Exemple #1
def get_blob_key(create_file_name):
    """Get a blob key for finalized blobstore file.

    create_file_name: Writable blobstore filename as obtained from create()
    function. The file should be finalized.

    An instance of apphosting.ext.blobstore.BlobKey for corresponding blob
    or None if the blob referred to by the file name is not finalized.

    google.appengine.api.files.InvalidFileNameError if the file name is not
    a valid nonfinalized blob file name.
    if not create_file_name:
        raise files.InvalidArgumentError('Empty file name')
    if not isinstance(create_file_name, six.string_types):
        raise files.InvalidArgumentError('Expected string for file name')
    if not create_file_name.startswith(_BLOBSTORE_DIRECTORY):
        raise files.InvalidFileNameError(
            'Filename %s passed to get_blob_key doesn\'t have prefix %s' %
            (create_file_name, _BLOBSTORE_DIRECTORY))
    ticket = create_file_name[len(_BLOBSTORE_DIRECTORY):]

    if not ticket.startswith(files._CREATION_HANDLE_PREFIX):

        return blobstore.BlobKey(ticket)

    blob_file_index = datastore.Get([
    if blob_file_index:
        blob_key_str = blob_file_index[_BLOB_KEY_PROPERTY_NAME]

        results = datastore.Get([
        if results[0] is None:
            return None
    elif len(ticket) >= _DATASTORE_MAX_PROPERTY_SIZE:
        return None

        query = datastore.Query(blobstore.BLOB_INFO_KIND,
                                {'creation_handle =': ticket},
        results = query.Get(1)
        if not results:
            return None
        blob_key_str = results[0].name()
    return blobstore.BlobKey(blob_key_str)
Exemple #2
def parseGlob(filename):
    """Parse a Gs filename or a filename pattern. Handle escape of '*' and '/'.

    filename: a filename or filename pattern.
      filename must be a valid gs filepath in the format of
      '/gs/bucket/filename'. filename pattern has format '/gs/bucket/prefix*'.
      filename pattern represents filenames with the given prefix in the bucket.
      Please escape '*' and '\' with '\' if your filename contains them. We
      recommend using Python raw string to simplify escape expressions.

    A (string, string) tuple if filename is a pattern. The first string is
    the bucket name, second is the prefix or '' if prefix doesn't exist.
    Properly escaped filename if filename is not a pattern.

      '/gs/bucket1/file1' => '/gs/bucket1/file1'
      '/gs/bucket2/*' => ('gs/bucket2', '') all files under bucket2
      '/gs/bucket3/p*' => ('gs/bucket2', 'p') files under bucket3 with
          a prefix 'p' in its name
      r'/gs/bucket/file\*' => '/gs/bucket/file*'
      r'/gs/bucket/file\\*' => ('/gs/bucket', r'file\') all files under bucket
          with prefix r'file\'
      r'/gs/bucket/file\\\*' => '/gs/bucket/file\*'
      r'/gs/bucket/file\**' => ('/gs/bucket', 'file*') all files under bucket
          with prefix 'file*'

    google.appengine.api.files.InvalidFileNameError if filename is illegal.
    if not filename:
        raise files.InvalidFileNameError('filename is None.')
    if not isinstance(filename, basestring):
        raise files.InvalidFileNameError(
            'filename %s should be of type string' % filename)
    match = _GS_FILEPATH_REGEX.match(filename)
    if not match:
        raise files.InvalidFileNameError(
            'filename %s should start with/gs/bucketname', filename)

    bucketname = match.group(0)
    rest = filename[len(bucketname):]

    if not rest or (len(rest) == 1 and rest[0] == '/'):

        return bucketname, ''

    if not rest.startswith('/'):
        raise files.InvalidFileNameError(
            'Expect / to separate bucketname and filename in %s' % filename)

    i = 1

    prefix = False

    processed = ''
    while i < len(rest):
        char = rest[i]
        if char == '\\':
            if i + 1 == len(rest):

                processed += char

                processed += rest[i + 1]
                i += 1
        elif char == '*':

            if i + 1 != len(rest):
                raise files.InvalidFileNameError(
                    '* as a wildcard is not the last.')
            prefix = True
            processed += char
        i += 1

    if prefix:
        return bucketname, processed
        return bucketname + '/' + processed
Exemple #3
def listdir(path, kwargs=None):
    """Return a sorted list of filenames (matching a pattern) in the given path.

  Sorting (decrease by string) is done automatically by Google Cloud Storage.

    path: a Google Cloud Storage path of "/gs/bucketname" form.
    kwargs: other keyword arguments to be relayed to Google Cloud Storage.
      This can be used to select certain files with names matching a pattern.

      Supported keywords:
      marker: a string after which (exclusive) to start listing.
      max_keys: the maximum number of filenames to return.
      prefix: limits the returned filenames to those with this prefix. no regex.

      See Google Cloud Storage documentation for more details and examples.

    a sorted list containing filenames (matching a pattern) from
    the given path. The last filename can be used as a marker for another
    request for more files.
    if not path:
        raise files.InvalidFileNameError('Empty path')
    elif not isinstance(path, basestring):
        raise files.InvalidFileNameError('Expected string for path %s' % path)
    elif not _GS_BUCKETPATH_REGEX.match(path):
        raise files.InvalidFileNameError(
            'Google storage path must have the form /gs/bucketname')

    if kwargs and kwargs.has_key('max_keys'):
        kwargs['max-keys'] = kwargs['max_keys']

    if ('SERVER_SOFTWARE' not in os.environ
            or os.environ['SERVER_SOFTWARE'].startswith('Development')):
        return _listdir_local(path, kwargs)

    bucketname = path[len(_GS_PREFIX):]

    request_headers = {
        'OAuth %s' %

    url = 'https://%s/%s' % (_GS_RESTFUL_URL, bucketname)

    if kwargs:
        url += '/?' + urlencode(kwargs)

    response = urlfetch.fetch(url=url, headers=request_headers, deadline=60)

    if response.status_code == 404:
        raise files.InvalidFileNameError('Bucket %s does not exist.' %
    elif response.status_code == 401:
        raise files.PermissionDeniedError(
            'Permission denied to read bucket %s.' % bucketname)

    dom = minidom.parseString(response.content)

    def __textValue(node):
        return node.firstChild.nodeValue

    error = dom.getElementsByTagName('Error')
    if len(error) == 1:
        details = error[0].getElementsByTagName('Details')
        if len(details) == 1:
            raise files.InvalidParameterError(__textValue(details[0]))
            code = __textValue(error[0].getElementsByTagName('Code')[0])
            msg = __textValue(error[0].getElementsByTagName('Message')[0])
            raise files.InvalidParameterError('%s: %s' % (code, msg))

    return [
        '/'.join([path, __textValue(key)])
        for key in dom.getElementsByTagName('Key')