def aggregate_markdown(): markdown = "" gc = GoogleCalendar() markdown += gc.get_events() tt = TrelloTasks() markdown += tt.get_cards('tasks', 'Doing') markdown += tt.get_cards('valencia','matt') now = update_str = datetime.datetime.strftime(now,'### Updated %d/%m at %H:%M') markdown += update_str return markdown
class MainWindow(Gtk.Window): def __init__(self): self.row = 0 self.event_container = None self.prefs_window = prefs.PrefsWindow() # Initialize the taskbar icon self.appindicator = "desktop-agenda", "gnome-calendar", AppIndicator3.IndicatorCategory.OTHER) self.appindicator.set_status(AppIndicator3.IndicatorStatus.ACTIVE) # Create the dropdown menu for the taskbar icon menu = Gtk.Menu() item_show_hide = Gtk.MenuItem("Hide") item_show_hide.connect("activate", self.show_or_hide) item_refresh = Gtk.MenuItem("Refresh") item_refresh.connect("activate", self.refresh_agenda) item_prefs = Gtk.MenuItem("Preferences") item_prefs.connect("activate", self.show_prefs) item_quit = Gtk.MenuItem("Quit") item_quit.connect("activate", self.quit) menu.append(item_show_hide) menu.append(item_refresh) menu.append(item_prefs) menu.append(item_quit) menu.show_all() self.appindicator.set_menu(menu) # Create an instance of the GoogleCalendar class # TODO: This can raise an exception # google.auth.exceptions.RefreshError: # ('invalid_grant: Bad Request', u'{\n "error": "invalid_grant",\n "error_description": "Bad Request"\n}') # In this case, the token.pickle file needs to be removed self.calendar = GoogleCalendar() # Initialize the main window Gtk.Window.__init__(self) self.set_title("Desktop Agenda") screen = self.get_screen() visual = screen.get_rgba_visual() if visual is None: visual = screen.get_system_visual() self.set_visual(visual) # Load CSS styles from config file if os.path.exists(CSS_SOURCE): css = Gtk.CssProvider() css.load_from_path(CSS_SOURCE) Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_screen( screen, css, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_USER) # Set window options self.set_decorated(False) self.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.NONE) self.set_resizable(False) self.set_accept_focus(False) self.set_keep_below(True) self.set_skip_taskbar_hint(True) self.set_app_paintable(True) # Connect some event handlers to the window for custom behavior self.connect("delete-event", Gtk.main_quit) self.connect("enter-notify-event", self.enter_notify) self.connect("leave-notify-event", self.leave_notify) # Create window layout self.widgets_container = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) self.widgets_container.get_style_context().add_class("container") self.add(self.widgets_container) clock_container = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL) self.widgets_container.pack_start(clock_container, True, True, 0) self.time_lbl = Gtk.Label(xalign=0) self.time_lbl.get_style_context().add_class("lbl") self.time_lbl.get_style_context().add_class("time-lbl") clock_container.pack_start(self.time_lbl, False, False, 0) self.date_lbl = Gtk.Label(xalign=0) self.date_lbl.get_style_context().add_class("lbl") self.date_lbl.get_style_context().add_class("date-lbl") clock_container.pack_start(self.date_lbl, False, False, 0) # Update clock and calendar at startup self.update_clock() self.update_agenda(force=True) # Create timers to update clock and calendar at fixed time intervals GObject.timeout_add(1000, self.update_clock) GObject.timeout_add(1000, self.update_agenda) GObject.timeout_add(1000, self.reminders) def position(self): screen = self.get_screen() window_size = self.get_size() self.move(screen.width() - window_size.width, 0) def date_handler(self, date): """ This date handler creates a new label containing the specified date. This function may return False to cancel further processing of events. Return True to allow processing of events to continue. """ dt = parse(date) # Do not create a date label because current date label already exists if == return True # TODO: If creating a date label and one event label would exceed bottom of # screen, set a flag indicating this and return False to prevent further # processing. The challenge is in keeping track of where the last label was # placed relative to the height of the screen. # if self.screenMaxReached: # return lbl = Gtk.Label(dt.strftime(CLOCK_DATE_FORMAT), xalign=0) lbl.get_style_context().add_class("lbl") lbl.get_style_context().add_class("date-header-lbl") self.event_container.attach(lbl, 0, self.row, 2, 1) self.row += 1 return True def event_handler(self, event): """ This event handler creates labels for a calendar event. The label will be created with mouse-over tooltip containing the location and name of the meeting organizer. A click handler is also created to open the event in a web browser. This function may return False to cancel further processing of events. Return True to allow processing of events to continue. """ # Useful event fields: # event["status"] - "confirmed" # event["htmlLink"] - "" # event["summary"] - "Status Meeting" # event["start"] - {dateTime: 2019-03-21T10:00:00-07:00} # TODO: event["datetime"] - event["start"] parsed into a Python DateTime object # event["location"] - "Conference Room" # event["organizer"] - {email : [email protected]} # event["creator"] - {email : [email protected]} # TODO: If creating an event label would exceed bottom of screen, set a # flag indicating this and return # if self.screenMaxReached: # return title = event.get("summary", "(No title)") ev_time = "" location = event.get("location", "(No location)") organizer = event.get("organizer", event.get("creator", None)) if organizer is not None: organizer = organizer.get("displayName", organizer.get("email", None)) html_link = event.get("htmlLink", None) date = event["start"].get("dateTime", None) if date is not None: dt = parse(date) ev_time = dt.strftime(TIME_LBL_FORMAT) time_lbl = Gtk.Label(xalign=0) time_lbl.set_halign(Gtk.Align.END) lbl_color = event.get("color", None) # print lbl_color if lbl_color is not None: time_lbl.set_markup("<span foreground='{}'>{}</span>".format( event["color"], ev_time)) time_lbl.get_style_context().add_class("lbl") time_lbl.get_style_context().add_class("event-time-lbl") self.event_container.attach(time_lbl, 0, self.row, 1, 1) title_lbl = Gtk.Label(title, xalign=0) title = title.replace("&", "&") if lbl_color is not None: title_lbl.set_markup("<span foreground='{}'>{}</span>".format( event["color"], title.encode("utf-8"))) # Set tooltip tooltip_text = "Location: {}".format(location.encode("utf-8")) if organizer is not None: tooltip_text = "{}\nOrganizer: {}".format( tooltip_text, organizer.encode("utf-8")) title_lbl.set_tooltip_text(tooltip_text) # Set label style title_lbl.get_style_context().add_class("lbl") title_lbl.get_style_context().add_class("event-title-lbl") # Create a click event handler to open the event in a web browser # This handler is unique to this label so it is defined as an inner function def lbl_click_handler(widget, event): Gtk.show_uri(None, html_link, time.time()) # Create a container that will handle user interaction event_box = Gtk.EventBox() event_box.connect("button-press-event", lbl_click_handler) # The mouse enter and leave events need to pass through to the main window event_box.connect("enter-notify-event", self.event_lbl_enter) event_box.connect("leave-notify-event", self.event_lbl_leave) event_box.add(title_lbl) # Add the new label to the window layout self.event_container.attach(event_box, 1, self.row, 1, 1) self.row += 1 return True def _reminder_handler(self, event): """ Checks if the given event has a notification that needs to be shown and creates a taskbar notification if necessary. This function may return False to cancel further processing of events. Return True to allow processing of events to continue. """ date = event["start"].get("dateTime", None) if date is None: return True dt = parse(date).astimezone(pytz.utc) now =, microsecond=0) for reminder in event["reminders"]: method = reminder.get("method", None) if method is None or method != "popup": continue minutes = reminder.get("minutes", 0) if minutes <= 0: continue reminder_time = dt - timedelta(minutes=minutes) if reminder_time == now: # TODO: Create popup notification print "popup" return False # Only create one popup and cancel further event handlers return True def event_lbl_enter(self, widget, event): pointer = Gdk.Cursor( Gdk.CursorType.HAND1) # TODO: should pointer be a class variable? wnd = self.get_root_window() wnd.set_cursor(pointer) self.enter_notify(widget, event) return False def event_lbl_leave(self, widget, event): # TODO: Is this the best way to restore the default cursor? # We don't know what user's default cursor is set to. Shouldn't assume ARROW pointer = Gdk.Cursor(Gdk.CursorType.ARROW) wnd = self.get_root_window() wnd.set_cursor(pointer) return False def update_clock(self): # TODO: Attempted to decouple clock label updates from agenda updates. # If API is unreachable because there is no internet connection, # the clock labels stop updating. This is unconfirmed hypothesis now = now_utc = time_str = now.strftime(CLOCK_TIME_FORMAT) time_utc_str = now_utc.strftime(CLOCK_UTC_FORMAT) date_str = now.strftime(CLOCK_DATE_FORMAT) self.time_lbl.set_text(time_str) self.time_lbl.set_tooltip_text(time_utc_str) self.date_lbl.set_text(date_str) return True def update_agenda(self, force=False): """ Updates the entire adenda window This function should return True so the timer will continue to run. Returning False will cancel the timer. """ now = # TODO: Use a timeout for API requests in if (now.second == 0 and now.minute % 15 == 0) or force: # Synchronous API query self.calendar.load_events( days=self.prefs_window.get_query_days(), max_results=self.prefs_window.get_query_limit()) # Remove all event labels if self.event_container is not None: self.event_container.destroy() self.row = 0 # Create new labels self.event_container = Gtk.Grid() self.widgets_container.pack_start(self.event_container, True, True, 0) self.calendar.get_events(self.date_handler, self.event_handler) self.show_all() return True def reminders(self): now = if now.second == 0: self.calendar.get_events(None, self._reminder_handler) return True def enter_notify(self, event, data): self.set_keep_below(False) self.set_keep_above(True) return False def leave_notify(self, event, data): self.set_keep_above(False) self.set_keep_below(True) return False def show_or_hide(self, event): """ Toggle the visibility of the main window. """ visible = self.get_property("visible") if visible: self.hide() event.set_label("Show") else: # TODO: There is a bug here, the window does not appear in the # correct location after being hidden and shown again event.set_label("Hide") def refresh_agenda(self, event): self.update_agenda(force=True) def show_prefs(self, event): """ Menu handler to show the preferences window. """ # TODO: Preferences window layout is not complete self.prefs_window.show_all() return def quit(self, event): Gtk.main_quit()
def test_event_calendars(): calendar = GoogleCalendar() calendar.get_events() assert 'Test 1' in calendar.event_list