def test_update_str(self):
     opcounts = OperationCounters(CounterFactory(), 'some-name',
                                  coders.PickleCoder(), 0)
     self.verify_counters(opcounts, 0)
     self.verify_counters(opcounts, 1)
    def test_should_sample(self):
        # Order of magnitude more buckets than highest constant in code under test.
        buckets = [0] * 300
        # The seed is arbitrary and exists just to ensure this test is robust.
        # If you don't like this seed, try your own; the test should still pass.
        # Do enough runs that the expected hits even in the last buckets
        # is big enough to expect some statistical smoothing.
        total_runs = 10 * len(buckets)

        # Fill the buckets.
        for _ in xrange(total_runs):
            opcounts = OperationCounters(CounterFactory(), 'some-name',
                                         coders.PickleCoder(), 0)
            for i in xrange(len(buckets)):
                if opcounts.should_sample():
                    buckets[i] += 1

        # Look at the buckets to see if they are likely.
        for i in xrange(10):
            self.assertEqual(total_runs, buckets[i])
        for i in xrange(10, len(buckets)):
                buckets[i] > 7 * total_runs / i,
                'i=%d, buckets[i]=%d, expected=%d, ratio=%f' %
                (i, buckets[i], 10 * total_runs / i, buckets[i] /
                 (10.0 * total_runs / i)))
                buckets[i] < 14 * total_runs / i,
                'i=%d, buckets[i]=%d, expected=%d, ratio=%f' %
                (i, buckets[i], 10 * total_runs / i, buckets[i] /
                 (10.0 * total_runs / i)))
 def test_update_old_object(self):
     opcounts = OperationCounters(CounterFactory(), 'some-name',
                                  coders.PickleCoder(), 0)
     self.verify_counters(opcounts, 0)
     obj = OldClassThatDoesNotImplementLen()
     self.verify_counters(opcounts, 1)
 def test_update_multiple(self):
     opcounts = OperationCounters(CounterFactory(), 'some-name',
                                  coders.PickleCoder(), 0)
     self.verify_counters(opcounts, 0)
     self.verify_counters(opcounts, 2)
     self.verify_counters(opcounts, 3)
class MapTask(object):
    """A map task decoded into operations and ready to be executed.

    operations: A list of Worker* object created by parsing the instructions
      within the map task.
    stage_name: The name of this map task execution stage.
    step_names: The names of the step corresponding to each map task operation.
    def __init__(self, operations, stage_name, step_names):
        self.operations = operations
        self.stage_name = stage_name
        self.step_names = step_names
        self.counter_factory = CounterFactory()

    def itercounters(self):
        return self.counter_factory.get_counters()

    def __str__(self):
        return '<%s %s steps=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.stage_name,
class MapTask(object):
  """A map task decoded into operations and ready to be executed.

    operations: A list of Worker* object created by parsing the instructions
      within the map task.
    stage_name: The name of this map task execution stage.
    step_names: The names of the step corresponding to each map task operation.

  def __init__(self, operations, stage_name, step_names):
    self.operations = operations
    self.stage_name = stage_name
    self.step_names = step_names
    self.counter_factory = CounterFactory()

  def itercounters(self):
    return self.counter_factory.get_counters()

  def __str__(self):
    return '<%s %s steps=%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.stage_name,
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self, operations, stage_name, step_names):
   self.operations = operations
   self.stage_name = stage_name
   self.step_names = step_names
   self.counter_factory = CounterFactory()