Exemple #1
def FromString(string: str,
               message: ProtocolBuffer,
               uninitialized_okay: bool = False) -> ProtocolBuffer:
    """Read a text format protocol buffer from a string.

    string: A text format protocol buffer.
    message: A message instance to read into.
    uninitialized_okay: If True, do not require that decoded messages be
      initialized. If False, DecodeError is raised.

    The parsed message (same as the message argument).

    DecodeError: If the file cannot be decoded to the given message type, or if
      after decoding, the message is not initialized and uninitialized_okay is
        google.protobuf.text_format.Merge(string, message)
    except google.protobuf.text_format.ParseError as e:
        raise DecodeError(e)

    if not uninitialized_okay and not message.IsInitialized():
        raise DecodeError(f"Required fields not set")

    return message
Exemple #2
def FromFile(path: pathlib.Path,
             message: ProtocolBuffer,
             assume_filename: typing.Optional[typing.Union[
                 str, pathlib.Path]] = None,
             uninitialized_okay: bool = False) -> ProtocolBuffer:
    """Read a protocol buffer from a file.

  This method uses attempts to guess the encoding from the path suffix,
  supporting binary, text, and json formatted messages. The mapping of suffixes
  to formatting is, in order:
      *.txt.gz: Gzipped text.
      *.txt: Text.
      *.pbtxt.gz: Gzipped text.
      *.pbtxt: Text.
      *.json.gz: Gzipped JSON.
      *.json: JSON.
      *.gz: Gzipped encoded string.
      *: Encoded string.

    path: Path to the proto file.
    message: A message instance to read into.
    assume_filename: For the purpose of determining the encoding from the file
      extension, use this name rather than the true path.
    uninitialized_okay: If True, do not require that decoded messages be
      initialized. If False, DecodeError is raised.

    The parsed message (same as the message argument).

    FileNotFoundError: If the path does not exist.
    IsADirectoryError: If the path is a directory.
    DecodeError: If the file cannot be decoded to the given message type, or if
      after decoding, the message is not initialized and uninitialized_okay is
    if not path.is_file():
        if path.is_dir():
            raise IsADirectoryError(f"Path is a directory: '{path}'")
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"File not found: '{path}'")

    suffixes = pathlib.Path(
        assume_filename).suffixes if assume_filename else path.suffixes
    if suffixes and suffixes[-1] == '.gz':
        open_function = gzip.open
        open_function = open

    suffix = suffixes[-1] if suffixes else ''
        with open_function(path, 'rb') as f:
            if suffix == '.txt' or suffix == '.pbtxt':
                # Allow uninitialized fields here because we will catch the error later,
                # allowing us to report the path of the proto.
            elif suffix == '.json':
                google.protobuf.json_format.Parse(f.read(), message)
    except (google.protobuf.text_format.ParseError,
            google.protobuf.json_format.ParseError) as e:
        # The exception raised during parsing depends on the message format. Catch
        # them all under a single DecodeError exception type.
        raise DecodeError(e)

    if not uninitialized_okay and not message.IsInitialized():
        raise DecodeError(f"Required fields not set: '{path}'")

    return message
Exemple #3
def ToFile(
    message: ProtocolBuffer,
    path: pathlib.Path,
    exist_ok: bool = True,
    assume_filename: typing.Optional[typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None
) -> ProtocolBuffer:
    """Write a protocol buffer to a file.

  This method uses attempts to guess the encoding from the path suffix,
  supporting binary, text, and json formatted messages. The mapping of suffixes
  to formatting is, in order:
      *.txt.gz: Gzipped text format.
      *.txt: Text format.
      *.pbtxt.gz: Gzipped text format.
      *.pbtxt: Text format.
      *.json.gz: Gzipped JSON format.
      *.json: JSON format.
      *.gz: Gzipped binary format.
      *: Binary format.

    message: A message instance to write to file. The message must be
      initialized, i.e. have all required fields set.
    path: Path to the proto file.
    exist_ok: If True, overwrite existing file.
    assume_filename: For the purpose of determining the encoding from the file
      extension, use this name rather than the true path.

    The parsed message (same as the message argument).

    EncodeError: If the message is not initialized, i.e. it is missing required
    FileNotFoundError: If the parent directory of the requested path does not
    IsADirectoryError: If the requested path is a directory.
    FileExistsError: If the requested path already exists and exist_ok is False.
    if not exist_ok and path.exists():
        raise FileExistsError(f'Refusing to overwrite {path}')

    # The SerializeToString() method refuses to encode a message which is not
    # initialized, whereas the MessageToString() and MessageToJson() methods do
    # not. This API should be consistent, so we enforce that all formats require
    # the message to be initialized.
    if not message.IsInitialized():
        class_name = type(message).__name__
        raise EncodeError(f"Required fields not set: '{class_name}'")

    suffixes = pathlib.Path(
        assume_filename).suffixes if assume_filename else path.suffixes
    if suffixes and suffixes[-1] == '.gz':
        open_function = gzip.open
        open_function = open

    suffix = suffixes[-1] if suffixes else ''
    mode = 'wt' if suffix in {'.txt', '.pbtxt', '.json'} else 'wb'

    with open_function(path, mode) as f:
        if suffix == '.txt' or suffix == '.pbtxt':
        elif suffix == '.json':
                    message, preserving_proto_field_name=True))

    return message
Exemple #4
def ToFile(message: ProtocolBuffer, path: pathlib.Path,
           exist_ok: bool = True,
           assume_filename: typing.Optional[
             typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None) -> ProtocolBuffer:
  """Write a protocol buffer to a file.

  This method uses attempts to guess the encoding from the path suffix,
  supporting binary, text, and json formatted messages. The mapping of suffixes
  to formatting is, in order:
      *.txt.gz: Gzipped text format.
      *.txt: Text format.
      *.pbtxt.gz: Gzipped text format.
      *.pbtxt: Text format.
      *.json.gz: Gzipped JSON format.
      *.json: JSON format.
      *.gz: Gzipped binary format.
      *: Binary format.

    message: A message instance to write to file. The message must be
      initialized, i.e. have all required fields set.
    path: Path to the proto file.
    exist_ok: If True, overwrite existing file.
    assume_filename: For the purpose of determining the encoding from the file
      extension, use this name rather than the true path.

    The parsed message (same as the message argument).

    EncodeError: If the message is not initialized, i.e. it is missing required
    FileNotFoundError: If the parent directory of the requested path does not
    IsADirectoryError: If the requested path is a directory.
    FileExistsError: If the requested path already exists and exist_ok is False.
  if not exist_ok and path.exists():
    raise FileExistsError(f'Refusing to overwrite {path}')

  # The SerializeToString() method refuses to encode a message which is not
  # initialized, whereas the MessageToString() and MessageToJson() methods do
  # not. This API should be consistent, so we enforce that all formats require
  # the message to be initialized.
  if not message.IsInitialized():
    class_name = type(message).__name__
    raise EncodeError(f"Required fields not set: '{class_name}'")

  suffixes = pathlib.Path(
      assume_filename).suffixes if assume_filename else path.suffixes
  if suffixes and suffixes[-1] == '.gz':
    open_function = gzip.open
    open_function = open

  suffix = suffixes[-1] if suffixes else ''
  mode = 'wt' if suffix in {'.txt', '.pbtxt', '.json','.mdl'} else 'wb'
  with open_function(path, mode) as f:

    if suffix == '.txt' or suffix == '.pbtxt':
    elif suffix == '.json':
          message, preserving_proto_field_name=True))
    elif suffix == '.mdl':
      '''keywords =        ["slope"      , "ContentPreviewEnabled"      , "ScreenColor"      , "OutValues"      , "SrcBlock"      , "SampleTime"      , "ICPrevInput"      , "Filename"      , "Branch"      , "SID"      , "BlockType"      , "ymin"      , "Port"      , "OutputDataTypeScalingMode"      , "ymax"      , "TimeValues"      , "SrcPort"      , "SourceBlock"      , "SaturateOnIntegerOverflow"      , "start"      , "includeCurrent"      , "ModelBrowserVisibility"      , "X0"      , "ZeroZ"      , "OutputPortMap"      , "rep_seq_t"      , "SaveFormat"      , "Save2DSignal"      , "Ts"      , "LibraryVersion"      , "rep_seq_y"      , "Value"      , "PaperType"      , "Points"      , "T"      , "FixptAsFi"      , "Position"      , "InitialConditionSetting"      , "DoSatur"      , "Ports"      , "OutMax"      , "NumInputPorts"      , "Decimation"      , "Period"      , "ShowPageBoundaries"      , "PoleZ"      , "InputProcessing"      , "OutMin"      , "xmax"      , "Name"      , "PaperOrientation"      , "VariableName"      , "SIDHighWatermark"      , "DelayLengthSource"      , "f1"      , "f2"      , "Gain"      , "PulseType"      , "System"      , "tsamp"      , "PaperPositionMode"      , "ShowEnablePort"      , "seed"      , "Poles"      , "Location"      , "Units"      , "PortBlocksUseCompactNotation"      , "LookUpMeth"      , "ConRadixGroup"      , "TiledPageScale"      , "ReportName"      , "xmin"      , "uplimit"      , "DstBlock"      , "ZoomFactor"      , "InputPortMap"      , "TiledPaperMargins"      , "After"      , "SourceProductName"      , "ZOrder"      , "NumDelays"      , "OutScaling"      , "Line"      , "PaperUnits"      , "RndMeth"      , "Cov"      , "NumBits"      , "ICPrevOutput"      , "DelayOrder"      , "SourceProductBaseCode"      , "IconDisplay"      , "LockScale"      , "Model"      , "samptime"      , "{"      , "Block"      , "SourceType"      , "ICPrevScaledInput"      , "Open"      , "st"      , "PulseWidth"      , "MaxDataPoints"      , "VectorParams1D"      , "OutDataType"      , "Floating"      , "DstPort"      , "}"      , "vinit"      , "ModelBrowserWidth"      , "OutDataTypeStr"]
      outputString = ""

      for txt in message.text.split():
        if txt in keywords:
          outputString = outputString+"\n" + txt 
          outputString= outputString+ " "+ txt
      f.write(message.text) # TODO: Needs to be changed to also capture other information

  return message