Exemple #1
def get_patterns(cells, period):

    if not cells:

    # calculate where the gliders first hit the pattern
    min_lane = 99999
    for i in range(0, len(cells), 2):
        if LANE1 - 3 <= cells[i] + cells[i + 1] <= LANE2 + 6:
            min_lane = min(min_lane, cells[i] - cells[i + 1])

    if min_lane == 99999:

    minx = min_lane // 2
    g1 = g.transform(G1, minx, -minx)
    g2 = g.transform(G2, minx, -minx)

    # Singletons
    for t in range(period):
        yield cells + g.evolve(g1, t), t, None

    # Pairs
    for phase in range(period):
        tg2 = g.transform(g.evolve(g2, 2), -4, 4)  # -14 gens
        for t in range(15, MAX_DIFF + 1):
            tg2 = g.transform(g.evolve(tg2, 3), -1, 1)
            yield cells + g1 + tg2, phase, phase - t
        g1 = g.evolve(g1, 1)
        g2 = g.evolve(g2, 1)
Exemple #2
def show_it(recipe, lane, move, elbow_type, start_elbow):

    global offset

    start_cells, start_type, start_lane = start_elbow

    res = ""
    phase = 0
    if lane is not None:
        direction = lane[1]
        phase = lane[2]
        if direction == 0:
            res = "Rev%d" % lane[0]
        elif direction == 1:
            res = "R%d" % (lane[0] - start_lane)
        elif direction == 2:
            res = "L%d" % (lane[0] - start_lane)
#        elif direction == 3:
#            res = "LWSS_W"
#        elif direction == 4:
#            res = "LWSS_S"

    if move is None:
        res += "k"
        res += "m%d%s%s" % (move - start_lane, str(start_type), elbow_type)

    g.putcells(make_text(res, "mono"), offset, -80)

    g.putcells(start_cells, offset, 0)

    for i, t in enumerate(recipe[::2]):
        if t is not None:
            d = 80*i + MAX_DIFF / 4 + 20
            g.putcells(g.evolve(G1, t + MAX_DIFF), offset-d, d)

    for i, t in enumerate(recipe[1::2]):
        if t is not None:
            d = 80*i + MAX_DIFF / 4 + 20
            g.putcells(g.evolve(G2, t + MAX_DIFF), offset-d, d)

    res += ": "

    for i in range(0, len(recipe), 2):
        if recipe[i] is None:
            res += "eo"[(recipe[i+1]+phase)%2] + "-9999 "
        elif recipe[i+1] is None:
            res += "eo"[(recipe[i]+phase)%2] + "9999 "
            res += "eo"[(recipe[i]+phase)%2] + str(recipe[i]-recipe[i+1]) + " "
    f.write(res + "\n")

    offset += 100
Exemple #3
def FindPeriod(obj):
   evolved = g.evolve(obj, 1)
   for i in xrange(1, 1000):
      if str(evolved) == str(obj):
         return i
      evolved = g.evolve(evolved, 1)
   return -1
Exemple #4
def SaveWss(file):

	wss = [g.parse("bobo$4bo$o3bo$o3bo$4bo$bo2bo$2b3o!"), g.parse("bobo$4bo$o3bo$4bo$bo2bo$2b3o!"), g.parse("obo$3bo$3bo$o2bo$b3o!")]

	wssList = []
	for w in wss:
		for i in xrange(0, 4):
			wssList.append(PrepareList(g.evolve(w, i)))
			wssList.append(PrepareList(g.transform(g.evolve(w, i), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1)))
	pickle.dump(wssList, open(path.join(g.getdir("data"),file), "wb"))
	def __init__(self):
		self.signalsFullData = []
		self.signals = []
		self.components =  [g.parse("bo$2bo$3o!", -1, -1)]

		for idx in xrange(0, len(self.components)):
			comp = self.components[idx]
			for i in xrange(-1, 2, 2):
				for j in xrange(-1, 2, 2):
					for k in xrange(0, 4):
						self.signalsFullData.append((g.transform(g.evolve(comp, k), 0, 0, i, 0, 0, j), i, j, k, idx))
						self.signals.append(g.transform(g.evolve(comp, k), 0, 0, i, 0, 0, j))
Exemple #6
def UpdateMove(d, w, h, x0, y0, p, t):
   under = d[0]
   obj = d[1]
   x = d[2]
   y = d[3]
   if under != -1:
      ClearRect(x - w, y - h, 2 * w + 1, 2 * h + 1)
   val = g.getxy()
   if val == "":
   x1 = int(val.split()[0])
   y1 = y0 + GetDirection(t) * (x1 - x0)
   d[0] = g.getcells([x1 - w, y1 - h, 2 * w + 1, 2 * h + 1])
   #ClearRect(x1 - w, y1 - h, 2 * w + 1, 2 * h + 1)
   g.putcells(g.evolve(obj, p + GetEvolveDirection(t) * ((4 * (x1 - x0)) % p)), x1, y1)
   d[2] = x1
   d[3] = y1
def GunArea(cells, curGunPeriod):

	maxBox = []
	minpop = -100000
	for i in xrange(0, curGunPeriod, 4):
		g.putcells(g.evolve(cells, i))
		edgeGlider = EdgeGlider()

		while PerformDelete(edgeGlider, curGunPeriod):
			edgeGlider = DevolveGlider(edgeGlider, curGunPeriod)
		for j in xrange(0, 4):
			if g.getpop() > minpop:
				maxpop = g.getpop()
				maxpopgun = g.getcells(g.getrect())
			maxBox = AppendBox(maxBox, g.getrect())
	return [BoxValue(maxBox), maxpopgun, maxBox]
def GunArea(cells, curGunPeriod):

	maxBox = [10000, 10000, -1000, -1000]
	for i in xrange(0, curGunPeriod, 4):
		g.putcells(g.evolve(cells, i))
		edgeGlider = EdgeGlider()

		while PerformDelete(edgeGlider, curGunPeriod):
			edgeGlider = DevolveGlider(edgeGlider, curGunPeriod)
		for j in xrange(0, 4):
			maxBox = AppendBox(maxBox, g.getrect())
		if i == 0:
			somegun = g.getcells(g.getrect())
	return [BoxValue(maxBox), somegun, maxBox]
Exemple #9
def reconstruct(gstr, stepback=2):
    """Reconstruct a pattern representing a glider set from its (canonical)
    string. The transformation is assumed to be the identity. Returns a single
    Golly cell list with all gliders at <stepback> gen prior to canonical time.
    fields, at, trans_str = gstr.partition("@")
    res = []
    glider = g.parse("bo$2bo$3o") # SE
    # Process transformation
    # XXX unimplemented (but not required here)
    t, o, shift_x, shift_y = 0, "identity", 0, 0
    # Step back to separate gliders (same as Shinjuku uses for realising syntheses)
    t += stepback
    # Process glider sets
    for i, field in enumerate(gstr.split("/")):
        salvo = []
        for (time, lane) in zip(*[iter(field.split())] * 2):
            time, lane = - int(time) - t - 4, int(lane)
            dist, time = time // 4, time % 4
            salvo += g.evolve(g.transform(glider, dist, dist - lane), time)
        if   i == 1: salvo = g.transform(salvo, 0, 0, r270[0], r270[1], r270[2], r270[3]) # "rot270"
        elif i == 2: salvo = g.transform(salvo, 0, 0, r180[0], r180[1], r180[2], r180[3]) # "rot180"
        elif i == 3: salvo = g.transform(salvo, 0, 0, r90[0], r90[1], r90[2], r90[3]) # "rot90"
        res += salvo
    return g.transform(res, shift_x, shift_y)
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self):
        self.signalsFullData = []
        self.signals = []

        self.components = [g.parse("bo$2bo$3o!", -1, -1)]

        for idx in xrange(0, len(self.components)):
            comp = self.components[idx]

            for i in xrange(-1, 2, 2):
                for j in xrange(-1, 2, 2):
                    for k in xrange(0, 4):
                            (g.transform(g.evolve(comp, k), 0, 0, i, 0, 0,
                                         j), i, j, k, idx))
                            g.transform(g.evolve(comp, k), 0, 0, i, 0, 0, j))
Exemple #11
def is_there_glider(x, y):
   for i in range(4):
      gl = g.evolve(gld, i)
      if is_there(x, y, gl):
         return i
   return -1
Exemple #12
def SaveWss(file):

    wss = [

    wssList = []
    for w in wss:
        for i in xrange(0, 4):
            wssList.append(PrepareList(g.evolve(w, i)))
                PrepareList(g.transform(g.evolve(w, i), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, -1)))

    pickle.dump(wssList, open(path.join(g.getdir("data"), file), "wb"))
Exemple #13
def run_pattern_in_golly(pattern, comments, extended):
    if extended:
            extended = int(pattern[pattern.index('%')+1:])
        except ValueError: #sometimes there's a % sign in the comments
            extended = False
    pattern_rle = pattern
    pattern = g.parse(pattern)
    if len(pattern) % 2 == 1: #multistate rule for some reason
    initial_pattern = pattern.copy()
    xs = pattern[::2]
    ys = pattern[1::2]
    min_x = 0
    max_x = max(xs)
    min_y = 0
    max_y = max(ys)
    min_min_x = min_x #these four are the permanent minima and maxima, used for determining maximum pattern size
    max_max_x = max_x
    min_min_y = min_y
    max_max_y = max_y
    for period in range(1, 1000): #maximum oscillator period
        if period == 999 and extended:
            pattern = g.evolve(pattern, extended - 999)
        pattern = g.evolve(pattern,1)
        if not pattern:
            g.warn('Not an oscillator, dies out completely: %s' % initial_pattern)
        xs = pattern[::2]
        ys = pattern[1::2]
        min_min_x = min(min_min_x, min(xs)) #sets new absolute minima and maxima
        max_max_x = max(max_max_x, max(xs))
        min_min_y = min(min_min_y, min(ys))
        max_max_y = max(max_max_y, max(ys))
        if pattern == initial_pattern:
            if extended:
                return (comments + convert_grid_to_rle(pattern), extended, max_max_x-min_min_x+1, max_max_y-min_min_y+1, -min_min_x, -min_min_y)
                return (comments + convert_grid_to_rle(pattern), period, max_max_x-min_min_x+1, max_max_y-min_min_y+1, -min_min_x, -min_min_y)
            #0: RLE. 1: period. 2, 3: maximum bounding box for x and y. 4, 5: Greatest negative for calculating offset.
        #if extended == 'file': #one at a time
        #    return pattern
    g.warn('Not an oscillator, maximum generations reached: %s' % initial_pattern)
	def MoveToX(self, attachedPat, x1, movementData):
		if  (x1 - movementData.initX) * GetPositive(attachedPat.logicPat.t)  < 0:
			x1 = movementData.initX
		y1 = movementData.initY + GetDirection(attachedPat.logicPat.t) * (x1 - movementData.initX)
		movementData.UpdateState(g.evolve(movementData.initPat, 4 *  (x1 - movementData.initX) * GetPositive(attachedPat.logicPat.t)), x1, y1)
def delay_construction(obj_list, delay):

    pat = []
    phase = -delay % 4
    n = (delay + phase) // 4

    for cells, dx, dy in obj_list:
        pat += g.transform(g.evolve(cells, phase), -n * dx, -n * dy)

    return pat
Exemple #16
def find_all_glider_idx(mask):
   idxs = extract_indexes(mask)
   idxs.sort(key=lambda idx: (1.01 * gliders_in[idx][0] + gliders_in[idx][1]))
   copy_idxs = idxs[:]

   for edge_i in enum_shooters(mask):
      reaction_cells = shoot_defs[edge_i][4]
      stable_cells = shoot_defs[edge_i][5]

      for g_i in list(copy_idxs):
         for g_j in idxs:
            x, y, idx = gliders_in[g_j]
            if g_j == g_i:
               g.putcells(g.evolve(reaction_cells, idx), x, y)
               g.putcells(g.evolve(gld, idx), x - 128, y + 128)

         x, y, _ = gliders_in[g_i]

         # test if the pattern consists of the stable cells plus the
         # necessary gliders and nothing else

         g.putcells(stable_cells, x, y, 1, 0, 0, 1, "xor")

         if int(g.getpop()) != 5 * len(idxs):

         for g_j in idxs:
               x, y, idx = gliders_in[g_j]
               g.putcells(g.evolve(gld, idx), x, y, 1, 0, 0, 1, "xor")

         if g.empty():
            yield g_i,edge_i
Exemple #17
def test(pat, gen, loc, x, y):

    global results

    if not all(g.getcell(x + loc, y) for x, y in on_cells):

    if any(g.getcell(x + loc, y) for x, y in off_cells):

    begin = start_cells + g.evolve(g.transform(pat, -x, -y), gen)

    if finalpop >= 0 and len(g.evolve(begin, 100)) != 2 * finalpop:

    results += 1
    g.putcells(g.evolve(pat, gen % 8), 50 * results - x, -y)
    g.putcells(begin, 50 * results, 50)
    g.putcells(g.evolve(begin, delay), 50 * results, 100)
Exemple #18
    def MoveToX(self, attachedPat, x1, movementData):

        if (x1 - movementData.initX) * GetPositive(attachedPat.logicPat.t) < 0:
            x1 = movementData.initX

        y1 = movementData.initY + GetDirection(
            attachedPat.logicPat.t) * (x1 - movementData.initX)

                movementData.initPat, 4 * (x1 - movementData.initX) *
                GetPositive(attachedPat.logicPat.t)), x1, y1)
Exemple #19
def FinishMove(d, w, h, x0, y0, p, t):
   under = d[0]
   obj = d[1]
   x = d[2]
   y = d[3]
   if under != -1:
   g.putcells(g.evolve(obj, p + GetEvolveDirection(t) * ((4 * (x - x0)) % p)), x, y)
Exemple #20
   def evolve(self, N):
 Return N-th generation of the pattern.
 Once computed, the N-th generation is remembered and quickly accessible.
 It is also the base for computing generations subsequent to N-th."""
       if N < 0:
           raise ValueError("backward evolving requested")
       if self.__phases.has_key(N):
           return self.__phases[N]
       M = 0
       for k in self.__phases.keys():
           if M < k < N: M = k
       p = self.__phases[N] = pattern(golly.evolve(self.__phases[M], N - M))
       return p
   def evolve(self, N):
Return N-th generation of the pattern.
Once computed, the N-th generation is remembered and quickly accessible.
It is also the base for computing generations subsequent to N-th."""
      if N < 0:
         raise ValueError("backward evolving requested")
      if self.__phases.has_key(N):
         return self.__phases[N]
      M = 0
      for k in self.__phases.keys():
         if M < k < N: M = k
      p = self.__phases[N] = pattern(golly.evolve(self.__phases[M], N - M))
      return p
def find_best_selection():
    r = g.getrect()
    all = g.getcells(r)
    sep = 1
    # - run the pattern for 4096 ticks, get the new settled pattern
    # - try XORing new pattern with original pattern for every possible offset up to 512
    # - one of the offsets should give the lowest total population
    #      (will probably decrease the population instead of increasing it,
    #       unless what is being built is a prolific puffer or gun or some such)
    bestscore, bestsep = len(all), -1  # = population * 2
    allplus4096 = g.evolve(all, 4096)
    while sep <= 512:
        g.show("Finding stage spacing -- testing " + str(sep))
        g.new("sep=" + str(sep))
        g.putcells(allplus4096, sep, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, "xor")
        score = int(g.getpop())
        if bestscore > score: bestscore, bestsep = score, sep
        sep += 1

    sep = bestsep
    g.show("found separation: " + str(sep))
    bestblockscore, bestoffset = -999999, -1
    for offset in range(sep):
        g.select([r[0] - offset, r[1], sep, r[3]])
        blockscore = 0
        for blockx in range(r[0] - offset, r[0] + r[2], sep):
            g.select([blockx, r[1], sep, r[3]])
            blockrect = g.getselrect()
            block = g.getcells(blockrect)
            if len(
            ) == 0:  # ran into empty block, this must not be the right separation
                g.exit("Invalid pattern format found at separation = " +
                       str(sep) + ": selected block is empty.")
            shrunkblockrect = g.getselrect()
            leftdiff = shrunkblockrect[0] - blockrect[0]
            rightdiff = (blockrect[0] + blockrect[2]) - (shrunkblockrect[0] +
            blockscore += leftdiff + rightdiff
            if leftdiff < 10: blockscore -= (10 - leftdiff)**2
            if rightdiff < 10: blockscore -= (10 - rightdiff)**2
        if blockscore > bestblockscore:
            bestblockscore, bestoffset = blockscore, offset
    g.select([r[0] - bestoffset, r[1], r[2] + offset, r[3]])
    return sep
Exemple #23
def GetObjectArray(iniobj):
   result = []
   transList = GetTransList()
   period = FindPeriod(iniobj[0])
   for i in xrange(0, period):
      obj = g.evolve(iniobj[0], i)
      for t in transList:
         dxx, dxy, dyx, dyy = t
         curobj = g.transform(obj, 0, 0, dxx, dxy, dyx, dyy)
         result.extend(GetObjectClickArray(curobj, iniobj[1], t, period))
   return result 
Exemple #24
    def Add(self, logicPat):

        for t in self.transList:
            dxx, dxy, dyx, dyy = t

            cells = g.transform(logicPat.cells, 0, 0, dxx, dxy, dyx, dyy)

            if dxx == 0:
                cells = g.transform(g.evolve(cells, 2), -dxy, 0)

            inT = TrnasformDirectionList(logicPat.inputs, t)
            outT = TrnasformDirectionList(logicPat.outputs, t)
            p = logicPat.period
            pat = NewLogicalPattern(cells, inT, outT, p, t)

	def Add(self, logicPat):
		for t in self.transList:
			dxx, dxy, dyx, dyy = t 
			cells = g.transform(logicPat.cells,0, 0, dxx, dxy, dyx, dyy)
			if dxx == 0:
				cells = g.transform(g.evolve(cells, 2), -dxy, 0)
			inT = TrnasformDirectionList(logicPat.inputs, t)
			outT = TrnasformDirectionList(logicPat.outputs, t)
			p = logicPat.period
			pat = NewLogicalPattern(cells, inT, outT, p, t)
Exemple #26
def getallorientations(clist, maxticks, matchtype=0):
    uniques = []
    xforms = []
    uhashes = []
    orients = []
    dticks = []
    ticks = 0

    rangemax = (8 if matchtype == 0 else matchtype
                )  # 1 (no rot/ref) or 4 (rotation only) are reasonable
    nomatch = 1
    while nomatch:  # check next generation until a repeat occurs in orientation 1
        for i in range(
        ):  # TODO:  invent a structure to avoid having to use indexes like this
            pat, xform = getorientation(clist, i)
            h = gethash(pat)
            if uhashes.count(h) == 0:
                if i == 0:
                    nomatch = 0  # if we've already seen the first phase, we've seen them all from here on out.
                    break  # (for other phases the duplication might be due to symmetry, so we try them all)
        if nomatch == 0:
            break  # TODO:  this is silly -- find a better structural way to do this
        ticks += 1
        if maxticks <= 0:
            if ticks >= 512:
                    "No periodicity found within 512 ticks -- ending search.")
                nomatch = 0
                str(ticks) + " :: " + str(maxticks) + " :: " +
                str(ticks >= 1))  #####################
            if ticks >= maxticks:
                nomatch = 0
                break  # stop collecting patterns silently if a maximum has been specified
        clist = g.evolve(clist, 1)

        x, y = findTLsorted(clist)
    return [uniques, xforms, orients, dticks]
Exemple #27
def get_invariants(cells):
  invariants = []

  for t in range(0, 4):
    gliders = []
    temp_cells = cells[:]

    for gen in range(0, 4):
      gliders.extend([coords + (gen,) for coords in find_all_gliders(temp_cells)])
      temp_cells = g.evolve(temp_cells, 1)

    glider_pairs = combinations(gliders, 2)
    invariants.extend([item for pair in glider_pairs for item in compute_invariants(pair)])

    cells = g.transform(cells, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0)

  seen = set()
  return [ item for item in invariants if item not in seen and not seen.add(item) ]
Exemple #28
def get_invariants(cells):
    invariants = []

    for t in range(0, 4):
        gliders = []
        temp_cells = cells[:]

        for gen in range(0, 4):
                [coords + (gen, ) for coords in find_all_gliders(temp_cells)])
            temp_cells = g.evolve(temp_cells, 1)

        glider_pairs = combinations(gliders, 2)
            item for pair in glider_pairs for item in compute_invariants(pair)

        cells = g.transform(cells, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0)

    seen = set()
    return [
        item for item in invariants if item not in seen and not seen.add(item)
Exemple #29
def store(cells, lane, recipe, period, depth, next_pats):

    old_depth = -1

    # ignore parity of output glider when canonicalising.
    # assumes we can change parity by delaying by one tick.
    lane_str = "_None" if lane is None else "_%d_%d" % lane[:2]

    canon = canonical(cells) + lane_str
    if canon in depths:
        old_depth = depths[canon]
    elif period == 2:
        canon1 = canonical(g.evolve(cells, 1)) + lane_str
        if canon1 in depths:
            old_depth = depths[canon1]

    if old_depth < depth:
        depths[canon] = depth
        if depth > 0:
            next_pats.append((cells, lane, recipe, period, depth))
        return True
        return False
Exemple #30

OUTFILE = '/home/user/life/outfile%d.txt' % time()

def to_pairs(cells):
    return zip(cells[::2], cells[1::2])

G_NE = g.parse('3o$2bo$bo!')
G_NW = g.parse('3o$o$bo!')
G_SW = g.transform(g.parse('bo$o$3o!'), 0, -2)
G_SE = g.transform(g.parse('bo$2bo$3o!'), -2, -2)

LWSS_W = g.transform(g.parse('bo2bo$o$o3bo$4o!'), 0, -1)
LWSS_S = g.transform(g.parse('bobo$o$o$o2bo$3o!'), -2, -4)

GLIDERS_SW = [to_pairs(g.evolve(G_SW, i)) for i in range(4)]
GLIDERS_SE = [to_pairs(g.evolve(G_SE, i)) for i in range(4)]
GLIDERS_NW = [to_pairs(g.evolve(G_NW, i)) for i in range(4)]
LWSSES_W = [to_pairs(g.evolve(LWSS_W, i)) for i in range(4)]
LWSSES_S = [to_pairs(g.evolve(LWSS_S, i)) for i in range(4)]

assert(all((0,0) in gl for gl in GLIDERS_SW))
assert(all((0,0) in gl for gl in GLIDERS_SE))
assert(all((0,0) in gl for gl in GLIDERS_NW))
assert(all((0,0) in lwss for lwss in LWSSES_W))
assert(all((0,0) in lwss for lwss in LWSSES_S))

def get_g0(lane):
    x = lane // 2 - 5
    glider = g.transform(G_NE, x, lane - x)
    return g.evolve(glider, 2 * (1 + lane % 2))
def post_state(current_state, obj_list, delay):
    new_state = delay_construction(obj_list, delay)
    return g.evolve(current_state + new_state, delay + 256)
Exemple #32
 def Evolve(self, numIters):
     self.cells = g.evolve(self.cells, numIters)
Exemple #33
outfile = open(filename + '.out', 'w')

for line in infile:
    pattern, _, _, pattern_type = re.split('\s', line, 5)[:4]
    if pattern_type != 'other':

    pattern = re.sub('!', '.\n', pattern)

    cells = g.parse(pattern)

    gliders = []
    temp_cells = cells[:]
    for gen in range(0, 4):
        temp_cells = g.evolve(temp_cells, 1)

    if len(gliders) < 2:

    sample = get_glider_color(gliders[0])
    if not all([get_glider_color(glider) == sample for glider in gliders[1:]]):

    # check that pattern emits exactly one orthogonal glider
    new_cells = g.evolve(cells, 700)
    emitted_gliders = []
    for t in range(0, 4):

        temp_cells = new_cells
Exemple #34
def test(cells, lane):
    cells2 = g.evolve(cells, 4)
    if len(cells) != len(cells2):
        return 0, [], None

    sumx1, sumy1 = sum(cells[::2]), sum(cells[1::2])
    sumx2, sumy2 = sum(cells2[::2]), sum(cells2[1::2])

    delta = (sumx2 - sumx1, sumy2 - sumy1)

    for _ in range(4):
        cells2 = g.evolve(cells2, 4)
        sumx1, sumy1 = sumx2, sumy2
        sumx2, sumy2 = sum(cells2[::2]), sum(cells2[1::2])
        new_delta = (sumx2 - sumx1, sumy2 - sumy1)
        if new_delta != delta:
            return 0, [], None

# a,b,c,d,e are used to convert x, y values into a lane number and output type

    if delta == (0, 0):
        spaceships = []
    elif delta == (-5, 5):
        spaceships = GLIDERS_SW
        a, b, c, d, e = 1, 1, -1, 0, 0
    elif delta == (5, 5):
        spaceships = GLIDERS_SE
        a, b, c, d, e = 1, -1, 1, 0, 1
    elif delta == (-5, -5):
        spaceships = GLIDERS_NW
        a, b, c, d, e = 1, -1, 2, 0, 2
#    elif delta == (-18, 0) or delta == (-24, 0):
#        spaceships = LWSSES_W
#        a, b, c, d, e = 0, 2, 0, 1, 3
#    elif delta == (0, 18) or delta == (0, 24):
#        spaceships = LWSSES_S
#        a, b, c, d, e = 2, 0, 0, 1, 4
        return 0, [], None

    pairs = to_pairs(cells)
    if spaceships and lane is None:
        found = False
        for x0, y0 in pairs:
            for phase, ss in enumerate(spaceships):
                if all((x0+i, y0+j) in pairs for (i, j) in ss):
                    for i, j in ss:
                        pairs.remove((x0+i, y0+j))
                    found = True
                    lane = a * x0 + b * y0 + c + d * (x0+y0)%2, e, phase % 2
            if found:

        if not found:
            return 0, [], None

        cells = []
        for x, y in pairs:

    sort = sorted(pairs)
    for p in range(2):
        cells = g.evolve(cells, 1)
        if sorted(to_pairs(cells)) == sort:
            return p + 1, cells, lane
    return 0, [], None
Exemple #35
def search(elbow):

    global depths

    start_elbow = elbow, is_elbow(elbow), max_lane(elbow)

    #assume elbow is p1
    new_pats = [(elbow, None, (), 1, FULL_DEPTH)]
    depths = {}

    start = True

    iteration = 0

    while new_pats:
        iteration += 1
        next_pats = []
        n = 0
        for cells, lane, recipe, period, depth in new_pats:   
            g.show(str((start_elbow[1], iteration, n, len(new_pats))))
            n += 1

            # only fire stuff at an elbow at the very beginning
            if not start and is_elbow(cells):
            start = False

            for start_cells, t1, t2 in get_patterns(cells, period):
                end_cells = g.evolve(start_cells, GENS)
                if len(end_cells) > 2 * (MAX_POP[iteration-1] + 12):
                new_period, end_cells, new_lane = test(end_cells, lane)
                if new_period == 0:
                if len(end_cells) > 2 * MAX_POP[iteration-1]:
                new_depth = depth - 1
                new_recipe = recipe + (t1, t2)

                if lane is None and new_lane is not None:
                    new_depth += CLEANUP_DEPTH

                if store(end_cells, new_lane, new_recipe, new_period, new_depth, next_pats):

#                   Elbow killing recipes     
#                   if new_lane is not None and not end_cells:
#                       show_it(new_recipe, new_lane, None, startelbow)
                    elbow = is_elbow(end_cells)
                    if elbow:
                        move = max_lane(end_cells)
                        show_it(new_recipe, new_lane, move, elbow, start_elbow)
        new_pats = next_pats
Exemple #36
def cellsort(clist):
    return g.evolve(clist, 0)
Exemple #37
def f(cells):
   return g.evolve(g.transform(cells, 1, 2, 0, -1, -1, 0), 2)

if g.numstates() != 2:
        "Please convert to standard two-state Life before running this script."
clist = g.getcells(g.getselrect())
if len(clist) != 20:    g.exit("Please select a rectangle containing the two gliders to be synchronized, and nothing else." \
         + "\nThere should be at least a four-cell gap between the gliders horizontally and vertically.")
while 1:  # iterate until we find NW0
    stats1, stats2 = findgliders(clist)
    canonical1 = findcanonical(stats1, "NW")
    canonical2 = findcanonical(stats2, "SE")
    if canonical1[1] == 0: break
    clist = g.evolve(clist, 1)

dir1, phase1, x1, y1 = canonical1
dir2, phase2, x2, y2 = canonical2
charx = "E" if (
    x1 - x2) % 2 else "O"  # looks backwards -- the usual fencepost issue
chary = "e" if (
    y1 - y2
) % 2 else "o"  # (bounding box coords vs. # of cells in bounding box width)
rating = charx + chary + str(phase2)

clist = g.getcells(g.getselrect())
while 1:  # iterate until we find NW0
    stats1, stats2 = findgliders(clist)
    stats2mod = stats2[:]
    stats2mod[2] -= 1024
def DevolveGlider(glider, delta):	
	return g.evolve(g.transform(glider, -delta, -delta), 3 * delta)
Exemple #40
gliders_in = find_and_remove_all()
prev = a_star_search()

step_d = 250
total_d = 0


current = 0
start = 2 ** len(gliders_in) - 1

while current != start:

   i, edge_i = prev[current]
   current ^= 2 ** i

   x, y, idx = gliders_in[i]
   _, edge_shoot, left_g, right_g, _, _ = shoot_defs[edge_i]

   g.putcells(edge_shoot, x + total_d, y - total_d,)
   g.putcells(g.evolve(left_g, idx), x, y - 2 * total_d)
   g.putcells(g.evolve(right_g, idx), x + 2 * total_d, y)
   total_d += step_d

	def Evolve(self, numIters):
		self.cells = g.evolve(self.cells, numIters)
Exemple #42
 def DrawAll(self):
     for pat in self.patterns:
         x, y = pat.location
         g.putcells(g.evolve(pat.attachedPat.logicPat.cells, pat.internal),
                    x, y)
Exemple #43
def getbackground(clist):
    background = g.evolve(clist, 1)
    return background
Exemple #44
import golly as g 

glds = [[],[]]

glds[0] = g.parse("3o$o$bo!")
glds[1] = g.evolve(g.parse("3o$o$bo!"), 2)
#blck = g.parse("2o$2o!", -4, 0)

def place_glider(i, dx, dy):
	if i%2 == 0:
		g.putcells(glds[0], 15 * int(i/2) + dx, 15 * int(i/2) + dy)
		g.putcells(glds[1], 8 + 15 * int(i/2) + dx, 8 + 15 * int(i/2) + dy)

class ArmP30:
	def __init__(self):
		self.recipe = ""
		self.move_recipes = {}
		self.shoot_recipes = {}
		self.arm_ext = -42
	def load_recipes(self):
		path = path = r'C:\Users\SimSim314\Documents\GitHub\GreyGooTheory\P30Gemini'

		file = open(path + r'\shoot.recipe.txt', 'r')
		for line in file:
			recipe = line.split(":")
			recipe[1] = int(recipe[1].replace("B", ""))
			recipe[2] = int(recipe[2].replace("G", ""))
Exemple #45
def get_g0(lane):
    x = lane // 2 - 5
    glider = g.transform(G_NE, x, lane - x)
    return g.evolve(glider, 2 * (1 + lane % 2))
def add_it(objs, s, dx, dy):
    cells = g.parse(s)
    for i in range(4):
        objs.append((make_target(cells), dx, dy))
        cells = g.evolve(cells, 1)
Exemple #47
def makeRLEline(pat):
    return giveRLE(list(itertools.chain(*pat)))

patdict = {}
objlist = []
for i in range(len(objs)):
    # normalize so that the first ON cell in the list is always (0,0)
    templist = g.parse(objs[i])
    objlist += [g.transform(templist, -templist[0], -templist[1])]
numobjs = len(objlist)
zonelist = []
for item in objlist:
    neighbors = g.evolve(item, 1)
              )  ######### this is "B2345678/S012345678" for Conway's Life
    zone = g.evolve(neighbors, 1)
    zonelist += [zone]  # includes cells for object also

nearlist = [[i, j] for i in range(-1, xsize + 1) for j in range(-1, ysize + 1)
            if i < 0 or i >= xsize or j < 0 or j >= ysize]
count, x, y, ptr, filledlist, searchlist = 0, 0, 0, 0, [], []
while y == 0 or len(searchlist) > 0:
    overlap = ([x, y] in nearlist)
    # place current object
    # TODO:  if there's an overlap, set ptr to max value, then handle all cases with same code at the bottom
    if overlap == 0:
	def DrawAll(self):
		for pat in self.patterns:
			x, y = pat.location
			g.putcells(g.evolve(pat.attachedPat.logicPat.cells, pat.internal), x, y)
Exemple #49
outfile = open(filename + '.out', 'w')

for line in infile:
  pattern, _, _, pattern_type = re.split('\s', line, 5)[:4]
  if pattern_type != 'other':

  pattern = re.sub('!', '.\n', pattern)

  cells = g.parse(pattern)

  gliders = []
  temp_cells = cells[:]
  for gen in range(0, 4):
    temp_cells = g.evolve(temp_cells, 1)

  if len(gliders) < 2:

  sample = get_glider_color(gliders[0])
  if not all([get_glider_color(glider) == sample for glider in gliders[1:]]):

  # check that pattern emits exactly one orthogonal glider
  new_cells = g.evolve(cells, 700)
  emitted_gliders = []
  for t in range(0, 4):

    temp_cells = new_cells
Exemple #50


def cell_set(cell_list):
	cells = set()
	while len(cell_list) > 1:
	return cells

# get initial cells
initial = golly.getcells(rect)

# create cell sets for all generations
generations = [cell_set(golly.evolve(initial,c)) for c in range(count)]

# dump preamble to output

# union of all cell transitions
ofile.write("union() { \n")

def buildLayerCubes(bottom,top,z,ofile):
	for (x,y) in bottom:
		candidates = set([(xp,yp) for xp in range(x-1,x+2) for yp in range(y-1,y+2)])
		for (xp,yp) in candidates.intersection(top):

for i in xrange(count-1):