Exemple #1
    def _write_to_row(self, row1=None, row2=None, row3=None, row4=None):
        timestamp1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        timestamp1_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp1)
        # Truncate to millisecond granularity.
        timestamp1_micros -= timestamp1_micros % 1000
        timestamp1 = _datetime_from_microseconds(timestamp1_micros)
        # 1000 microseconds is a millisecond
        timestamp2 = timestamp1 + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1000)
        timestamp2_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp2)
        timestamp3 = timestamp1 + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=2000)
        timestamp3_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp3)
        timestamp4 = timestamp1 + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=3000)
        timestamp4_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp4)

        if row1 is not None:
            row1.set_cell(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID1, COL_NAME1, CELL_VAL1, timestamp=timestamp1)
        if row2 is not None:
            row2.set_cell(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID1, COL_NAME1, CELL_VAL2, timestamp=timestamp2)
        if row3 is not None:
            row3.set_cell(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID1, COL_NAME2, CELL_VAL3, timestamp=timestamp3)
        if row4 is not None:
            row4.set_cell(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID2, COL_NAME3, CELL_VAL4, timestamp=timestamp4)

        # Create the cells we will check.
        cell1 = Cell(CELL_VAL1, timestamp1_micros)
        cell2 = Cell(CELL_VAL2, timestamp2_micros)
        cell3 = Cell(CELL_VAL3, timestamp3_micros)
        cell4 = Cell(CELL_VAL4, timestamp4_micros)
        return cell1, cell2, cell3, cell4
    def _write_to_row(self, row1=None, row2=None, row3=None, row4=None):
        timestamp1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        timestamp1_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp1)
        # Truncate to millisecond granularity.
        timestamp1_micros -= timestamp1_micros % 1000
        timestamp1 = _datetime_from_microseconds(timestamp1_micros)
        # 1000 microseconds is a millisecond
        timestamp2 = timestamp1 + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1000)
        timestamp2_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp2)
        timestamp3 = timestamp1 + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=2000)
        timestamp3_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp3)
        timestamp4 = timestamp1 + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=3000)
        timestamp4_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp4)

        if row1 is not None:
            row1.set_cell(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID1, COL_NAME1, CELL_VAL1, timestamp=timestamp1)
        if row2 is not None:
            row2.set_cell(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID1, COL_NAME1, CELL_VAL2, timestamp=timestamp2)
        if row3 is not None:
            row3.set_cell(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID1, COL_NAME2, CELL_VAL3, timestamp=timestamp3)
        if row4 is not None:
            row4.set_cell(COLUMN_FAMILY_ID2, COL_NAME3, CELL_VAL4, timestamp=timestamp4)

        # Create the cells we will check.
        cell1 = Cell(CELL_VAL1, timestamp1_micros)
        cell2 = Cell(CELL_VAL2, timestamp2_micros)
        cell3 = Cell(CELL_VAL3, timestamp3_micros)
        cell4 = Cell(CELL_VAL4, timestamp4_micros)
        return cell1, cell2, cell3, cell4
Exemple #3
    def to_pb(self):
        """Converts the :class:`TimestampRange` to a protobuf.

        :rtype: :class:`.data_v2_pb2.TimestampRange`
        :returns: The converted current object.
        timestamp_range_kwargs = {}
        if self.start is not None:
            timestamp_range_kwargs['start_timestamp_micros'] = (
        if self.end is not None:
            timestamp_range_kwargs['end_timestamp_micros'] = (
        return data_v2_pb2.TimestampRange(**timestamp_range_kwargs)
Exemple #4
    def to_pb(self):
        """Converts the :class:`TimestampRange` to a protobuf.

        :rtype: :class:`.data_v2_pb2.TimestampRange`
        :returns: The converted current object.
        timestamp_range_kwargs = {}
        if self.start is not None:
            timestamp_range_kwargs['start_timestamp_micros'] = (
        if self.end is not None:
            timestamp_range_kwargs['end_timestamp_micros'] = (
        return data_v2_pb2.TimestampRange(**timestamp_range_kwargs)
    def test_w_datetime(self):
        import datetime
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        when = datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 20, 15, 58, 27, 339328)
            self._call_fut(when), _microseconds_from_datetime(when) / 1e6)
Exemple #6
    def to_pb(self):
        """Converts the :class:`TimestampRange` to a protobuf.

        :rtype: :class:`.data_v2_pb2.TimestampRange`
        :returns: The converted current object.
        timestamp_range_kwargs = {}
        if self.start is not None:
            timestamp_range_kwargs["start_timestamp_micros"] = (
                _microseconds_from_datetime(self.start) // 1000 * 1000)
        if self.end is not None:
            end_time = _microseconds_from_datetime(self.end)
            if end_time % 1000 != 0:
                end_time = end_time // 1000 * 1000 + 1000
            timestamp_range_kwargs["end_timestamp_micros"] = end_time
        return data_v2_pb2.TimestampRange(**timestamp_range_kwargs)
Exemple #7
def get_expiration_seconds(expiration):
    """Convert 'expiration' to a number of seconds in the future.

    :type expiration: int, long, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta
    :param expiration: When the signed URL should expire.

    :raises TypeError: When expiration is not an integer.

    :rtype: int
    :returns: a timestamp as an absolute number of seconds.
    # If it's a timedelta, add it to `now` in UTC.
    if isinstance(expiration, datetime.timedelta):
        now = NOW().replace(tzinfo=_helpers.UTC)
        expiration = now + expiration

    # If it's a datetime, convert to a timestamp.
    if isinstance(expiration, datetime.datetime):
        micros = _helpers._microseconds_from_datetime(expiration)
        expiration = micros // 10**6

    if not isinstance(expiration, six.integer_types):
        raise TypeError('Expected an integer timestamp, datetime, or '
                        'timedelta. Got %s' % type(expiration))
    return expiration
def _get_expiration_seconds(expiration):
    """Convert 'expiration' to a number of seconds in the future.

    :type expiration: int, long, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta
    :param expiration: When the signed URL should expire.

    :raises TypeError: When expiration is not an integer.

    :rtype: int
    :returns: a timestamp as an absolute number of seconds.
    # If it's a timedelta, add it to `now` in UTC.
    if isinstance(expiration, datetime.timedelta):
        now = _NOW().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        expiration = now + expiration

    # If it's a datetime, convert to a timestamp.
    if isinstance(expiration, datetime.datetime):
        micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(expiration)
        expiration = micros // 10**6

    if not isinstance(expiration, six.integer_types):
        raise TypeError('Expected an integer timestamp, datetime, or '
                        'timedelta. Got %s' % type(expiration))
    return expiration
Exemple #9
 def test_w_datetime(self):
     import datetime
     from google.cloud._helpers import UTC
     from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime
     when = datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 3, 14, 11, 27, tzinfo=UTC)
                      _microseconds_from_datetime(when) / 1e6)
Exemple #10
def get_expiration_seconds_v2(expiration):
    """Convert 'expiration' to a number of seconds in the future.

    :type expiration: Union[Integer, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta]
    :param expiration: Point in time when the signed URL should expire. If
                       a ``datetime`` instance is passed without an explicit
                       ``tzinfo`` set,  it will be assumed to be ``UTC``.

    :raises: :exc:`TypeError` when expiration is not a valid type.

    :rtype: int
    :returns: a timestamp as an absolute number of seconds since epoch.
    # If it's a timedelta, add it to `now` in UTC.
    if isinstance(expiration, datetime.timedelta):
        now = NOW().replace(tzinfo=_helpers.UTC)
        expiration = now + expiration

    # If it's a datetime, convert to a timestamp.
    if isinstance(expiration, datetime.datetime):
        micros = _helpers._microseconds_from_datetime(expiration)
        expiration = micros // 10**6

    if not isinstance(expiration, six.integer_types):
        raise TypeError("Expected an integer timestamp, datetime, or "
                        "timedelta. Got %s" % type(expiration))
    return expiration
 def test_w_datetime(self):
     import datetime
     from google.cloud._helpers import UTC
     from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime
     when = datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 3, 14, 11, 27, tzinfo=UTC)
                      _microseconds_from_datetime(when) / 1e6)
def get_expiration_seconds_v2(expiration):
    """Convert 'expiration' to a number of seconds in the future.

    :type expiration: Union[Integer, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta]
    :param expiration: Point in time when the signed URL should expire.

    :raises: :exc:`TypeError` when expiration is not a valid type.

    :rtype: int
    :returns: a timestamp as an absolute number of seconds since epoch.
    # If it's a timedelta, add it to `now` in UTC.
    if isinstance(expiration, datetime.timedelta):
        now = NOW().replace(tzinfo=_helpers.UTC)
        expiration = now + expiration

    # If it's a datetime, convert to a timestamp.
    if isinstance(expiration, datetime.datetime):
        micros = _helpers._microseconds_from_datetime(expiration)
        expiration = micros // 10 ** 6

    if not isinstance(expiration, six.integer_types):
        raise TypeError(
            "Expected an integer timestamp, datetime, or "
            "timedelta. Got %s" % type(expiration)
    return expiration
Exemple #13
def _write_to_row(row1, row2, row3, row4):
    from google.cloud._helpers import _datetime_from_microseconds
    from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime
    from google.cloud._helpers import UTC
    from google.cloud.bigtable.row_data import Cell

    timestamp1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
    timestamp1_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp1)
    # Truncate to millisecond granularity.
    timestamp1_micros -= timestamp1_micros % 1000
    timestamp1 = _datetime_from_microseconds(timestamp1_micros)
    # 1000 microseconds is a millisecond
    timestamp2 = timestamp1 + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=1000)
    timestamp2_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp2)
    timestamp3 = timestamp1 + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=2000)
    timestamp3_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp3)
    timestamp4 = timestamp1 + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=3000)
    timestamp4_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp4)

    if row1 is not None:
    if row2 is not None:
    if row3 is not None:
    if row4 is not None:

    # Create the cells we will check.
    cell1 = Cell(CELL_VAL1, timestamp1_micros)
    cell2 = Cell(CELL_VAL2, timestamp2_micros)
    cell3 = Cell(CELL_VAL3, timestamp3_micros)
    cell4 = Cell(CELL_VAL4, timestamp4_micros)

    return cell1, cell2, cell3, cell4
def _timestamp_to_json_row(value):
    """Coerce 'value' to an JSON-compatible representation.

    This version returns floating-point seconds value used in row data.
    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        value = _microseconds_from_datetime(value) * 1e-6
    return value
    def to_pb(self):
        """Converts the :class:`TimestampRange` to a protobuf.

        :rtype: :class:`.data_v2_pb2.TimestampRange`
        :returns: The converted current object.
        timestamp_range_kwargs = {}
        if self.start is not None:
            timestamp_range_kwargs["start_timestamp_micros"] = (
                _microseconds_from_datetime(self.start) // 1000 * 1000
        if self.end is not None:
            end_time = _microseconds_from_datetime(self.end)
            if end_time % 1000 != 0:
                end_time = end_time // 1000 * 1000 + 1000
            timestamp_range_kwargs["end_timestamp_micros"] = end_time
        return data_v2_pb2.TimestampRange(**timestamp_range_kwargs)
    def test_it(self):
        import datetime
        from google.cloud._helpers import UTC
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        NOW = datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 29, 17, 45, 21, 123456, tzinfo=UTC)
        NOW_MICROS = _microseconds_from_datetime(NOW)
        self.assertEqual(self._call_fut(NOW_MICROS), NOW)
def _timestamp_to_json_row(value):
    """Coerce 'value' to an JSON-compatible representation.

    This version returns floating-point seconds value used in row data.
    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        value = _microseconds_from_datetime(value) * 1e-6
    return value
Exemple #18
    def test_it(self):
        import datetime
        from google.cloud._helpers import UTC
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        NOW = datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 29, 17, 45, 21, 123456, tzinfo=UTC)
        NOW_MICROS = _microseconds_from_datetime(NOW)
        self.assertEqual(self._call_fut(NOW_MICROS), NOW)
Exemple #19
    def _set_cell(self,
        """Helper for :meth:`set_cell`

        Adds a mutation to set the value in a specific cell.

        ``state`` is unused by :class:`DirectRow` but is used by

        :type column_family_id: str
        :param column_family_id: The column family that contains the column.
                                 Must be of the form

        :type column: bytes
        :param column: The column within the column family where the cell
                       is located.

        :type value: bytes or :class:`int`
        :param value: The value to set in the cell. If an integer is used,
                      will be interpreted as a 64-bit big-endian signed
                      integer (8 bytes).

        :type timestamp: :class:`datetime.datetime`
        :param timestamp: (Optional) The timestamp of the operation.

        :type state: bool
        :param state: (Optional) The state that is passed along to
        column = _to_bytes(column)
        if isinstance(value, six.integer_types):
            value = _PACK_I64(value)
        value = _to_bytes(value)
        if timestamp is None:
            # Use -1 for current Bigtable server time.
            timestamp_micros = -1
            timestamp_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp)
            # Truncate to millisecond granularity.
            timestamp_micros -= (timestamp_micros % 1000)

        mutation_val = data_v2_pb2.Mutation.SetCell(
        mutation_pb = data_v2_pb2.Mutation(set_cell=mutation_val)
Exemple #20
    def test_w_utc_datetime(self):
        import datetime
        from google.cloud._helpers import UTC
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        NOW = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        NOW_MICROS = _microseconds_from_datetime(NOW)
        MILLIS = NOW_MICROS // 1000
        result = self._call_fut(NOW)
        self.assertIsInstance(result, int)
        self.assertEqual(result, MILLIS)
Exemple #21
    def test_w_non_utc_datetime(self):
        import datetime
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        offset = datetime.timedelta(hours=-1)
        zone = datetime.timezone(offset=offset, name="CET")
        NOW = datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 28, 16, 34, 47, tzinfo=zone)
        NOW_MICROS = _microseconds_from_datetime(NOW)
        MILLIS = NOW_MICROS // 1000
        result = self._call_fut(NOW)
        self.assertIsInstance(result, int)
        self.assertEqual(result, MILLIS)
    def test_w_utc_datetime(self):
        import datetime
        import six
        from google.cloud._helpers import UTC
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        NOW = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        NOW_MICROS = _microseconds_from_datetime(NOW)
        MILLIS = NOW_MICROS // 1000
        result = self._call_fut(NOW)
        self.assertIsInstance(result, six.integer_types)
        self.assertEqual(result, MILLIS)
Exemple #23
def get_expiration_seconds_v4(expiration, max_age):
    """Convert 'expiration' to a number of seconds offset from the current time.

    :type expiration: Union[Integer, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta]
    :param expiration: Point in time when the signed URL should expire.
                       Exclusive with :arg:`max_age`: exactly one of the
                       two must be passed.

    :type max_age: Integer
    :param max_age: Max number of seconds until the signature expires.
                    Exclusive with :arg:`expiration`: exactly one of the
                    two must be passed.

    :raises: :exc:`ValueError` when both :arg:`expiration` and
                :arg:`max_age` are passed, or when neither is passed.
    :raises: :exc:`TypeError` when expiration is not a valid type.
    :raises: :exc:`ValueError` when expiration is too large.
    :rtype: Integer
    :returns: seconds in the future when the signed URL will expire
    if (expiration is None and max_age is None) or (expiration is not None
                                                    and max_age is not None):
        raise ValueError("Pass exactly one of 'expiration' or 'max_age'.")

    if max_age is not None:
        return max_age

    if not isinstance(expiration, _EXPIRATION_TYPES):
        raise TypeError("Expected an integer timestamp, datetime, or "
                        "timedelta. Got %s" % type(expiration))

    now = NOW().replace(tzinfo=_helpers.UTC)

    if isinstance(expiration, six.integer_types):
        now_seconds = _helpers._microseconds_from_datetime(now) // 10**6
        seconds = expiration - now_seconds

    if isinstance(expiration, datetime.datetime):

        if expiration.tzinfo is None:
            expiration = expiration.replace(tzinfo=_helpers.UTC)

        expiration = expiration - now

    if isinstance(expiration, datetime.timedelta):
        seconds = int(expiration.total_seconds())

    if seconds > SEVEN_DAYS:
        raise ValueError(
            "Max allowed expiration interval is seven days (%d seconds)".

    return seconds
    def test_to_api_repr_w_timestamp_micros(self):
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        seconds = _microseconds_from_datetime(now) / 1.0e6
        EXPECTED = {
            "parameterType": {"type": "TIMESTAMP"},
            "parameterValue": {"value": seconds},
        klass = self._get_target_class()
        param = klass.positional(type_="TIMESTAMP", value=seconds)
        self.assertEqual(param.to_api_repr(), EXPECTED)
    def test_to_api_repr_w_timestamp_micros(self):
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        seconds = _microseconds_from_datetime(now) / 1.0e6
        EXPECTED = {
            "parameterType": {"type": "TIMESTAMP"},
            "parameterValue": {"value": seconds},
        klass = self._get_target_class()
        param = klass.positional(type_="TIMESTAMP", value=seconds)
        self.assertEqual(param.to_api_repr(), EXPECTED)
    def test_w_utc_datetime(self):
        import datetime
        import six
        from google.cloud._helpers import UTC
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        NOW = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        NOW_MICROS = _microseconds_from_datetime(NOW)
        MILLIS = NOW_MICROS // 1000
        result = self._callFUT(NOW)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, six.integer_types))
        self.assertEqual(result, MILLIS)
    def test_w_naive_datetime(self):
        import datetime
        import six
        from google.cloud._helpers import UTC
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        NOW = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        UTC_NOW = NOW.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        UTC_NOW_MICROS = _microseconds_from_datetime(UTC_NOW)
        MILLIS = UTC_NOW_MICROS // 1000
        result = self._callFUT(NOW)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(result, six.integer_types))
        self.assertEqual(result, MILLIS)
Exemple #28
    def test_w_naive_datetime(self):
        import datetime
        import six
        from google.cloud._helpers import UTC
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        NOW = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
        UTC_NOW = NOW.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        UTC_NOW_MICROS = _microseconds_from_datetime(UTC_NOW)
        MILLIS = UTC_NOW_MICROS // 1000
        result = self._call_fut(NOW)
        self.assertIsInstance(result, six.integer_types)
        self.assertEqual(result, MILLIS)
Exemple #29
    def _set_cell(self, column_family_id, column, value, timestamp=None,
        """Helper for :meth:`set_cell`

        Adds a mutation to set the value in a specific cell.

        ``state`` is unused by :class:`DirectRow` but is used by

        :type column_family_id: str
        :param column_family_id: The column family that contains the column.
                                 Must be of the form

        :type column: bytes
        :param column: The column within the column family where the cell
                       is located.

        :type value: bytes or :class:`int`
        :param value: The value to set in the cell. If an integer is used,
                      will be interpreted as a 64-bit big-endian signed
                      integer (8 bytes).

        :type timestamp: :class:`datetime.datetime`
        :param timestamp: (Optional) The timestamp of the operation.

        :type state: bool
        :param state: (Optional) The state that is passed along to
        column = _to_bytes(column)
        if isinstance(value, six.integer_types):
            value = _PACK_I64(value)
        value = _to_bytes(value)
        if timestamp is None:
            # Use -1 for current Bigtable server time.
            timestamp_micros = -1
            timestamp_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(timestamp)
            # Truncate to millisecond granularity.
            timestamp_micros -= (timestamp_micros % 1000)

        mutation_val = data_v2_pb2.Mutation.SetCell(
        mutation_pb = data_v2_pb2.Mutation(set_cell=mutation_val)
Exemple #30
 def test_to_api_repr_w_timestamp_micros(self):
     import datetime
     from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime
     now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
     seconds = _microseconds_from_datetime(now) / 1.0e6
     EXPECTED = {
         'parameterType': {
             'type': 'TIMESTAMP',
         'parameterValue': {
             'value': seconds,
     klass = self._get_target_class()
     param = klass.positional(type_='TIMESTAMP', value=seconds)
     self.assertEqual(param.to_api_repr(), EXPECTED)
 def test_to_api_repr_w_timestamp_micros(self):
     import datetime
     from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime
     now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
     seconds = _microseconds_from_datetime(now) / 1.0e6
     EXPECTED = {
         'parameterType': {
             'type': 'TIMESTAMP',
         'parameterValue': {
             'value': seconds,
     klass = self._get_target_class()
     param = klass.positional(type_='TIMESTAMP', value=seconds)
     self.assertEqual(param.to_api_repr(), EXPECTED)
    def test_w_non_utc_datetime(self):
        import datetime
        import six
        from google.cloud._helpers import _UTC
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        class CET(_UTC):
            _tzname = 'CET'
            _utcoffset = datetime.timedelta(hours=-1)

        zone = CET()
        NOW = datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 28, 16, 34, 47, tzinfo=zone)
        NOW_MICROS = _microseconds_from_datetime(NOW)
        MILLIS = NOW_MICROS // 1000
        result = self._call_fut(NOW)
        self.assertIsInstance(result, six.integer_types)
        self.assertEqual(result, MILLIS)
Exemple #33
    def test_w_non_utc_datetime(self):
        import datetime
        import six
        from google.cloud._helpers import _UTC
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        class CET(_UTC):
            _tzname = 'CET'
            _utcoffset = datetime.timedelta(hours=-1)

        zone = CET()
        NOW = datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 28, 16, 34, 47, tzinfo=zone)
        NOW_MICROS = _microseconds_from_datetime(NOW)
        MILLIS = NOW_MICROS // 1000
        result = self._call_fut(NOW)
        self.assertIsInstance(result, six.integer_types)
        self.assertEqual(result, MILLIS)
def _flatten_cells(prd):
    # Match results format from JSON testcases.
    # Doesn't handle error cases.
    from google.cloud._helpers import _bytes_to_unicode
    from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime
    for row_key, row in prd.rows.items():
        for family_name, family in row.cells.items():
            for qualifier, column in family.items():
                for cell in column:
                    yield {
                        u'rk': _bytes_to_unicode(row_key),
                        u'fm': family_name,
                        u'qual': _bytes_to_unicode(qualifier),
                        u'ts': _microseconds_from_datetime(cell.timestamp),
                        u'value': _bytes_to_unicode(cell.value),
                        u'label': u' '.join(cell.labels),
                        u'error': False,
def _flatten_cells(prd):
    # Match results format from JSON testcases.
    # Doesn't handle error cases.
    from google.cloud._helpers import _bytes_to_unicode
    from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime
    for row_key, row in prd.rows.items():
        for family_name, family in row.cells.items():
            for qualifier, column in family.items():
                for cell in column:
                    yield {
                        u'rk': _bytes_to_unicode(row_key),
                        u'fm': family_name,
                        u'qual': _bytes_to_unicode(qualifier),
                        u'ts': _microseconds_from_datetime(cell.timestamp),
                        u'value': _bytes_to_unicode(cell.value),
                        u'label': u' '.join(cell.labels),
                        u'error': False,
Exemple #36
def _flatten_cells(prd):
    # Match results format from JSON testcases.
    # Doesn't handle error cases.
    from google.cloud._helpers import _bytes_to_unicode
    from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

    for row_key, row in prd.rows.items():
        for family_name, family in row.cells.items():
            for qualifier, column in family.items():
                for cell in column:
                    yield {
                        u"rk": _bytes_to_unicode(row_key),
                        u"fm": family_name,
                        u"qual": _bytes_to_unicode(qualifier),
                        u"ts": _microseconds_from_datetime(cell.timestamp),
                        u"value": _bytes_to_unicode(cell.value),
                        u"label": u" ".join(cell.labels),
                        u"error": False,
def _flatten_cells(prd):
    # Match results format from JSON testcases.
    # Doesn't handle error cases.
    from google.cloud._helpers import _bytes_to_unicode
    from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

    for row_key, row in prd.rows.items():
        for family_name, family in row.cells.items():
            for qualifier, column in family.items():
                for cell in column:
                    yield {
                        u"rk": _bytes_to_unicode(row_key),
                        u"fm": family_name,
                        u"qual": _bytes_to_unicode(qualifier),
                        u"ts": _microseconds_from_datetime(cell.timestamp),
                        u"value": _bytes_to_unicode(cell.value),
                        u"label": u" ".join(cell.labels),
                        u"error": False,
Exemple #38
def get_expiration_seconds_v2(expiration, max_age):
    """Convert 'expiration' to a number of seconds in the future.

    :type expiration: Union[Integer, datetime.datetime, datetime.timedelta]
    :param expiration: Point in time when the signed URL should expire.
                       Exclusive with :arg:`max_age`: exactly one of the
                       two must be passed.

    :type max_age: Integer
    :param max_age: Max number of seconds until the signature expires.
                    Exclusive with :arg:`expiration`: exactly one of the
                    two must be passed.

    :raises: :exc:`ValueError` when both :arg:`expiration` and
                :arg:`max_age` are passed, or when neither is passed.
    :raises: :exc:`TypeError` when expiration is not a valid type.

    :rtype: int
    :returns: a timestamp as an absolute number of seconds since epoch.
    if (expiration is None and max_age is None) or (expiration is not None
                                                    and max_age is not None):
        raise ValueError("Pass exactly one of 'expiration' or 'max_age'.")

    if max_age is not None:
        expiration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=max_age)

    # If it's a timedelta, add it to `now` in UTC.
    if isinstance(expiration, datetime.timedelta):
        now = NOW().replace(tzinfo=_helpers.UTC)
        expiration = now + expiration

    # If it's a datetime, convert to a timestamp.
    if isinstance(expiration, datetime.datetime):
        micros = _helpers._microseconds_from_datetime(expiration)
        expiration = micros // 10**6

    if not isinstance(expiration, six.integer_types):
        raise TypeError("Expected an integer timestamp, datetime, or "
                        "timedelta. Got %s" % type(expiration))
    return expiration
def _cells_to_pairs(cells, include_timestamp=False):
    """Converts list of cells to HappyBase format.

    For example::

      >>> import datetime
      >>> from google.cloud.bigtable.row_data import Cell
      >>> cell1 = Cell(b'val1', datetime.datetime.utcnow())
      >>> cell2 = Cell(b'val2', datetime.datetime.utcnow())
      >>> _cells_to_pairs([cell1, cell2])
      [b'val1', b'val2']
      >>> _cells_to_pairs([cell1, cell2], include_timestamp=True)
      [(b'val1', 1456361486255), (b'val2', 1456361491927)]

    :type cells: list
    :param cells: List of :class:`~google.cloud.bigtable.row_data.Cell`
                  returned from a read request.

    :type include_timestamp: bool
    :param include_timestamp: Flag to indicate if cell timestamps should be
                              included with the output.

    :rtype: list
    :returns: List of values in the cell. If ``include_timestamp=True``, each
              value will be a pair, with the first part the bytes value in
              the cell and the second part the number of milliseconds in the
              timestamp on the cell.
    result = []
    for cell in cells:
        if include_timestamp:
            ts_millis = _microseconds_from_datetime(cell.timestamp) // 1000
            result.append((cell.value, ts_millis))
    return result
Exemple #40
    def insert_data(self,
        """API call:  insert table data via a POST request


        :type rows: list of tuples
        :param rows: Row data to be inserted. Each tuple should contain data
                     for each schema field on the current table and in the
                     same order as the schema fields.

        :type row_ids: list of string
        :param row_ids: Unique ids, one per row being inserted.  If not
                        passed, no de-duplication occurs.

        :type skip_invalid_rows: boolean or ``NoneType``
        :param skip_invalid_rows: skip rows w/ invalid data?

        :type ignore_unknown_values: boolean or ``NoneType``
        :param ignore_unknown_values: ignore columns beyond schema?

        :type template_suffix: str or ``NoneType``
        :param template_suffix: treat ``name`` as a template table and provide
                                a suffix. BigQuery will create the table
                                ``<name> + <template_suffix>`` based on the
                                schema of the template table. See:

        :type client: :class:`~google.cloud.bigquery.client.Client` or
        :param client: the client to use.  If not passed, falls back to the
                       ``client`` stored on the current dataset.

        :rtype: list of mappings
        :returns: One mapping per row with insert errors:  the "index" key
                  identifies the row, and the "errors" key contains a list
                  of the mappings describing one or more problems with the
        client = self._require_client(client)
        rows_info = []
        data = {'rows': rows_info}

        for index, row in enumerate(rows):
            row_info = {}

            for field, value in zip(self._schema, row):
                if field.field_type == 'TIMESTAMP' and value is not None:
                    # BigQuery stores TIMESTAMP data internally as a
                    # UNIX timestamp with microsecond precision.
                    # Specifies the number of seconds since the epoch.
                    value = _microseconds_from_datetime(value) * 1e-6
                row_info[field.name] = value

            info = {'json': row_info}
            if row_ids is not None:
                info['insertId'] = row_ids[index]


        if skip_invalid_rows is not None:
            data['skipInvalidRows'] = skip_invalid_rows

        if ignore_unknown_values is not None:
            data['ignoreUnknownValues'] = ignore_unknown_values

        if template_suffix is not None:
            data['templateSuffix'] = template_suffix

        response = client.connection.api_request(
            path='%s/insertAll' % self.path,
        errors = []

        for error in response.get('insertErrors', ()):
            errors.append({'index': int(error['index']),
                           'errors': error['errors']})

        return errors
Exemple #41
    def _call_fut(self, value):
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        return _microseconds_from_datetime(value)
def _timestamp_to_json(value):
    """Coerce 'value' to an JSON-compatible representation."""
    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        value = _microseconds_from_datetime(value) / 1.0e6
    return value
Exemple #43
    from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime
    from google.cloud._helpers import UTC
    from google.cloud.bigtable import row, column_family, Client
except ImportError:
    Client = None
    UTC = pytz.utc
    _microseconds_from_datetime = lambda label_stamp: label_stamp
    _datetime_from_microseconds = lambda micro: micro

    import google.cloud.bigtable.instance

EXISTING_INSTANCES = []  # type: List[google.cloud.bigtable.instance.Instance]
LABEL_KEY = u'python-bigtable-beam'
label_stamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=UTC)
label_stamp_micros = _microseconds_from_datetime(label_stamp)
LABELS = {LABEL_KEY: str(label_stamp_micros)}

class GenerateTestRows(beam.PTransform):
    """ A transform test to run write to the Bigtable Table.

  A PTransform that generate a list of `DirectRow` to write it in
  Bigtable Table.

    def __init__(self,
    def test_w_datetime(self):
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        when = datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 20, 15, 58, 27, 339328)
        self.assertEqual(self._call_fut(when), _microseconds_from_datetime(when) / 1e6)
    def _call_fut(self, value):
        from google.cloud._helpers import _microseconds_from_datetime

        return _microseconds_from_datetime(value)
Exemple #46
    def insert_data(self,
        """API call:  insert table data via a POST request


        :type rows: list of tuples
        :param rows: Row data to be inserted. Each tuple should contain data
                     for each schema field on the current table and in the
                     same order as the schema fields.

        :type row_ids: list of string
        :param row_ids: Unique ids, one per row being inserted.  If not
                        passed, no de-duplication occurs.

        :type skip_invalid_rows: bool
        :param skip_invalid_rows: (Optional) skip rows w/ invalid data?

        :type ignore_unknown_values: bool
        :param ignore_unknown_values: (Optional) ignore columns beyond schema?

        :type template_suffix: str
        :param template_suffix:
            (Optional) treat ``name`` as a template table and provide a suffix.
            BigQuery will create the table ``<name> + <template_suffix>`` based
            on the schema of the template table. See:

        :type client: :class:`~google.cloud.bigquery.client.Client` or
        :param client: the client to use.  If not passed, falls back to the
                       ``client`` stored on the current dataset.

        :rtype: list of mappings
        :returns: One mapping per row with insert errors:  the "index" key
                  identifies the row, and the "errors" key contains a list
                  of the mappings describing one or more problems with the
        :raises: ValueError if table's schema is not set
        if len(self._schema) == 0:
            raise ValueError(_TABLE_HAS_NO_SCHEMA)

        client = self._require_client(client)
        rows_info = []
        data = {'rows': rows_info}

        for index, row in enumerate(rows):
            row_info = {}

            for field, value in zip(self._schema, row):
                if field.field_type == 'TIMESTAMP' and value is not None:
                    # BigQuery stores TIMESTAMP data internally as a
                    # UNIX timestamp with microsecond precision.
                    # Specifies the number of seconds since the epoch.
                    value = _microseconds_from_datetime(value) * 1e-6
                row_info[field.name] = value

            info = {'json': row_info}
            if row_ids is not None:
                info['insertId'] = row_ids[index]


        if skip_invalid_rows is not None:
            data['skipInvalidRows'] = skip_invalid_rows

        if ignore_unknown_values is not None:
            data['ignoreUnknownValues'] = ignore_unknown_values

        if template_suffix is not None:
            data['templateSuffix'] = template_suffix

        response = client.connection.api_request(method='POST',
                                                 path='%s/insertAll' %
        errors = []

        for error in response.get('insertErrors', ()):
                'index': int(error['index']),
                'errors': error['errors']

        return errors
Exemple #47
def _convert_timestamp(value):
    """Helper for :meth:`Table.insert_data`."""
    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        value = _microseconds_from_datetime(value) * 1e-6
    return value
Exemple #48
def _timestamp_to_json(value):
    """Coerce 'value' to an JSON-compatible representation."""
    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        value = _microseconds_from_datetime(value) / 1.0e6
    return value
Exemple #49
def _convert_timestamp(value):
    """Helper for :meth:`Table.insert_data`."""
    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        value = _microseconds_from_datetime(value) * 1e-6
    return value