Exemple #1
def _normalize_name(name):
    """Helper used to convert a user entered name in to search compatible string.

  In order to make search as error free as possible, names of info records
  are converted to a simplified utf-8 encoded string that makes prefix searches
  easy.  to make searching simpler, it removes all extra punctuation and spaces.

    _normalize_name('Duke Ellington') == 'duke ellington'
    _normalize_name('  Duke  Ellington  ') == 'duke ellington'
    _normalize_name('Duke-Ellington!') == 'duke ellington'
    _normalize_name('Duke_Ellington') == 'duke ellington'
    _normalize_name(u'Duk\xea Ellington') == 'Duk\xc3\xaa Ellington'

    name: Name to convert to search string.

    Lower case, single space separated ByteString of name with punctuation
    removed.  Unicode values are converted to UTF-8 encoded string.
    if name is None:
        return None
    elif isinstance(name, str):
        name = name.decode('utf-8')

    # Must explicitly replace '_' because the \w re part does not
    name = name.replace(u'_', u' ')

    names = _SEARCH_NAME_REGEX.findall(name)
    name = ' '.join(names)
    return db.ByteString(name.lower().encode('utf-8'))
Exemple #2
class MyModel(db.Model):
    # p1 must be a short string; default is None; not required
    p1 = db.StringProperty()

    # p2 must be a short string; cannot be None
    p2 = db.StringProperty(required=True)

    # p3 must be a short string; set to 'a default value' if not initialized
    p3 = db.StringProperty(default='a default value')

    # p4 must be 'Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer' or 'Autumn'; implies required=True
    p4 = db.StringProperty(choices=['Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Autumn'])

    # p5 will not appear in any indexes and cannot be used in queries
    p5 = db.StringProperty(indexed=False)

    # p6 must be a long integer >= 1923, as defined in the function is_recent_year
    p6 = db.IntegerProperty(validator=is_recent_year)

    string_prop = db.StringProperty()
    text_prop = db.TextProperty()
    bytestring_prop = db.ByteString()
    blob_prop = db.BlobProperty()
    boolean_prop = db.BooleanProperty()
    integer_prop = db.IntegerProperty()
    float_prop = db.FloatProperty()
    date_prop = db.DateProperty()
    datetime_prop = db.DateTimeProperty()
    time_prop = db.TimeProperty()
    user_prop = db.UserProperty()

    # auto_now_prop is automatically set to datetime.datetime.now()
    # every time the object is created or loaded from the datastore.
    auto_now_prop = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)

    # auto_now_add_prop is automatically set to
    # datetime.datetime.now() when the object is first created.  The
    # value is preserved for subsequent updates.
    auto_now_add_prop = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True)

    # auto_current_user_prop is automatically set to
    # users.get_current_user() every time the object is created or
    # loaded from the datastore.  (This is None if the user is not
    # signed in to Google Accounts.)
    auto_current_user_prop = db.UserProperty(auto_current_user=True)

    # auto_current_user_add_prop is automatically set to
    # users.get_current_user() when the object is first created.  The
    # value is preserved for subsequent updates.
    auto_current_user_add_prop = db.UserProperty(auto_current_user_add=True)

    # integer_list_prop accepts a list of long integer values,
    # possibly an empty list.
    integer_list_prop = db.ListProperty(long)

    # string_list_prop accepts a list of string values, possibly an
    # empty list.
    string_list_prop = db.StringListProperty()
Exemple #3
    def search(cls, name_prefix=None):
        """Create search query based on info record name prefix.

      name_prefix: User input name-prefix to search for.  If name_prefix
      is empty string or None returns all records of Info sub-class.  Records
      are sorted by their encoded name.

      Datastore query pointing to search results.
        name_prefix = _normalize_name(name_prefix)
        query = cls.all().order('encoded_name')
        if name_prefix:
            query.filter('encoded_name >=', db.ByteString(name_prefix))
            # Do not need to worry about name_prefix + '\xff\xff' because not
            # a unicode character.
            query.filter('encoded_name <=',
                         db.ByteString(name_prefix + '\xff'))
        return query
Exemple #4
    def get(self):

        e1 = Entity()
        e1.string_prop = 'string value, limited to 500 bytes'
        e1.text_prop = db.Text('text value, can be up to 1 megabyte')
        e1.short_blob_prop = db.ByteString('\x6B\x74\x68\x78\x62\x79\x65')
        e1.blob_prop = db.Blob('\x6B\x74\x68\x78\x62\x79\x65')
        e1.boolean_prop = True
        e1.integer_prop = 99
        e1.float_prop = 3.14159
        e1.datetime_prop = datetime.datetime.now()
        e1.null_prop = None
        e1.geopt_prop = db.GeoPt(47.620339, -122.349629)

        e1.multivalued_prop = ['string value', True, 3.14159]

        self.response.write('<p>Created an entity, key: %s</p>' % e1.key())

        e2 = Entity()
        e2.key_prop = e1.key()
        self.response.write('<p>Created an entity, key: %s</p>' % e2.key())

        a = Entity()
        a.prop1 = 'abc'
        a.prop2 = None
        # a has two properties: prop1 and prop2.  prop2 has a null value.

        b = Entity()
        b.prop1 = 'def'
        # b has one property: prop1.  It does not have a property named prop2.

        b.prop2 = 123
        # b now has a property named prop2.

        del b.prop2
        # b no longer has a property named prop2.

        db.delete([e1, e2, a, b])
        self.response.write('<p>Entities deleted.</p>')

        self.response.write('<p>The time is: %s</p>' %
Exemple #5
from google.appengine.ext import db
import datetime

print 'Content-Type: text/html'
print ''

class Entity(db.Expando):

e1 = Entity()
e1.string_prop = 'string value, limited to 500 bytes'
e1.text_prop = db.Text('text value, can be up to 1 megabyte')
e1.short_blob_prop = db.ByteString('\x6B\x74\x68\x78\x62\x79\x65')
e1.blob_prop = db.Blob('\x6B\x74\x68\x78\x62\x79\x65')
e1.boolean_prop = True
e1.integer_prop = 99
e1.float_prop = 3.14159
e1.datetime_prop = datetime.datetime.now()
e1.null_prop = None
e1.geopt_prop = db.GeoPt(47.620339, -122.349629)

e1.multivalued_prop = ['string value', True, 3.14159]

print '<p>Created an entity, key: %s</p>' % e1.key()

e2 = Entity()
e2.key_prop = e1.key()