Exemple #1
def _BuildDeploymentManifest(info, source_dir, bucket_ref, tmp_dir):
    """Builds a deployment manifest for use with the App Engine Admin API.

    info: An instance of yaml_parsing.ServiceInfo.
    source_dir: str, path to the service's source directory
    bucket_ref: The reference to the bucket files will be placed in.
    tmp_dir: A temp directory for storing generated files (currently just source
        context files).
    A deployment manifest (dict) for use with the Admin API.
    manifest = {}
    bucket_url = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/{0}'.format(bucket_ref.bucket)

    skip_files_regex = info.parsed.skip_files.regex
    runtime = info.parsed.runtime if info.parsed.runtime else ''

    source_file_iterator = source_files_util.GetSourceFileIterator(
        source_dir, skip_files_regex, info.HasExplicitSkipFiles(), runtime,

    # Normal application files.
    for rel_path in source_file_iterator:
        full_path = os.path.join(source_dir, rel_path)
        sha1_hash = file_utils.Checksum.HashSingleFile(full_path,
        manifest_path = '/'.join([bucket_url, sha1_hash])
        manifest[_FormatForManifest(rel_path)] = {
            'sourceUrl': manifest_path,
            'sha1Sum': sha1_hash

    # Source context files. These are temporary files which indicate the current
    # state of the source repository (git, cloud repo, etc.)
    context_files = context_util.CreateContextFiles(tmp_dir,
    for context_file in context_files:
        rel_path = os.path.basename(context_file)
        if rel_path in manifest:
            # The source context file was explicitly provided by the user.
                'Source context already exists. Using the existing file.')
            sha1_hash = file_utils.Checksum.HashSingleFile(
                context_file, algorithm=hashlib.sha1)
            manifest_path = '/'.join([bucket_url, sha1_hash])
            manifest[_FormatForManifest(rel_path)] = {
                'sourceUrl': manifest_path,
                'sha1Sum': sha1_hash,
    return manifest
Exemple #2
def _BuildDeploymentManifest(upload_dir, source_files, bucket_ref, tmp_dir):
    """Builds a deployment manifest for use with the App Engine Admin API.

    upload_dir: str, path to the service's upload directory
    source_files: [str], relative paths to upload.
    bucket_ref: The reference to the bucket files will be placed in.
    tmp_dir: A temp directory for storing generated files (currently just source
        context files).
    A deployment manifest (dict) for use with the Admin API.
    manifest = {}
    bucket_url = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/{0}'.format(bucket_ref.bucket)

    # Normal application files.
    for rel_path in source_files:
        full_path = os.path.join(upload_dir, rel_path)
        sha1_hash = file_utils.Checksum.HashSingleFile(full_path,
        manifest_path = '/'.join([bucket_url, sha1_hash])
        manifest[_FormatForManifest(rel_path)] = {
            'sourceUrl': manifest_path,
            'sha1Sum': sha1_hash

    # Source context files. These are temporary files which indicate the current
    # state of the source repository (git, cloud repo, etc.)
    context_files = context_util.CreateContextFiles(tmp_dir,
    for context_file in context_files:
        rel_path = os.path.basename(context_file)
        if rel_path in manifest:
            # The source context file was explicitly provided by the user.
                'Source context already exists. Using the existing file.')
            sha1_hash = file_utils.Checksum.HashSingleFile(
                context_file, algorithm=hashlib.sha1)
            manifest_path = '/'.join([bucket_url, sha1_hash])
            manifest[_FormatForManifest(rel_path)] = {
                'sourceUrl': manifest_path,
                'sha1Sum': sha1_hash,
    return manifest
Exemple #3
def _BuildDeploymentManifest(info, bucket_ref, tmp_dir):
    """Builds a deployment manifest for use with the App Engine Admin API.

    info: An instance of yaml_parsing.ServiceInfo.
    bucket_ref: The reference to the bucket files will be placed in.
    tmp_dir: A temp directory for storing generated files (currently just source
        context files).
    A deployment manifest (dict) for use with the Admin API.
    source_dir = os.path.dirname(info.file)
    excluded_files_regex = info.parsed.skip_files.regex
    manifest = {}
    bucket_url = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/{0}'.format(bucket_ref.bucket)

    # Normal application files.
    for rel_path in util.FileIterator(source_dir, excluded_files_regex):
        full_path = os.path.join(source_dir, rel_path)
        sha1_hash = _GetSha1(full_path)
        manifest_path = '/'.join([bucket_url, sha1_hash])
        manifest[rel_path] = {'sourceUrl': manifest_path, 'sha1Sum': sha1_hash}

    # Source context files. These are temporary files which indicate the current
    # state of the source repository (git, cloud repo, etc.)
    context_files = context_util.CreateContextFiles(tmp_dir,
    for context_file in context_files:
        rel_path = os.path.basename(context_file)
        if rel_path in manifest:
            # The source context file was explicitly provided by the user.
                'Source context already exists. Using the existing file.')
            sha1_hash = _GetSha1(context_file)
            manifest_path = '/'.join([bucket_url, sha1_hash])
            manifest[rel_path] = {
                'sourceUrl': manifest_path,
                'sha1Sum': sha1_hash,
    return manifest
Exemple #4
def _BuildStagingDirectory(source_dir, staging_dir, bucket_ref,
  """Creates a staging directory to be uploaded to Google Cloud Storage.

  The staging directory will contain a symlink for each file in the original
  directory. The source is a file whose name is the sha1 hash of the original
  file and points to the original file.

  Consider the following original structure:
   Assume main.py has SHA1 hash 123 and foo.py has SHA1 hash 456. The resultant
   staging directory will look like:
       123 -> app/main.py
       456 -> app/tools/foo.py
   (Note: "->" denotes a symlink)

   If the staging directory is then copied to a GCS bucket at
   gs://staging-bucket/ then the resulting manifest will be:
       "app/main.py": {
         "sourceUrl": "https://storage.googleapis.com/staging-bucket/123",
         "sha1Sum": "123"
       "app/tools/foo.py": {
         "sourceUrl": "https://storage.googleapis.com/staging-bucket/456",
         "sha1Sum": "456"

    source_dir: The original directory containing the application's source
    staging_dir: The directory where the staged files will be created.
    bucket_ref: A reference to the GCS bucket where the files will be uploaded.
    excluded_regexes: List of file patterns to skip while building the staging

    LargeFileError: if one of the files to upload exceeds the maximum App Engine
    file size.

    A dictionary which represents the file manifest.
  manifest = {}
  bucket_url = bucket_ref.ToAppEngineApiReference()

  def AddFileToManifest(manifest_path, input_path):
    """Adds the given file to the current manifest.

      manifest_path: The path to the file as it will be stored in the manifest.
      input_path: The location of the file to be added to the manifest.
      If the target was already in the manifest with different contexts,
      returns None. In all other cases, returns a target location to which the
      caller must copy, move, or link the file.
    file_ext = os.path.splitext(input_path)[1]
    sha1_hash = file_utils.Checksum().AddFileContents(input_path).HexDigest()

    target_filename = sha1_hash + file_ext
    target_path = os.path.join(staging_dir, target_filename)

    dest_path = '/'.join([bucket_url, target_filename])
    old_url = manifest.get(manifest_path, {}).get('sourceUrl', '')
    if old_url and old_url != dest_path:
      return None
    manifest[manifest_path] = {
        'sourceUrl': dest_path,
        'sha1Sum': sha1_hash,
    return target_path

  for relative_path in util.FileIterator(source_dir, excluded_regexes):
    local_path = os.path.join(source_dir, relative_path)
    size = os.path.getsize(local_path)
    if size > _MAX_FILE_SIZE:
      raise LargeFileError(local_path, size, _MAX_FILE_SIZE)
    target_path = AddFileToManifest(relative_path, local_path)
    if not os.path.exists(target_path):
      _CopyOrSymlink(local_path, target_path)

  context_files = context_util.CreateContextFiles(
      staging_dir, None, overwrite=True, source_dir=source_dir)
  for context_file in context_files:
    manifest_path = os.path.basename(context_file)
    target_path = AddFileToManifest(manifest_path, context_file)
    if not target_path:
      log.status.Print('Not generating {0} because a user-generated '
                       'file with the same name exists.'.format(manifest_path))
    if not target_path or os.path.exists(target_path):
      # If we get here, it probably means that the user already generated the
      # context file manually and put it either in the top directory or in some
      # subdirectory. The new context file is useless and may confuse later
      # stages of the upload (it is in the staging directory with a
      # nonconformant name), so delete it. The entry in the manifest will point
      # at the existing file.
      # Rename the source-context*.json file (which is in the staging directory)
      # to the hash-based name in the same directory.
      os.rename(context_file, target_path)

  log.debug('Generated deployment manifest: "{0}"'.format(
      json.dumps(manifest, indent=2, sort_keys=True)))
  return manifest