Exemple #1
    def _MakeTask(self, source, dest):
        """Make a file copy Task for a single source.

      source: paths.Path, The source file to copy.
      dest: path.Path, The destination to copy the file to.

      InvalidDestinationError: If this would end up copying to a path that has
        '.' or '..' as a segment.
      LocationMismatchError: If trying to copy a local file to a local file.

      storage_parallel.Task, The copy task to execute.
        if not dest.IsPathSafe():
            raise InvalidDestinationError(source, dest)
        if source.is_remote:
            source_obj = storage_util.ObjectReference.FromUrl(source.path)
            if dest.is_remote:
                dest_obj = storage_util.ObjectReference.FromUrl(dest.path)
                return storage_parallel.FileRemoteCopyTask(
                    source_obj, dest_obj)
            return storage_parallel.FileDownloadTask(source_obj, dest.path)

        # Local source file.
        if dest.is_remote:
            dest_obj = storage_util.ObjectReference.FromUrl(dest.path)
            return storage_parallel.FileUploadTask(source.path, dest_obj)

        # Both local, can't do this.
        raise LocationMismatchError(
            'Cannot copy local file [{}] to local file [{}]'.format(
                source.path, dest.path))
 def testUpload(self):
   self.upload_mock = self.storage_client_mock.CopyFileToGCS
   local = '/some/file'
   remote = storage_util.ObjectReference(self._TEST_BUCKET, 'remote/obj')
   task = storage_parallel.FileUploadTask(local, remote)
   self.upload_mock.assert_called_once_with(local, remote)
 def _MakeTestTasks(self, count):
   tasks = []
   for n in range(count):
         'local{0}'.format(n), storage_util.ObjectReference(
             self._TEST_BUCKET, 'remote{0}'.format(n))))
   return tasks
 def _MakeFileUploadTasks(self, bucket_ref):
   tasks = []
   name_generator = e2e_utils.GetResourceNameGenerator(prefix='storage-file')
   for remote_file in itertools.islice(name_generator, self.NUM_FILES):
     task = storage_parallel.FileUploadTask(
         self.file_path, storage_util.ObjectReference.FromBucketRef(
             bucket_ref, remote_file))
   return tasks
def _UploadFilesThreads(files_to_upload, bucket_ref):
    """Uploads files to App Engine Cloud Storage bucket using threads.

    files_to_upload: dict {str: str}, map of checksum to local path
    bucket_ref: storage_api.BucketReference, the reference to the bucket files
      will be placed in.

    MultiError: if one or more errors occurred during file upload.
    threads_per_proc = (properties.VALUES.app.num_file_upload_threads.GetInt()
                        or storage_parallel.DEFAULT_NUM_THREADS)
    tasks = []
    # Have to sort files because the test framework requires a known order for
    # mocked API calls.
    for sha1_hash, path in sorted(files_to_upload.iteritems()):
        task = storage_parallel.FileUploadTask(path, bucket_ref.ToBucketUrl(),
    storage_parallel.UploadFiles(tasks, threads_per_process=threads_per_proc)