Exemple #1
def gps_l5(xb_advance, neuman_hoffman):
    Generates the GPS L5 code (either I or Q) given the initial state
    of the XB shift register and the neuman_hoffman overlay code.
    indices = arange(L5_CODE_LENGTH)
    xa = xa_code()
    xb = xb_code()
    sequence = (xa[indices % XA_LENGTH] + xb[(xb_advance + indices) % XB_LENGTH]) % 2  # <- initial state used in index
    nh = Code(neuman_hoffman, NEUMAN_HOFFMAN_RATE)
    code = Code(sequence, L5_CODE_RATE)
    new_length = L5_CODE_LENGTH * len(nh.sequence)
    return Code.overlay(code, nh)
Exemple #2
def gps_l5(xb_advance, neuman_hoffman):
    Generates the GPS L5 code (either I or Q) given the initial state
    of the XB shift register and the neuman_hoffman overlay code.
    indices = arange(L5_CODE_LENGTH)
    xa = xa_code()
    xb = xb_code()
    sequence = (xa[indices % XA_LENGTH] +
                xb[(xb_advance + indices) %
                   XB_LENGTH]) % 2  # <- initial state used in index
    nh = Code(neuman_hoffman, NEUMAN_HOFFMAN_RATE)
    code = Code(sequence, L5_CODE_RATE)
    new_length = L5_CODE_LENGTH * len(nh.sequence)
    return Code.overlay(code, nh)