Exemple #1
def _merge_retry_options(retry_options, overrides):
    """Helper for ``construct_settings()``.

    Takes two retry options, and merges them into a single RetryOption instance.

      retry_options: The base RetryOptions.
      overrides: The RetryOptions used for overriding ``retry``. Use the values
        if it is not None. If entire ``overrides`` is None, ignore the base
        retry and return None.

      The merged RetryOptions, or None if it will be canceled.
    if overrides is None:
        return None

    if overrides.retry_codes is None and overrides.backoff_settings is None:
        return retry_options

    codes = retry_options.retry_codes
    if overrides.retry_codes is not None:
        codes = overrides.retry_codes
    backoff_settings = retry_options.backoff_settings
    if overrides.backoff_settings is not None:
        backoff_settings = overrides.backoff_settings

    return gax.RetryOptions(
Exemple #2
def _construct_retry(method_config, retry_codes, retry_params, retry_names):
    """Helper for ``construct_settings()``.

      method_config: A dictionary representing a single ``methods`` entry of the
        standard API client config file. (See ``construct_settings()`` for
        information on this yaml.)
      retry_codes: A dictionary parsed from the ``retry_codes`` entry
        of the standard API client config file. (See ``construct_settings()``
        for information on this yaml.)
      retry_params: A dictionary parsed from the ``retry_params`` entry
        of the standard API client config file. (See ``construct_settings()``
        for information on this yaml.)
      retry_names: A dictionary mapping the string names used in the
        standard API client config file to API response status codes.

      A RetryOptions object, or None.
    if method_config is None:
        return None

    codes = None
    if retry_codes and 'retry_codes_name' in method_config:
        codes_name = method_config['retry_codes_name']
        if codes_name in retry_codes and retry_codes[codes_name]:
            codes = [retry_names[name] for name in retry_codes[codes_name]]
            codes = []

    backoff_settings = None
    if retry_params and 'retry_params_name' in method_config:
        params_name = method_config['retry_params_name']
        if params_name and params_name in retry_params:
            backoff_settings = gax.BackoffSettings(**retry_params[params_name])

    return gax.RetryOptions(