Exemple #1
def pickle_instance(obj, list, level=0, deepcopy=0):
    """Pickle the given object into a <PyObject>

    Add XML tags to list. Level is indentation (for aesthetic reasons)
    # concept: to pickle an object, we pickle two things:
    #   1. the object attributes (the "stuff")
    #   2. initargs, if defined
    # There is a twist to this -- instead of always putting the "stuff"
    # into a container, we can make the elements of "stuff" first-level attributes,
    # which gives a more natural-looking XML representation of the object.
    # We only put the "stuff" into a container if we'll need to pass it
    # later as an object to __setstate__.

    # tests below are in same order as pickle.py, in case someone depends on that.
    # note we save the special __getstate__ and __getinitargs__ objects in containers
    # of the same name -- we know for sure that the object can't also have
    # data attributes of that same name

    # first, get the initargs, if present
        args = obj.__getinitargs__()
            len(args)  # must be a sequence, from pickle.py
            raise XMLPicklingError, \
                  "__getinitargs__() must return a sequence"
        args = None

    # next, decide what the "stuff" is
        stuff = obj.__getstate__()
        #stuff = obj.__dict__
        stuff = attr_dict(obj)

    # save initargs, if we have them
    if args is not None:
        # put them in an <attr name="__getinitargs__" ...> container
        list.append(_attr_tag('__getinitargs__', args, level, deepcopy))

    # decide how to save the "stuff", depending on whether we need
    # to later grab it back as a single object
    if not hasattr(obj, '__setstate__'):
        if type(stuff) is DictType:
            # don't need it as a single object - save keys/vals as
            # first-level attributes
            for key, val in stuff.items():
                list.append(_attr_tag(key, val, level, deepcopy))
            raise XMLPicklingError, \
                  "__getstate__ must return a DictType here"
        # else, encapsulate the "stuff" in an <attr name="__getstate__" ...>
        list.append(_attr_tag('__getstate__', stuff, level, deepcopy))
Exemple #2
def pickle_instance(obj, list, level=0, deepcopy=0):
    """Pickle the given object into a <PyObject>

    Add XML tags to list. Level is indentation (for aesthetic reasons)
    # concept: to pickle an object, we pickle two things:
    #	1. the object attributes (the "stuff")
    #	2. initargs, if defined
    # There is a twist to this -- instead of always putting the "stuff"
    # into a container, we can make the elements of "stuff" first-level attributes,
    # which gives a more natural-looking XML representation of the object.
    # We only put the "stuff" into a container if we'll need to pass it
    # later as an object to __setstate__.

    # tests below are in same order as pickle.py, in case someone depends on that.
    # note we save the special __getstate__ and __getinitargs__ objects in containers
    # of the same name -- we know for sure that the object can't also have
    # data attributes of that same name

    # first, get the initargs, if present
        args = obj.__getinitargs__()
            len(args)  # must be a sequence, from pickle.py
            raise XMLPicklingError, \
                  "__getinitargs__() must return a sequence"
        args = None

    # next, decide what the "stuff" is
        stuff = obj.__getstate__()
        #stuff = obj.__dict__
        stuff = attr_dict(obj)

    # save initargs, if we have them
    if args is not None:
        # put them in an <attr name="__getinitargs__" ...> container
        list.append(_attr_tag('__getinitargs__', args, level, deepcopy))

    # decide how to save the "stuff", depending on whether we need
    # to later grab it back as a single object
    if not hasattr(obj,'__setstate__'):
        if type(stuff) is DictType:
            # don't need it as a single object - save keys/vals as
            # first-level attributes
            for key,val in stuff.items():
                list.append(_attr_tag(key, val, level, deepcopy))
            raise XMLPicklingError, \
                  "__getstate__ must return a DictType here"
        # else, encapsulate the "stuff" in an <attr name="__getstate__" ...>
        list.append(_attr_tag('__getstate__', stuff, level, deepcopy))