Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, catalog=None):
        """Construct an IosCatalogManager object from a TestEnvironmentCatalog.

      catalog: an iOS TestEnvironmentCatalog from Testing API. If it is not
        injected, the catalog is retrieved from the Testing service.

      catalog: an iOS TestEnvironmentCatalog.
        self.catalog = catalog or util.GetIosCatalog()
        models = self.catalog.models
        versions = self.catalog.versions
        locales = self.catalog.runtimeConfiguration.locales
        orientations = self.catalog.runtimeConfiguration.orientations

        self._model_ids = [m.id for m in models]
        self._version_ids = [v.id for v in versions]
        self._locale_ids = [l.id for l in locales]
        self._orientation_ids = [o.id for o in orientations]

        # Dimension defaults are lazily computed and cached by GetDefault* methods.
        self._default_model = None
        self._default_version = None
        self._default_locale = None
        self._default_orientation = None
    def __init__(self, catalog=None):
        """Construct an IosCatalogManager object from a TestEnvironmentCatalog.

      catalog: an iOS TestEnvironmentCatalog from Testing API. If it is not
        injected, the catalog is retrieved from the Testing service.

      catalog: an iOS TestEnvironmentCatalog.
        self.catalog = catalog or util.GetIosCatalog()
        models = self.catalog.models
        versions = self.catalog.versions
        # TODO(b/78015882): decide if the iOS catalog will have a runtimeConfig.
        # locales = self.catalog.runtimeConfiguration.locales
        # orientations = self.catalog.runtimeConfiguration.orientations
        # self._locale_ids = [l.id for l in locales]
        # self._orientation_ids = [o.id for o in orientations]

        self._model_ids = [m.id for m in models]
        self._version_ids = [v.id for v in versions]
        # TODO(b/78015882): add proper support for locales and orientations
        self._locale_ids = ['en']
        self._orientation_ids = ['portrait', 'landscape']

        # Dimension defaults are lazily computed and cached by GetDefault* methods.
        self._default_model = None
        self._default_version = None
        self._default_locale = None
        self._default_orientation = None
Exemple #3
    def Run(self, args):
        """Run the 'gcloud firebase test ios locales list' command.

      args: an argparse namespace. All the arguments that were provided to this
        command invocation (i.e. group and command arguments combined).

      The list of iOS locales we want to have printed later.
        catalog = util.GetIosCatalog(self.context)
        return catalog.runtimeConfiguration.locales
    def Run(self, args):
        """Run the 'gcloud firebase test ios models describe' command.

      args: an argparse namespace. All the arguments that were provided to this
        command invocation (i.e. group and command arguments combined).

      The iOS model we want to show a description of.
        catalog = util.GetIosCatalog(self.context)
        for model in catalog.models:
            if model.id == args.model_id:
                return model
        raise exceptions.ModelNotFoundError(args.model_id)
Exemple #5
  def Run(self, args):
    """Run the 'gcloud firebase test ios versions describe' command.

      args: an argparse namespace. All the arguments that were provided to this
        command invocation (i.e. group and command arguments combined).

      The testing_v1_messages.IosVersion object to describe.
    catalog = util.GetIosCatalog(self.context)
    for version in catalog.versions:
      if version.id == args.version_id:
        return version
    raise exceptions.VersionNotFoundError(args.version_id)
    def Run(self, args):
        """Run the 'gcloud firebase test ios locales describe' command.

      args: an argparse namespace. All the arguments that were provided to this
        command invocation (i.e. group and command arguments combined).

      The testing_v1_messages.Locale object to describe.
        catalog = util.GetIosCatalog(self.context)
        for locale in catalog.runtimeConfiguration.locales:
            if locale.id == args.locale:
                return locale
        raise exceptions.LocaleNotFoundError(args.locale)
    def Run(self, args):
        """Run the 'gcloud firebase test ios models list' command.

      args: an argparse namespace. All the arguments that were provided to this
        command invocation (i.e. group and command arguments combined).

      The list of device models we want to have printed later. Obsolete models
      with no currently supported OS versions are filtered out.
        catalog = util.GetIosCatalog(self.context)
        filtered_models = [
            model for model in catalog.models if model.supportedVersionIds
        self._epilog = util.GetDeprecatedTagWarning(filtered_models)

        return filtered_models