def rippleToTIFF(rpl, minLayer=0, maxLayer=4294967295): """rippleToTIFF(rpl, min=0, max=4294967295) Converts a RPL/RAW file pair to a TIFF image representing the sum of layers minLayer to maxLayer. The rpl argument is the full path of the RPL file. min and max bound the layers to export. """ rf = ept.RippleFile(rpl, True) tiff = rpl.replace(".rpl", "-[%d,%d].tif" % (minLayer, maxLayer,)) rf.layersToTIFF(tiff, minLayer, maxLayer+1, True)
def bkgStripRipple(rplDir, rplBas, e0, i0, liveTime, det, verbose=False): """ bkgStripRipple(rplDir, rplBas, e0, i0, liveTime, det, verbose=False) Strip the background from a ripple file, writing the output to a a file with -bks appended to the name. Parameters ---------- rplDir: string (with path terminator) The directory containing the ripple file rplBas: string The base name of the ripple file e0: number Accelerating voltage (kV) i0: number Probe current (nA) liveTime: number Llve time per pixel (sec) det: DTSA-II detector The detector (used to get channel depth) verbose: Boolean (False) Flag to print progress (row and elapsed time) """ start = time.time() rplPth = rplDir + rplBas rplFil = rplPth + ".rpl" a1 = rplPth + "-bks.rpl" a2 = rplPth + "-bks.raw" sRip = openRipple(rplFil, e0, i0, liveTime, det) cols = sRip.getColumns() rows = sRip.getRows() # print((cols, rows)) depth = det.getChannelCount() res = ept.RippleFile(cols, rows, depth, ept.RippleFile.UNSIGNED , 4, ept.RippleFile.BIG_ENDIAN, a1, a2) for x in range(cols): for y in range(rows): if (y==0): if(x>0): now = time.time() delta = (now-start)/60 msg = "Started row %d of %d. " % (x+1, cols) msg += "This script required %.1f min so far" % (delta) print(msg) if(delta > 60): delta = delta/60 msg = "...or %.3f hr" % delta print(msg) sRip.setPosition(x,y) spc = dt2.wrap(sRip) spc = epq.SpectrumUtils.applyZeroPeakDiscriminator(spc) spc = epq.PeakStripping.Clayton1987.getStrippedSpectrum(spc) spc = epq.SpectrumUtils.getPositiveSpectrum(spc), x) # think this was the problem... res.write(epq.SpectrumUtils.toIntArray(spc)[0:depth]) res.close()
def openRipple(rpl, e0, i0, liveTime, det): """openRipple(rpl, e0, i0, liveTime, det) Open a ripple file as an ISpectrumData object with setPosition(x,y) to permit navigating / through the spectra.""" sp = epq.SpectrumProperties() sp.setDetector(det) sp.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.BeamEnergy, e0) sp.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.FaradayBegin, i0) sp.setNumericProperty(epq.SpectrumProperties.LiveTime, liveTime) return ept.RippleSpectrum(rpl, sp)
def maskRipple(inRpl, outFile, mask): """maskRipple(inRpl, outFile, mask) Sets the individual data items to zero based on the specified mask. If mask.getRGB(c,r)>0 / then copy the contents at(c,r) of inRpl to outFile.rpl. Otherwise the contents of outFile / is set to all zeros.""" outRpl = "%s.rpl" % outFile outRaw = "%s.raw" % outFile len = rpl.getDepth() ty = rpl.getDataType() res = ept.RippleFile(rpl.getColumns(), rpl.getRows(), rpl.getDepth(), rpl.getDataType(), rpl.getDataSize(), ept.RippleFile.DONT_CARE_ENDIAN, outRpl, outRaw) zero = (0) * len for c in xrange(0, rpl.getColumns()): for r in xrange(0, rpl.getRows()): rpl.setPosition(c, r) res.setPosition(c, r) if mask.getRGB(c, r) > 0: if ty == rpl.FLOAT: res.write(rpl.readDouble(len)) else: res.write(rpl.readInt(len)) return res
def quantify(rpl, stds, refs={}, preferred=(), elmByDiff=None, elmByStoic=None, assumedStoic={}, mask=None, step=1, visualize=False, zaf=None, withUnc=False): """quantify(rpl,stds,[refs={}],[preferred=()],[elmByDiff=None],[elmByStoic=None],[assumedStoic={}], [mask=None],[zaf=None], [withUnc=False]) Quantify a ripple/raw spectrum object based on the standards, references and other parameters specified. / The arguments are the same as dtsa2.multiQuant. An additional 'mask' argument allows uninteresting pixels / to be ignored (not quantified.) The mask should be an object like a BufferedImage with a getRGB(x,y) method. / The pixel is ignored if mask.getRGB(x,y)==0. The result is written to a RPL/RAW file in FLOAT format. > import javax.imageio.ImageIO as io > mask ="c:/image.png")) > zaf = epq.CorrectionAlgorithm.NullCorrection for k-ratios""" oldSt = None try: if (zaf != None) and isinstance(zaf, epq.CorrectionAlgorithm): oldSt = epq.AlgorithmUser.getGlobalStrategy() newSt = epq.AlgorithmUser.getGlobalStrategy() newSt.addAlgorithm(epq.CorrectionAlgorithm, zaf) epq.AlgorithmUser.applyGlobalOverride(newSt) det = rpl.getProperties().getDetector() e0 = rpl.getProperties().getNumericProperty( epq.SpectrumProperties.BeamEnergy) mq = dt2.multiQuant(det, e0, stds, refs, preferred, elmByDiff, elmByStoic, assumedStoic) base = rpl.getProperties().getTextProperty( epq.SpectrumProperties.SourceFile) compRpl = base.replace(".rpl", "_comp.rpl") compRaw = base.replace(".rpl", "_comp.raw") compTxt = base.replace(".rpl", "_comp.txt") status = file(compTxt, "wt") status.write("File:\t%s\n" % base) status.write("Results:\t%s\n" % compRpl) status.write("Detector:\t%s\n" % det) status.write("Beam energy\t%g keV\n" % e0) status.write("Standards\n") i = 0 elms = [] # Ensures the plane order is correct if det.getChannelCount() != rpl.getChannelCount(): print "ERROR: The number of channels in %s (%d) doesn't match the number of channels in the RPL file (%d)." % ( det, det.getChannelCount(), rpl.getChannelCount()) return for elm, std in stds.iteritems(): if std.getChannelCount() != rpl.getChannelCount(): print "ERROR: The number of channels in %s (%d) doesn't match the number of channels in the RPL file (%d)." % ( std, std.getChannelCount(), rpl.getChannelCount()) return status.write("\t%d\t%s\t%s\n" % (i, elm, std)) elms.append(dt2.element(elm)) i = i + 1 if len(refs) > 0: status.write("References\n") for xrt, ref in refs.iteritems(): if ref.getChannelCount() != rpl.getChannelCount(): print "ERROR: The number of channels in %s (%d) doesn't match the number of channels in the RPL file (%d)." % ( ref, ref.getChannelCount(), rpl.getChannelCount()) status.write("\t%s\t%s\n" % (xrt, ref)) if len(preferred) > 0: status.write("Preferred transitions\n") for xrt in preferred: status.write("\t%s for %s\n" % (xrt, xrt.getElement())) if elmByDiff: status.write("Element by difference: %s\n" % elmByDiff) if elmByStoic: status.write("Element by Stoiciometry: %s\n" % elmByStoic) status.write("Element\tValence\n") for elm, stoic in assumedStoic.iteritems(): status.write("\t%s\t%g\n" % (elm, stoic)) comps = ept.RippleFile((rpl.getColumns() + step - 1) / step, (rpl.getRows() + step - 1) / step, len(stds) + 1, ept.RippleFile.FLOAT, 8, ept.RippleFile.DONT_CARE_ENDIAN, compRpl, compRaw) uncert = None if withUnc: uncRaw = base.replace(".rpl", "_unc.raw") uncRpl = base.replace(".rpl", "_unc.rpl") uncert = ept.RippleFile((rpl.getColumns() + step - 1) / step, (rpl.getRows() + step - 1) / step, len(stds) + 1, ept.RippleFile.FLOAT, 8, ept.RippleFile.DONT_CARE_ENDIAN, uncRpl, uncRaw) dumpIt = False if dumpIt: dumpRpl = base.replace(".rpl", "_dump.rpl") dumpRaw = base.replace(".rpl", "_dump.raw") dump = ept.RippleFile((rpl.getColumns() + step - 1) / step, (rpl.getRows() + step - 1) / step, rpl.getChannelCount(), ept.RippleFile.UNSIGNED, 4, ept.RippleFile.DONT_CARE_ENDIAN, dumpRpl, dumpRaw) rpl.setSpan(step, step) for r in xrange(0, rpl.getRows(), step): if dt2.isTerminated(): break dt2.StdOut.append(".") dt2.StdOut.flush() for c in xrange(0, rpl.getColumns(), step): if dt2.isTerminated(): break if visualize: dt2.clearSpectra() dt2.display(rpl) comps.setPosition(c / step, r / step) if (mask == None) or ((mask.getRGB(c, r) & 0xFFFFFF) > 0): try: rpl.setPosition(c, r) rs = epq.SpectrumUtils.copy(rpl) if dumpIt: # print "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d" % (c, r, c / step, r / step) dump.setPosition(c / step, r / step) dump.write(epq.SpectrumUtils.toIntArray(rs)) res = mq.compute(rs) comp = res.getComposition() if visualize: rpl.getProperties().setCompositionProperty( epq.SpectrumProperties. MicroanalyticalComposition, comp) dt2.annotComposition() tmp, unc = [], [] sU = 0.0 for elm in elms: tmp.append(comp.weightFraction(elm, True)) u = comp.weightFractionU(elm, True).uncertainty() unc.append(u) sU = sU + u * u tmp.append(comp.sumWeightFraction()) unc.append(jl.Math.sqrt(sU)) if dumpIt: print tmp comps.write(tmp) if uncert: uncert.write(unc) except (epq.EPQException, Exception, jl.Exception), e: msg = "row = %d, col = %d failed: %s" % (r, c, e) print msg status.write(msg + "\n") for elm, std in stds.iteritems(): comps.write(0.0) if uncert: uncert.write(unc) if visualize: dt2.setAnnotation("row = %d, col = %d failed." % (r, c)) else: for elm, std in stds.iteritems(): comps.write(0.0) if uncert: uncert.write(unc) comps.write(1.0) if uncert: uncert.write(1.0) comps.close() if uncert: uncert.close() if dumpIt: dump.close() status.close()
import dtsa2.jmGen as jmg gitRoot = os.environ['GIT_HOME'] datDir = gitRoot + "/dtsa2Scripts/rplScripts" pyrDir = "./testRpl Results" sumSpec = datDir + "/paint-sum-dtsa.msa" rplFil = datDir + "/paint-vec.rpl" rawFil = datDir + "/paint-vec.raw" os.chdir(datDir) print(os.getcwd()) DataManager.clearSpectrumList() # calibrated with extracted BaSO4 spectrum myDet = findDetector("Oxford-Paint") dc = ept.RippleFile(rplFil, True) # 111, 35 is the location of the center of the BaSO4 particle mySpc = jmg.getSpectrumFromDataCube(dc, myDet, sumSpec, 111, 35, 14387., pc=1.0, bDebug=False) dc.close() # clean up cruft
DataManager.clearSpectrumList() # make the materials cu = epq.Material(epq.Composition([epq.Element.Cu], [1.0]), epq.ToSI.gPerCC(8.096)) cuSpc = simulate(cu, det, keV=e0, dose=lt * pc, withPoisson=True) cuSpc.rename("ana sim Cu") al = epq.Material(epq.Composition([epq.Element.Al], [1.0]), epq.ToSI.gPerCC(2.70)) alSpc = simulate(al, det, keV=e0, dose=lt * pc, withPoisson=True) alSpc.rename("ana sim Al") # display(cuSpc) # display(alSpc) res = et.RippleFile(64, 64, 2048, et.RippleFile.UNSIGNED, 4, et.RippleFile.BIG_ENDIAN, rplFil, rawFil) for x in range(-32, 32, 1): print "Working on row %d" % (x) for y in range(-32, 32, 1): if terminated: break r = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) if (r < 16): spec = alSpc else: spec = cuSpc cor = wrap(spec.applyLLT()) fix = wrap(cor.positiveDefinite()) arr = epq.SpectrumUtils.toIntArray(fix) # write to Ripple file res.write(arr)