Exemple #1
    def modify_write(self, write_pb, no_create_msg=None):
        """Modify a ``Write`` protobuf based on the state of this write option.


        * ``create_if_missing=False``, adds a precondition that requires
        * ``create_if_missing=True``, does not add any precondition
        * ``no_create_msg`` is passed, raises an exception. For example, in a
          :meth:`~.DocumentReference.delete`, no "create" can occur, so it
          wouldn't make sense to "create if missing".

            write_pb (google.cloud.firestore_v1beta1.types.Write): A
                ``Write`` protobuf instance to be modified with a precondition
                determined by the state of this option.
            no_create_msg (Optional[str]): A message to use to indicate that
                a create operation is not allowed.

            ValueError: If ``no_create_msg`` is passed.
        if no_create_msg is not None:
            raise ValueError(no_create_msg)
        elif not self._create_if_missing:
            current_doc = types.Precondition(exists=True)
    def modify_write(self, write_pb, **unused_kwargs):
        """Modify a ``Write`` protobuf based on the state of this write option.

        The ``last_update_time`` is added to ``write_pb`` as an "update time"
        precondition. When set, the target document must exist and have been
        last updated at that time.

            write_pb (google.cloud.firestore_v1beta1.types.Write): A
                ``Write`` protobuf instance to be modified with a precondition
                determined by the state of this option.
            unused_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Keyword arguments accepted by
                other subclasses that are unused here.
        current_doc = types.Precondition(update_time=self._last_update_time)
    def modify_write(self, write_pb, **unused_kwargs):
        """Modify a ``Write`` protobuf based on the state of this write option.


        * ``exists=True``, adds a precondition that requires existence
        * ``exists=False``, adds a precondition that requires non-existence

            write_pb (google.cloud.firestore_v1beta1.types.Write): A
                ``Write`` protobuf instance to be modified with a precondition
                determined by the state of this option.
            unused_kwargs (Dict[str, Any]): Keyword arguments accepted by
                other subclasses that are unused here.
        current_doc = types.Precondition(exists=self._exists)