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) else: artist = arg artist_dict = self.library[arg] tracks_added = 0 for album in artist_dict: tracks_added += self.__enqueue_tracks(artist_dict[album]) print_wrn("[Google Play Music] Playing '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(artist))) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Artist not found : {0}".format(arg)) def enqueue_album(self, arg): """ Search the user's library for albums with a given name and add them to the playback queue. """ try: self.__update_local_library() album = None artist = None tentative_album = None tentative_artist = None for library_artist in self.library: for artist_album in self.library[library_artist]: print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Album] '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(artist_album))) if not album: if arg.lower() == artist_album.lower(): album = artist_album artist = library_artist break if not tentative_album: if arg.lower() in artist_album.lower(): tentative_album = artist_album tentative_artist = library_artist if album: break if not album and tentative_album: album = tentative_album artist = tentative_artist print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. " \ "Playing '{1}' instead." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'), \ album.encode('utf-8'))) if not album: # Play some random album from the library random.seed() artist = random.choice(self.library.keys()) album = random.choice(self.library[artist].keys()) print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) if not album: raise KeyError("Album not found : {0}".format(arg)) self.__enqueue_tracks(self.library[artist][album]) print_wrn("[Google Play Music] Playing '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(album))) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Album not found : {0}".format(arg)) def enqueue_playlist(self, arg): """Search the user's library for playlists with a given name and add the tracks of the first match to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ try: self.__update_local_library() self.__update_playlists() self.__update_playlists_unlimited() playlist = None playlist_name = None for name, plist in self.playlists.items(): print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Playlist] '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(name))) if arg not in self.playlists.keys(): for name, plist in self.playlists.iteritems(): if arg.lower() in name.lower(): playlist = plist playlist_name = name if arg.lower() != name.lower(): print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. " \ "Playing '{1}' instead." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'), \ to_ascii(name))) break else: playlist_name = arg playlist = self.playlists[arg] random.seed() x = 0 while (not playlist or not len(playlist)) and x < 3: x += 1 # Play some random playlist from the library playlist_name = random.choice(self.playlists.keys()) playlist = self.playlists[playlist_name] print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found or found empty. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) if not len(playlist): raise KeyError self.__enqueue_tracks(playlist) print_wrn("[Google Play Music] Playing '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(playlist_name))) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Playlist not found or found empty : {0}".format(arg)) def enqueue_podcast(self, arg): """Search Google Play Music for a podcast series and add its tracks to the playback queue (). Requires Unlimited subscription. """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Retrieving podcasts] : '{0}'. " \ .format(self.__email)) try: self.__enqueue_podcast(arg) if not len(self.queue): raise KeyError"Added %d episodes from '%s' to queue", \ len(self.queue), arg) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Podcast not found : {0}".format(arg)) except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def enqueue_station_unlimited(self, arg): """Search the user's library for a station with a given name and add its tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ try: # First try to find a suitable station in the user's library self.__enqueue_user_station_unlimited(arg) if not len(self.queue): # If no suitable station is found in the user's library, then # search google play unlimited for a potential match. self.__enqueue_station_unlimited(arg) if not len(self.queue): raise KeyError except KeyError: raise KeyError("Station not found : {0}".format(arg)) def enqueue_genre_unlimited(self, arg): """Search Unlimited for a genre with a given name and add its tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Retrieving genres] : '{0}'. " \ .format(self.__email)) try: all_genres = list() root_genres = self.__gmusic.get_genres() second_tier_genres = list() for root_genre in root_genres: second_tier_genres += self.__gmusic.get_genres( root_genre['id']) all_genres += root_genres all_genres += second_tier_genres for genre in all_genres: print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Genre] '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(genre['name']))) genre = dict() if arg not in all_genres: genre = next((g for g in all_genres \ if arg.lower() in to_ascii(g['name']).lower()), \ None) tracks_added = 0 while not tracks_added: if not genre and len(all_genres): # Play some random genre from the search results random.seed() genre = random.choice(all_genres) print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) genre_name = genre['name'] genre_id = genre['id'] station_id = self.__gmusic.create_station(genre_name, \ None, None, None, genre_id) num_tracks = MAX_TRACKS tracks = self.__gmusic.get_station_tracks( station_id, num_tracks) tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(tracks)"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", tracks_added, genre_name) if not tracks_added: # This will produce another iteration in the loop genre = None print_wrn("[Google Play Music] Playing '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(genre['name']))) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Genre not found : {0}".format(arg)) except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def enqueue_situation_unlimited(self, arg): """Search Unlimited for a situation with a given name and add its tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Retrieving situations] : '{0}'. " \ .format(self.__email)) try: self.__enqueue_situation_unlimited(arg) if not len(self.queue): raise KeyError"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", \ len(self.queue), arg) except KeyError: raise KeyError("Situation not found : {0}".format(arg)) except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def enqueue_artist_unlimited(self, arg): """Search Unlimited for an artist and add the artist's 200 top tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ try: artist = self.__gmusic_search(arg, 'artist') include_albums = False max_top_tracks = MAX_TRACKS max_rel_artist = 0 artist_tracks = dict() if artist: artist_tracks = self.__gmusic.get_artist_info \ (artist['artist']['artistId'], include_albums, max_top_tracks, max_rel_artist)['topTracks'] if not artist_tracks: raise KeyError for track in artist_tracks: song_title = track['title'] print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Track] '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(song_title))) tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(artist_tracks)"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", \ tracks_added, arg) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Artist not found : {0}".format(arg)) except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def enqueue_album_unlimited(self, arg): """Search Unlimited for an album and add its tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ try: album = self.__gmusic_search(arg, 'album') album_tracks = dict() if album: album_tracks = self.__gmusic.get_album_info \ (album['album']['albumId'])['tracks'] if not album_tracks: raise KeyError print_wrn("[Google Play Music] Playing '{0}'." \ .format((album['album']['name']).encode('utf-8'))) tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(album_tracks)"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", \ tracks_added, arg) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Album not found : {0}".format(arg)) except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def enqueue_tracks_unlimited(self, arg): """ Search Unlimited for a track name and add all the matching tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Retrieving library] : '{0}'. " \ .format(self.__email)) try: max_results = MAX_TRACKS track_hits =, max_results)['song_hits'] if not len(track_hits): # Do another search with an empty string track_hits ="", max_results)['song_hits'] print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) tracks = list() for hit in track_hits: tracks.append(hit['track']) tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(tracks)"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", \ tracks_added, arg) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Playlist not found : {0}".format(arg)) except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def enqueue_playlist_unlimited(self, arg): """Search Unlimited for a playlist name and add all its tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Retrieving playlists] : '{0}'. " \ .format(self.__email)) try: playlist_tracks = list() playlist_hits = self.__gmusic_search(arg, 'playlist') if playlist_hits: playlist = playlist_hits['playlist'] playlist_contents = self.__gmusic.get_shared_playlist_contents( playlist['shareToken']) else: raise KeyError print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Playlist] '{}'." \ .format(playlist['name']).encode('utf-8')) for item in playlist_contents: print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Playlist Track] '{} by {} (Album: {}, {})'." \ .format((item['track']['title']).encode('utf-8'), (item['track']['artist']).encode('utf-8'), (item['track']['album']).encode('utf-8'), (item['track']['year']))) track = item['track'] playlist_tracks.append(track) if not playlist_tracks: raise KeyError tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(playlist_tracks)"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", \ tracks_added, arg) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Playlist not found : {0}".format(arg)) except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def enqueue_promoted_tracks_unlimited(self): """ Retrieve the url of the next track in the playback queue. """ try: tracks = self.__gmusic.get_promoted_songs() count = 0 for track in tracks: store_track = self.__gmusic.get_track_info(track['storeId']) if u'id' not in store_track.keys(): store_track[u'id'] = store_track['storeId'] self.queue.append(store_track) count += 1 if count == 0: print_wrn("[Google Play Music] Operation requires " \ "an Unlimited subscription.")"Added %d Unlimited promoted tracks to queue", \ count) self.__update_play_queue_order() except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def next_url(self): """ Retrieve the url of the next track in the playback queue. """ if len(self.queue): self.queue_index += 1 if (self.queue_index < len(self.queue)) \ and (self.queue_index >= 0): next_song = self.queue[self.play_queue_order[self.queue_index]] return self.__retrieve_track_url(next_song) else: self.queue_index = -1 return self.next_url() else: return '' def prev_url(self): """ Retrieve the url of the previous track in the playback queue. """ if len(self.queue): self.queue_index -= 1 if (self.queue_index < len(self.queue)) \ and (self.queue_index >= 0): prev_song = self.queue[self.play_queue_order[self.queue_index]] return self.__retrieve_track_url(prev_song) else: self.queue_index = len(self.queue) return self.prev_url() else: return '' def __update_play_queue_order(self): """ Update the queue playback order. A sequential order is applied if the current play mode is "NORMAL" or a random order if current play mode is "SHUFFLE" """ total_tracks = len(self.queue) if total_tracks: if not len(self.play_queue_order): # Create a sequential play order, if empty self.play_queue_order = range(total_tracks) if self.current_play_mode == self.play_modes.SHUFFLE: random.shuffle(self.play_queue_order) print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Tracks in queue] '{0}'." \ .format(total_tracks)) def __retrieve_track_url(self, song): """ Retrieve a song url """ if song.get('episodeId'): song_url = self.__gmusic.get_podcast_episode_stream_url( song['episodeId'], self.__device_id) else: song_url = self.__gmusic.get_stream_url(song['id'], self.__device_id) try: self.now_playing_song = song return song_url except AttributeError:"Could not retrieve the song url!") raise def __update_local_library(self): """ Retrieve the songs and albums from the user's library """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Retrieving library] : '{0}'. " \ .format(self.__email)) songs = self.__gmusic.get_all_songs() self.playlists[self.thumbs_up_playlist_name] = list() # Retrieve the user's song library for song in songs: if "rating" in song and song['rating'] == "5": self.playlists[self.thumbs_up_playlist_name].append(song) song_id = song['id'] song_artist = song['artist'] song_album = song['album'] self.song_map[song_id] = song if song_artist == "": song_artist = "Unknown Artist" if song_album == "": song_album = "Unknown Album" if song_artist not in self.library: self.library[song_artist] = CaseInsensitiveDict() self.library[song_artist][self.all_songs_album_title] = list() if song_album not in self.library[song_artist]: self.library[song_artist][song_album] = list() self.library[song_artist][song_album].append(song) self.library[song_artist][self.all_songs_album_title].append(song) # Sort albums by track number for artist in self.library.keys():"Artist : %s", to_ascii(artist)) for album in self.library[artist].keys():" Album : %s", to_ascii(album)) if album == self.all_songs_album_title: sorted_album = sorted(self.library[artist][album], key=lambda k: k['title']) else: sorted_album = sorted( self.library[artist][album], key=lambda k: k.get('trackNumber', 0)) self.library[artist][album] = sorted_album def __update_stations_unlimited(self): """ Retrieve stations (Unlimited) """ self.stations.clear() stations = self.__gmusic.get_all_stations() self.stations[u"I'm Feeling Lucky"] = 'IFL' for station in stations: station_name = station['name']"station name : %s", to_ascii(station_name)) self.stations[station_name] = station['id'] def __enqueue_user_station_unlimited(self, arg): """ Enqueue a user station (Unlimited) """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Station search "\ "in user's library] : '{0}'. " \ .format(self.__email)) self.__update_stations_unlimited() station_name = arg station_id = None for name, st_id in self.stations.iteritems(): print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Station] '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(name))) if arg not in self.stations.keys(): for name, st_id in self.stations.iteritems(): if arg.lower() in name.lower(): station_id = st_id station_name = name break else: station_id = self.stations[arg] num_tracks = MAX_TRACKS tracks = list() if station_id: try: tracks = self.__gmusic.get_station_tracks(station_id, \ num_tracks) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an " "Unlimited subscription.") tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(tracks) if tracks_added: if arg.lower() != station_name.lower(): print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. " \ "Playing '{1}' instead." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'), name.encode('utf-8')))"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", tracks_added, arg) self.__update_play_queue_order() else: print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' has no tracks. " \ .format(station_name)) if not len(self.queue): print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' " \ "not found in the user's library. " \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) def __enqueue_station_unlimited(self, arg, max_results=MAX_TRACKS, quiet=False): """Search for a station and enqueue all of its tracks (Unlimited) """ if not quiet: print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Station search in "\ "Google Play Music] : '{0}'. " \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) try: station_name = arg station_id = None station = self.__gmusic_search(arg, 'station', max_results, quiet) if station: station = station['station'] station_name = station['name'] seed = station['seed'] seed_type = seed['seedType'] track_id = seed['trackId'] if seed_type == u'2' else None artist_id = seed['artistId'] if seed_type == u'3' else None album_id = seed['albumId'] if seed_type == u'4' else None genre_id = seed['genreId'] if seed_type == u'5' else None playlist_token = seed[ 'playlistShareToken'] if seed_type == u'8' else None curated_station_id = seed[ 'curatedStationId'] if seed_type == u'9' else None num_tracks = max_results tracks = list() try: station_id \ = self.__gmusic.create_station(station_name, \ track_id, \ artist_id, \ album_id, \ genre_id, \ playlist_token, \ curated_station_id) tracks \ = self.__gmusic.get_station_tracks(station_id, \ num_tracks) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an " "Unlimited subscription.") tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(tracks) if tracks_added: if not quiet: print_wrn("[Google Play Music] [Station] : '{0}'." \ .format(station_name.encode('utf-8')))"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", \ tracks_added, arg.encode('utf-8')) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Station not found : {0}".format(arg)) def __enqueue_situation_unlimited(self, arg): """Search for a situation and enqueue all of its tracks (Unlimited) """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Situation search in "\ "Google Play Music] : '{0}'. " \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) try: situation_hits =['situation_hits'] # If the search didn't return results, just do another search with # an empty string if not len(situation_hits): situation_hits ="")['situation_hits'] print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) # Try to find a "best result", if one exists situation = next((hit for hit in situation_hits \ if 'best_result' in hit.keys() \ and hit['best_result'] == True), None) num_tracks = MAX_TRACKS # If there is no best result, then get a selection of tracks from # each situation. At least we'll play some music. if not situation and len(situation_hits): max_results = num_tracks / len(situation_hits) for hit in situation_hits: situation = hit['situation'] print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Situation] '{0} : {1}'." \ .format((hit['situation']['title']).encode('utf-8'), (hit['situation']['description']).encode('utf-8'))) self.__enqueue_station_unlimited(situation['title'], max_results, True) elif situation: # There is at list one sitution, enqueue its tracks. situation = situation['situation'] max_results = num_tracks self.__enqueue_station_unlimited(situation['title'], max_results, True) if not situation: raise KeyError except KeyError: raise KeyError("Situation not found : {0}".format(arg)) def __enqueue_podcast(self, arg): """Search for a podcast series and enqueue all of its tracks. """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Podcast search in "\ "Google Play Music] : '{0}'. " \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) try: podcast_hits = self.__gmusic_search(arg, 'podcast', 10, quiet=False) if not podcast_hits: print_wrn( "[Google Play Music] [Podcast] 'Search returned zero results'." ) print_wrn( "[Google Play Music] [Podcast] 'Are you in a supported region " "(currently only US and Canada) ?'") # Use the first podcast retrieved. At least we'll play something. podcast = dict() if podcast_hits and len(podcast_hits): podcast = podcast_hits['series'] episodes_added = 0 if podcast: # There is a podcast, enqueue its episodes. print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Podcast] 'Playing '{0}' by {1}'." \ .format((podcast['title']).encode('utf-8'), (podcast['author']).encode('utf-8'))) print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Podcast] '{0}'." \ .format((podcast['description'][0:150]).encode('utf-8'))) series = self.__gmusic.get_podcast_series_info( podcast['seriesId']) episodes = series['episodes'] for episode in episodes: print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Podcast Episode] '{0} : {1}'." \ .format((episode['title']).encode('utf-8'), (episode['description'][0:80]).encode('utf-8'))) episodes_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(episodes) if not podcast or not episodes_added: raise KeyError except KeyError: raise KeyError( "Podcast not found or no episodes found: {0}".format(arg)) def __enqueue_tracks(self, tracks): """ Add tracks to the playback queue """ count = 0 for track in tracks: if u'id' not in track.keys() and track.get('storeId'): track[u'id'] = track['storeId'] self.queue.append(track) count += 1 return count def __update_playlists(self): """ Retrieve the user's playlists """ plists = self.__gmusic.get_all_user_playlist_contents() for plist in plists: plist_name = plist.get('name') tracks = plist.get('tracks') if plist_name and tracks:"playlist name : %s", to_ascii(plist_name)) tracks.sort(key=itemgetter('creationTimestamp')) self.playlists[plist_name] = list() for track in tracks: song_id = track.get('trackId') if song_id: song = self.song_map.get(song_id) if song: self.playlists[plist_name].append(song) def __update_playlists_unlimited(self): """ Retrieve shared playlists (Unlimited) """ plists_subscribed_to = [p for p in self.__gmusic.get_all_playlists() \ if p.get('type') == 'SHARED'] for plist in plists_subscribed_to: share_tok = plist['shareToken'] playlist_items \ = self.__gmusic.get_shared_playlist_contents(share_tok) plist_name = plist['name']"shared playlist name : %s", to_ascii(plist_name)) self.playlists[plist_name] = list() for item in playlist_items: try: song = item['track'] song['id'] = item['trackId'] self.playlists[plist_name].append(song) except IndexError: pass def __gmusic_search(self, query, query_type, max_results=MAX_TRACKS, quiet=False): """ Search Google Play (Unlimited) """ search_results =, max_results)[query_type + '_hits'] # This is a workaround. Some podcast results come without these two # keys in the dictionary if query_type == "podcast" and len(search_results) \ and not search_results[0].get('navigational_result'): for res in search_results: res[u'best_result'] = False res[u'navigational_result'] = False res[query_type] = res['series'] result = '' if query_type != "playlist": result = next((hit for hit in search_results \ if 'best_result' in hit.keys() \ and hit['best_result'] == True), None) if not result and len(search_results): secondary_hit = None for hit in search_results: name = '' if hit[query_type].get('name'): name = hit[query_type].get('name') elif hit[query_type].get('title'): name = hit[query_type].get('title') if not quiet: print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [{0}] '{1}'." \ .format(query_type.capitalize(), (name).encode('utf-8'))) if query.lower() == \ to_ascii(name).lower(): result = hit break if query.lower() in \ to_ascii(name).lower(): secondary_hit = hit if not result and secondary_hit: result = secondary_hit if not result and not len(search_results): # Do another search with an empty string search_results ="")[query_type + '_hits'] if not result and len(search_results): # Play some random result from the search results random.seed() result = random.choice(search_results) if not quiet: print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(query.encode('utf-8'))) return result
class GMusicClient(ContentConsumer): '''Element in charge of interfacing with GMusicApi Client''' def __init__(self, data_cache): self.client = Mobileclient() self.data_cache = data_cache def login(self): '''Use data/unlocked/credentials.json to log in''' mac = Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS credentials = json.load(open('data/unlocked/credentials.json', 'r')) self.client.login(credentials['username'], credentials['password'], mac) def load_my_library(self): '''Load user's songs, playlists, and stations''' track_load = threading.Thread(target=self.load_tracks) radio_load = threading.Thread(target=self.load_radios) playlist_load = threading.Thread(target=self.load_playlists) track_load.start() radio_load.start() playlist_load.start() track_load.join() radio_load.join() playlist_load.join() def load_playlists(self): playlists = self.client.get_all_user_playlist_contents() playlists.reverse() self.data_cache.playlists = playlists def load_tracks(self): self.data_cache.tracks = [t for t in self.client.get_all_songs() if 'nid' in t] def scrape_song(self, track): return track def load_radios(self): radios = self.client.get_all_stations() radios.reverse() self.data_cache.radios = radios def get_radio_contents(self, radio_id): tracks = self.client.get_station_tracks(radio_id) return tracks def get_radio_list(self, name): return [r for r in self.data_cache.radios if name in r['name']] def filter(self, element, field, filter_by): return [e for e in element if filter_by in e[field]] def get_playlist_list(self, name): return self.filter(self.data_cache.playlists, 'name', name) def search_all_access(self, query): return self.client.search_all_access(query) def create_radio(self, seed_type, id, name): '''Create a radio''' # This is a weird way to do this, but there's no other choice ids = {"track": None, "album": None, "artist": None} seed_id_name = self.get_type_name(seed_type) ids[seed_id_name] = id return self.client.create_station(name=name, track_id=ids['track'], album_id=ids['album'], artist_id=ids['artist']) def search_items_all_access(self, type, query): '''Searches Albums, Artists, and Songs; uses metaprogramming''' index_arguments = self.get_index_arguments(type) items = self.search_all_access(query)['{0}_hits'.format(type[:-1])] return [self.format_item(item, type, index_arguments) for item in items] def get_sub_items(self, type_from, search_type, from_id): '''Here type_from refers to artist or album we're indexing against''' args = self.get_index_arguments(search_type) if type_from == 'playlist': return self.get_playlist_contents(from_id) else: # Get the appropriate search method and execute it search_method_name = 'get_{0}_info'.format(type_from) search_method = getattr(self.client, search_method_name) try: items = search_method(from_id, True)[args['type']+'s'] # True here includes subelements except: # User passed in a bad id or something return # Now return appropriately return [self.format_subitems(t, args) for t in items if args['id'] in t] def get_playlist_contents(self, from_id): '''Playlist exclusive stuff''' shareToken = [t for t in self.data_cache.playlists \ if t['id'] == from_id][0]['shareToken'] contents = self.client.get_shared_playlist_contents(shareToken) return [self.format_playlist_contents(t) for t in contents if 'track' in t] def get_suggested(self): '''Returns a list of tracks that the user might be interested in''' items = sorted(self.client.get_promoted_songs(), key=lambda y: y['title']) return [self.format_suggested(t) for t in items if 'storeId' in t] def get_information_about(self, from_type, from_id): '''Gets specific information about an id (depending on the type)''' if 'artist' in from_type.lower(): return self.client.get_artist_info(from_id, include_albums=False) if 'album' in from_type.lower(): return self.client.get_album_info(from_id, include_tracks=False) return self.client.get_track_info(from_id) def get_stream_url(self, nid): return self.client.get_stream_url(nid) def lookup(self, nid): return self.client.get_track_info(nid) def add_track_to_library(self, nid): self.client.add_aa_track(nid) def add_to_playlist(self, playlist_id, nid): self.client.add_songs_to_playlist(playlist_id, nid) playlist_load = threading.Thread(target=self.load_playlists) playlist_load.daemon = True playlist_load.start() def format_suggested(self, t): return (t['title'], t['storeId'], 'Play', t['album']) def format_playlist_contents(self, t): return (t['track']['title'], t['trackId'], 'Play', t['track']['album']) def format_subitems(self, t, args): return (t[args['name']], t[args['id']], args['command'], t[args['alt']])
class GMusicWrapper(object): def __init__(self, username, password, logger=None): self._api = Mobileclient() self.logger = logger success = self._api.login( username, password, environ.get('ANDROID_ID', Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS)) if not success: raise Exception("Unsuccessful login. Aborting!") # Populate our library self.library = {} self.indexing_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.index_library) self.indexing_thread.start() def populate_library( self ): #TODO: Use this as a function to refresh the library with Alexa via voice commands. # Populate our library self.library = {} self.indexing_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.index_library) self.indexing_thread.start() def _search(self, query_type, query): try: results = except CallFailure: return [] hits_key = "%s_hits" % query_type if hits_key not in results: return [] # Ugh, Google had to make this schema nonstandard... if query_type == 'song': query_type = 'track' return [x[query_type] for x in results[hits_key]] def _search_library_for_first(self, query_type, query): #try searching the library instead of the api for trackid, trackdata in self.library.items(): if query_type in trackdata: if query.lower() in trackdata[query_type].lower(): return trackdata return None def _search_library(self, query_type, query): #try searching the library instead of the api found = [] for trackid, trackdata in self.library.items(): if query_type in trackdata: if query.lower() in trackdata[query_type].lower(): found.append(trackdata) if not found: return None return found def is_indexing(self): return self.indexing_thread.is_alive() def index_library(self): """ Downloads the a list of every track in a user's library and populates self.library with storeIds -> track definitions """ self.logger.debug('Fetching library...') tracks = self.get_all_songs() for track in tracks: song_id = track['id'] self.library[song_id] = track self.logger.debug('Done! Discovered %d tracks.' % len(self.library)) def get_artist(self, name): """ Fetches information about an artist given its name """ search = self._search("artist", name) if len(search) == 0: search_lib = self._search_library("artist", name) if search_lib is not None: self.logger.debug(search_lib) return search_lib return False return self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], max_top_tracks=100) def get_album(self, name, artist_name=None): if artist_name: name = "%s %s" % (name, artist_name) search = self._search("album", name) if len(search) == 0: search_lib = self._search_library("album", name) if search_lib is not None: self.logger.debug(search_lib) return search_lib return False return self._api.get_album_info(search[0]['albumId']) def get_latest_album(self, artist_name=None): search = self._search("artist", artist_name) if len(search) == 0: return False artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True) album_info = artist_info['albums'] sorted_list = sorted(album_info.__iter__(), key=lambda s: s['year'], reverse=True) for index, val in enumerate(sorted_list): album_info = self._api.get_album_info( album_id=sorted_list[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True) if len(album_info['tracks']) >= 5: return album_info return False def get_album_by_artist(self, artist_name, album_id=None): search = self._search("artist", artist_name) if len(search) == 0: return False artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True) album_info = artist_info['albums'] random.shuffle(album_info) for index, val in enumerate(album_info): album = self._api.get_album_info( album_id=album_info[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True) if album['albumId'] != album_id and len(album['tracks']) >= 5: return album return False def get_song(self, song_name, artist_name=None, album_name=None): if artist_name: name = "%s %s" % (artist_name, song_name) elif album_name: name = "%s %s" % (album_name, song_name) self.logger.debug("get_song() : name: %s" % (name)) search = self._search("song", name) self.logger.debug("result length: %d" % len(search)) if len(search) == 0: search_lib = self._search_library_for_first("title", name) if search_lib is not None: return search_lib return False if album_name: for i in range(0, len(search) - 1): if album_name in search[i]['album']: return search[i] return search[0] def get_station(self, title, track_id=None, artist_id=None, album_id=None): if artist_id is not None: if album_id is not None: if track_id is not None: return self._api.create_station(title, track_id=track_id) return self._api.create_station(title, album_id=album_id) return self._api.create_station(title, artist_id=artist_id) def get_station_tracks(self, station_id): return self._api.get_station_tracks(station_id) def get_google_stream_url(self, song_id): return self._api.get_stream_url(song_id) def get_stream_url(self, song_id): return "%s/alexa/stream/%s" % (environ['APP_URL'], song_id) def get_thumbnail(self, artist_art): # return artist_art.replace("http://", "https://") //OLD artistArtKey = 'artistArtRef' albumArtKey = 'albumArtRef' if artist_art is None: return self.default_thumbnail() elif artistArtKey in artist_art: artist_art = artist_art[artistArtKey] elif albumArtKey in artist_art: artist_art = artist_art[albumArtKey] else: return self.default_thumbnail() if type(artist_art) is list: if type(artist_art[0]) is dict: artUrl = artist_art[0]['url'] elif type(artist_art) is dict: artUrl = artist_art['url'] else: artUrl = artist_art return self.urlReplaceWithSecureHttps(artUrl) def urlReplaceWithSecureHttps(self, url): return url.replace("http://", "https://") def default_thumbnail(self): return '' def get_all_user_playlist_contents(self): return self._api.get_all_user_playlist_contents() def get_all_songs(self): return self._api.get_all_songs() def rate_song(self, song, rating): return self._api.rate_songs(song, rating) def extract_track_info(self, track): # When coming from a playlist, track info is nested under the "track" # key if 'track' in track: track = track['track'] if 'trackId' in track: return (self.library[track['trackId']], track['trackId']) if self.use_library_first(): #Using free version track id first if 'id' in track: return (track, track['id']) if 'storeId' in track: return track, track['storeId'] return (None, None) def get_artist_album_list(self, artist_name): search = self._search("artist", artist_name) if len(search) == 0: return "Unable to find the artist you requested." artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True) album_list_text = "Here's the album listing for %s: " % artist_name counter = 0 for index, val in enumerate(artist_info['albums']): if counter > 25: # alexa will time out after 10 seconds if the list takes too long to iterate through break album_info = self._api.get_album_info( album_id=artist_info['albums'][index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True) if len(album_info['tracks']) > 5: counter += 1 album_list_text += ( artist_info['albums'][index]['name']) + ", " return album_list_text def get_latest_artist_albums(self, artist_name): search = self._search("artist", artist_name) if len(search) == 0: return False artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True) album_list = artist_info['albums'] sorted_list = sorted(album_list.__iter__(), key=lambda s: s['year'], reverse=True) speech_text = 'The latest albums by %s are ' % artist_name counter = 0 for index, val in enumerate(sorted_list): if counter > 5: break else: album_info = self._api.get_album_info( album_id=sorted_list[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True) if len(album_info['tracks']) >= 5: counter += 1 album_name = sorted_list[index]['name'] album_year = sorted_list[index]['year'] speech_text += '%s, released in %d, ' % (album_name, album_year) return speech_text def closest_match(self, request_name, all_matches, artist_name='', minimum_score=70): # Give each match a score based on its similarity to the requested # name self.logger.debug("The artist name is " + str(artist_name)) request_name = request_name.lower() + artist_name.lower() scored_matches = [] for i, match in enumerate(all_matches): try: name = match['name'].lower() except (KeyError, TypeError): i = match name = all_matches[match]['title'].lower() if artist_name != "": name += all_matches[match]['artist'].lower() scored_matches.append({ 'index': i, 'name': name, 'score': fuzz.ratio(name, request_name) }) sorted_matches = sorted(scored_matches, key=lambda a: a['score'], reverse=True) top_scoring = sorted_matches[0] self.logger.debug("The top scoring match was: " + str(top_scoring)) best_match = all_matches[top_scoring['index']] # Make sure the score is at least the min score value if top_scoring['score'] < minimum_score: return None return best_match def get_genres(self, parent_genre_id=None): return self._api.get_genres(parent_genre_id) def increment_song_playcount(self, song_id, plays=1, playtime=None): return self._api.increment_song_playcount(song_id, plays, playtime) def get_song_data(self, song_id): return self._api.get_track_info(song_id) def use_library_first(self): return environ['USE_LIBRARY_FIRST'].lower() == 'true' @classmethod def generate_api(cls, **kwargs): return cls(environ['GOOGLE_EMAIL'], environ['GOOGLE_PASSWORD'], **kwargs)
for track in api.get_album_info(albumID)['tracks']: trackIDs.append(track['storeId']) except KeyError: print(albumID + ' has no tracks') except HTTPError as error: print(error) except CallFailure as error: print(error) # Download using get_url_stream downDir = input('Enter download directory: ') if not downDir.endswith('\\'): downDir += '\\' totalTracks = len(trackIDs) for i in range(totalTracks): try: trackInfo = api.get_track_info(trackIDs[0]) except: print("Error occurred getting info for " + trackIDs[0] + ". Skipping...") del trackIDs[0] continue id3Title = str(trackInfo['title']) id3Artist = str(trackInfo['artist']) id3Composer = str(trackInfo['composer']) id3Album = str(trackInfo['album']) id3AlbumArtist = str(trackInfo['albumArtist']) try: id3Year = str(trackInfo['year']) except KeyError: id3Year = '' print("No year tag")'Importing ' + str(len(rated_tracks)) + ' track ratings to ' + import_username) # set rating on tracks for i, track in enumerate(rated_tracks, start=1): track_id = get_aa_id(track) track_rating = track.get('rating') track_artist = track.get('artist') track_title = track.get('title') if i % 100 == 0:'Rating track ' + str(i) + ' of ' + str(len(rated_tracks))) # get track info from new account and set rating try: new_track = import_api.get_track_info(track_id) except CallFailure as e: log.error('Failed to retrieve data for track ' + track_artist + ' - ' + track_title) log.debug('ID of failed track is ' + track_id) continue new_track['rating'] = track_rating new_track_artist = new_track.get('artist') new_track_title = new_track.get('title') if track_artist != new_track_artist: log.warning('Track artists do not match (' + track_artist + ' != ' + new_track_artist + ')') if track_title != new_track_title: log.warning('Track titles do not match (' + track_title + ' != ' + new_track_title + ')') if not simulate:
class GoogleMusic(object): def __init__(self): self.webclient = Webclient() self.mobileclient = Mobileclient() def is_authenticated(self): if self.webclient.is_authenticated(): if self.mobileclient.is_authenticated(): return True return False def login(self, username, password): if not self.is_authenticated(): try: self.mobileclient.login(username, password) self.webclient.login(username, password) except: raise Exception('Couldn\'t log into Google Music') def search(self, query, kind): if self.is_authenticated(): results = self.mobileclient.search_all_access(query)[kind + '_hits'] return results def get_track(self, store_id): return self.mobileclient.get_track_info(store_id) def save_stream(self, track, destination): if self.is_authenticated(): with open(destination, 'w+b') as stream_file: urls = self.webclient.get_stream_urls(track.get('storeId')) if len(urls) == 1: stream_file.write(self.webclient.session._rsession.get(urls[0]).content) range_pairs = [[int(s) for s in val.split('-')] for url in urls for key, val in parse_qsl(urlparse(url)[4]) if key == 'range'] for url, (start, end) in zip(urls, range_pairs): stream_file.truncate(start), 2) audio = self.webclient.session._rsession.get(url).content stream_file.write(audio) tag = easyid3.EasyID3() tag['title'] = track.get('title').__str__() tag['artist'] = track.get('artist').__str__() tag['album'] = track.get('album').__str__() tag['date'] = track.get('year').__str__() tag['discnumber'] = track.get('discNumber').__str__() tag['tracknumber'] = track.get('trackNumber').__str__() tag['performer'] = track.get('albumArtist').__str__() tag = mp3.MP3(destination) tag.tags.add( id3.APIC(3, 'image/jpeg', 3, 'Front cover', urllib.urlopen(track.get('albumArtRef')[0].get('url')).read()) )
def main(): log.setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('gmusicapi').setLevel(logging.INFO) cred_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.gmusic-sync') if not os.path.isfile(cred_path): raise NoCredentialException( 'No username/password was specified. No config file could ' 'be found either. Try creating %s and specifying your ' 'username/password there. Make sure to chmod 600.' % cred_path) if not oct(os.stat(cred_path)[os.path.stat.ST_MODE]).endswith('00'): raise NoCredentialException( 'Config file is not protected. Please run: ' 'chmod 600 %s' % cred_path) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() src_user = config.get('src','username') src_pass = config.get('src','password') src_device = config.get('src','deviceid') dst_user = config.get('dst','username') dst_pass = config.get('dst','password') dst_device = config.get('dst','deviceid') if not src_user or not src_pass or not dst_user or not dst_pass: raise NoCredentialException( 'No username/password could be read from config file' ': %s' % cred_path) if not src_device or not dst_device: raise NoCredentialException( 'No deviceId could be read from config file' ': %s' % cred_path) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='gmusic-sync', add_help=False) parser.add_argument('-hs', '--strict-heuristics', help='Songs must match artist, album, and title to be considered a match.', action='store_true', dest='strict_heuristics') parser.add_argument('-l', '--list', help='List playlists on the src account', action='store_true', dest='lst') parser.add_argument('-p', '--playlist', help='Playlist ID from src account to transfer', dest='playlist') args = parser.parse_args() api = Mobileclient() api.login(src_user, src_pass, src_device) playlists = api.get_all_playlists() if args.lst: for playlist in playlists: print playlist['name'] + ' (' + playlist['id'] + ') ' exit() library = api.get_all_songs() api2 = Mobileclient() api2.login(dst_user, dst_pass, dst_device) library2 = api2.get_all_songs() if args.playlist is None: print 'Error: no playlist selected' all_playlist_entries = api.get_all_user_playlist_contents() selected_playlist_entries = [] dst_playlist_id = None for entry in all_playlist_entries: if entry['id'] == args.playlist: selected_playlist_entries = entry['tracks'] dst_playlist_id = api2.create_playlist(entry['name']) if dst_playlist_id is None: print 'Error creating new playlist' exit() playlist_tracks = [] for ptrack in selected_playlist_entries: track_found = False for track in library: if ptrack['trackId'] == track['id']: playlist_tracks.append(track) track_found = True break try: if ptrack['trackId'] == track['storeId']: playlist_tracks.append(track) track_found = True break except: pass if not track_found: print 'ERROR: could not find playlist entry ' + str(ptrack) api.add_aa_track(ptrack['trackId']) if len(playlist_tracks) != len(selected_playlist_entries): print 'Error: could not locate all playlist tracks in src library' exit() failed_tracks = [] for track in playlist_tracks: try: if track['storeId'].startswith('T'): #It's a store track: does it exist in the target store? #Perform a store lookup: this will raise an exception if the track #Is not in the target store store_track = api2.get_track_info(track['storeId']) #If we got here, we're good to go for adding the track to the playlist retval = api2.add_songs_to_playlist(dst_playlist_id, track['storeId']) if track['storeId'] not in retval: print 'Error adding ' + track['title'] + ' - ' + track['artist'] + ' (' + track['album'] + ')' else: dst_track = heuristic_search(library2, track, args.strict_heuristics) if dst_track is not None: api2.add_songs_to_playlist(dst_playlist_id, dst_track['id']) else: failed_tracks.append(track) except: #Not a store track: do heuristics lookup dst_track = heuristic_search(library2, track, args.strict_heuristics) if dst_track is not None: api2.add_songs_to_playlist(dst_playlist_id, dst_track['id']) else: failed_tracks.append(track) continue print '----------------- FAILED TRACKS --------------------' for track in failed_tracks: print track['title'] + ' - ' + track['artist'] + ' (' + track['album'] + ')'
if os.path.isfile('getephemthumbsup.json'): if not QUIET: print("Adding data from getephemthumbsup json file") artist_cache = {} # get response when desktop client posts to # with open('getephemthumbsup.json', 'r') as f: j = json.loads( track_ids = [x[0] for x in j[1][0]] for tid in track_ids: if tid in track_cache: continue track_cache.add(tid) info = mc.get_track_info(tid) title = info['title'] number = info['trackNumber'] artist = info['artist'] album = info['album'] album_art = info.get('albumArtRef', [{}])[0].get('url') length = int(info['durationMillis']) / 1000 metadata = json.dumps(info, indent=2) artist_id = info['artistId'][0] if artist_id in artist_cache: a_info = artist_cache[artist_id] else: a_info = mc.get_artist_info( artist_id, include_albums=False,
class GMusicClient(ContentConsumer): """Element in charge of interfacing with GMusicApi Client""" def __init__(self, data_cache): self.client = Mobileclient() self.data_cache = data_cache def login(self): """Use data/unlocked/credentials.json to log in""" mac = Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS try: credentials = json.load(open("data/unlocked/credentials.json", "r")) result = self.client.login(credentials["username"], credentials["password"], mac) if result == False: print("\n\033[93mLogin failed.") print("Please double check that data/unlocked/credentials.json has correct information.\033[m\n") os._exit(1) except: print("\n\033[93mdata/unlocked/credentials.json is not valid.") print("You may need to delete and regnerate the credentials file.\033[m\n") exit(1) def load_my_library(self): """Load user's songs, playlists, and stations""" track_load = threading.Thread(target=self.load_tracks) radio_load = threading.Thread(target=self.load_radios) playlist_load = threading.Thread(target=self.load_playlists) track_load.start() radio_load.start() playlist_load.start() track_load.join() radio_load.join() playlist_load.join() def load_playlists(self): playlists = self.client.get_all_user_playlist_contents() playlists.reverse() self.data_cache.playlists = playlists def load_tracks(self): self.data_cache.tracks = [t for t in self.client.get_all_songs() if "nid" in t] def scrape_song(self, track): return track def load_radios(self): radios = self.client.get_all_stations() radios.reverse() self.data_cache.radios = radios def get_radio_contents(self, radio_id): tracks = self.client.get_station_tracks(radio_id) return tracks def get_radio_list(self, name): return [r for r in self.data_cache.radios if name in r["name"]] def filter(self, element, field, filter_by): return [e for e in element if filter_by in e[field]] def get_playlist_list(self, name): return self.filter(self.data_cache.playlists, "name", name) def search_all_access(self, query): return self.client.search_all_access(query) def create_radio(self, seed_type, id, name): """Create a radio""" # This is a weird way to do this, but there's no other choice ids = {"track": None, "album": None, "artist": None} seed_id_name = self.get_type_name(seed_type) ids[seed_id_name] = id return self.client.create_station( name=name, track_id=ids["track"], album_id=ids["album"], artist_id=ids["artist"] ) def search_items_all_access(self, type, query): """Searches Albums, Artists, and Songs; uses metaprogramming""" index_arguments = self.get_index_arguments(type) items = self.search_all_access(query)["{0}_hits".format(type[:-1])] return [self.format_item(item, type, index_arguments) for item in items] def get_sub_items(self, type_from, search_type, from_id): """Here type_from refers to artist or album we're indexing against""" args = self.get_index_arguments(search_type) if type_from == "playlist": return self.get_playlist_contents(from_id) else: # Get the appropriate search method and execute it search_method_name = "get_{0}_info".format(type_from) search_method = getattr(self.client, search_method_name) try: items = search_method(from_id, True)[args["type"] + "s"] # True here includes subelements except: # User passed in a bad id or something return # Now return appropriately return [self.format_subitems(t, args) for t in items if args["id"] in t] def get_playlist_contents(self, from_id): """Playlist exclusive stuff""" shareToken = [t for t in self.data_cache.playlists if t["id"] == from_id][0]["shareToken"] contents = self.client.get_shared_playlist_contents(shareToken) return [self.format_playlist_contents(t) for t in contents if "track" in t] def get_suggested(self): """Returns a list of tracks that the user might be interested in""" items = sorted(self.client.get_promoted_songs(), key=lambda y: y["title"]) return [self.format_suggested(t) for t in items if "storeId" in t] def get_information_about(self, from_type, from_id): """Gets specific information about an id (depending on the type)""" if "artist" in from_type.lower(): return self.client.get_artist_info(from_id, include_albums=False) if "album" in from_type.lower(): return self.client.get_album_info(from_id, include_tracks=False) return self.client.get_track_info(from_id) def get_stream_url(self, nid): return self.client.get_stream_url(nid) def lookup(self, nid): return self.client.get_track_info(nid) def add_track_to_library(self, nid): self.client.add_aa_track(nid) def add_to_playlist(self, playlist_id, nid): self.client.add_songs_to_playlist(playlist_id, nid) playlist_load = threading.Thread(target=self.load_playlists) playlist_load.daemon = True playlist_load.start() def format_suggested(self, t): return (t["title"], t["storeId"], "Play", t["album"]) def format_playlist_contents(self, t): return (t["track"]["title"], t["trackId"], "Play", t["track"]["album"]) def format_subitems(self, t, args): return (t[args["name"]], t[args["id"]], args["command"], t[args["alt"]])
class tizgmusicproxy(object): """A class for logging into a Google Play Music account and retrieving song URLs. """ all_songs_album_title = "All Songs" thumbs_up_playlist_name = "Thumbs Up" def __init__(self, email, password, device_id): self.__gmusic = Mobileclient() self.__email = email self.__device_id = device_id self.logged_in = False self.queue = list() self.queue_index = -1 self.play_queue_order = list() self.play_modes = TizEnumeration(["NORMAL", "SHUFFLE"]) self.current_play_mode = self.play_modes.NORMAL self.now_playing_song = None userdir = os.path.expanduser('~') tizconfig = os.path.join(userdir, ".config/tizonia/." + email + ".auth_token") auth_token = "" if os.path.isfile(tizconfig): with open(tizconfig, "r") as f: auth_token = pickle.load(f) if auth_token: # 'Keep track of the auth token' workaround. See: # print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Authenticating] : " \ "'with cached auth token'") self.__gmusic.android_id = device_id self.__gmusic.session._authtoken = auth_token self.__gmusic.session.is_authenticated = True try: self.__gmusic.get_registered_devices() except CallFailure: # The token has expired. Reset the client object print_wrn("[Google Play Music] [Authenticating] : " \ "'auth token expired'") self.__gmusic = Mobileclient() auth_token = "" if not auth_token: attempts = 0 print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Authenticating] : " \ "'with user credentials'") while not self.logged_in and attempts < 3: self.logged_in = self.__gmusic.login(email, password, device_id) attempts += 1 with open(tizconfig, "a+") as f: f.truncate() pickle.dump(self.__gmusic.session._authtoken, f) self.library = CaseInsensitiveDict() self.song_map = CaseInsensitiveDict() self.playlists = CaseInsensitiveDict() self.stations = CaseInsensitiveDict() def logout(self): """ Reset the session to an unauthenticated, default state. """ self.__gmusic.logout() def set_play_mode(self, mode): """ Set the playback mode. :param mode: curren tvalid values are "NORMAL" and "SHUFFLE" """ self.current_play_mode = getattr(self.play_modes, mode) self.__update_play_queue_order() def current_song_title_and_artist(self): """ Retrieve the current track's title and artist name. """"current_song_title_and_artist") song = self.now_playing_song if song: title = to_ascii(self.now_playing_song.get('title')) artist = to_ascii(self.now_playing_song.get('artist'))"Now playing %s by %s", title, artist) return artist, title else: return '', '' def current_song_album_and_duration(self): """ Retrieve the current track's album and duration. """"current_song_album_and_duration") song = self.now_playing_song if song: album = to_ascii(self.now_playing_song.get('album')) duration = to_ascii \ (self.now_playing_song.get('durationMillis'))"album %s duration %s", album, duration) return album, int(duration) else: return '', 0 def current_track_and_album_total(self): """Return the current track number and the total number of tracks in the album, if known. """"current_track_and_album_total") song = self.now_playing_song track = 0 total = 0 if song: try: track = self.now_playing_song['trackNumber'] total = self.now_playing_song['totalTrackCount']"track number %s total tracks %s", track, total) except KeyError:"trackNumber or totalTrackCount : not found") else:"current_song_track_number_" "and_total_tracks : not found") return track, total def current_song_year(self): """ Return the current track's year of publication. """"current_song_year") song = self.now_playing_song year = 0 if song: try: year = song['year']"track year %s", year) except KeyError:"year : not found") else:"current_song_year : not found") return year def clear_queue(self): """ Clears the playback queue. """ self.queue = list() self.queue_index = -1 def enqueue_artist(self, arg): """ Search the user's library for tracks from the given artist and adds them to the playback queue. :param arg: an artist """ try: self.__update_local_library() artist = None if arg not in self.library.keys(): for name, art in self.library.iteritems(): if arg.lower() in name.lower(): artist = art print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. " \ "Playing '{1}' instead." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'), \ name.encode('utf-8'))) break if not artist: # Play some random artist from the library random.seed() artist = random.choice(self.library.keys()) artist = self.library[artist] print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) else: artist = self.library[arg] tracks_added = 0 for album in artist: tracks_added += self.__enqueue_tracks(artist[album]) print_wrn("[Google Play Music] Playing '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(artist))) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Artist not found : {0}".format(arg)) def enqueue_album(self, arg): """ Search the user's library for albums with a given name and adds them to the playback queue. """ try: self.__update_local_library() album = None artist = None tentative_album = None tentative_artist = None for library_artist in self.library: for artist_album in self.library[library_artist]: print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Album] '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(artist_album))) if not album: if arg.lower() == artist_album.lower(): album = artist_album artist = library_artist break if not tentative_album: if arg.lower() in artist_album.lower(): tentative_album = artist_album tentative_artist = library_artist if album: break if not album and tentative_album: album = tentative_album artist = tentative_artist print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. " \ "Playing '{1}' instead." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'), \ album.encode('utf-8'))) if not album: # Play some random album from the library random.seed() artist = random.choice(self.library.keys()) album = random.choice(self.library[artist].keys()) print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) if not album: raise KeyError("Album not found : {0}".format(arg)) self.__enqueue_tracks(self.library[artist][album]) print_wrn("[Google Play Music] Playing '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(album))) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Album not found : {0}".format(arg)) def enqueue_playlist(self, arg): """Search the user's library for playlists with a given name and adds the tracks of the first match to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ try: self.__update_local_library() self.__update_playlists() self.__update_playlists_unlimited() playlist = None playlist_name = None for name, plist in self.playlists.items(): print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Playlist] '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(name))) if arg not in self.playlists.keys(): for name, plist in self.playlists.iteritems(): if arg.lower() in name.lower(): playlist = plist playlist_name = name print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. " \ "Playing '{1}' instead." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'), \ to_ascii(name))) break if not playlist: # Play some random playlist from the library random.seed() playlist_name = random.choice(self.playlists.keys()) playlist = self.playlists[playlist_name] print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) else: playlist_name = arg playlist = self.playlists[arg] self.__enqueue_tracks(playlist) print_wrn("[Google Play Music] Playing '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(playlist_name))) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Playlist not found : {0}".format(arg)) def enqueue_station_unlimited(self, arg): """Search the user's library for a station with a given name and add its tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ try: # First try to find a suitable station in the user's library self.__enqueue_user_station_unlimited(arg) if not len(self.queue): # If no suitable station is found in the user's library, then # search google play unlimited for a potential match. self.__enqueue_station_unlimited(arg) if not len(self.queue): raise KeyError except KeyError: raise KeyError("Station not found : {0}".format(arg)) def enqueue_genre_unlimited(self, arg): """Search Unlimited for a genre with a given name and add its tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Retrieving genres] : '{0}'. " \ .format(self.__email)) try: all_genres = list() root_genres = self.__gmusic.get_genres() second_tier_genres = list() for root_genre in root_genres: second_tier_genres += self.__gmusic.get_genres(root_genre['id']) all_genres += root_genres all_genres += second_tier_genres for genre in all_genres: print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Genre] '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(genre['name']))) genre = dict() if arg not in all_genres: genre = next((g for g in all_genres \ if arg.lower() in to_ascii(g['name']).lower()), \ None) tracks_added = 0 while not tracks_added: if not genre and len(all_genres): # Play some random genre from the search results random.seed() genre = random.choice(all_genres) print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) genre_name = genre['name'] genre_id = genre['id'] station_id = self.__gmusic.create_station(genre_name, \ None, None, None, genre_id) num_tracks = 200 tracks = self.__gmusic.get_station_tracks(station_id, num_tracks) tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(tracks)"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", tracks_added, genre_name) if not tracks_added: # This will produce another iteration in the loop genre = None print_wrn("[Google Play Music] Playing '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(genre['name']))) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Genre not found : {0}".format(arg)) except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def enqueue_situation_unlimited(self, arg): """Search Unlimited for a situation with a given name and add its tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Retrieving situations] : '{0}'. " \ .format(self.__email)) try: self.__enqueue_situation_unlimited(arg) if not len(self.queue): raise KeyError"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", \ len(self.queue), arg) except KeyError: raise KeyError("Situation not found : {0}".format(arg)) except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def enqueue_artist_unlimited(self, arg): """Search Unlimited for an artist and adds the artist's 200 top tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ try: artist = self.__gmusic_search(arg, 'artist') include_albums = False max_top_tracks = 200 max_rel_artist = 0 artist_tracks = dict() if artist: artist_tracks = self.__gmusic.get_artist_info \ (artist['artist']['artistId'], include_albums, max_top_tracks, max_rel_artist)['topTracks'] if not artist_tracks: raise KeyError tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(artist_tracks)"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", \ tracks_added, arg) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Artist not found : {0}".format(arg)) except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def enqueue_album_unlimited(self, arg): """Search Unlimited for an album and add its tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ try: album = self.__gmusic_search(arg, 'album') album_tracks = dict() if album: album_tracks = self.__gmusic.get_album_info \ (album['album']['albumId'])['tracks'] if not album_tracks: raise KeyError print_wrn("[Google Play Music] Playing '{0}'." \ .format((album['album']['name']).encode('utf-8'))) tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(album_tracks)"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", \ tracks_added, arg) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Album not found : {0}".format(arg)) except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def enqueue_tracks_unlimited(self, arg): """ Search Unlimited for a track name and adds all the matching tracks to the playback queue. Requires Unlimited subscription. """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Retrieving library] : '{0}'. " \ .format(self.__email)) try: max_results = 200 track_hits =, max_results)['song_hits'] if not len(track_hits): # Do another search with an empty string track_hits ="", max_results)['song_hits'] print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) tracks = list() for hit in track_hits: tracks.append(hit['track']) tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(tracks)"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", \ tracks_added, arg) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Playlist not found : {0}".format(arg)) except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def enqueue_promoted_tracks_unlimited(self): """ Retrieve the url of the next track in the playback queue. """ try: tracks = self.__gmusic.get_promoted_songs() count = 0 for track in tracks: store_track = self.__gmusic.get_track_info(track['storeId']) if u'id' not in store_track.keys(): store_track[u'id'] = store_track['nid'] self.queue.append(store_track) count += 1 if count == 0: print_wrn("[Google Play Music] Operation requires " \ "an Unlimited subscription.")"Added %d Unlimited promoted tracks to queue", \ count) self.__update_play_queue_order() except CallFailure: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an Unlimited subscription.") def next_url(self): """ Retrieve the url of the next track in the playback queue. """ if len(self.queue): self.queue_index += 1 if (self.queue_index < len(self.queue)) \ and (self.queue_index >= 0): next_song = self.queue[self.play_queue_order[self.queue_index]] return self.__retrieve_track_url(next_song) else: self.queue_index = -1 return self.next_url() else: return '' def prev_url(self): """ Retrieve the url of the previous track in the playback queue. """ if len(self.queue): self.queue_index -= 1 if (self.queue_index < len(self.queue)) \ and (self.queue_index >= 0): prev_song = self.queue[self.play_queue_order[self.queue_index]] return self.__retrieve_track_url(prev_song) else: self.queue_index = len(self.queue) return self.prev_url() else: return '' def __update_play_queue_order(self): """ Update the queue playback order. A sequential order is applied if the current play mode is "NORMAL" or a random order if current play mode is "SHUFFLE" """ total_tracks = len(self.queue) if total_tracks: if not len(self.play_queue_order): # Create a sequential play order, if empty self.play_queue_order = range(total_tracks) if self.current_play_mode == self.play_modes.SHUFFLE: random.shuffle(self.play_queue_order) print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Tracks in queue] '{0}'." \ .format(total_tracks)) def __retrieve_track_url(self, song): """ Retrieve a song url """ song_url = self.__gmusic.get_stream_url(song['id'], self.__device_id) try: self.now_playing_song = song return song_url except AttributeError:"Could not retrieve the song url!") raise def __update_local_library(self): """ Retrieve the songs and albums from the user's library """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Retrieving library] : '{0}'. " \ .format(self.__email)) songs = self.__gmusic.get_all_songs() self.playlists[self.thumbs_up_playlist_name] = list() # Retrieve the user's song library for song in songs: if "rating" in song and song['rating'] == "5": self.playlists[self.thumbs_up_playlist_name].append(song) song_id = song['id'] song_artist = song['artist'] song_album = song['album'] self.song_map[song_id] = song if song_artist == "": song_artist = "Unknown Artist" if song_album == "": song_album = "Unknown Album" if song_artist not in self.library: self.library[song_artist] = CaseInsensitiveDict() self.library[song_artist][self.all_songs_album_title] = list() if song_album not in self.library[song_artist]: self.library[song_artist][song_album] = list() self.library[song_artist][song_album].append(song) self.library[song_artist][self.all_songs_album_title].append(song) # Sort albums by track number for artist in self.library.keys():"Artist : %s", to_ascii(artist)) for album in self.library[artist].keys():" Album : %s", to_ascii(album)) if album == self.all_songs_album_title: sorted_album = sorted(self.library[artist][album], key=lambda k: k['title']) else: sorted_album = sorted(self.library[artist][album], key=lambda k: k.get('trackNumber', 0)) self.library[artist][album] = sorted_album def __update_stations_unlimited(self): """ Retrieve stations (Unlimited) """ self.stations.clear() stations = self.__gmusic.get_all_stations() self.stations[u"I'm Feeling Lucky"] = 'IFL' for station in stations: station_name = station['name']"station name : %s", to_ascii(station_name)) self.stations[station_name] = station['id'] def __enqueue_user_station_unlimited(self, arg): """ Enqueue a user station (Unlimited) """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Station search "\ "in user's library] : '{0}'. " \ .format(self.__email)) self.__update_stations_unlimited() station_name = arg station_id = None for name, st_id in self.stations.iteritems(): print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Station] '{0}'." \ .format(to_ascii(name))) if arg not in self.stations.keys(): for name, st_id in self.stations.iteritems(): if arg.lower() in name.lower(): station_id = st_id station_name = name break else: station_id = self.stations[arg] num_tracks = 200 tracks = list() if station_id: try: tracks = self.__gmusic.get_station_tracks(station_id, \ num_tracks) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an " "Unlimited subscription.") tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(tracks) if tracks_added: if arg != station_name: print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. " \ "Playing '{1}' instead." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'), name.encode('utf-8')))"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", tracks_added, arg) self.__update_play_queue_order() else: print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' has no tracks. " \ .format(station_name)) if not len(self.queue): print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' " \ "not found in the user's library. " \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) def __enqueue_station_unlimited(self, arg, max_results=200, quiet=False): """Search for a station and enqueue all of its tracks (Unlimited) """ if not quiet: print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Station search in "\ "Google Play Music] : '{0}'. " \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) try: station_name = arg station_id = None station = self.__gmusic_search(arg, 'station', max_results, quiet) if station: station = station['station'] station_name = station['name'] seed = station['seed'] seed_type = seed['seedType'] track_id = seed['trackId'] if seed_type == u'2' else None artist_id = seed['artistId'] if seed_type == u'3' else None album_id = seed['albumId'] if seed_type == u'4' else None genre_id = seed['genreId'] if seed_type == u'5' else None playlist_token = seed['playlistShareToken'] if seed_type == u'8' else None curated_station_id = seed['curatedStationId'] if seed_type == u'9' else None num_tracks = max_results tracks = list() try: station_id \ = self.__gmusic.create_station(station_name, \ track_id, \ artist_id, \ album_id, \ genre_id, \ playlist_token, \ curated_station_id) tracks \ = self.__gmusic.get_station_tracks(station_id, \ num_tracks) except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("Operation requires an " "Unlimited subscription.") tracks_added = self.__enqueue_tracks(tracks) if tracks_added: if not quiet: print_wrn("[Google Play Music] [Station] : '{0}'." \ .format(station_name.encode('utf-8')))"Added %d tracks from %s to queue", \ tracks_added, arg.encode('utf-8')) self.__update_play_queue_order() except KeyError: raise KeyError("Station not found : {0}".format(arg)) def __enqueue_situation_unlimited(self, arg): """Search for a situation and enqueue all of its tracks (Unlimited) """ print_msg("[Google Play Music] [Situation search in "\ "Google Play Music] : '{0}'. " \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) try: situation_hits =['situation_hits'] if not len(situation_hits): # Do another search with an empty string situation_hits ="")['situation_hits'] print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(arg.encode('utf-8'))) situation = next((hit for hit in situation_hits \ if 'best_result' in hit.keys()), None) num_tracks = 200 if not situation and len(situation_hits): max_results = num_tracks / len(situation_hits) for hit in situation_hits: situation = hit['situation'] print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [Situation] '{0} : {1}'." \ .format((hit['situation']['title']).encode('utf-8'), (hit['situation']['description']).encode('utf-8'))) self.__enqueue_station_unlimited(situation['title'], max_results, True) if not situation: raise KeyError except KeyError: raise KeyError("Situation not found : {0}".format(arg)) def __enqueue_tracks(self, tracks): """ Add tracks to the playback queue """ count = 0 for track in tracks: if u'id' not in track.keys(): track[u'id'] = track['nid'] self.queue.append(track) count += 1 return count def __update_playlists(self): """ Retrieve the user's playlists """ plists = self.__gmusic.get_all_user_playlist_contents() for plist in plists: plist_name = plist['name']"playlist name : %s", to_ascii(plist_name)) tracks = plist['tracks'] tracks.sort(key=itemgetter('creationTimestamp')) self.playlists[plist_name] = list() for track in tracks: try: song = self.song_map[track['trackId']] self.playlists[plist_name].append(song) except IndexError: pass def __update_playlists_unlimited(self): """ Retrieve shared playlists (Unlimited) """ plists_subscribed_to = [p for p in self.__gmusic.get_all_playlists() \ if p.get('type') == 'SHARED'] for plist in plists_subscribed_to: share_tok = plist['shareToken'] playlist_items \ = self.__gmusic.get_shared_playlist_contents(share_tok) plist_name = plist['name']"shared playlist name : %s", to_ascii(plist_name)) self.playlists[plist_name] = list() for item in playlist_items: try: song = item['track'] song['id'] = item['trackId'] self.playlists[plist_name].append(song) except IndexError: pass def __gmusic_search(self, query, query_type, max_results=200, quiet=False): """ Search Google Play (Unlimited) """ search_results =, max_results)[query_type + '_hits'] result = next((hit for hit in search_results \ if 'best_result' in hit.keys()), None) if not result and len(search_results): secondary_hit = None for hit in search_results: if not quiet: print_nfo("[Google Play Music] [{0}] '{1}'." \ .format(query_type.capitalize(), (hit[query_type]['name']).encode('utf-8'))) if query.lower() == \ to_ascii(hit[query_type]['name']).lower(): result = hit break if query.lower() in \ to_ascii(hit[query_type]['name']).lower(): secondary_hit = hit if not result and secondary_hit: result = secondary_hit if not result and not len(search_results): # Do another search with an empty string search_results ="")[query_type + '_hits'] if not result and len(search_results): # Play some random result from the search results random.seed() result = random.choice(search_results) if not quiet: print_wrn("[Google Play Music] '{0}' not found. "\ "Feeling lucky?." \ .format(query.encode('utf-8'))) return result
class GMusicSession(object): def __init__(self): super(GMusicSession, self).__init__()'Mopidy uses Google Music') self.api = Mobileclient() def login(self, username, password, deviceid): if self.api.is_authenticated(): self.api.logout() try: self.api.login(username, password) except CallFailure as error: logger.error(u'Failed to login as "%s": %s', username, error) if self.api.is_authenticated(): if deviceid is None: self.deviceid = self.get_deviceid(username, password) else: self.deviceid = deviceid else: return False def logout(self): if self.api.is_authenticated(): return self.api.logout() else: return True def get_all_songs(self): if self.api.is_authenticated(): return self.api.get_all_songs() else: return {} def get_stream_url(self, song_id): if self.api.is_authenticated(): try: return self.api.get_stream_url(song_id, self.deviceid) except CallFailure as error: logger.error(u'Failed to lookup "%s": %s', song_id, error) def get_all_user_playlist_contents(self): if self.api.is_authenticated(): return self.api.get_all_user_playlist_contents() else: return {} def get_shared_playlist_contents(self, shareToken): if self.api.is_authenticated(): return self.api.get_shared_playlist_contents(shareToken) else: return {} def get_all_playlists(self): if self.api.is_authenticated(): return self.api.get_all_playlists() else: return {} def get_deviceid(self, username, password): logger.warning(u'No mobile device ID configured. ' u'Trying to detect one.') webapi = Webclient(validate=False) webapi.login(username, password) devices = webapi.get_registered_devices() deviceid = None for device in devices: if device['type'] == 'PHONE' and device['id'][0:2] == u'0x': # Omit the '0x' prefix deviceid = device['id'][2:] break webapi.logout() if deviceid is None: logger.error(u'No valid mobile device ID found. ' u'Playing songs will not work.') else:'Using mobile device ID %s', deviceid) return deviceid def get_track_info(self, store_track_id): if self.api.is_authenticated(): try: return self.api.get_track_info(store_track_id) except CallFailure as error: logger.error(u'Failed to get All Access track info: %s', error) def get_album_info(self, albumid, include_tracks=True): if self.api.is_authenticated(): try: return self.api.get_album_info(albumid, include_tracks) except CallFailure as error: logger.error(u'Failed to get All Access album info: %s', error)
client.perform_oauth() else: # todo: store oauth data in non-default client.oauth_login(Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS) playlists = client.get_all_user_playlist_contents() songs = [] # todo: allow playlist selection playlist = "Main" for p in playlists: if p["name"] == playlist: for track in p["tracks"]: try: song = client.get_track_info(track["trackId"]) song["entryId"] = track["id"] songs.append(song) except: print("Wasn't able to obtain information for one song") # with open("data.txt", "w") as outfile: # json.dump(songs, outfile) used = [] def isSimilar(song1, song2): s1 = song1["title"] s2 = song2["title"] return s1 in s2 or s2 in s1
import_username) # set rating on tracks for i, track in enumerate(rated_tracks, start=1): track_id = get_aa_id(track) track_rating = track.get('rating') track_artist = track.get('artist') track_title = track.get('title') if i % 100 == 0:'Rating track ' + str(i) + ' of ' + str(len(rated_tracks))) # get track info from new account and set rating try: new_track = import_api.get_track_info(track_id) except CallFailure as e: log.error('Failed to retrieve data for track ' + track_artist + ' - ' + track_title) log.debug('ID of failed track is ' + track_id) continue new_track['rating'] = track_rating new_track_artist = new_track.get('artist') new_track_title = new_track.get('title') if track_artist != new_track_artist: log.warning('Track artists do not match (' + track_artist + ' != ' + new_track_artist + ')') if track_title != new_track_title: log.warning('Track titles do not match (' + track_title + ' != ' +
class GMusicWrapper: def __init__(self, username, password, logger=None): self._api = Mobileclient() self.logger = logger success = self._api.login( username, password, environ.get('ANDROID_ID', Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS)) if not success: raise Exception("Unsuccessful login. Aborting!") # Populate our library self.library = {} self.indexing_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.index_library) self.indexing_thread.start() def _search(self, query_type, query): try: results = except CallFailure: return [] hits_key = "%s_hits" % query_type if hits_key not in results: return [] # Ugh, Google had to make this schema nonstandard... if query_type == 'song': query_type = 'track' return map(lambda x: x[query_type], results[hits_key]) def is_indexing(self): return self.indexing_thread.is_alive() def index_library(self): """ Downloads the a list of every track in a user's library and populates self.library with storeIds -> track definitions """ self.logger.debug('Fetching library...') tracks = self.get_all_songs() for track in tracks: song_id = track['id'] self.library[song_id] = track self.logger.debug('Done! Discovered %d tracks.' % len(self.library)) def get_artist(self, name): """ Fetches information about an artist given its name """ search = self._search("artist", name) if len(search) == 0: return False return self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], max_top_tracks=100) def get_album(self, name, artist_name=None): if artist_name: name = "%s %s" % (name, artist_name) search = self._search("album", name) if len(search) == 0: return False return self._api.get_album_info(search[0]['albumId']) def get_song(self, name, artist_name=None): if artist_name: name = "%s %s" % (artist_name, name) search = self._search("song", name) if len(search) == 0: return False return search[0] def get_station(self, title, artist_id=None): if artist_id != None: return self._api.create_station(title, artist_id=artist_id) def get_station_tracks(self, station_id): return self._api.get_station_tracks(station_id) def get_google_stream_url(self, song_id): return self._api.get_stream_url(song_id) def get_stream_url(self, song_id): return "%s/stream/%s" % (environ['APP_URL'], song_id) def get_all_user_playlist_contents(self): return self._api.get_all_user_playlist_contents() def get_all_songs(self): return self._api.get_all_songs() def rate_song(self, song, rating): return self._api.rate_songs(song, rating) def extract_track_info(self, track): # When coming from a playlist, track info is nested under the "track" # key if 'track' in track: track = track['track'] if 'storeId' in track: return (track, track['storeId']) elif 'trackId' in track: return (self.library[track['trackId']], track['trackId']) else: return (None, None) def increment_song_playcount(self, song_id, plays=1, playtime=None): return self._api.increment_song_playcount(song_id, plays, playtime) def get_song_data(self, song_id): return self._api.get_track_info(song_id) @classmethod def generate_api(cls, **kwargs): return cls(environ['GOOGLE_EMAIL'], environ['GOOGLE_PASSWORD'], **kwargs)
class IBCMusicClient(): # Please have this be an absolute path SONG_DIR = "/home/pi/Desktop/JukeSite/songs" def __init__(self): self.api = None self.player = None def start(self): """ Starts the MobileClient """ self.api = Mobileclient() def stop(self): """ Deletes MobileClient and sets self.api to default(None) """ del self.api self.api = None def logon(self, email, password): """ Logs onto google music as a mobile client. Returns true is sucessful. :param email: Email of the Google user :param password: Pass of the google user :return: Bool if connection was successful """ if self.api is None: raise errors.MobileClientNotInitError( "The Client has not been init therefor it cannot logon.", 1000) try: res = self.api.login(email, password, self.api.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS) except AlreadyLoggedIn as e: self.api.logout() res = self.api.login(email, password, self.api.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS) del email del password return res def logout(self): """ logs out of google music mobile client. :return: if it was succesful """ return self.api.logout() def is_authenticated(self): if not self.api.is_authenticated(): raise errors.SessionNotActive( "The session is no longer active. Either it timedout or you have not logged in", 1001) def search_song(self, query): """ Searchs for the given query and return the song results Will check for authentication. [{ 'track': { 'album': 'Work Out', 'albumArtRef': [{ 'aspectRatio': '1', 'autogen': False, 'kind': 'sj#imageRef', 'url': '' }], 'albumArtist': 'J.Cole', 'albumAvailableForPurchase': True, 'albumId': 'Bfp2tuhynyqppnp6zennhmf6w3y', 'artist': 'J Cole', 'artistId': ['Ajgnxme45wcqqv44vykrleifpji', 'Ampniqsqcwxk7btbgh5ycujij5i'], 'composer': '', 'discNumber': 1, 'durationMillis': '234000', 'estimatedSize': '9368582', 'explicitType': '1', 'genre': 'Pop', 'kind': 'sj#track', 'nid': 'Tq3nsmzeumhilpegkimjcnbr6aq', 'primaryVideo': { 'id': '6PN78PS_QsM', 'kind': 'sj#video', 'thumbnails': [{ 'height': 180, 'url': '', 'width': 320 }] }, 'storeId': 'Tq3nsmzeumhilpegkimjcnbr6aq', 'title': 'Work Out', 'trackAvailableForPurchase': True, 'trackAvailableForSubscription': True, 'trackNumber': 1, 'trackType': '7', 'year': 2011 }, 'type': '1' }] :param query: The song query :return: [list] all the song hits """ self.is_authenticated() res = songs = res['song_hits'] return songs def search_album(self, query): """ Searchs for the given query and returns the album results. Will check for authenitcation. e.g return: [{ 'album': { 'albumArtRef': '', 'albumArtist': 'J.Cole', 'albumId': 'Bfp2tuhynyqppnp6zennhmf6w3y', 'artist': 'J.Cole', 'artistId': ['Ajgnxme45wcqqv44vykrleifpji'], 'description_attribution': { 'kind': 'sj#attribution', 'license_title': 'Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY', 'license_url': '', 'source_title': 'Freebase', 'source_url': '' }, 'explicitType': '1', 'kind': 'sj#album', 'name': 'Work Out', 'year': 2011 }, 'type': '3' }] :param query: [string] The album query :return: [list] A list of all the album hits """ self.is_authenticated() res = albums = res['album_hits'] return albums def get_album_info(self, album_id): """ Returns information about an album e.g return: { 'kind': 'sj#album', 'name': 'Circle', 'artist': 'Amorphis', 'albumArtRef': '', 'tracks': [ # if `include_tracks` is True { 'album': 'Circle', 'kind': 'sj#track', 'storeId': 'T5zb7luo2vkroozmj57g2nljdsy', # can be used as a song id 'artist': 'Amorphis', 'albumArtRef': [ { 'url': '' }], 'title': 'Shades of Grey', 'nid': 'T5zb7luo2vkroozmj57g2nljdsy', 'estimatedSize': '13115591', 'albumId': 'Bfr2onjv7g7tm4rzosewnnwxxyy', 'artistId': ['Apoecs6off3y6k4h5nvqqos4b5e'], 'albumArtist': 'Amorphis', 'durationMillis': '327000', 'composer': '', 'genre': 'Metal', 'trackNumber': 1, 'discNumber': 1, 'trackAvailableForPurchase': True, 'trackType': '7', 'albumAvailableForPurchase': True }, # ... ], 'albumId': 'Bfr2onjv7g7tm4rzosewnnwxxyy', 'artistId': ['Apoecs6off3y6k4h5nvqqos4b5e'], 'albumArtist': 'Amorphis', 'year': 2013 } :param album_id: The albumId :return: Dictionary in the format above """ self.is_authenticated() return self.api.get_album_info(album_id) def get_song_info(self, song_id): """ Returns information about a song e.g return { 'album': 'Best Of', 'kind': 'sj#track', 'storeId': 'Te2qokfjmhqxw4bnkswbfphzs4m', 'artist': 'Amorphis', 'albumArtRef': [ { 'url': '' }], 'title': 'Hopeless Days', 'nid': 'Te2qokfjmhqxw4bnkswbfphzs4m', 'estimatedSize': '12325643', 'albumId': 'Bsbjjc24a5xutbutvbvg3h4y2k4', 'artistId': ['Apoecs6off3y6k4h5nvqqos4b5e'], 'albumArtist': 'Amorphis', 'durationMillis': '308000', 'composer': '', 'genre': 'Metal', 'trackNumber': 2, 'discNumber': 1, 'trackAvailableForPurchase': True, 'trackType': '7', 'albumAvailableForPurchase': True } :param song_id: The songds storeId :return: A dict with the above information """ self.is_authenticated() return self.api.get_track_info(song_id) def get_song_url(self, song_id): self.is_authenticated() res = self.api.get_stream_url(song_id) return res def download_song(self, song_id): """ Download the song from the storeId. :param song_id: the 'storeId' of the specific song """ url = self.get_song_url(song_id) song_file_path = "{}/{}.mp3".format(IBCMusicClient.SONG_DIR, song_id) if os.path.isfile(song_file_path): raise errors.SongAlreadyDownloadedException( "The song '{}' has already been downloaded and cached".format( song_file_path), 8002) # This need to not use subprocessing command = ['wget', url, '-O', song_file_path] res = check_output(command) lines = res.decode().split('\n') error_lines = [line for line in lines if 'failed' in line] if len(error_lines) > 0: # We have an error raise errors.CannotDownloadSongError( "Could not download the given song. {}".format( str(error_lines)), 1003)
class BasePlayer(object): def __init__(self, *, email=None, password=None, interval=3, width=50, shuffle=True, repeat=True, loop=False): self.api = Mobileclient() self.vlc_media_player = vlc.MediaPlayer() self.interval = abs(interval) self.width = int(abs(width)) self.shuffle = shuffle self.repeat = repeat self.loop = loop if email is not None and password is not None: self._logged_in = False self.api_login(email, password) else: self._logged_in = False def api_login(self, email, password): attempts = 0 while not self._logged_in and attempts < 3: self._logged_in = self.api.login(email, password, Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS) attempts += 1 def close(self): if self._logged_in: self.api.logout() def prepare(self): if (not self._logged_in) or (not self.api.is_authenticated()): raise LoginFailure else: return True def start(self): try: self._run_player() except (KeyboardInterrupt, PlayerExitException): self.close() print('\nGood bye') finally: return True def get_tracks(self): # This method returns list of tracks raise NotImplementedError def _loop_index(self, index, cmd, length): if self.repeat: index = loop_index(index, cmd, length) else: index += 1 return index def _run_player(self): while True: tracks = self.get_tracks() if self.shuffle: random.shuffle(tracks) i = 0 ns = 0 while i < len(tracks): try: track_id = choose_track_id(tracks[i]) except KeyError: i = self._loop_index(index=i, cmd='f', length=len(tracks)) continue except StoredTrackError: ns += 1 i = loop_index(index=i, cmd='f', length=len(tracks)) warnings.warn('Track is not in the store.\n') if ns >= len(tracks): warnings.warn('All tracks are not in the store.\n') break else: continue cmd = self._play_track(track_id) if cmd == 's': break i = self._loop_index(index=i, cmd=cmd, length=len(tracks)) def _play_track(self, track_id): self.prepare() try: info = self.api.get_track_info(track_id) url = self.api.get_stream_url(track_id) except CallFailure as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) return 'f' tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) def close_player(): self.vlc_media_player.stop() tmp.close() os.remove( try: tmp.write(urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()) self.vlc_media_player.set_mrl( paused = False duration = int(info['durationMillis']) while True: clear_screen() print_track_info(info) current = self.vlc_media_player.get_time() remain = (duration - current) / 1000 timeout = min(remain, self.interval) print_bar(current, duration, remain, self.width) print_command_list() if paused: cmd = input('PAUSED\n>>') else: try: cmd = inputimeout(timeout=timeout, prompt='>>') except TimeoutOccurred: if remain > self.interval: continue if self.loop: cmd = 'r' else: cmd = 'f' if is_next(cmd): close_player() return cmd elif is_quit(cmd): raise PlayerExitException elif cmd == 'p': paused = not paused self.vlc_media_player.pause() except BaseException: close_player() raise
def main(): log.setLevel(logging.INFO) logging.getLogger('gmusicapi').setLevel(logging.INFO) cred_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.gmusic-sync') if not os.path.isfile(cred_path): raise NoCredentialException( 'No username/password was specified. No config file could ' 'be found either. Try creating %s and specifying your ' 'username/password there. Make sure to chmod 600.' % cred_path) if not oct(os.stat(cred_path)[os.path.stat.ST_MODE]).endswith('00'): raise NoCredentialException( 'Config file is not protected. Please run: ' 'chmod 600 %s' % cred_path) config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() src_user = config.get('src','username') src_pass = config.get('src','password') src_device = config.get('src','deviceid') dst_user = config.get('dst','username') dst_pass = config.get('dst','password') dst_device = config.get('dst','deviceid') if not src_user or not src_pass or not dst_user or not dst_pass: raise NoCredentialException( 'No username/password could be read from config file' ': %s' % cred_path) if not src_device or not dst_device: raise NoCredentialException( 'No deviceId could be read from config file' ': %s' % cred_path) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='gmusic-sync', add_help=False) parser.add_argument('-hs', '--strict-heuristics', help='Songs must match artist, album, and title to be considered a match.', action='store_true', dest='strict_heuristics') parser.add_argument('-e', '--exact', help='Copy the exact rating, instead of upgrading from 1-5 star ratings to Thumbs Up/Down', action='store_true', dest='exact') args = parser.parse_args() api = Mobileclient() api.login(src_user, src_pass, src_device) library = api.get_all_songs() api2 = Mobileclient() api2.login(dst_user, dst_pass, dst_device) library2 = api2.get_all_songs() failed_tracks = [] rated_tracks = [] #first, get all tracks in the library with a rating for track in library: try: if track['rating'] != '0' and track['lastRatingChangeTimestamp'] != '0': rated_tracks.append(track) except: #print 'ERROR: track did not contain rating key: ' + track_info_str(track) pass #sort the tracks by rating date rated_tracks.sort(key=operator.itemgetter('lastRatingChangeTimestamp')) for track in rated_tracks: print track_info_str(track) print 'TOTAL RATED TRACKS: ' + str(len(rated_tracks)) for track in rated_tracks: try: if track['storeId'].startswith('T'): #It's a store track: does it exist in the target store? #Perform a store lookup: this will raise an exception if the track #Is not in the target store dst_track = api2.get_track_info(track['storeId']) #If we got here, the song is ready to be rated transfer_rating(api2, track, dst_track, args.exact) else: dst_track = heuristic_search(library2, track, args.strict_heuristics) if dst_track is not None: transfer_rating(api2, track, dst_track, args.exact) else: failed_tracks.append(track) except: #Not a store track: do heuristics lookup dst_track = heuristic_search(library2, track, args.strict_heuristics) if dst_track is not None: transfer_rating(api2, track, dst_track, args.exact) else: failed_tracks.append(track) #Absolutely must wait between ratings or we won't get valid timestamps time.sleep(2) print '----------------- FAILED TRACKS --------------------' for track in failed_tracks: print track_info_str(track)
class GMusicWrapper(object): def __init__(self, username, password, logger=None): self._api = Mobileclient() self.logger = logger success = self._api.login(username, password, getenv('ANDROID_ID', Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS)) if not success: raise Exception("Unsuccessful login. Aborting!") try: assert literal_eval(getenv("DEBUG_FORCE_LIBRARY", "False")) self.use_store = False except (AssertionError, ValueError): # AssertionError if it's False, ValueError if it's not set / not set to a proper boolean string self.use_store = self._api.is_subscribed # Populate our library self.start_indexing() def start_indexing(self): self.library = {} self.albums = set([]) self.artists = set([]) self.indexing_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.index_library ) self.indexing_thread.start() def log(self, log_str): if self.logger != None: self.logger.debug(log_str) def _search(self, query_type, query): try: results = except CallFailure: return [] hits_key = "%s_hits" % query_type if hits_key not in results: return [] # Ugh, Google had to make this schema nonstandard... if query_type == 'song': query_type = 'track' return [x[query_type] for x in results[hits_key]] def is_indexing(self): return self.indexing_thread.is_alive() def index_library(self): """ Downloads the a list of every track in a user's library and populates self.library with storeIds -> track definitions """ self.log('Fetching library...') tracks = self.get_all_songs() for track in tracks: song_id = track['id'] self.library[song_id] = track self.albums.add(track['album']) self.artists.add(track['artist']) self.log('Fetching library complete.') def get_artist(self, name): """ Fetches information about an artist given its name """ if self.use_store: search = self._search("artist", name) if len(search) == 0: return False return self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], max_top_tracks=100) else: search = {} search['topTracks'] = [] # Find the best artist we have, and then match songs to that artist likely_artist, score = process.extractOne(name, self.artists) if score < 70: return False for song_id, song in self.library.items(): if 'artist' in song and song['artist'].lower() == likely_artist.lower() and 'artistId' in song: if not search['topTracks']: # First entry # Copy artist details from the first song into the general artist response try: search['artistArtRef'] = song['artistArtRef'][0]['url'] except KeyError: pass search['name'] = song['artist'] search['artistId'] = song['artistId'] search['topTracks'].append(song) random.shuffle(search['topTracks']) # This is all music, not top, but the user probably would prefer it shuffled. if not search['topTracks']: return False return search def get_album(self, name, artist_name=None): if self.use_store: if artist_name: name = "%s %s" % (name, artist_name) search = self._search("album", name) if len(search) == 0: return False return self._api.get_album_info(search[0]['albumId']) else: search = {} search['tracks'] = [] if artist_name: artist_name, score = process.extractOne(artist_name, self.artists) if score < 70: return False name, score = process.extractOne(name, self.albums) if score < 70: return False for song_id, song in self.library.items(): if 'album' in song and song['album'].lower() == name.lower(): if not artist_name or ('artist' in song and song['artist'].lower() == artist_name.lower()): if not search['tracks']: # First entry search['albumArtist'] = song['albumArtist'] search['name'] = song['album'] try: search['albumId'] = song['albumId'] except KeyError: pass search['tracks'].append(song) if not search['tracks']: return False return search def get_latest_album(self, artist_name=None): search = self._search("artist", artist_name) if len(search) == 0: return False artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True) album_info = artist_info['albums'] sorted_list = sorted(album_info.__iter__(), key=lambda s: s['year'], reverse=True) for index, val in enumerate(sorted_list): album_info = self._api.get_album_info(album_id=sorted_list[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True) if len(album_info['tracks']) >= 5: return album_info return False def get_album_by_artist(self, artist_name, album_id=None): search = self._search("artist", artist_name) if len(search) == 0: return False artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True) album_info = artist_info['albums'] random.shuffle(album_info) for index, val in enumerate(album_info): album = self._api.get_album_info(album_id=album_info[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True) if album['albumId'] != album_id and len(album['tracks']) >= 5: return album return False def get_song(self, name, artist_name=None, album_name=None): if self.use_store: if artist_name: name = "%s %s" % (artist_name, name) elif album_name: name = "%s %s" % (album_name, name) search = self._search("song", name) if len(search) == 0: return False if album_name: for i in range(0, len(search) - 1): if album_name in search[i]['album']: return search[i] return search[0] else: search = {} if not name: return False if artist_name: artist_name, score = process.extractOne(artist_name, self.artists) if score < 70: return False if album_name: album_name, score = process.extractOne(album_name, self.albums) if score < 70: return False possible_songs = {song_id: song['title'] for song_id, song in self.library.items() if (not artist_name or ('artist' in song and song['artist'].lower() == artist_name.lower())) and (not album_name or ('album' in song and song['album'].lower() == album_name.lower()))} song, score, song_id = process.extractOne(name.lower(), possible_songs) if score < 70: return False else: return self.library[song_id] def get_promoted_songs(self): return self._api.get_promoted_songs() def get_station(self, title, track_id=None, artist_id=None, album_id=None): if artist_id is not None: if album_id is not None: if track_id is not None: return self._api.create_station(title, track_id=track_id) return self._api.create_station(title, album_id=album_id) return self._api.create_station(title, artist_id=artist_id) def get_station_tracks(self, station_id): return self._api.get_station_tracks(station_id) def get_google_stream_url(self, song_id): return self._api.get_stream_url(song_id) def get_stream_url(self, song_id): return "%s/alexa/stream/%s" % (getenv('APP_URL'), song_id) def get_thumbnail(self, artist_art): return artist_art.replace("http://", "https://") def get_all_user_playlist_contents(self): return self._api.get_all_user_playlist_contents() def get_all_songs(self): return self._api.get_all_songs() def rate_song(self, song, rating): return self._api.rate_songs(song, rating) def extract_track_info(self, track): # When coming from a playlist, track info is nested under the "track" # key if 'track' in track: track = track['track'] if self.use_store and 'storeId' in track: return track, track['storeId'] elif 'id' in track: return self.library[track['id']], track['id'] elif 'trackId' in track: return self.library[track['trackId']], track['trackId'] else: return None, None def get_artist_album_list(self, artist_name): search = self._search("artist", artist_name) if len(search) == 0: return "Unable to find the artist you requested." artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True) album_list_text = "Here's the album listing for %s: " % artist_name counter = 0 for index, val in enumerate(artist_info['albums']): if counter > 25: # alexa will time out after 10 seconds if the list takes too long to iterate through break album_info = self._api.get_album_info(album_id=artist_info['albums'][index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True) if len(album_info['tracks']) > 5: counter += 1 album_list_text += (artist_info['albums'][index]['name']) + ", " return album_list_text def get_latest_artist_albums(self, artist_name): search = self._search("artist", artist_name) if len(search) == 0: return False artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True) album_list = artist_info['albums'] sorted_list = sorted(album_list.__iter__(), key=lambda s: s['year'], reverse=True) speech_text = 'The latest albums by %s are ' % artist_name counter = 0 for index, val in enumerate(sorted_list): if counter > 5: break else: album_info = self._api.get_album_info(album_id=sorted_list[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True) if len(album_info['tracks']) >= 5: counter += 1 album_name = sorted_list[index]['name'] album_year = sorted_list[index]['year'] speech_text += '%s, released in %d, ' % (album_name, album_year) return speech_text def closest_match(self, request_name, all_matches, artist_name='', minimum_score=70): # Give each match a score based on its similarity to the requested # name self.log('Finding closest match...') best_match = None request_name = request_name.lower() + artist_name.lower() scored_matches = [] for i, match in enumerate(all_matches): try: name = match['name'].lower() except (KeyError, TypeError): i = match name = all_matches[match]['title'].lower() if artist_name != "": name += all_matches[match]['artist'].lower() scored_matches.append({ 'index': i, 'name': name, 'score': fuzz.ratio(name, request_name) }) sorted_matches = sorted(scored_matches, key=lambda a: a['score'], reverse=True) try: top_scoring = sorted_matches[0] # Make sure we have a decent match (the score is n where 0 <= n <= 100) if top_scoring['score'] >= minimum_score: best_match = all_matches[top_scoring['index']] except IndexError: pass self.log('Found %s...' % best_match) return best_match def get_genres(self, parent_genre_id=None): return self._api.get_genres(parent_genre_id) def increment_song_playcount(self, song_id, plays=1, playtime=None): return self._api.increment_song_playcount(song_id, plays, playtime) def get_song_data(self, song_id): return self._api.get_track_info(song_id) @classmethod def generate_api(cls, **kwargs): return cls(getenv('GOOGLE_EMAIL'), getenv('GOOGLE_PASSWORD'), **kwargs)
class GMusicWrapper(object): def __init__(self, username, password, logger=None): self._api = Mobileclient() self.logger = logger success = self._api.login( username, password, getenv('ANDROID_ID', Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS)) if not success: raise Exception("Unsuccessful login. Aborting!") # Populate our library self.library = {} self.indexing_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.index_library) self.indexing_thread.start() def log(self, log_str): self.logger.debug(log_str) def _search(self, query_type, query): try: results = except CallFailure: return [] hits_key = "%s_hits" % query_type if hits_key not in results: return [] # Ugh, Google had to make this schema nonstandard... if query_type == 'song': query_type = 'track' return [x[query_type] for x in results[hits_key]] def is_indexing(self): return self.indexing_thread.is_alive() def index_library(self): """ Downloads the a list of every track in a user's library and populates self.library with storeIds -> track definitions """ self.log('Fetching library...') tracks = self.get_all_songs() for track in tracks: song_id = track['id'] self.library[song_id] = track self.log('Fetching library...') def get_artist(self, name): """ Fetches information about an artist given its name """ search = self._search("artist", name) if len(search) == 0: return False return self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], max_top_tracks=100) def get_album(self, name, artist_name=None): if artist_name: name = "%s %s" % (name, artist_name) search = self._search("album", name) if len(search) == 0: return False return self._api.get_album_info(search[0]['albumId']) def get_latest_album(self, artist_name=None): search = self._search("artist", artist_name) if len(search) == 0: return False artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True) album_info = artist_info['albums'] sorted_list = sorted(album_info.__iter__(), key=lambda s: s['year'], reverse=True) for index, val in enumerate(sorted_list): album_info = self._api.get_album_info( album_id=sorted_list[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True) if len(album_info['tracks']) >= 5: return album_info return False def get_album_by_artist(self, artist_name, album_id=None): search = self._search("artist", artist_name) if len(search) == 0: return False artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True) album_info = artist_info['albums'] random.shuffle(album_info) for index, val in enumerate(album_info): album = self._api.get_album_info( album_id=album_info[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True) if album['albumId'] != album_id and len(album['tracks']) >= 5: return album return False def get_song(self, name, artist_name=None, album_name=None): if artist_name: name = "%s %s" % (artist_name, name) elif album_name: name = "%s %s" % (album_name, name) search = self._search("song", name) if len(search) == 0: return False if album_name: for i in range(0, len(search) - 1): if album_name in search[i]['album']: return search[i] return search[0] def get_promoted_songs(self): return self._api.get_promoted_songs() def get_station(self, title, track_id=None, artist_id=None, album_id=None): if artist_id is not None: if album_id is not None: if track_id is not None: return self._api.create_station(title, track_id=track_id) return self._api.create_station(title, album_id=album_id) return self._api.create_station(title, artist_id=artist_id) def get_station_tracks(self, station_id): return self._api.get_station_tracks(station_id) def get_google_stream_url(self, song_id): return self._api.get_stream_url(song_id) def get_stream_url(self, song_id): return "%s/alexa/stream/%s" % (getenv('APP_URL'), song_id) def get_thumbnail(self, artist_art): return artist_art.replace("http://", "https://") def get_all_user_playlist_contents(self): return self._api.get_all_user_playlist_contents() def get_all_songs(self): return self._api.get_all_songs() def rate_song(self, song, rating): return self._api.rate_songs(song, rating) def extract_track_info(self, track): # When coming from a playlist, track info is nested under the "track" # key if 'track' in track: track = track['track'] if 'storeId' in track: return track, track['storeId'] elif 'trackId' in track: return self.library[track['trackId']], track['trackId'] else: return None, None def get_artist_album_list(self, artist_name): search = self._search("artist", artist_name) if len(search) == 0: return "Unable to find the artist you requested." artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True) album_list_text = "Here's the album listing for %s: " % artist_name counter = 0 for index, val in enumerate(artist_info['albums']): if counter > 25: # alexa will time out after 10 seconds if the list takes too long to iterate through break album_info = self._api.get_album_info( album_id=artist_info['albums'][index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True) if len(album_info['tracks']) > 5: counter += 1 album_list_text += ( artist_info['albums'][index]['name']) + ", " return album_list_text def get_latest_artist_albums(self, artist_name): search = self._search("artist", artist_name) if len(search) == 0: return False artist_info = self._api.get_artist_info(search[0]['artistId'], include_albums=True) album_list = artist_info['albums'] sorted_list = sorted(album_list.__iter__(), key=lambda s: s['year'], reverse=True) speech_text = 'The latest albums by %s are ' % artist_name counter = 0 for index, val in enumerate(sorted_list): if counter > 5: break else: album_info = self._api.get_album_info( album_id=sorted_list[index]['albumId'], include_tracks=True) if len(album_info['tracks']) >= 5: counter += 1 album_name = sorted_list[index]['name'] album_year = sorted_list[index]['year'] speech_text += '%s, released in %d, ' % (album_name, album_year) return speech_text def closest_match(self, request_name, all_matches, artist_name='', minimum_score=70): # Give each match a score based on its similarity to the requested # name self.log('Fetching library...') request_name = request_name.lower() + artist_name.lower() scored_matches = [] for i, match in enumerate(all_matches): try: name = match['name'].lower() except (KeyError, TypeError): i = match name = all_matches[match]['title'].lower() if artist_name != "": name += all_matches[match]['artist'].lower() scored_matches.append({ 'index': i, 'name': name, 'score': fuzz.ratio(name, request_name) }) sorted_matches = sorted(scored_matches, key=lambda a: a['score'], reverse=True) top_scoring = sorted_matches[0] self.log('Fetching library...') best_match = all_matches[top_scoring['index']] # Make sure we have a decent match (the score is n where 0 <= n <= 100) if top_scoring['score'] < minimum_score: return None return best_match def get_genres(self, parent_genre_id=None): return self._api.get_genres(parent_genre_id) def increment_song_playcount(self, song_id, plays=1, playtime=None): return self._api.increment_song_playcount(song_id, plays, playtime) def get_song_data(self, song_id): return self._api.get_track_info(song_id) @classmethod def generate_api(cls, **kwargs): return cls(getenv('GOOGLE_EMAIL'), getenv('GOOGLE_PASSWORD'), **kwargs)
class MobileClientWrapper: def __init__(self, config): self.client = Mobileclient(debug_logging=False) login = self.client.login(config.user_name, config.password, Mobileclient.FROM_MAC_ADDRESS) if not login: raise ConnectionError( 'MobileClientWrapper - Login Error Please Check Google Play Username and Password' ) def logout(self): self.client.logout() def get_all_playlist_content(self): """ :return: list of all Playlist content as dictionaries. """ return self.client.get_all_user_playlist_contents() def create_playlist(self, new_playlist_name, description_text, public_bool): """ Creates a Playlist with given information and returns its id :param new_playlist_name: name to give new PlayList :param description_text: description text of new Playlist :param public_bool: True/False value to specify public sharing on new Playlist :return: playlist id """ return self.client.create_playlist(new_playlist_name, description=description_text, public=public_bool) def delete_playlist(self, play_list_id): """ Delete a Playlist with given Id :param play_list_id: playlist ID """ self.client.delete_playlist(play_list_id) def add_songs_to_playlist(self, play_list_id, song_ids): """ Adds given song(s) to given Playlist. :param play_list_id: id of the target Playlist :param song_ids: id(s) of the target Song to add :return: list of Playlist Entry ids added """ return self.client.add_songs_to_playlist(play_list_id, song_ids) def get_track_info(self, store_track_id): """ Returns information on a store track :param store_track_id: target TrackId """ return self.client.get_track_info(store_track_id) def search(self, search_query): """ Searches based on searchQuery :param search_query: query to run through music library :return: dictionary of hits """ return, max_results=10)