# main program

# parse command-line arguments
# example:
#   ./acquire-gps-l2cm.py /dev/stdin 69984000 -127126

filename = sys.argv[1]        # input data, raw file, i/q interleaved, 8 bit signed (two's complement)
fs = float(sys.argv[2])       # sampling rate, Hz
coffset = float(sys.argv[3])  # offset to L1 carrier, Hz (positive or negative)

# read first 75 ms of file

n = int(fs*0.075)
fp = open(filename,"rb")
x = io.get_samples_complex(fp,n)

# resample to 4.096 MHz

fsr = 4096000.0/fs
h = scipy.signal.firwin(161,1.5e6/(fs/2),window='hanning')
x = scipy.signal.filtfilt(h,[1],x)
xr = np.interp((1/fsr)*np.arange(75*4096),np.arange(len(x)),np.real(x))
xi = np.interp((1/fsr)*np.arange(75*4096),np.arange(len(x)),np.imag(x))
x = xr+(1j)*xi

# iterate over PRNs of interest

for prn in range(1,33):
  metric,code,doppler = search(x,prn)
filename = sys.argv[
    1]  # input data, raw file, i/q interleaved, 8 bit signed (two's complement)
fs = float(sys.argv[2])  # sampling rate, Hz
coffset = float(sys.argv[3])  # offset to L1 carrier, Hz (positive or negative)

fp = open(filename, "rb")

coffset_phase = 0.0

b = 1000
n = 16
m = 100
r = np.zeros(b).astype('complex')
y = np.zeros(2 * b).astype('int16')

while True:
    x = io.get_samples_complex(fp, b * n * m)
    if x is None:

    nco.mix(x, -coffset / fs, coffset_phase)
    coffset_phase = coffset_phase - len(x) * coffset / fs
    coffset_phase = np.mod(coffset_phase, 1)

    squaring.squaring(x, r, n, m)

    y[0:2 * b:2] = np.round(20 * np.real(r)).astype('int16')
    y[1:2 * b:2] = np.round(20 * np.imag(r)).astype('int16')

# parse command-line arguments
# example:
#   ./track-galileo-e5ai.py /dev/stdin 68873142.857 5606571.429 12 2000.0 1855.6

filename = sys.argv[1]             # input data, raw file, i/q interleaved, 8 bit signed (two's complement)
fs = float(sys.argv[2])            # sampling rate, Hz
coffset = float(sys.argv[3])       # offset to L1 carrier, Hz (positive or negative)
prn = int(sys.argv[4])             # PRN code
doppler = float(sys.argv[5])       # initial doppler estimate from acquisition
code_offset = float(sys.argv[6])   # initial code offset from acquisition

fp = open(filename,"rb")

n = int(fs*0.001*((e5ai.code_length-code_offset)/e5ai.code_length))  # align with 1 ms code boundary
x = io.get_samples_complex(fp,n)
code_offset += n*1000.0*e5ai.code_length/fs

s = tracking_state(fs=fs, prn=prn,                    # initialize tracking state
  code_p=code_offset, code_f=e5ai.chip_rate, code_i=0,
  carrier_p=0, carrier_f=doppler, carrier_i=0,

block = 0
coffset_phase = 0.0

while True:
  if s.code_p<e5ai.code_length/2:
    n = int(fs*0.001*(e5ai.code_length-s.code_p)/e5ai.code_length)
    n = int(fs*0.001*(2*e5ai.code_length-s.code_p)/e5ai.code_length)
Exemple #4
filename = sys.argv[1]             # input data, raw file, i/q interleaved, 8 bit signed (two's complement)
fs = float(sys.argv[2])            # sampling rate, Hz
coffset = float(sys.argv[3])       # offset to L1 carrier, Hz (positive or negative)

fp = open(filename,"rb")

coffset_phase = 0.0

b = 1000
n = 16
m = 100
r = np.zeros(b).astype('complex')
y = np.zeros(2*b).astype('int16')

while True:
  x = io.get_samples_complex(fp,b*n*m)
  if x is None:

  coffset_phase = coffset_phase - len(x)*coffset/fs
  coffset_phase = np.mod(coffset_phase,1)


  y[0:2*b:2] = np.round(20*np.real(r)).astype('int16')
  y[1:2*b:2] = np.round(20*np.imag(r)).astype('int16')
