Exemple #1
    def get_encryption_cipher(self):
           Return the cipher to encrypt an decrypt.
           If the secret key doesn't exist, it will be generated.
        if not self._cipher:
            if not self._encryption_key:
                self._encryption_key = credential_utils.CredentialHelper.get_secret_key('%s/%s'
                % (self._info_dir, self.ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILENAME))

            #create blowfish cipher if data needs to be encrypted
            self._cipher = blowfish.Blowfish(self._encryption_key)

        return self._cipher
 def store_passwd(cls, email, passwd):
        Encrypt and store gmail password
     passwd_file = '%s/%s.passwd' % (gmvault_utils.get_home_dir_path(), email)
     fdesc = os.open(passwd_file, os.O_CREAT|os.O_WRONLY, 0600)
     cipher       = blowfish.Blowfish(cls.get_secret_key(cls.SECRET_FILEPATH % (gmvault_utils.get_home_dir_path())))
     encrypted = cipher.encryptCTR(passwd)
     the_bytes = os.write(fdesc, encrypted)
     if the_bytes < len(encrypted):
         raise Exception("Error: Cannot write password in %s" % (passwd_file))
    def read_password(cls, email):
           Read password credentials
           Look by default to ~/.gmvault
           Look for file ~/.gmvault/email.passwd
        gmv_dir = gmvault_utils.get_home_dir_path()

        #look for email.passwed in GMV_DIR
        user_passwd_file_path = "%s/%s.passwd" % (gmv_dir, email)

        password = None
        if os.path.exists(user_passwd_file_path):
            with open(user_passwd_file_path) as f:
                password = f.read()
            cipher       = blowfish.Blowfish(cls.get_secret_key(cls.SECRET_FILEPATH % (gmvault_utils.get_home_dir_path())))
            password     = cipher.decryptCTR(password)

        return password