Exemple #1
    def handle_app(self, app, **options):
        using = options.get('database', DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS)
        connection = connections[using]

        app_name = app.__name__.split('.')[-2]
        self.style = no_style()

        sql_list = sql_reset(app, self.style, connection)

        if options.get('interactive'):
            confirm = raw_input("""
You have requested a database reset.
This will IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY any data for
the "%s" application in the database "%s".
Are you sure you want to do this?

Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel: """ % (app_name, connection.settings_dict['NAME']))
            confirm = 'yes'

        if confirm == 'yes':
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                for sql in sql_list:
            except Exception, e:
                raise CommandError("""Error: %s couldn't be reset. Possible reasons:
  * The database isn't running or isn't configured correctly.
  * At least one of the database tables doesn't exist.
  * The SQL was invalid.
Hint: Look at the output of 'django-admin.py sqlreset %s'. That's the SQL this command wasn't able to run.
The full error: %s""" % (app_name, app_name, e))
Exemple #2
    def handle_app(self, app, **options):
        using = options.get("database", DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS)
        connection = connections[using]

        app_name = app.__name__.split(".")[-2]
        self.style = no_style()

        sql_list = sql_reset(app, self.style, connection)

        if options.get("interactive"):
            confirm = raw_input(
You have requested a database reset.
This will IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY any data for
the "%s" application in the database "%s".
Are you sure you want to do this?

Type 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel: """
                % (app_name, connection.settings_dict["NAME"])
            confirm = "yes"

        if confirm == "yes":
                cursor = connection.cursor()
                for sql in sql_list:
            except Exception, e:
                raise CommandError(
                    """Error: %s couldn't be reset. Possible reasons:
  * The database isn't running or isn't configured correctly.
  * At least one of the database tables doesn't exist.
  * The SQL was invalid.
Hint: Look at the output of 'django-admin.py sqlreset %s'. That's the SQL this command wasn't able to run.
The full error: %s"""
                    % (app_name, app_name, e)
Exemple #3
 def handle_app(self, app, **options):
     return u'\n'.join(sql_reset(app, self.style, connections[options.get('database', DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS)])).encode('utf-8')
 def handle_app(self, app, **options):
     return u'\n'.join(
         sql_reset(app, self.style, connections[options.get(
             'database', DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS)])).encode('utf-8')