def test_handle_get(self):
        simple = ultramini.Resource()
        simple.template = 'hello'

        code, result, headers = self.handle_resource(loc(), simple)
        assert code == 200
        assert result == 'hello'
    def test_simple_http(self):
        root = ultramini.Resource()
        root.template = 'hello'
        site = ultramini.SiteMap(root)
        headers, result = sendreq(site, GET_TEMPLATE % ('/', ))

        assert result == 'hello', (site, result, headers)
    def test_missing_methods(self):
        expected = (
            "<html><body>No handler for method 'GURFLE' present.</body></html>"

        code, result, headers = self.handle_resource(loc(method='GURFLE'),

        assert code == 200
        assert result == expected
    def test_handle_post(self):
        simple = ultramini.Resource()
        simple.template = 'hello'

        ## Assert that we redirect
        code, result, headers = self.handle_resource(
            loc(method='post', headers={'content-length': '0'}), simple)
        assert code == 303, (code, headers, result)
        assert result == ''
        assert headers['Location'] == loc().uri()
    def test_willHandle(self):
        child = ultramini.Resource()

        class Root(ultramini.Resource):
            def willHandle(self, req):
                return child

            def childFactory(self, req, segments):
                return self, segments, ()

        assert self.find_resource('/', Root()) == child
    def test_findChild(self):
        child = ultramini.Resource()

        class Foo(ultramini.Resource):
            def findChild(self, req, segments):
                return child, segments, ()

        root = Foo()

        assert self.find_resource('/foobar', root) == child
        assert self.find_resource('/', root) == child
        assert self.find_resource('/asdfasdf/asdfasdf/asdfasdf', root) == child
    def __init__(self, query, site, method, uri, headers, path, body,
                 resource): = site

        # These should be private but they aren't
        self._query = query
        self._path = path

        # These are private
        self._headers_ = headers
        self._method_ = method
        self._body_ = body
        self._uri_ = uri

        self.pushed = ''
        self._response_ = 200

        self._outgoing_headers_ = {}

        if resource is None:
            resource = ultramini.Resource()
        self.resource = resource

        self.convert = ultramini.convert
 def test_simple_not_found(self):
     root = ultramini.Resource()
     site = ultramini.SiteMap(root)
     headers, result = sendreq(
         site, GET_TEMPLATE % ('/asdfkjasdfhakshdfkhaqe/asdfhas/a.dhf', ))
     assert headers.startswith("HTTP/1.1 404"), ('Fail', headers, result)
 def test_child(self):
     root = ultramini.Resource()
     child = root.child_foo = ultramini.Resource()
     result = self.find_resource('/foo', root)
     assert result == child
Exemple #10
 def test_root(self):
     root = ultramini.Resource()
     result = self.find_resource('/', root)
     assert result == root