def test_exception_new_from_dict():

    # WindMover does not modify Wind object!

    wm = WindMover(environment.Wind(filename=file_))

    wm_state = wm.to_dict('create')
    wm_state.update({'wind': environment.Wind(filename=file_)})

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Exemple #2
def test_serialize_deserialize(wind_circ, do):
    tests and illustrates the funcitonality of serialize/deserialize for
    wind = environment.Wind(filename=file_)
    wm = WindMover(wind)
    json_ = wm.serialize(do)
    if do == 'create':
        assert 'wind' not in json_

        # reference to 'wind' object is made by the Model().save() function
        # by default 'wind' object is not serialized in 'create' mode
        # so for this test to work, add the 'wind' key, value back in before
        # constructing new WindMover. In the real use case, the model does this
        dict_ = wm.deserialize(json_)
        dict_['wind'] = wind
        wm2 = WindMover.new_from_dict(dict_)
        assert wm == wm2

        assert 'wind' in json_

        wind_update = wind_circ['wind']
        json_['wind'] = wind_update.serialize(do)
        dict_ = wm.deserialize(json_)

        assert wm.wind == wind_update
Exemple #3
def test_new_from_dict():
    Currently only checks that new object can be created from dict
    It does not check equality of objects

    wind = environment.Wind(filename=file_)
    wm = WindMover(wind)  # WindMover does not modify Wind object!
    wm_state = wm.to_dict('create')

    # must create a Wind object and add this to wm_state dict

    wind2 = environment.Wind.new_from_dict(wind.to_dict('create'))
    wm_state.update({'wind': wind2})
    wm2 = WindMover.new_from_dict(wm_state)

    assert wm is not wm2
    assert wm.wind is not wm2.wind
    assert wm == wm2
def test_new_from_dict():
    Currently only checks that new object can be created from dict
    It does not check equality of objects

    wind = environment.Wind(filename=file_)
    wm = WindMover(wind)  # WindMover does not modify Wind object!
    wm_state = wm.to_dict('create')

    # must create a Wind object and add this to wm_state dict

    wind2 = environment.Wind.new_from_dict(wind.to_dict('create'))
    wm_state.update({'wind': wind2})
    wm2 = WindMover.new_from_dict(wm_state)

    # check serializable state is correct

    assert all([wm.__getattribute__(k) == wm2.__getattribute__(k)
               for k in WindMover.state.get_names('create') if k
               != 'wind_id' and k != 'obj_type'])
    assert ==