Exemple #1
def rect_sqrt(x, computeGrad=False):
    if (not computeGrad):
        f = gp.sqrt(gp.abs(x) * (x > 0))
        return f

    g = 1 / (2 * x + (x <= 0)) * (x > 0)
    return g
Exemple #2
def rect_sqrt(x, computeGrad = False):
	if (not computeGrad):
		f = gp.sqrt(gp.abs(x)* (x>0))
		return f

	g = 1 / (2*x + (x<=0))*(x>0)
	return g
Exemple #3
    def forward_prop(self, X, add_noise=False, compute_loss=False, is_test=True):
        Compute the forward propagation step that maps the input data matrix X
        into the output.
        if not is_test or self.params.mu is None or self.params.sigma is None:
            self.mu = X.mean(axis=0)
            self.sigma = gnp.std(X, axis=0)
            self.X_hat = (X - self.mu) / (self.sigma + 1e-10)
            self.params.update_mean_std(self.mu, self.sigma)
            self.X_hat = (X - self.params.mu) / (self.params.sigma + 1e-10)
            self._res_mean = gnp.abs(self.X_hat.mean(axis=0)).max()
            self._res_std = gnp.abs((gnp.std(self.X_hat)) - 1).max()
            #self.mu = X.mean(axis=0)
            #self.sigma = gnp.sqrt(((X - self.mu)**2).mean(axis=0))
            #self.X_hat = (X - self.mu) / (self.sigma + 1e-10)

        self.Y = self.X_hat * self.params.gamma + self.params.beta
        return self.Y
    def gradient_check(self, X, y, dweights):
        EPSILON = g.as_garray(1e-4)
        ERRORTHRESHOLD = g.as_garray(1e-2)
        g.acceptable_number_types = "no nans or infs"
        for ind in range(len(self.weights)):
            w, b = self.weights[ind]
            dw, db = dweights[ind]
            for i in range(len(b)):
                b[i] = b[i] + EPSILON

                fw = self.predict_proba(X)
                op = self.f_score(y, fw)
                b[i] -= 2 * EPSILON

                fw = self.predict_proba(X)
                om = self.f_score(y, fw)
                b[i] += EPSILON
                rs = (g.as_garray(op) -
                      g.as_garray(om)) / (EPSILON * 2.0) / g.as_garray(len(X))
                if g.abs(rs - g.as_garray(db[i])) > ERRORTHRESHOLD:
                    print ind, i, rs, db[i], type(rs), type(db)
                    assert (0)

            for i in range(w.shape[0]):
                for j in range(w.shape[1]):
                    w[i, j] += EPSILON
                    fw = self.predict_proba(X)
                    op = self.f_score(y, fw)
                    w[i, j] -= 2 * EPSILON
                    fw = self.predict_proba(X)
                    om = self.f_score(y, fw)
                    w[i, j] += EPSILON
                    rs = (g.as_garray(op) - g.as_garray(om)) / (
                        EPSILON * 2.0) / g.as_garray(len(X))
                    if g.abs(rs - g.as_garray(dw[i, j])) > ERRORTHRESHOLD:
                        print ind, i, j, rs, dw[i, j], type(w), type(dw)
                        assert (0)
        print "gradient_check passed"
Exemple #5
def loss_hsq(Yh, Y, delta=0.5):
    """Compute Huberized least-squares loss for Yh w.r.t. Y.

    Values in Yh should probably be network outputs, and each row in Y must
    give the real-valued target outputs for each observation. Vector-valued
    target outputs are handled just fine.
    obs_count = float(Y.shape[0])
    R = Yh - Y
    mask =(gp.abs(R) < delta)
    L = (mask * R**2.0) + ((1 - mask) * ((mask * R) - delta**2.0))
    L = gp.sum(L) / obs_count
    dL = ((2.0*delta) / obs_count) * ((mask * R) + ((1 - mask) * gp.sign(R)))
    return {'L': L, 'dL': dL}
Exemple #6
def loss_hsq(Yh, Y, delta=0.5):
    """Compute Huberized least-squares loss for Yh w.r.t. Y.

    Values in Yh should probably be network outputs, and each row in Y must
    give the real-valued target outputs for each observation. Vector-valued
    target outputs are handled just fine.
    obs_count = float(Y.shape[0])
    R = Yh - Y
    mask = (gp.abs(R) < delta)
    L = (mask * R**2.0) + ((1 - mask) * ((mask * R) - delta**2.0))
    L = gp.sum(L) / obs_count
    dL = ((2.0 * delta) / obs_count) * ((mask * R) + ((1 - mask) * gp.sign(R)))
    return {'L': L, 'dL': dL}
    def gradient_check(self,X,y,dweights):
        EPSILON = g.as_garray(1e-4)
        ERRORTHRESHOLD = g.as_garray(1e-2)
        g.acceptable_number_types = "no nans or infs"
        for ind in range(len(self.weights)):
            w,b = self.weights[ind]
            dw,db = dweights[ind]
            for i in range(len(b)):
                b[i] = b[i] + EPSILON
                fw = self.predict_proba(X)
                op = self.f_score(y,fw)
                b[i] -= 2*EPSILON
                fw = self.predict_proba(X)
                om = self.f_score(y,fw)
                b[i] += EPSILON
                rs = (g.as_garray(op) - g.as_garray(om)) / (EPSILON * 2.0) / g.as_garray(len(X))
                if g.abs(rs - g.as_garray(db[i])) > ERRORTHRESHOLD:
                    print ind,i,rs,db[i], type(rs), type(db)

            for i in range(w.shape[0]):
                for j in range(w.shape[1]):
                    w[i,j] += EPSILON
                    fw = self.predict_proba(X)
                    op = self.f_score(y,fw)
                    w[i,j] -= 2*EPSILON
                    fw = self.predict_proba(X)
                    om = self.f_score(y,fw)
                    w[i,j] += EPSILON
                    rs = (g.as_garray(op) - g.as_garray(om)) / (EPSILON * 2.0) / g.as_garray(len(X))
                    if g.abs(rs - g.as_garray(dw[i,j])) > ERRORTHRESHOLD:
                        print ind,i,j,rs,dw[i,j],type(w) , type(dw)
        print "gradient_check passed"
Exemple #8
    def forward_prop(self,
        Compute the forward propagation step that maps the input data matrix X
        into the output.
        if not is_test or self.params.mu is None or self.params.sigma is None:
            self.mu = X.mean(axis=0)
            self.sigma = gnp.std(X, axis=0)
            self.X_hat = (X - self.mu) / (self.sigma + 1e-10)
            self.params.update_mean_std(self.mu, self.sigma)
            self.X_hat = (X - self.params.mu) / (self.params.sigma + 1e-10)
            self._res_mean = gnp.abs(self.X_hat.mean(axis=0)).max()
            self._res_std = gnp.abs((gnp.std(self.X_hat)) - 1).max()
            #self.mu = X.mean(axis=0)
            #self.sigma = gnp.sqrt(((X - self.mu)**2).mean(axis=0))
            #self.X_hat = (X - self.mu) / (self.sigma + 1e-10)

        self.Y = self.X_hat * self.params.gamma + self.params.beta
        return self.Y
Exemple #9
 def not_equalish(self,a,b):
     dif = gpu.abs(a - b)
     self.assertFalse(np.all(dif.as_numpy_array().flatten() < 0.00001))
Exemple #10
 def equalish(self,a,b):
     print a
     print b
     dif = gpu.abs(a - b)
     print dif
     self.assertTrue(np.all(dif.as_numpy_array().flatten() < 0.00001))
Exemple #11
def abs(x):
    if is_np(x):
        return np.abs(x)
        return gp.abs(x)
Exemple #12
def abs(x):
    if is_np(x):
        return np.abs(x)
        return gp.abs(x)
    def train(self, fulldata, num_epochs, eta=0.01, hidden=None, sample=False, early_stop=True, verbose = True):
        Method to learn the weights of the RBM.

            array fulldata: the training xs
            int num_epochs: the number of times to run through the training xs
            float eta:      the learning rate, default 0.01
            array hidden:   optional array specifying the hidden representation
                            to learn (for use in a translational-RBM)
            bool sample:    specifies whether training should use sampling, 
                            default False
            bool early_stop: whether to use early stopping, default True

        if len(fulldata) == 0:
        if type(fulldata) != self.np_array_type  or type(fulldata[0]) != self.np_array_type:
            fulldata = np.array([np.array(r) for r in fulldata])
        if hidden is not None:
            # check that there is a hidden rep for each xs row
            assert hidden.shape[0] == xs.shape[0]
            # check that we have the right number of hidden units
            assert hidden.shape[1] == self.n_hidden

        # these parameters control momentum changes
        initial_momentum = 0.5
        final_momentum = 0.9
        momentum_iter = 5

        # when dealing with large arrays, we have to break the xs into
        # manageable chunks to avoid out of memory mae
        num_rows = fulldata.shape[0]
        err_hist = [] # keep track of the errors for early stopping
        for epoch in range(num_epochs):
            if epoch <= momentum_iter:
                momentum = initial_momentum
                momentum = final_momentum
            mae = []
            if verbose:
                print "Training epoch %d of %d," %(epoch+1, num_epochs),
            num_batches = num_rows/self.batch_size + 1
            xs = gp.garray(fulldata)
            if hidden is not None:
                hid_chunk = gp.garray(hidden)

            for batch in range(num_batches):
                # positive phase
                if num_batches == 1:
                    v1 = xs
                    v1 = xs[batch*self.batch_size:(batch+1)*self.batch_size]
                if len(v1) == 0:
                if hidden is None:
                    h1 = self.prop_up(v1)
                    if num_batches == 1:
                        h1 = hid_chunk
                        h1 = hid_chunk[batch*self.batch_size:(batch+1)*self.batch_size]

                # negative phase
                if sample:
                    hSampled = h1.rand() < h1
                    v2 = self.prop_down(hSampled)
                    v2 = self.prop_down(h1)
                h2 = self.prop_up(v2)
                # update weights
                self.wu_vh = self.wu_vh * momentum + gp.dot(v1.T, h1) - gp.dot(v2.T, h2)
                self.wu_v = self.wu_v * momentum + v1.sum(0) - v2.sum(0)
                self.wu_h = self.wu_h * momentum + h1.sum(0) - h2.sum(0)

                self.W += self.wu_vh * (eta/self.batch_size)
                self.vbias += self.wu_v * (eta/self.batch_size)
                self.hbias += self.wu_h * (eta/self.batch_size)
                # calculate reconstruction error
                error = gp.abs(v2 - v1)
            if verbose:
                print " mean absolute error: "+ str(np.mean(mae))
            # early stopping
            if early_stop:
                recent_err = np.mean(err_hist[epoch-50:epoch])
                early_err = np.mean(err_hist[epoch-200:epoch-150])
                if (epoch > 250) and ((recent_err * 1.2) > early_err):
Exemple #14
 def not_equalish(self, a, b):
     dif = gpu.abs(a - b)
     self.assertFalse(np.all(dif.as_numpy_array().flatten() < 0.00001))
Exemple #15
 def equalish(self, a, b):
     print a
     print b
     dif = gpu.abs(a - b)
     print dif
     self.assertTrue(np.all(dif.as_numpy_array().flatten() < 0.00001))
Exemple #16
 def display_winc(self):
     """Display scale of weight updates. This can be used by external
     for i in range(0, self.num_layers):
         print 'winc%d %.5f,' % (i+1, gnp.abs(self.layer[i].Winc).max()),
     print 'winc_out %.5f,' % gnp.abs(self.output.Winc).max(),