Exemple #1
def main():
    """Work on it."""
    N = 1200
    beta = 0.4 * 600 / N
    rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(beta / N, 1.0 / N, N)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self,

        if isinstance(generator, str):  # treat 'generator' as symbol
            generator = Generator(generator,
            generator.N *= 4
        self.generator = generator
        self.rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(generator.beta / generator.N,
                                          1.0 / generator.N,
        self.name = name

        if run:
            if non_relativistic_guess:
                ae0 = AllElectron(generator.symbol,
                ae0.N = generator.N
                ae0.beta = generator.beta
                # Now files will be stored such that they can
                # automagically be used by the next run()
            setup = generator.run(write_xml=False,

            if save_setup:
            if save_setup:
                raise ValueError('cannot save setup here because setup '
                                 'was already generated before basis '
Exemple #3
 def __init__(self, generator, name=None, run=True, gtxt='-',
              non_relativistic_guess=False, xc='PBE'):
     if isinstance(generator, str):  # treat 'generator' as symbol
         generator = Generator(generator, scalarrel=True,
                               xcname=xc, txt=gtxt,
         generator.N *= 4
     self.generator = generator
     self.rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(generator.beta / generator.N,
                                       1.0 / generator.N, generator.N,
     self.name = name
     if run:
         if non_relativistic_guess:
             ae0 = AllElectron(generator.symbol, scalarrel=False,
                               nofiles=False, txt=gtxt, xcname=xc)
             ae0.N = generator.N
             ae0.beta = generator.beta
             # Now files will be stored such that they can
             # automagically be used by the next run()
         generator.run(write_xml=False, use_restart_file=False,
Exemple #4
    def initialize(self, ngpts=2000, rcut=50.0,
                   alpha1=0.01, alpha2=None, ngauss=50,
        """Initialize basis sets and radial grid.

        ngpts: int
            Number of grid points for radial grid.
        rcut: float
            Cutoff for radial grid.
        alpha1: float
            Smallest exponent for gaussian.
        alpha2: float
            Largest exponent for gaussian.
        ngauss: int
            Number of gaussians.
        eps: float
            Cutoff for eigenvalues of overlap matrix."""

        if alpha2 is None:
            alpha2 = 50.0 * self.Z**2

        # Use grid with r(0)=0, r(1)=a and r(ngpts)=rcut:
        a = 1 / alpha2**0.5 / 20
        b = (rcut - a * ngpts) / (rcut * ngpts)
        b = 1 / round(1 / b)
        self.rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(a, b, ngpts)

        self.log('Grid points:     %d (%.5f, %.5f, %.5f, ..., %.3f, %.3f)' %
                 ((self.rgd.N,) + tuple(self.rgd.r_g[[0, 1, 2, -2, -1]])))

        # Distribute exponents between alpha1 and alpha2:
        alpha_B = alpha1 * (alpha2 / alpha1)**np.linspace(0, 1, ngauss)
        self.log('Exponents:       %d (%.3f, %.3f, ..., %.3f, %.3f)' %
                 ((ngauss,) + tuple(alpha_B[[0, 1, -2, -1]])))

        # Maximum l value:
        lmax = max(self.f_lsn.keys())

        self.channels = []
        nb_l = []
        if not self.dirac:
            for l in range(lmax + 1):
                basis = GaussianBasis(l, alpha_B, self.rgd, eps)
                for s in range(self.nspins):
                    self.channels.append(Channel(l, s, self.f_lsn[l][s],
            for K in range(1, lmax + 2):
                leff = (K**2 - (self.Z / c)**2)**0.5 - 1
                basis = GaussianBasis(leff, alpha_B, self.rgd, eps)
                for k, l in [(-K, K - 1), (K, K)]:
                    if l > lmax:
                    f_n = self.f_lsn[l][0]
                    j = abs(k) - 0.5
                    f_n = (2 * j + 1) / (4 * l + 2) * np.array(f_n)
                    self.channels.append(DiracChannel(k, f_n, basis))

        self.log('Basis functions: %s (%s)' %
                 (', '.join([str(nb) for nb in nb_l]),
                  ', '.join('spdf'[:lmax + 1])))

        self.vr_sg = self.rgd.zeros(self.nspins)
        self.vr_sg[:] = -self.Z
Exemple #5
class AllElectronAtom:
    def __init__(self, symbol, xc='LDA', spinpol=False, dirac=False,
        """All-electron calculation for spherically symmetric atom.

        symbol: str (or int)
            Chemical symbol (or atomic number).
        xc: str
            Name of XC-functional.
        spinpol: bool
            If true, do spin-polarized calculation.  Default is spin-paired.
        dirac: bool
            Solve Dirac equation instead of Schrödinger equation.
        configuration: list
            Electronic configuration for symbol, format as in
        log: stream
            Text output."""

        if isinstance(symbol, int):
            symbol = chemical_symbols[symbol]
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.Z = atomic_numbers[symbol]

        self.nspins = 1 + int(bool(spinpol))

        self.dirac = bool(dirac)

        if configuration is not None:
            self.configuration = copy.deepcopy(configuration)
            self.configuration = None

        self.scalar_relativistic = False

        if isinstance(xc, str):
            self.xc = XC(xc)
            self.xc = xc

        self.fd = log or sys.stdout

        self.vr_sg = None  # potential * r
        self.n_sg = 0.0  # density
        self.rgd = None  # radial grid descriptor

        # Energies:
        self.ekin = None
        self.eeig = None
        self.eH = None
        self.eZ = None

        self.channels = None


        self.log('Z:              ', self.Z)
        self.log('Name:           ', atomic_names[self.Z])
        self.log('Symbol:         ', symbol)
        self.log('XC-functional:  ', self.xc.name)
        self.log('Equation:       ', ['Schrödinger', 'Dirac'][self.dirac])

        self.method = 'Gaussian basis-set'

    def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print(file=self.fd, *args, **kwargs)

    def initialize_configuration(self, configuration=None):
        self.f_lsn = {}

        if configuration is None:
            configuration = configurations[self.symbol][1]

        for n, l, f, e in configuration:

            if l not in self.f_lsn:
                self.f_lsn[l] = [[] for s in range(self.nspins)]
            if self.nspins == 1:
                # Use Hund's rule:
                f0 = min(f, 2 * l + 1)
                self.f_lsn[l][1].append(f - f0)

        if 0:
            n = 2 + len(self.f_lsn[2][0])
            if self.f_lsn[0][0][n] == 2:
                self.f_lsn[0][0][n] = 1
                self.f_lsn[2][0][n - 3] += 1

    def add(self, n, l, df=+1, s=None):
        """Add (remove) electrons."""
        if s is None:
            if self.nspins == 1:
                s = 0
                self.add(n, l, 0.5 * df, 0)
                self.add(n, l, 0.5 * df, 1)

        if l not in self.f_lsn:
            self.f_lsn[l] = [[] for x in range(self.nspins)]

        f_n = self.f_lsn[l][s]
        if len(f_n) < n - l:
            f_n.extend([0] * (n - l - len(f_n)))
        f_n[n - l - 1] += df

    def initialize(self, ngpts=2000, rcut=50.0,
                   alpha1=0.01, alpha2=None, ngauss=50,
        """Initialize basis sets and radial grid.

        ngpts: int
            Number of grid points for radial grid.
        rcut: float
            Cutoff for radial grid.
        alpha1: float
            Smallest exponent for gaussian.
        alpha2: float
            Largest exponent for gaussian.
        ngauss: int
            Number of gaussians.
        eps: float
            Cutoff for eigenvalues of overlap matrix."""

        if alpha2 is None:
            alpha2 = 50.0 * self.Z**2

        # Use grid with r(0)=0, r(1)=a and r(ngpts)=rcut:
        a = 1 / alpha2**0.5 / 20
        b = (rcut - a * ngpts) / (rcut * ngpts)
        b = 1 / round(1 / b)
        self.rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(a, b, ngpts)

        self.log('Grid points:     %d (%.5f, %.5f, %.5f, ..., %.3f, %.3f)' %
                 ((self.rgd.N,) + tuple(self.rgd.r_g[[0, 1, 2, -2, -1]])))

        # Distribute exponents between alpha1 and alpha2:
        alpha_B = alpha1 * (alpha2 / alpha1)**np.linspace(0, 1, ngauss)
        self.log('Exponents:       %d (%.3f, %.3f, ..., %.3f, %.3f)' %
                 ((ngauss,) + tuple(alpha_B[[0, 1, -2, -1]])))

        # Maximum l value:
        lmax = max(self.f_lsn.keys())

        self.channels = []
        nb_l = []
        if not self.dirac:
            for l in range(lmax + 1):
                basis = GaussianBasis(l, alpha_B, self.rgd, eps)
                for s in range(self.nspins):
                    self.channels.append(Channel(l, s, self.f_lsn[l][s],
            for K in range(1, lmax + 2):
                leff = (K**2 - (self.Z / c)**2)**0.5 - 1
                basis = GaussianBasis(leff, alpha_B, self.rgd, eps)
                for k, l in [(-K, K - 1), (K, K)]:
                    if l > lmax:
                    f_n = self.f_lsn[l][0]
                    j = abs(k) - 0.5
                    f_n = (2 * j + 1) / (4 * l + 2) * np.array(f_n)
                    self.channels.append(DiracChannel(k, f_n, basis))

        self.log('Basis functions: %s (%s)' %
                 (', '.join([str(nb) for nb in nb_l]),
                  ', '.join('spdf'[:lmax + 1])))

        self.vr_sg = self.rgd.zeros(self.nspins)
        self.vr_sg[:] = -self.Z

    def solve(self):
        """Diagonalize Schrödinger equation."""
        self.eeig = 0.0
        for channel in self.channels:
            if self.method == 'Gaussian basis-set':
                channel.solve2(self.vr_sg[channel.s], self.scalar_relativistic,

            self.eeig += channel.get_eigenvalue_sum()

    def calculate_density(self):
        """Calculate elctron density and kinetic energy."""
        self.n_sg = self.rgd.zeros(self.nspins)
        for channel in self.channels:
            self.n_sg[channel.s] += channel.calculate_density()

    def calculate_electrostatic_potential(self):
        """Calculate electrostatic potential and energy."""
        n_g = self.n_sg.sum(0)
        self.vHr_g = self.rgd.poisson(n_g)
        self.eH = 0.5 * self.rgd.integrate(n_g * self.vHr_g, -1)
        self.eZ = -self.Z * self.rgd.integrate(n_g, -1)

    def calculate_xc_potential(self):
        self.vxc_sg = self.rgd.zeros(self.nspins)
        self.exc = self.xc.calculate_spherical(self.rgd, self.n_sg,

    def step(self):
        self.vr_sg = self.vxc_sg * self.rgd.r_g
        self.vr_sg += self.vHr_g
        self.vr_sg -= self.Z
        self.ekin = (self.eeig -
                     self.rgd.integrate((self.vr_sg * self.n_sg).sum(0), -1))

    def run(self, mix=0.4, maxiter=117, dnmax=1e-9):
        if self.channels is None:

        if self.dirac:
            equation = 'Dirac'
        elif self.scalar_relativistic:
            equation = 'scalar-relativistic Schrödinger'
            equation = 'non-relativistic Schrödinger'
        self.log('\nSolving %s equation using %s:' % (equation, self.method))

        dn = self.Z

        vr_old_sg = None
        n_old_sg = None
        for iter in range(maxiter):
            self.log('.', end='')
            if iter > 0:
                self.vr_sg *= mix
                self.vr_sg += (1 - mix) * vr_old_sg
                dn = self.rgd.integrate(abs(self.n_sg - n_old_sg).sum(0))
                if dn <= dnmax:
                    self.log('\nConverged in', iter, 'steps')

            vr_old_sg = self.vr_sg
            n_old_sg = self.n_sg


        if self.method != 'Gaussian basis-set':
            for channel in self.channels:
                assert channel.solve2ok

        if dn > dnmax:
            raise RuntimeError('Did not converge!')

    def refine(self):
        self.method = 'finite difference'
        self.run(dnmax=1e-6, mix=0.14, maxiter=200)

    def summary(self):

    def write_states(self):
        self.log('\n state  occupation         eigenvalue          <r>')
        if self.dirac:
            self.log(' nl(j)               [Hartree]        [eV]    [Bohr]')
            self.log(' nl                  [Hartree]        [eV]    [Bohr]')
        states = []
        for ch in self.channels:
            for n, f in enumerate(ch.f_n):
                states.append((ch.e_n[n], ch, n))
        for e, ch, n in states:
            name = str(n + ch.l + 1) + ch.name
            if self.nspins == 2:
                name += '(%s)' % '+-'[ch.s]
            n_g = ch.calculate_density(n)
            rave = self.rgd.integrate(n_g, 1)
            self.log(' %-7s  %6.3f %13.6f  %13.5f %6.3f' %
                     (name, ch.f_n[n], e, e * units.Hartree, rave))

    def write_energies(self):
        self.log('\nEnergies:          [Hartree]           [eV]')
        for text, e in [('kinetic      ', self.ekin),
                        ('coulomb (e-e)', self.eH),
                        ('coulomb (e-n)', self.eZ),
                        ('xc           ', self.exc),
                        ('total        ',
                         self.ekin + self.eH + self.eZ + self.exc)]:
            self.log(' %s %+13.6f  %+13.5f' % (text, e, units.Hartree * e))

        self.log('\nExact exchange energy: %.6f Hartree, %.5f eV' %
                 (self.exx, self.exx * units.Hartree))

    def get_channel(self, l=None, s=0, k=None):
        if self.dirac:
            for channel in self.channels:
                if channel.k == k:
                    return channel
            for channel in self.channels:
                if channel.l == l and channel.s == s:
                    return channel
        raise ValueError

    def get_orbital(self, n, l=None, s=0, k=None):
        channel = self.get_channel(l, s, k)
        return channel.basis.expand(channel.C_nb[n])

    def plot_wave_functions(self, rc=4.0):
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        for ch in self.channels:
            for n in range(len(ch.f_n)):
                fr_g = ch.basis.expand(ch.C_nb[n]) * self.rgd.r_g
                # fr_g = ch.phi_ng[n]
                name = str(n + ch.l + 1) + ch.name
                lw = 2
                if self.nspins == 2:
                    name += '(%s)' % '+-'[ch.s]
                    if ch.s == 1:
                        lw = 1
                if self.dirac and ch.k > 0:
                    lw = 1
                ls = ['-', '--', '-.', ':'][ch.l]
                n_g = ch.calculate_density(n)
                rave = self.rgd.integrate(n_g, 1)
                gave = self.rgd.round(rave)
                fr_g *= np.sign(fr_g[gave], 0)
                plt.plot(self.rgd.r_g, fr_g,
                         ls=ls, lw=lw, color=colors[n + ch.l], label=name)

        plt.xlabel('r [Bohr]')

    def logarithmic_derivative(self, l, energies, rcut):
        ch = Channel(l)
        gcut = self.rgd.round(rcut)
        u_g = self.rgd.empty()
        logderivs = []
        d0 = 42.0
        offset = 0
        for e in energies:
            dudr = ch.integrate_outwards(u_g, self.rgd, self.vr_sg[0],
                                         gcut, e, self.scalar_relativistic,
            d1 = np.arctan(dudr / u_g[gcut]) / pi + offset
            if d1 > d0:
                offset -= 1
                d1 -= 1
            d0 = d1

        return np.array(logderivs)

    def calculate_exx(self, s=None):
        if s is None:
            self.exx = sum(self.calculate_exx(s)
                           for s in range(self.nspins)) / self.nspins
            return self.exx

        states = []
        lmax = 0
        for ch in self.channels:
            l = ch.l
            for n, phi_g in enumerate(ch.phi_ng):
                f = ch.f_n[n]
                if f > 0 and ch.s == s:
                    states.append((l, f * self.nspins / 2.0 / (2 * l + 1),
                    if l > lmax:
                        lmax = l

        G_LLL = gaunt(lmax)

        exx = 0.0
        j1 = 0
        for l1, f1, phi1_g in states:
            f = 1.0
            for l2, f2, phi2_g in states[j1:]:
                n_g = phi1_g * phi2_g
                for l in range((l1 + l2) % 2, l1 + l2 + 1, 2):
                    G = (G_LLL[l1**2:(l1 + 1)**2,
                               l2**2:(l2 + 1)**2,
                               l**2:(l + 1)**2]**2).sum()
                    vr_g = self.rgd.poisson(n_g, l)
                    e = f * self.rgd.integrate(vr_g * n_g, -1) / 4 / pi
                    exx -= e * G * f1 * f2
                f = 2.0
            j1 += 1

        return exx
Exemple #6
    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
        if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
            attrs.__contains__ = attrs.has_key

        setup = self.setup
        if name == 'paw_setup':
            setup.version = attrs['version']
            assert LooseVersion(setup.version) >= '0.4'
        if name == 'atom':
            setup.Z = int(attrs['Z'])
            setup.Nc = float(attrs['core'])
            setup.Nv = int(attrs['valence'])
        elif name == 'xc_functional':
            if attrs['type'] == 'LDA':
                setup.xcname = 'LDA'
                setup.xcname = attrs['name']
                if attrs['type'] == 'OFDFT':
                    setup.orbital_free = True
                    assert attrs['type'] == 'GGA'
        elif name == 'ae_energy':
            setup.e_total = float(attrs['total'])
            setup.e_kinetic = float(attrs['kinetic'])
            setup.e_electrostatic = float(attrs['electrostatic'])
            setup.e_xc = float(attrs['xc'])
        elif name == 'core_energy':
            setup.e_kinetic_core = float(attrs['kinetic'])
        elif name == 'state':
            setup.n_j.append(int(attrs.get('n', -1)))
            setup.f_j.append(float(attrs.get('f', 0)))
            setup.rcut_j.append(float(attrs.get('rc', -1)))
            # Compatibility with old setups:
            if LooseVersion(setup.version) < '0.6' and setup.f_j[-1] == 0:
                setup.n_j[-1] = -1
        elif name == 'radial_grid':
            if attrs['eq'] == 'r=a*i/(n-i)':
                beta = float(attrs['a'])
                ng = int(attrs['n'])
                setup.rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(beta / ng, 1.0 / ng, ng)
            elif attrs['eq'] == 'r=a*i/(1-b*i)':
                a = float(attrs['a'])
                b = float(attrs['b'])
                N = int(attrs['n'])
                setup.rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(a, b, N)
                raise ValueError('Unknown grid:' + attrs['eq'])
        elif name == 'shape_function':
            if 'rc' in attrs:
                assert attrs['type'] == 'gauss'
                setup.rcgauss = float(attrs['rc'])
                # Old style: XXX
                setup.rcgauss = max(setup.rcut_j) / sqrt(float(attrs['alpha']))
        elif name in [
                'ae_core_density', 'pseudo_core_density',
                'localized_potential', 'yukawa_exchange_X_matrix',
                'kinetic_energy_differences', 'exact_exchange_X_matrix',
            self.data = []
        elif name.startswith('GLLB_'):
            self.data = []
        elif name in ['ae_partial_wave', 'pseudo_partial_wave']:
            self.data = []
            self.id = attrs['state']
        elif name == 'projector_function':
            self.id = attrs['state']
            self.data = []
        elif name == 'exact_exchange':
            setup.ExxC = float(attrs['core-core'])
        elif name == 'yukawa_exchange':
            setup.X_gamma = float(attrs['gamma'])
        elif name == 'core_hole_state':
            setup.has_corehole = True
            setup.fcorehole = float(attrs['removed'])
            setup.lcorehole = 'spdf'.find(attrs['state'][1])
            setup.core_hole_e = float(attrs['eig'])
            setup.core_hole_e_kin = float(attrs['ekin'])
            self.data = []
        elif name == 'zero_potential':
            if 'type' in attrs:
                setup.r0 = float(attrs['r0'])
                setup.nderiv0 = int(attrs['nderiv'])
                if attrs['type'] == 'polynomial':
                    setup.e0 = None
                    setup.l0 = None
                    setup.e0 = float(attrs['e0'])
                    setup.l0 = 'spdfg'.find(attrs['type'])
            self.data = []
        elif name == 'generator':
            setup.type = attrs['type']
            setup.generator_version = int(attrs.get('version', '1'))
            self.data = None
Exemple #7
    def initialize(self, ngpts=2000, rcut=50.0,
                   alpha1=0.01, alpha2=None, ngauss=50,
        """Initialize basis sets and radial grid.

        ngpts: int
            Number of grid points for radial grid.
        rcut: float
            Cutoff for radial grid.
        alpha1: float
            Smallest exponent for gaussian.
        alpha2: float
            Largest exponent for gaussian.
        ngauss: int
            Number of gaussians.
        eps: float
            Cutoff for eigenvalues of overlap matrix."""

        if alpha2 is None:
            alpha2 = 50.0 * self.Z**2

        # Use grid with r(0)=0, r(1)=a and r(ngpts)=rcut:
        a = 1 / alpha2**0.5 / 20
        b = (rcut - a * ngpts) / (rcut * ngpts)
        b = 1 / round(1 / b)
        self.rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(a, b, ngpts)
        self.log('Grid points:     %d (%.5f, %.5f, %.5f, ..., %.3f, %.3f)' %
                 ((self.rgd.N,) + tuple(self.rgd.r_g[[0, 1, 2, -2, -1]])))

        # Distribute exponents between alpha1 and alpha2:
        alpha_B = alpha1 * (alpha2 / alpha1)**np.linspace(0, 1, ngauss)
        self.log('Exponents:       %d (%.3f, %.3f, ..., %.3f, %.3f)' %
                 ((ngauss,) + tuple(alpha_B[[0, 1, -2, -1]])))

        # Maximum l value:
        lmax = max(self.f_lsn.keys())

        self.channels = []
        nb_l = []
        if not self.dirac:
            for l in range(lmax + 1):
                basis = GaussianBasis(l, alpha_B, self.rgd, eps)
                for s in range(self.nspins):
                    self.channels.append(Channel(l, s, self.f_lsn[l][s],
            for K in range(1, lmax + 2):
                leff = (K**2 - (self.Z / c)**2)**0.5 - 1
                basis = GaussianBasis(leff, alpha_B, self.rgd, eps)
                for k, l in [(-K, K - 1), (K, K)]:
                    if l > lmax:
                    f_n = self.f_lsn[l][0]
                    j = abs(k) - 0.5
                    f_n = (2 * j + 1) / (4 * l + 2) * np.array(f_n)
                    self.channels.append(DiracChannel(k, f_n, basis))

        self.log('Basis functions: %s (%s)' %
                 (', '.join([str(nb) for nb in nb_l]),
                  ', '.join('spdf'[:lmax + 1])))

        self.vr_sg = self.rgd.zeros(self.nspins)
        self.vr_sg[:] = -self.Z
Exemple #8
class AllElectronAtom:
    def __init__(self, symbol, xc='LDA', spinpol=False, dirac=False,
        """All-electron calculation for spherically symmetric atom.

        symbol: str (or int)
            Chemical symbol (or atomic number).
        xc: str
            Name of XC-functional.
        spinpol: bool
            If true, do spin-polarized calculation.  Default is spin-paired.
        dirac: bool
            Solve Dirac equation instead of Schrödinger equation.
        log: stream
            Text output."""

        if isinstance(symbol, int):
            symbol = chemical_symbols[symbol]
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.Z = atomic_numbers[symbol]

        self.nspins = 1 + int(bool(spinpol))

        self.dirac = bool(dirac)
        self.scalar_relativistic = False

        if isinstance(xc, str):
            self.xc = XC(xc)
            self.xc = xc

        if log is None:
            log = devnull
        self.fd = log

        self.vr_sg = None  # potential * r
        self.n_sg = 0.0    # density
        self.rgd = None     # radial grid descriptor

        # Energies:
        self.ekin = None
        self.eeig = None
        self.eH = None
        self.eZ = None

        self.channels = None


        self.log('Z:              ', self.Z)
        self.log('Name:           ', atomic_names[self.Z])
        self.log('Symbol:         ', symbol)
        self.log('XC-functional:  ', self.xc.name)
        self.log('Equation:       ', ['Schrödinger', 'Dirac'][self.dirac])

        self.method = 'Gaussian basis-set'

    def log(self, *args, **kwargs):
        prnt(file=self.fd, *args, **kwargs)

    def initialize_configuration(self):
        self.f_lsn = {}
        for n, l, f, e in configurations[self.symbol][1]:
            if l not in self.f_lsn:
                self.f_lsn[l] = [[] for s in range(self.nspins)]
            if self.nspins == 1:
                # Use Hund's rule:
                f0 = min(f, 2 * l + 1)
                self.f_lsn[l][1].append(f - f0)

    def add(self, n, l, df=+1, s=None):
        """Add (remove) electrons."""
        if s is None:
            if self.nspins == 1:
                s = 0
                self.add(n, l, 0.5 * df, 0)
                self.add(n, l, 0.5 * df, 1)
        if l not in self.f_lsn:
            self.f_lsn[l] = [[] for x in range(self.nspins)]
        f_n = self.f_lsn[l][s]
        if len(f_n) < n - l:
            f_n.extend([0] * (n - l - len(f_n)))
        f_n[n - l - 1] += df

    def initialize(self, ngpts=2000, rcut=50.0,
                   alpha1=0.01, alpha2=None, ngauss=50,
        """Initialize basis sets and radial grid.

        ngpts: int
            Number of grid points for radial grid.
        rcut: float
            Cutoff for radial grid.
        alpha1: float
            Smallest exponent for gaussian.
        alpha2: float
            Largest exponent for gaussian.
        ngauss: int
            Number of gaussians.
        eps: float
            Cutoff for eigenvalues of overlap matrix."""

        if alpha2 is None:
            alpha2 = 50.0 * self.Z**2

        # Use grid with r(0)=0, r(1)=a and r(ngpts)=rcut:
        a = 1 / alpha2**0.5 / 20
        b = (rcut - a * ngpts) / (rcut * ngpts)
        b = 1 / round(1 / b)
        self.rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(a, b, ngpts)
        self.log('Grid points:     %d (%.5f, %.5f, %.5f, ..., %.3f, %.3f)' %
                 ((self.rgd.N,) + tuple(self.rgd.r_g[[0, 1, 2, -2, -1]])))

        # Distribute exponents between alpha1 and alpha2:
        alpha_B = alpha1 * (alpha2 / alpha1)**np.linspace(0, 1, ngauss)
        self.log('Exponents:       %d (%.3f, %.3f, ..., %.3f, %.3f)' %
                 ((ngauss,) + tuple(alpha_B[[0, 1, -2, -1]])))

        # Maximum l value:
        lmax = max(self.f_lsn.keys())

        self.channels = []
        nb_l = []
        if not self.dirac:
            for l in range(lmax + 1):
                basis = GaussianBasis(l, alpha_B, self.rgd, eps)
                for s in range(self.nspins):
                    self.channels.append(Channel(l, s, self.f_lsn[l][s],
            for K in range(1, lmax + 2):
                leff = (K**2 - (self.Z / c)**2)**0.5 - 1
                basis = GaussianBasis(leff, alpha_B, self.rgd, eps)
                for k, l in [(-K, K - 1), (K, K)]:
                    if l > lmax:
                    f_n = self.f_lsn[l][0]
                    j = abs(k) - 0.5
                    f_n = (2 * j + 1) / (4 * l + 2) * np.array(f_n)
                    self.channels.append(DiracChannel(k, f_n, basis))

        self.log('Basis functions: %s (%s)' %
                 (', '.join([str(nb) for nb in nb_l]),
                  ', '.join('spdf'[:lmax + 1])))

        self.vr_sg = self.rgd.zeros(self.nspins)
        self.vr_sg[:] = -self.Z

    def solve(self):
        """Diagonalize Schrödinger equation."""
        self.eeig = 0.0
        for channel in self.channels:
            if self.method == 'Gaussian basis-set':
                channel.solve2(self.vr_sg[channel.s], self.scalar_relativistic)
            self.eeig += channel.get_eigenvalue_sum()

    def calculate_density(self):
        """Calculate elctron density and kinetic energy."""
        self.n_sg = self.rgd.zeros(self.nspins)
        for channel in self.channels:
            self.n_sg[channel.s] += channel.calculate_density()

    def calculate_electrostatic_potential(self):
        """Calculate electrostatic potential and energy."""
        n_g = self.n_sg.sum(0)
        self.vHr_g = self.rgd.poisson(n_g)        
        self.eH = 0.5 * self.rgd.integrate(n_g * self.vHr_g, -1)
        self.eZ = -self.Z * self.rgd.integrate(n_g, -1)
    def calculate_xc_potential(self):
        self.vxc_sg = self.rgd.zeros(self.nspins)
        self.exc = self.xc.calculate_spherical(self.rgd, self.n_sg, self.vxc_sg)

    def step(self):
        self.vr_sg = self.vxc_sg * self.rgd.r_g
        self.vr_sg += self.vHr_g
        self.vr_sg -= self.Z
        self.ekin = (self.eeig -
                     self.rgd.integrate((self.vr_sg * self.n_sg).sum(0), -1))
    def run(self, mix=0.4, maxiter=117, dnmax=1e-9):
        if self.channels is None:

        if self.dirac:
            equation = 'Dirac'
        elif self.scalar_relativistic:
            equation = 'scalar-relativistic Schrödinger'
            equation = 'non-relativistic Schrödinger'
        self.log('\nSolving %s equation using %s:' % (equation, self.method))

        dn = self.Z
        for iter in range(maxiter):
            self.log('.', end='')
            if iter > 0:
                self.vr_sg *= mix
                self.vr_sg += (1 - mix) * vr_old_sg
                dn = self.rgd.integrate(abs(self.n_sg - n_old_sg).sum(0))
                if dn <= dnmax:
                    self.log('\nConverged in', iter, 'steps')

            vr_old_sg = self.vr_sg
            n_old_sg = self.n_sg

        if dn > dnmax:
            raise RuntimeError('Did not converge!')

    def refine(self):
        self.method = 'finite difference'
        self.run(dnmax=1e-6, mix=0.14, maxiter=200)
    def summary(self):
    def write_states(self):
        self.log('\n state  occupation         eigenvalue          <r>')
        if self.dirac:
            self.log(' nl(j)               [Hartree]        [eV]    [Bohr]')
            self.log(' nl                  [Hartree]        [eV]    [Bohr]')
        states = []
        for ch in self.channels:
            for n, f in enumerate(ch.f_n):
                states.append((ch.e_n[n], ch, n))
        for e, ch, n in states:
            name = str(n + ch.l + 1) + ch.name
            if self.nspins == 2:
                name += '(%s)' % '+-'[ch.s]    
            n_g = ch.calculate_density(n)
            rave = self.rgd.integrate(n_g, 1)
            self.log(' %-7s  %6.3f %13.6f  %13.5f %6.3f' %
                     (name, ch.f_n[n], e, e * units.Hartree, rave))

    def write_energies(self):
        self.log('\nEnergies:          [Hartree]           [eV]')
        for text, e in [('kinetic      ', self.ekin),
                        ('coulomb (e-e)', self.eH),
                        ('coulomb (e-n)', self.eZ),
                        ('xc           ', self.exc),
                        ('total        ',
                         self.ekin + self.eH + self.eZ + self.exc)]:
            self.log(' %s %+13.6f  %+13.5f' % (text, e, units.Hartree * e))

        self.log('\nExact exchange energy: %.6f Hartree, %.5f eV' %
                 (self.exx, self.exx * units.Hartree))

    def get_channel(self, l=None, s=0, k=None):
        if self.dirac:
            for channel in self.channels:
                if channel.k == k:
                    return channel
            for channel in self.channels:
                if channel.l == l and channel.s == s:
                    return channel
        raise ValueError

    def get_orbital(self, n, l=None, s=0, k=None):
        channel = self.get_channel(l, s, k)
        return channel.basis.expand(channel.C_nb[n])

    def plot_wave_functions(self, rc=4.0):
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        for ch in self.channels:
            for n in range(len(ch.f_n)):
                fr_g = ch.basis.expand(ch.C_nb[n]) * self.rgd.r_g
                name = str(n + ch.l + 1) + ch.name
                lw = 2
                if self.nspins == 2:
                    name += '(%s)' % '+-'[ch.s]    
                    if ch.s == 1:
                        lw = 1
                if self.dirac and ch.k > 0:
                    lw = 1
                ls = ['-', '--', '-.', ':'][ch.l]
                n_g = ch.calculate_density(n)
                rave = self.rgd.integrate(n_g, 1)
                gave = self.rgd.round(rave)
                fr_g *= cmp(fr_g[gave], 0)
                plt.plot(self.rgd.r_g, fr_g,
                         ls=ls, lw=lw, color=colors[n + ch.l], label=name)
        plt.xlabel('r [Bohr]')

    def logarithmic_derivative(self, l, energies, rcut):
        ch = Channel(l)
        gcut = self.rgd.round(rcut)
        u_g = self.rgd.empty()
        logderivs = []
        for e in energies:
            dudr = ch.integrate_outwards(u_g, self.rgd, self.vr_sg[0],
                                         gcut, e, self.scalar_relativistic)
            logderivs.append(dudr / u_g[gcut])
        return logderivs
    def calculate_exx(self, s=None):
        if s is None:
            self.exx = sum(self.calculate_exx(s)
                           for s in range(self.nspins)) / self.nspins
            return self.exx

        states = []
        lmax = 0
        for ch in self.channels:
            l = ch.l
            for n, phi_g in enumerate(ch.phi_ng):
                f = ch.f_n[n]
                if f > 0 and ch.s == s:
                    states.append((l, f * self.nspins / 2.0 / (2 * l + 1),
                    if l > lmax:
                        lmax = l

        G_LLL = make_gaunt(lmax)

        exx = 0.0
        j1 = 0
        for l1, f1, phi1_g in states:
            f = 1.0
            for l2, f2, phi2_g in states[j1:]:
                n_g = phi1_g * phi2_g
                for l in range((l1 + l2) % 2, l1 + l2 + 1, 2):
                    G = (G_LLL[l1**2:(l1 + 1)**2,
                               l2**2:(l2 + 1)**2,
                               l**2:(l + 1)**2]**2).sum()
                    vr_g = self.rgd.poisson(n_g, l)
                    e = f * self.rgd.integrate(vr_g * n_g, -1) / 4 / pi
                    exx -= e * G * f1 * f2
                f = 2.0
            j1 += 1

        return exx
Exemple #9
    def initialize_setup_data(self):
        hghdata = self.hghdata
        beta = 0.1
        N = 450
        rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(beta / N,
                                     1.0 / N,
        # rgd = EquidistantRadialGridDescriptor(0.001, 10000)
        self.rgd = rgd

        self.Z = hghdata.Z
        self.Nc = hghdata.Z - hghdata.Nv
        self.Nv = hghdata.Nv
        self.rcgauss = np.sqrt(2.0) * hghdata.rloc

        threshold = 1e-8
        if len(hghdata.c_n) > 0:
            vloc_g = create_local_shortrange_potential(rgd.r_g, hghdata.rloc,
            gcutvbar, rcutvbar = self.find_cutoff(rgd.r_g, rgd.dr_g, vloc_g,
            self.vbar_g = np.sqrt(4.0 * np.pi) * vloc_g[:gcutvbar]
            rcutvbar = 0.5
            gcutvbar = rgd.ceil(rcutvbar)
            self.vbar_g = np.zeros(gcutvbar)

        nj = sum([v.nn for v in hghdata.v_l])
        if nj == 0:
            nj = 1  # Code assumes nj > 0 elsewhere, we fill out with zeroes

        if not hghdata.v_l:
            # No projectors.  But the remaining code assumes that everything
            # has projectors!  We'll just add the zero function then
            hghdata.v_l = [VNonLocal(0, 0.01, [[0.]])]

        n_j = []
        l_j = []

        # j ordering is significant, must be nl rather than ln
        for n, l in self.hghdata.nl_iter():
            n_j.append(n + 1)  # Note: actual n must be positive!
        assert nj == len(n_j)
        self.nj = nj
        self.l_j = l_j
        self.l_orb_j = l_j
        self.n_j = n_j

        self.rcut_j = []
        self.pt_jg = []

        for n, l in zip(n_j, l_j):
            # Note: even pseudopotentials without projectors will get one
            # projector, but the coefficients h_ij should be zero so it
            # doesn't matter
            pt_g = create_hgh_projector(rgd.r_g, l, n, hghdata.v_l[l].r0)
            norm = np.sqrt(np.dot(rgd.dr_g, pt_g**2 * rgd.r_g**2))
            assert np.abs(1 - norm) < 1e-5, str(1 - norm)
            gcut, rcut = self.find_cutoff(rgd.r_g, rgd.dr_g, pt_g, threshold)
            if rcut < 0.5:
                rcut = 0.5
                gcut = rgd.ceil(rcut)
            pt_g = pt_g[:gcut].copy()
            rcut = max(rcut, 0.5)

        # This is the correct magnitude of the otherwise normalized
        # compensation charge
        self.Delta0 = -self.Nv / np.sqrt(4.0 * np.pi)

        f_ln = self.hghdata.get_occupation_numbers()
        f_j = [0] * nj
        for j, (n, l) in enumerate(self.hghdata.nl_iter()):
                f_j[j] = f_ln[l][n]
            except IndexError:
        self.f_ln = f_ln
        self.f_j = f_j

        r_g, lcomp, ghat = self.get_compensation_charge_functions()
        assert lcomp == [0] and len(ghat) == 1
        renormalized_ghat = self.Nv / (4.0 * np.pi) * ghat[0]
        self.Eh_compcharge = get_radial_hartree_energy(r_g, renormalized_ghat)
Exemple #10
    def initialize_setup_data(self):
        hghdata = self.hghdata
        beta = 0.1
        N = 450
        rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(beta / N, 1.0 / N, N,
        #rgd = EquidistantRadialGridDescriptor(0.001, 10000)
        self.rgd = rgd

        self.Z = hghdata.Z
        self.Nc = hghdata.Z -  hghdata.Nv
        self.Nv = hghdata.Nv
        self.rcgauss = np.sqrt(2.0) * hghdata.rloc

        threshold = 1e-8
        if len(hghdata.c_n) > 0:
            vloc_g = create_local_shortrange_potential(rgd.r_g, hghdata.rloc,
            gcutvbar, rcutvbar = self.find_cutoff(rgd.r_g, rgd.dr_g, vloc_g,
            self.vbar_g = np.sqrt(4.0 * np.pi) * vloc_g[:gcutvbar]
            rcutvbar = 0.5
            gcutvbar = rgd.ceil(rcutvbar)
            self.vbar_g = np.zeros(gcutvbar)

        nj = sum([v.nn for v in hghdata.v_l])
        if nj == 0:
            nj = 1 # Code assumes nj > 0 elsewhere, we fill out with zeroes

        if not hghdata.v_l:
            # No projectors.  But the remaining code assumes that everything
            # has projectors!  We'll just add the zero function then
            hghdata.v_l = [VNonLocal(0, 0.01, [[0.]])]

        n_j = []
        l_j = []

        # j ordering is significant, must be nl rather than ln
        for n, l in self.hghdata.nl_iter():
            n_j.append(n + 1) # Note: actual n must be positive!
        assert nj == len(n_j)
        self.nj = nj
        self.l_j = l_j
        self.l_orb_j = l_j
        self.n_j = n_j

        self.rcut_j = []
        self.pt_jg = []

        for n, l in zip(n_j, l_j):
            # Note: even pseudopotentials without projectors will get one
            # projector, but the coefficients h_ij should be zero so it
            # doesn't matter
            pt_g = create_hgh_projector(rgd.r_g, l, n, hghdata.v_l[l].r0)
            norm = np.sqrt(np.dot(rgd.dr_g, pt_g**2 * rgd.r_g**2))
            assert np.abs(1 - norm) < 1e-5, str(1 - norm)
            gcut, rcut = self.find_cutoff(rgd.r_g, rgd.dr_g, pt_g, threshold)
            if rcut < 0.5:
                rcut = 0.5
                gcut = rgd.ceil(rcut)
            pt_g = pt_g[:gcut].copy()
            rcut = max(rcut, 0.5)

        # This is the correct magnitude of the otherwise normalized
        # compensation charge
        self.Delta0 = -self.Nv / np.sqrt(4.0 * np.pi)

        f_ln = self.hghdata.get_occupation_numbers()
        f_j = [0] * nj
        for j, (n, l) in enumerate(self.hghdata.nl_iter()):
                f_j[j] = f_ln[l][n]
            except IndexError:
        self.f_ln = f_ln
        self.f_j = f_j
Exemple #11
class AllElectron:
    """Object for doing an atomic DFT calculation."""
    def __init__(self,
        """Do an atomic DFT calculation.


          a = AllElectron('Fe')

        if txt is None:
            txt = devnull
        elif txt == '-':
            txt = sys.stdout
        elif isinstance(txt, str):
            txt = open(txt, 'w')
        self.txt = txt

        self.symbol = symbol
        self.xcname = xcname
        self.scalarrel = scalarrel
        self.nofiles = nofiles

        # Get reference state:
        self.Z, nlfe_j = configurations[symbol]

        # Collect principal quantum numbers, angular momentum quantum
        # numbers, occupation numbers and eigenvalues (j is a combined
        # index for n and l):
        self.n_j = [n for n, l, f, e in nlfe_j]
        self.l_j = [l for n, l, f, e in nlfe_j]
        self.f_j = [f for n, l, f, e in nlfe_j]
        self.e_j = [e for n, l, f, e in nlfe_j]

        if configuration is not None:
            j = 0
            for conf in configuration.split(','):
                if conf[0].isdigit():
                    n = int(conf[0])
                    l = 'spdf'.find(conf[1])
                    if len(conf) == 2:
                        f = 1.0
                        f = float(conf[2:])
                    assert n == self.n_j[j]
                    assert l == self.l_j[j]
                    self.f_j[j] = f
                    #except IndexError:
                    #    self.n_j.append(n)
                    #    self.l_j.append(l)
                    #    self.f_j.append(f)
                    #    self.e_j.append(self.e_j[-1])
                    j += 1
                    j += {'He': 1, 'Ne': 3, 'Ar': 5, 'Kr': 8, 'Xe': 11}[conf]

        maxnodes = max([n - l - 1 for n, l in zip(self.n_j, self.l_j)])
        self.N = (maxnodes + 1) * gpernode
        self.beta = 0.4

        self.orbital_free = orbital_free
        self.tw_coeff = tw_coeff

        if self.orbital_free:
            self.n_j = [1]
            self.l_j = [0]
            self.f_j = [self.Z]
            self.e_j = [self.e_j[-1]]

        t = self.text
        if scalarrel:
            t('Scalar-relativistic atomic ', end='')
            t('Atomic ', end='')
        t('%s calculation for %s (%s, Z=%d)' %
          (xcname, symbol, atomic_names[self.Z], self.Z))

        if corehole is not None:
            self.ncorehole, self.lcorehole, self.fcorehole = corehole

            # Find j for core hole and adjust occupation:
            for j in range(len(self.f_j)):
                if (self.n_j[j] == self.ncorehole
                        and self.l_j[j] == self.lcorehole):
                    assert self.f_j[j] == 2 * (2 * self.lcorehole + 1)
                    self.f_j[j] -= self.fcorehole
                    self.jcorehole = j

            coreholestate = '%d%s' % (self.ncorehole, 'spdf'[self.lcorehole])
            t('Core hole in %s state (%s occupation: %.1f)' %
              (coreholestate, coreholestate, self.f_j[self.jcorehole]))
            self.jcorehole = None
            self.fcorehole = 0

    def text(self, *args, **kwargs):
            kwargs.get('sep', ' ').join([str(arg) for arg in args]) +
            kwargs.get('end', '\n'))

    def initialize_wave_functions(self):
        r = self.r
        dr = self.dr
        # Initialize with Slater function:
        for l, e, u in zip(self.l_j, self.e_j, self.u_j):
            if self.symbol in ['Hf', 'Ta', 'W', 'Re', 'Os', 'Ir', 'Pt', 'Au']:
                a = sqrt(-4.0 * e)
                a = sqrt(-2.0 * e)

            u[:] = r**(1 + l) * np.exp(-a * r)
            norm = np.dot(u**2, dr)
            u *= 1.0 / sqrt(norm)

    def run(self, use_restart_file=True):
        #     beta g
        # r = ------, g = 0, 1, ..., N - 1
        #     N - g
        #        rN
        # g = --------
        #     beta + r

        t = self.text
        N = self.N
        beta = self.beta
        t(N, 'radial gridpoints.')
        self.rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(beta / N, 1.0 / N, N)
        g = np.arange(N, dtype=float)
        self.r = self.rgd.r_g
        self.dr = self.rgd.dr_g
        self.d2gdr2 = self.rgd.d2gdr2()

        # Number of orbitals:
        nj = len(self.n_j)

        # Radial wave functions multiplied by radius:
        self.u_j = np.zeros((nj, self.N))

        # Effective potential multiplied by radius:
        self.vr = np.zeros(N)

        # Electron density:
        self.n = np.zeros(N)

        # Always spinpaired nspins=1
        self.xc = XC(self.xcname)

        # Initialize for non-local functionals
        if self.xc.type == 'GLLB':

        n_j = self.n_j
        l_j = self.l_j
        f_j = self.f_j
        e_j = self.e_j

        Z = self.Z  # nuclear charge
        r = self.r  # radial coordinate
        dr = self.dr  # dr/dg
        n = self.n  # electron density
        vr = self.vr  # effective potential multiplied by r

        vHr = np.zeros(self.N)
        self.vXC = np.zeros(self.N)

        restartfile = '%s/%s.restart' % (tempdir, self.symbol)
        if self.xc.type == 'GLLB' or not use_restart_file:
            # Do not start from initial guess when doing
            # non local XC!
            # This is because we need wavefunctions as well
            # on the first iteration.
            fd = None
                fd = open(restartfile, 'rb')
            except IOError:
                fd = None
                    n[:] = pickle.load(fd)
                except (ValueError, IndexError):
                    fd = None
                    norm = np.dot(n * r**2, dr) * 4 * pi
                    if abs(norm - sum(f_j)) > 0.01:
                        fd = None
                        t('Using old density for initial guess.')
                        n *= sum(f_j) / norm

        if fd is None:
            n[:] = self.calculate_density()

        bar = '|------------------------------------------------|'

        niter = 0
        nitermax = 117
        qOK = log(1e-10)
        mix = 0.4

        # orbital_free needs more iterations and coefficient
        if self.orbital_free:
            mix = 0.01
            nitermax = 2000
            e_j[0] /= self.tw_coeff
            if Z > 10:  #help convergence for third row elements
                mix = 0.002
                nitermax = 10000

        vrold = None

        while True:
            # calculate hartree potential
            hartree(0, n * r * dr, r, vHr)

            # add potential from nuclear point charge (v = -Z / r)
            vHr -= Z

            # calculated exchange correlation potential and energy
            self.vXC[:] = 0.0

            if self.xc.type == 'GLLB':
                # Update the potential to self.vXC an the energy to self.Exc
                Exc = self.xc.get_xc_potential_and_energy_1d(self.vXC)
                Exc = self.xc.calculate_spherical(self.rgd, n.reshape((1, -1)),
                                                  self.vXC.reshape((1, -1)))

            # calculate new total Kohn-Sham effective potential and
            # admix with old version

            vr[:] = (vHr + self.vXC * r)

            if self.orbital_free:
                vr /= self.tw_coeff

            if niter > 0:
                vr[:] = mix * vr + (1 - mix) * vrold
            vrold = vr.copy()

            # solve Kohn-Sham equation and determine the density change
            dn = self.calculate_density() - n
            n += dn

            # estimate error from the square of the density change integrated
            q = log(np.sum((r * dn)**2))

            # print progress bar
            if niter == 0:
                q0 = q
                b0 = 0
                b = int((q0 - q) / (q0 - qOK) * 50)
                if b > b0:
                    self.txt.write(bar[b0:min(b, 50)])
                    b0 = b

            # check if converged and break loop if so
            if q < qOK:

            niter += 1
            if niter > nitermax:
                raise RuntimeError('Did not converge!')

        tau = self.calculate_kinetic_energy_density()

        t('Converged in %d iteration%s.' % (niter, 's'[:niter != 1]))

            fd = open(restartfile, 'wb')
        except IOError:
            pickle.dump(n, fd)
                os.chmod(restartfile, 0o666)
            except OSError:

        Ekin = 0

        for f, e in zip(f_j, e_j):
            Ekin += f * e

        e_coulomb = 2 * pi * np.dot(n * r * (vHr - Z), dr)
        Ekin += -4 * pi * np.dot(n * vr * r, dr)

        if self.orbital_free:
            # e and vr are not scaled back
            # instead Ekin is scaled for total energy (printed and inside setup)
            Ekin *= self.tw_coeff
            t('Correct eigenvalue:{0}'.format(e_j[0] * self.tw_coeff))

        t('Energy contributions:')
        t('Kinetic:   %+13.6f' % Ekin)
        t('XC:        %+13.6f' % Exc)
        t('Potential: %+13.6f' % e_coulomb)
        t('Total:     %+13.6f' % (Ekin + Exc + e_coulomb))
        self.ETotal = Ekin + Exc + e_coulomb

        t('state      eigenvalue         ekin         rmax')
        for m, l, f, e, u in zip(n_j, l_j, f_j, e_j, self.u_j):
            # Find kinetic energy:
            k = e - np.sum((
                np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2 *  # XXXNumeric!
                vr * dr)[1:] / r[1:])

            # Find outermost maximum:
            g = self.N - 4
            while u[g - 1] >= u[g]:
                g -= 1
            x = r[g - 1:g + 2]
            y = u[g - 1:g + 2]
            A = np.transpose(np.array([x**i for i in range(3)]))
            c, b, a = np.linalg.solve(A, y)
            assert a < 0.0
            rmax = -0.5 * b / a

            s = 'spdf'[l]
            t('%d%s^%-4.1f: %12.6f %12.6f %12.3f' % (m, s, f, e, k, rmax))
        t('(units: Bohr and Hartree)')

        for m, l, u in zip(n_j, l_j, self.u_j):
            self.write(u, 'ae', n=m, l=l)

        self.write(n, 'n')
        self.write(vr, 'vr')
        self.write(vHr, 'vHr')
        self.write(self.vXC, 'vXC')
        self.write(tau, 'tau')

        self.Ekin = Ekin
        self.e_coulomb = e_coulomb
        self.Exc = Exc

    def write(self, array, name=None, n=None, l=None):
        if self.nofiles:

        if name:
            name = self.symbol + '.' + name
            name = self.symbol

        if l is not None:
            assert n is not None
            if n > 0:
                # Bound state:
                name += '.%d%s' % (n, 'spdf'[l])
                name += '.x%d%s' % (-n, 'spdf'[l])

        f = open(name, 'w')
        for r, a in zip(self.r, array):
            print(r, a, file=f)

    def calculate_density(self):
        """Return the electron charge density divided by 4 pi"""
        n = np.dot(self.f_j,
                   np.where(abs(self.u_j) < 1e-160, 0, self.u_j)**2) / (4 * pi)
        n[1:] /= self.r[1:]**2
        n[0] = n[1]
        return n

    def calculate_kinetic_energy_density(self):
        """Return the kinetic energy density"""
        return self.radial_kinetic_energy_density(self.f_j, self.l_j, self.u_j)

    def radial_kinetic_energy_density(self, f_j, l_j, u_j):
        """Kinetic energy density from a restricted set of wf's
        shape = np.shape(u_j[0])
        dudr = np.zeros(shape)
        tau = np.zeros(shape)
        for f, l, u in zip(f_j, l_j, u_j):
            self.rgd.derivative(u, dudr)
            # contribution from angular derivatives
            if l > 0:
                tau += f * l * (l + 1) * np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2
            # contribution from radial derivatives
            dudr = u - self.r * dudr
            tau += f * np.where(abs(dudr) < 1e-160, 0, dudr)**2
        tau[1:] /= self.r[1:]**4
        tau[0] = tau[1]

        return 0.5 * tau / (4 * pi)

    def calculate_kinetic_energy_density2(self):
        """Return the kinetic energy density
        calculation over R(r)=u(r)/r
        slower convergence with # of radial grid points for
        Ekin of H than radial_kinetic_energy_density

        shape = self.u_j.shape[1]
        R = np.zeros(shape)
        dRdr = np.zeros(shape)
        tau = np.zeros(shape)
        for f, l, u in zip(self.f_j, self.l_j, self.u_j):
            R[1:] = u[1:] / self.r[1:]
            if l == 0:
                # estimate value at origin by Taylor series to first order
                d1 = self.r[1]
                d2 = self.r[2]
                R[0] = .5 * (R[1] + R[2] + (R[1] - R[2]) * (d1 + d2) /
                             (d2 - d1))
                R[0] = 0
            self.rgd.derivative(R, dRdr)
            # contribution from radial derivatives
            tau += f * np.where(abs(dRdr) < 1e-160, 0, dRdr)**2
            # contribution from angular derivatives
            if l > 0:
                R[1:] = R[1:] / self.r[1:]
                if l == 1:
                    R[0] = R[1]
                    R[0] = 0
                tau += f * l * (l + 1) * np.where(abs(R) < 1e-160, 0, R)**2

        return 0.5 * tau / (4 * pi)

    def solve(self):
        """Solve the Schrodinger equation


            d u     1  dv  du   u     l(l + 1)
          - --- - ---- -- (-- - -) + [-------- + 2M(v - e)] u = 0,
              2      2 dr  dr   r         2
            dr    2Mc                    r

        where the relativistic mass::

          M = 1 - --- (v - e)

        and the fine-structure constant alpha = 1/c = 1/137.036
        is set to zero for non-scalar-relativistic calculations.

        On the logaritmic radial grids defined by::

              beta g
          r = ------,  g = 0, 1, ..., N - 1
              N - g

          g = --------, r = [0; oo[
              beta + r

        the Schrodinger equation becomes::

          d u      du
          --- c  + -- c  + u c  = 0
            2  2   dg  1      0

        with the vectors c0, c1, and c2  defined by::

                 2 dg 2
          c  = -r (--)
           2       dr

                  2         2
                 d g  2    r   dg dv
          c  = - --- r  - ---- -- --
           1       2         2 dr dr
                 dr       2Mc

                                    2    r   dv
          c  = l(l + 1) + 2M(v - e)r  + ---- --
           0                               2 dr
        r = self.r
        dr = self.dr
        vr = self.vr

        c2 = -(r / dr)**2
        c10 = -self.d2gdr2 * r**2  # first part of c1 vector

        if self.scalarrel:
            self.r2dvdr = np.zeros(self.N)
            self.rgd.derivative(vr, self.r2dvdr)
            self.r2dvdr *= r
            self.r2dvdr -= vr
            self.r2dvdr = None

        # solve for each quantum state separately
        for j, (n, l, e,
                u) in enumerate(zip(self.n_j, self.l_j, self.e_j, self.u_j)):
            nodes = n - l - 1  # analytically expected number of nodes
            delta = -0.2 * e
            nn, A = shoot(u, l, vr, e, self.r2dvdr, r, dr, c10, c2,
            # adjust eigenenergy until u has the correct number of nodes
            while nn != nodes:
                diff = np.sign(nn - nodes)
                while diff == np.sign(nn - nodes):
                    e -= diff * delta
                    nn, A = shoot(u, l, vr, e, self.r2dvdr, r, dr, c10, c2,
                delta /= 2

            # adjust eigenenergy until u is smooth at the turning point
            de = 1.0
            while abs(de) > 1e-9:
                norm = np.dot(np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2, dr)
                u *= 1.0 / sqrt(norm)
                de = 0.5 * A / norm
                x = abs(de / e)
                if x > 0.1:
                    de *= 0.1 / x
                e -= de
                assert e < 0.0
                nn, A = shoot(u, l, vr, e, self.r2dvdr, r, dr, c10, c2,
            self.e_j[j] = e
            u *= 1.0 / sqrt(np.dot(np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2, dr))

    def solve_confined(self, j, rc, vconf=None):
        """Solve the Schroedinger equation in a confinement potential.

        Solves the Schroedinger equation like the solve method, but with a
        number of differences.  Before invoking this method, run solve() to
        get initial guesses.

            j: solves only for the state given by j
            rc: solution cutoff. Solution will be zero outside this.
            vconf: added to the potential (use this as confinement potential)

        Returns: a tuple containing the solution u and its energy e.

        Unlike the solve method, this method will not alter any attributes of
        this object.
        r = self.r
        dr = self.dr
        vr = self.vr.copy()
        if vconf is not None:
            vr += vconf * r

        c2 = -(r / dr)**2
        c10 = -self.d2gdr2 * r**2  # first part of c1 vector

        if j is None:
            n, l, e, u = 3, 2, -0.15, self.u_j[-1].copy()
            n = self.n_j[j]
            l = self.l_j[j]
            e = self.e_j[j]
            u = self.u_j[j].copy()

        nn, A = shoot_confined(u,
        assert nn == n - l - 1  # run() should have been called already

        # adjust eigenenergy until u is smooth at the turning point
        de = 1.0
        while abs(de) > 1e-9:
            norm = np.dot(np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2, dr)
            u *= 1.0 / sqrt(norm)
            de = 0.5 * A / norm
            x = abs(de / e)
            if x > 0.1:
                de *= 0.1 / x
            e -= de
            assert e < 0.0

            nn, A = shoot_confined(u,
        u *= 1.0 / sqrt(np.dot(np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2, dr))
        return u, e

    def kin(self, l, u, e=None):  # XXX move to Generator
        r = self.r[1:]
        dr = self.dr[1:]

        c0 = 0.5 * l * (l + 1) / r**2
        c1 = -0.5 * self.d2gdr2[1:]
        c2 = -0.5 * dr**-2

        if e is not None and self.scalarrel:
            x = 0.5 * alpha**2
            Mr = r * (1.0 + x * e) - x * self.vr[1:]
            c0 += (
                (Mr - r) *
                (self.vr[1:] - e * r) + 0.5 * x * self.r2dvdr[1:] / Mr) / r**2
            c1 -= 0.5 * x * self.r2dvdr[1:] / (Mr * dr * r)

        fp = c2 + 0.5 * c1
        fm = c2 - 0.5 * c1
        f0 = c0 - 2 * c2
        kr = np.zeros(self.N)
        kr[1:] = f0 * u[1:] + fm * u[:-1]
        kr[1:-1] += fp[:-1] * u[2:]
        kr[0] = 0.0
        return kr

    def r2g(self, r):
        """Convert radius to index of the radial grid."""
        return int(r * self.N / (self.beta + r))

    def get_confinement_potential(self, alpha, ri, rc):
        r"""Create a smooth confinement potential.

        Returns a (potential) function which is zero inside the radius ri
        and goes to infinity smoothly at rc, after which point it is nan.
        The potential is given by::

                   alpha         /   rc - ri \
          V(r) = --------   exp ( - --------- )   for   ri < r < rc
                  rc - r         \    r - ri /

        i_ri = self.r2g(ri)
        i_rc = self.r2g(rc)
        if self.r[i_rc] == rc:
            # Avoid division by zero in the odd case that rc coincides
            # exactly with a grid point (which actually happens sometimes)
            i_rc -= 1

        potential = np.zeros(np.shape(self.r))
        r = self.r[i_ri + 1:i_rc + 1]
        exponent = -(rc - ri) / (r - ri)
        denom = rc - r
        value = np.exp(exponent) / denom
        potential[i_ri + 1:i_rc + 1] = value
        potential[i_rc + 1:] = np.inf

        return alpha * potential
Exemple #12
    def run(self, use_restart_file=True):
        #     beta g
        # r = ------, g = 0, 1, ..., N - 1
        #     N - g
        #        rN
        # g = --------
        #     beta + r

        t = self.text
        N = self.N
        beta = self.beta
        t(N, 'radial gridpoints.')
        self.rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(beta / N, 1.0 / N, N)
        g = np.arange(N, dtype=float)
        self.r = self.rgd.r_g
        self.dr = self.rgd.dr_g
        self.d2gdr2 = self.rgd.d2gdr2()

        # Number of orbitals:
        nj = len(self.n_j)

        # Radial wave functions multiplied by radius:
        self.u_j = np.zeros((nj, self.N))

        # Effective potential multiplied by radius:
        self.vr = np.zeros(N)

        # Electron density:
        self.n = np.zeros(N)

        # Always spinpaired nspins=1
        self.xc = XC(self.xcname)

        # Initialize for non-local functionals
        if self.xc.type == 'GLLB':

        n_j = self.n_j
        l_j = self.l_j
        f_j = self.f_j
        e_j = self.e_j

        Z = self.Z  # nuclear charge
        r = self.r  # radial coordinate
        dr = self.dr  # dr/dg
        n = self.n  # electron density
        vr = self.vr  # effective potential multiplied by r

        vHr = np.zeros(self.N)
        self.vXC = np.zeros(self.N)

        restartfile = '%s/%s.restart' % (tempdir, self.symbol)
        if self.xc.type == 'GLLB' or not use_restart_file:
            # Do not start from initial guess when doing
            # non local XC!
            # This is because we need wavefunctions as well
            # on the first iteration.
            fd = None
                fd = open(restartfile, 'rb')
            except IOError:
                fd = None
                    n[:] = pickle.load(fd)
                except (ValueError, IndexError):
                    fd = None
                    norm = np.dot(n * r**2, dr) * 4 * pi
                    if abs(norm - sum(f_j)) > 0.01:
                        fd = None
                        t('Using old density for initial guess.')
                        n *= sum(f_j) / norm

        if fd is None:
            n[:] = self.calculate_density()

        bar = '|------------------------------------------------|'

        niter = 0
        nitermax = 117
        qOK = log(1e-10)
        mix = 0.4

        # orbital_free needs more iterations and coefficient
        if self.orbital_free:
            mix = 0.01
            nitermax = 2000
            e_j[0] /= self.tw_coeff
            if Z > 10:  #help convergence for third row elements
                mix = 0.002
                nitermax = 10000

        vrold = None

        while True:
            # calculate hartree potential
            hartree(0, n * r * dr, r, vHr)

            # add potential from nuclear point charge (v = -Z / r)
            vHr -= Z

            # calculated exchange correlation potential and energy
            self.vXC[:] = 0.0

            if self.xc.type == 'GLLB':
                # Update the potential to self.vXC an the energy to self.Exc
                Exc = self.xc.get_xc_potential_and_energy_1d(self.vXC)
                Exc = self.xc.calculate_spherical(self.rgd, n.reshape((1, -1)),
                                                  self.vXC.reshape((1, -1)))

            # calculate new total Kohn-Sham effective potential and
            # admix with old version

            vr[:] = (vHr + self.vXC * r)

            if self.orbital_free:
                vr /= self.tw_coeff

            if niter > 0:
                vr[:] = mix * vr + (1 - mix) * vrold
            vrold = vr.copy()

            # solve Kohn-Sham equation and determine the density change
            dn = self.calculate_density() - n
            n += dn

            # estimate error from the square of the density change integrated
            q = log(np.sum((r * dn)**2))

            # print progress bar
            if niter == 0:
                q0 = q
                b0 = 0
                b = int((q0 - q) / (q0 - qOK) * 50)
                if b > b0:
                    self.txt.write(bar[b0:min(b, 50)])
                    b0 = b

            # check if converged and break loop if so
            if q < qOK:

            niter += 1
            if niter > nitermax:
                raise RuntimeError('Did not converge!')

        tau = self.calculate_kinetic_energy_density()

        t('Converged in %d iteration%s.' % (niter, 's'[:niter != 1]))

            fd = open(restartfile, 'wb')
        except IOError:
            pickle.dump(n, fd)
                os.chmod(restartfile, 0o666)
            except OSError:

        Ekin = 0

        for f, e in zip(f_j, e_j):
            Ekin += f * e

        e_coulomb = 2 * pi * np.dot(n * r * (vHr - Z), dr)
        Ekin += -4 * pi * np.dot(n * vr * r, dr)

        if self.orbital_free:
            # e and vr are not scaled back
            # instead Ekin is scaled for total energy (printed and inside setup)
            Ekin *= self.tw_coeff
            t('Correct eigenvalue:{0}'.format(e_j[0] * self.tw_coeff))

        t('Energy contributions:')
        t('Kinetic:   %+13.6f' % Ekin)
        t('XC:        %+13.6f' % Exc)
        t('Potential: %+13.6f' % e_coulomb)
        t('Total:     %+13.6f' % (Ekin + Exc + e_coulomb))
        self.ETotal = Ekin + Exc + e_coulomb

        t('state      eigenvalue         ekin         rmax')
        for m, l, f, e, u in zip(n_j, l_j, f_j, e_j, self.u_j):
            # Find kinetic energy:
            k = e - np.sum((
                np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2 *  # XXXNumeric!
                vr * dr)[1:] / r[1:])

            # Find outermost maximum:
            g = self.N - 4
            while u[g - 1] >= u[g]:
                g -= 1
            x = r[g - 1:g + 2]
            y = u[g - 1:g + 2]
            A = np.transpose(np.array([x**i for i in range(3)]))
            c, b, a = np.linalg.solve(A, y)
            assert a < 0.0
            rmax = -0.5 * b / a

            s = 'spdf'[l]
            t('%d%s^%-4.1f: %12.6f %12.6f %12.3f' % (m, s, f, e, k, rmax))
        t('(units: Bohr and Hartree)')

        for m, l, u in zip(n_j, l_j, self.u_j):
            self.write(u, 'ae', n=m, l=l)

        self.write(n, 'n')
        self.write(vr, 'vr')
        self.write(vHr, 'vHr')
        self.write(self.vXC, 'vXC')
        self.write(tau, 'tau')

        self.Ekin = Ekin
        self.e_coulomb = e_coulomb
        self.Exc = Exc
class AllElectron:
    """Object for doing an atomic DFT calculation."""

    def __init__(self, symbol, xcname='LDA', scalarrel=False,
                 corehole=None, configuration=None, nofiles=True,
                 txt='-', gpernode=150, orbital_free=False, tf_coeff=1.):
        """Do an atomic DFT calculation.


          a = AllElectron('Fe')
        if txt is None:
            txt = devnull
        elif txt == '-':
            txt = sys.stdout
        elif isinstance(txt, str):
            txt = open(txt, 'w')
        self.txt = txt

        self.symbol = symbol
        self.xcname = xcname
        self.scalarrel = scalarrel
        self.nofiles = nofiles

        # Get reference state:
        self.Z, nlfe_j = configurations[symbol]

        # Collect principal quantum numbers, angular momentum quantum
        # numbers, occupation numbers and eigenvalues (j is a combined
        # index for n and l):
        self.n_j = [n for n, l, f, e in nlfe_j]
        self.l_j = [l for n, l, f, e in nlfe_j]
        self.f_j = [f for n, l, f, e in nlfe_j]
        self.e_j = [e for n, l, f, e in nlfe_j]

        if configuration is not None:
            j = 0
            for conf in configuration.split(','):
                if conf[0].isdigit():
                    n = int(conf[0])
                    l = 'spdf'.find(conf[1])
                    if len(conf) == 2:
                        f = 1.0
                        f = float(conf[2:])
                    assert n == self.n_j[j]
                    assert l == self.l_j[j]
                    self.f_j[j] = f
                    #except IndexError:
                    #    self.n_j.append(n)
                    #    self.l_j.append(l)
                    #    self.f_j.append(f)
                    #    self.e_j.append(self.e_j[-1])
                    j += 1
                    j += {'He': 1,
                          'Ne': 3,
                          'Ar': 5,
                          'Kr': 8,
                          'Xe': 11}[conf]

        maxnodes = max([n - l - 1 for n, l in zip(self.n_j, self.l_j)])
        self.N = (maxnodes + 1) * gpernode
        self.beta = 0.4

        self.orbital_free = orbital_free
        self.tf_coeff = tf_coeff

        if self.orbital_free:
            self.n_j = [1]
            self.l_j = [0]
            self.f_j = [self.Z]
            self.e_j = [self.e_j[-1]]
        t = self.text
        if scalarrel:
            t('Scalar-relativistic atomic ', end='')
            t('Atomic ', end='')
        t('%s calculation for %s (%s, Z=%d)' % (xcname, symbol,
                                                atomic_names[self.Z], self.Z))

        if corehole is not None:
            self.ncorehole, self.lcorehole, self.fcorehole = corehole

            # Find j for core hole and adjust occupation:
            for j in range(len(self.f_j)):
                if (self.n_j[j] == self.ncorehole and
                    self.l_j[j] == self.lcorehole):
                    assert self.f_j[j] == 2 * (2 * self.lcorehole + 1)
                    self.f_j[j] -= self.fcorehole
                    self.jcorehole = j

            coreholestate = '%d%s' % (self.ncorehole, 'spdf'[self.lcorehole])
            t('Core hole in %s state (%s occupation: %.1f)' % (
                coreholestate, coreholestate, self.f_j[self.jcorehole]))
            self.jcorehole = None
            self.fcorehole = 0

    def text(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self.txt.write(kwargs.get('sep', ' ').join([str(arg)
                                                    for arg in args]) +
                       kwargs.get('end', '\n'))

    def initialize_wave_functions(self):
        r = self.r
        dr = self.dr
        # Initialize with Slater function:
        for l, e, u in zip(self.l_j, self.e_j, self.u_j):
            if self.symbol in ['Hf', 'Ta', 'W', 'Re', 'Os',
                               'Ir', 'Pt', 'Au']:
                a = sqrt(-4.0 * e)
                a = sqrt(-2.0 * e)

            u[:] = r**(1 + l) * np.exp(-a * r)
            norm = np.dot(u**2, dr)
            u *= 1.0 / sqrt(norm)
    def run(self, use_restart_file=True):
        #     beta g
        # r = ------, g = 0, 1, ..., N - 1
        #     N - g
        #        rN
        # g = --------
        #     beta + r

        t = self.text
        N = self.N
        beta = self.beta
        t(N, 'radial gridpoints.')
        self.rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(beta / N, 1.0 / N, N)
        g = np.arange(N, dtype=float)
        self.r = self.rgd.r_g
        self.dr = self.rgd.dr_g
        self.d2gdr2 = self.rgd.d2gdr2()

        # Number of orbitals:
        nj = len(self.n_j)

        # Radial wave functions multiplied by radius:
        self.u_j = np.zeros((nj, self.N))

        # Effective potential multiplied by radius:
        self.vr = np.zeros(N)

        # Electron density:
        self.n = np.zeros(N)

        # Always spinpaired nspins=1
        self.xc = XC(self.xcname)

        # Initialize for non-local functionals
        if self.xc.type == 'GLLB':
        n_j = self.n_j
        l_j = self.l_j
        f_j = self.f_j
        e_j = self.e_j
        Z = self.Z    # nuclear charge
        r = self.r    # radial coordinate
        dr = self.dr  # dr/dg
        n = self.n    # electron density
        vr = self.vr  # effective potential multiplied by r

        vHr = np.zeros(self.N)
        self.vXC = np.zeros(self.N)

        restartfile = '%s/%s.restart' % (tempdir, self.symbol)
        if self.xc.type == 'GLLB' or not use_restart_file:
            # Do not start from initial guess when doing
            # non local XC!
            # This is because we need wavefunctions as well
            # on the first iteration.
            fd = None
                fd = open(restartfile, 'r')
            except IOError:
                fd = None
                    n[:] = pickle.load(fd)
                except (ValueError, IndexError):
                    fd = None
                    norm = np.dot(n * r**2, dr) * 4 * pi
                    if abs(norm - sum(f_j)) > 0.01:
                        fd = None
                        t('Using old density for initial guess.')
                        n *= sum(f_j) / norm

        if fd is None:
            n[:] = self.calculate_density()

        bar = '|------------------------------------------------|'
        niter = 0
        nitermax = 117
        qOK = log(1e-10)
        mix = 0.4
        # orbital_free needs more iterations and coefficient
        if self.orbital_free:
            #qOK = log(1e-14)
            e_j[0] /= self.tf_coeff
            mix = 0.01
            nitermax = 1000
        vrold = None
        while True:
            # calculate hartree potential
            hartree(0, n * r * dr, r, vHr)

            # add potential from nuclear point charge (v = -Z / r)
            vHr -= Z

            # calculated exchange correlation potential and energy
            self.vXC[:] = 0.0

            if self.xc.type == 'GLLB':
                # Update the potential to self.vXC an the energy to self.Exc
                Exc = self.xc.get_xc_potential_and_energy_1d(self.vXC)
                Exc = self.xc.calculate_spherical(self.rgd,
                                                  n.reshape((1, -1)),
                                                  self.vXC.reshape((1, -1)))

            # calculate new total Kohn-Sham effective potential and
            # admix with old version
            vr[:] = (vHr + self.vXC * r) / self.tf_coeff

            if niter > 0:
                vr[:] = mix * vr + (1 - mix) * vrold
            vrold = vr.copy()

            # solve Kohn-Sham equation and determine the density change
            dn = self.calculate_density() - n
            n += dn

            # estimate error from the square of the density change integrated
            q = log(np.sum((r * dn)**2))

            # print progress bar
            if niter == 0:
                q0 = q
                b0 = 0
                b = int((q0 - q) / (q0 - qOK) * 50)
                if b > b0:
                    self.txt.write(bar[b0:min(b, 50)])
                    b0 = b

            # check if converged and break loop if so
            if q < qOK:

            niter += 1
            if niter > nitermax:
                raise RuntimeError('Did not converge!')

        tau = self.calculate_kinetic_energy_density()

        t('Converged in %d iteration%s.' % (niter, 's'[:niter != 1]))

            fd = open(restartfile, 'w')
        except IOError:
            pickle.dump(n, fd)
                os.chmod(restartfile, 0666)
            except OSError:

        Ekin = 0
        if self.orbital_free:
            e_j[0] *= self.tf_coeff
            vr *= self.tf_coeff
        for f, e in zip(f_j, e_j):
            Ekin += f * e

        Epot = 2 * pi * np.dot(n * r * (vHr - Z), dr)
        Ekin += -4 * pi * np.dot(n * vr * r, dr)

        t('Energy contributions:')
        t('Kinetic:   %+13.6f' % Ekin)
        t('XC:        %+13.6f' % Exc)
        t('Potential: %+13.6f' % Epot)
        t('Total:     %+13.6f' % (Ekin + Exc + Epot))
        self.ETotal = Ekin + Exc + Epot

        t('state      eigenvalue         ekin         rmax')
        for m, l, f, e, u in zip(n_j, l_j, f_j, e_j, self.u_j):
            # Find kinetic energy:
            k = e - np.sum((np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2 *  # XXXNumeric!
                            vr * dr)[1:] / r[1:])

            # Find outermost maximum:
            g = self.N - 4
            while u[g - 1] >= u[g]:
                g -= 1
            x = r[g - 1:g + 2]
            y = u[g - 1:g + 2]
            A = np.transpose(np.array([x**i for i in range(3)]))
            c, b, a = np.linalg.solve(A, y)
            assert a < 0.0
            rmax = -0.5 * b / a

            s = 'spdf'[l]
            t('%d%s^%-4.1f: %12.6f %12.6f %12.3f' % (m, s, f, e, k, rmax))
        t('(units: Bohr and Hartree)')

        for m, l, u in zip(n_j, l_j, self.u_j):
            self.write(u, 'ae', n=m, l=l)

        self.write(n, 'n')
        self.write(vr, 'vr')
        self.write(vHr, 'vHr')
        self.write(self.vXC, 'vXC')
        self.write(tau, 'tau')

        self.Ekin = Ekin
        self.Epot = Epot
        self.Exc = Exc

    def write(self, array, name=None, n=None, l=None):
        if self.nofiles:

        if name:
            name = self.symbol + '.' + name
            name = self.symbol

        if l is not None:
            assert n is not None
            if n > 0:
                # Bound state:
                name += '.%d%s' % (n, 'spdf'[l])
                name += '.x%d%s' % (-n, 'spdf'[l])

        f = open(name, 'w')
        for r, a in zip(self.r, array):
            print(r, a, file=f)

    def calculate_density(self):
        """Return the electron charge density divided by 4 pi"""
        n = np.dot(self.f_j,
                   np.where(abs(self.u_j) < 1e-160, 0,
                            self.u_j)**2) / (4 * pi)
        n[1:] /= self.r[1:]**2
        n[0] = n[1]
        return n

    def calculate_kinetic_energy_density(self):
        """Return the kinetic energy density"""
        return self.radial_kinetic_energy_density(self.f_j, self.l_j, self.u_j)

    def radial_kinetic_energy_density(self, f_j, l_j, u_j):
        """Kinetic energy density from a restricted set of wf's
        shape = np.shape(u_j[0])
        dudr = np.zeros(shape)
        tau = np.zeros(shape)
        for f, l, u in zip(f_j, l_j, u_j):
            self.rgd.derivative(u, dudr)
            # contribution from angular derivatives
            if l > 0:
                tau += f * l * (l + 1) * np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2
            # contribution from radial derivatives
            dudr = u - self.r * dudr
            tau += f * np.where(abs(dudr) < 1e-160, 0, dudr)**2
        tau[1:] /= self.r[1:]**4
        tau[0] = tau[1]

        return 0.5 * tau / (4 * pi)

    def calculate_kinetic_energy_density2(self):
        """Return the kinetic energy density
        calculation over R(r)=u(r)/r
        slower convergence with # of radial grid points for
        Ekin of H than radial_kinetic_energy_density

        shape = self.u_j.shape[1]
        R = np.zeros(shape)
        dRdr = np.zeros(shape)
        tau = np.zeros(shape)
        for f, l, u in zip(self.f_j, self.l_j, self.u_j):
            R[1:] = u[1:] / self.r[1:]
            if l == 0:
                # estimate value at origin by Taylor series to first order
                d1 = self.r[1]
                d2 = self.r[2]
                R[0] = .5 * (R[1] + R[2] + (R[1] - R[2]) *
                             (d1 + d2) / (d2 - d1))
                R[0] = 0
            self.rgd.derivative(R, dRdr)
            # contribution from radial derivatives
            tau += f * np.where(abs(dRdr) < 1e-160, 0, dRdr)**2
            # contribution from angular derivatives
            if l > 0:
                R[1:] = R[1:] / self.r[1:]
                if l == 1:
                    R[0] = R[1]
                    R[0] = 0
                tau += f * l * (l + 1) * np.where(abs(R) < 1e-160, 0, R)**2

        return 0.5 * tau / (4 * pi)

    def solve(self):
        """Solve the Schrodinger equation


            d u     1  dv  du   u     l(l + 1)
          - --- - ---- -- (-- - -) + [-------- + 2M(v - e)] u = 0,
              2      2 dr  dr   r         2
            dr    2Mc                    r

        where the relativistic mass::

          M = 1 - --- (v - e)

        and the fine-structure constant alpha = 1/c = 1/137.036
        is set to zero for non-scalar-relativistic calculations.

        On the logaritmic radial grids defined by::

              beta g
          r = ------,  g = 0, 1, ..., N - 1
              N - g

          g = --------, r = [0; oo[
              beta + r

        the Schrodinger equation becomes::

          d u      du
          --- c  + -- c  + u c  = 0
            2  2   dg  1      0

        with the vectors c0, c1, and c2  defined by::

                 2 dg 2
          c  = -r (--)
           2       dr

                  2         2
                 d g  2    r   dg dv
          c  = - --- r  - ---- -- --
           1       2         2 dr dr
                 dr       2Mc

                                    2    r   dv
          c  = l(l + 1) + 2M(v - e)r  + ---- --
           0                               2 dr
        r = self.r
        dr = self.dr
        vr = self.vr

        c2 = -(r / dr)**2
        c10 = -self.d2gdr2 * r**2  # first part of c1 vector

        if self.scalarrel:
            self.r2dvdr = np.zeros(self.N)
            self.rgd.derivative(vr, self.r2dvdr)
            self.r2dvdr *= r
            self.r2dvdr -= vr
            self.r2dvdr = None

        # solve for each quantum state separately
        for j, (n, l, e, u) in enumerate(zip(self.n_j, self.l_j,
                                             self.e_j, self.u_j)):
            nodes = n - l - 1  # analytically expected number of nodes
            delta = -0.2 * e
            nn, A = shoot(u, l, vr, e, self.r2dvdr, r, dr, c10, c2,
            # adjust eigenenergy until u has the correct number of nodes
            while nn != nodes:
                diff = cmp(nn, nodes)
                while diff == cmp(nn, nodes):
                    e -= diff * delta
                    nn, A = shoot(u, l, vr, e, self.r2dvdr, r, dr, c10, c2,
                delta /= 2

            # adjust eigenenergy until u is smooth at the turning point
            de = 1.0
            while abs(de) > 1e-9:
                norm = np.dot(np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2, dr)
                u *= 1.0 / sqrt(norm)
                de = 0.5 * A / norm
                x = abs(de / e)
                if x > 0.1:
                    de *= 0.1 / x
                e -= de
                assert e < 0.0
                nn, A = shoot(u, l, vr, e, self.r2dvdr, r, dr, c10, c2,
            self.e_j[j] = e
            u *= 1.0 / sqrt(np.dot(np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2, dr))

    def solve_confined(self, j, rc, vconf=None):
        """Solve the Schroedinger equation in a confinement potential.
        Solves the Schroedinger equation like the solve method, but with a
        number of differences.  Before invoking this method, run solve() to
        get initial guesses.

            j: solves only for the state given by j
            rc: solution cutoff. Solution will be zero outside this.
            vconf: added to the potential (use this as confinement potential)

        Returns: a tuple containing the solution u and its energy e.

        Unlike the solve method, this method will not alter any attributes of
        this object.
        r = self.r
        dr = self.dr
        vr = self.vr.copy()
        if vconf is not None:
            vr += vconf * r

        c2 = -(r / dr)**2
        c10 = -self.d2gdr2 * r**2  # first part of c1 vector

        if j is None:
            n, l, e, u = 3, 2, -0.15, self.u_j[-1].copy()
            n = self.n_j[j]
            l = self.l_j[j]
            e = self.e_j[j]
            u = self.u_j[j].copy()
        nn, A = shoot_confined(u, l, vr, e, self.r2dvdr, r, dr, c10, c2,
                               self.scalarrel, rc=rc, beta=self.beta)
        assert nn == n - l - 1  # run() should have been called already
        # adjust eigenenergy until u is smooth at the turning point
        de = 1.0
        while abs(de) > 1e-9:
            norm = np.dot(np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2, dr)
            u *= 1.0 / sqrt(norm)
            de = 0.5 * A / norm
            x = abs(de / e)
            if x > 0.1:
                de *= 0.1 / x
            e -= de
            assert e < 0.0

            nn, A = shoot_confined(u, l, vr, e, self.r2dvdr, r, dr, c10, c2,
                                   self.scalarrel, rc=rc, beta=self.beta)
        u *= 1.0 / sqrt(np.dot(np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2, dr))
        return u, e

    def kin(self, l, u, e=None):  # XXX move to Generator
        r = self.r[1:]
        dr = self.dr[1:]

        c0 = 0.5 * l * (l + 1) / r**2
        c1 = -0.5 * self.d2gdr2[1:]
        c2 = -0.5 * dr**-2

        if e is not None and self.scalarrel:
            x = 0.5 * alpha**2
            Mr = r * (1.0 + x * e) - x * self.vr[1:]
            c0 += ((Mr - r) * (self.vr[1:] - e * r) +
                   0.5 * x * self.r2dvdr[1:] / Mr) / r**2
            c1 -= 0.5 * x * self.r2dvdr[1:] / (Mr * dr * r)

        fp = c2 + 0.5 * c1
        fm = c2 - 0.5 * c1
        f0 = c0 - 2 * c2
        kr = np.zeros(self.N)
        kr[1:] = f0 * u[1:] + fm * u[:-1]
        kr[1:-1] += fp[:-1] * u[2:]
        kr[0] = 0.0
        return kr

    def r2g(self, r):
        """Convert radius to index of the radial grid."""
        return int(r * self.N / (self.beta + r))

    def get_confinement_potential(self, alpha, ri, rc):
        """Create a smooth confinement potential.
        Returns a (potential) function which is zero inside the radius ri
        and goes to infinity smoothly at rc, after which point it is nan.
        The potential is given by::

                   alpha         /   rc - ri \
          V(r) = --------   exp ( - --------- )   for   ri < r < rc
                  rc - r         \    r - ri /

        i_ri = self.r2g(ri)
        i_rc = self.r2g(rc)
        if self.r[i_rc] == rc:
            # Avoid division by zero in the odd case that rc coincides
            # exactly with a grid point (which actually happens sometimes)
            i_rc -= 1

        potential = np.zeros(np.shape(self.r))
        r = self.r[i_ri + 1:i_rc + 1]
        exponent = - (rc - ri) / (r - ri)
        denom = rc - r
        value = np.exp(exponent) / denom
        potential[i_ri + 1:i_rc + 1] = value
        potential[i_rc + 1:] = np.inf

        return alpha * potential
    def run(self, use_restart_file=True):
        #     beta g
        # r = ------, g = 0, 1, ..., N - 1
        #     N - g
        #        rN
        # g = --------
        #     beta + r

        t = self.text
        N = self.N
        beta = self.beta
        t(N, 'radial gridpoints.')
        self.rgd = AERadialGridDescriptor(beta / N, 1.0 / N, N)
        g = np.arange(N, dtype=float)
        self.r = self.rgd.r_g
        self.dr = self.rgd.dr_g
        self.d2gdr2 = self.rgd.d2gdr2()

        # Number of orbitals:
        nj = len(self.n_j)

        # Radial wave functions multiplied by radius:
        self.u_j = np.zeros((nj, self.N))

        # Effective potential multiplied by radius:
        self.vr = np.zeros(N)

        # Electron density:
        self.n = np.zeros(N)

        # Always spinpaired nspins=1
        self.xc = XC(self.xcname)

        # Initialize for non-local functionals
        if self.xc.type == 'GLLB':
        n_j = self.n_j
        l_j = self.l_j
        f_j = self.f_j
        e_j = self.e_j
        Z = self.Z    # nuclear charge
        r = self.r    # radial coordinate
        dr = self.dr  # dr/dg
        n = self.n    # electron density
        vr = self.vr  # effective potential multiplied by r

        vHr = np.zeros(self.N)
        self.vXC = np.zeros(self.N)

        restartfile = '%s/%s.restart' % (tempdir, self.symbol)
        if self.xc.type == 'GLLB' or not use_restart_file:
            # Do not start from initial guess when doing
            # non local XC!
            # This is because we need wavefunctions as well
            # on the first iteration.
            fd = None
                fd = open(restartfile, 'r')
            except IOError:
                fd = None
                    n[:] = pickle.load(fd)
                except (ValueError, IndexError):
                    fd = None
                    norm = np.dot(n * r**2, dr) * 4 * pi
                    if abs(norm - sum(f_j)) > 0.01:
                        fd = None
                        t('Using old density for initial guess.')
                        n *= sum(f_j) / norm

        if fd is None:
            n[:] = self.calculate_density()

        bar = '|------------------------------------------------|'
        niter = 0
        nitermax = 117
        qOK = log(1e-10)
        mix = 0.4
        # orbital_free needs more iterations and coefficient
        if self.orbital_free:
            #qOK = log(1e-14)
            e_j[0] /= self.tf_coeff
            mix = 0.01
            nitermax = 1000
        vrold = None
        while True:
            # calculate hartree potential
            hartree(0, n * r * dr, r, vHr)

            # add potential from nuclear point charge (v = -Z / r)
            vHr -= Z

            # calculated exchange correlation potential and energy
            self.vXC[:] = 0.0

            if self.xc.type == 'GLLB':
                # Update the potential to self.vXC an the energy to self.Exc
                Exc = self.xc.get_xc_potential_and_energy_1d(self.vXC)
                Exc = self.xc.calculate_spherical(self.rgd,
                                                  n.reshape((1, -1)),
                                                  self.vXC.reshape((1, -1)))

            # calculate new total Kohn-Sham effective potential and
            # admix with old version
            vr[:] = (vHr + self.vXC * r) / self.tf_coeff

            if niter > 0:
                vr[:] = mix * vr + (1 - mix) * vrold
            vrold = vr.copy()

            # solve Kohn-Sham equation and determine the density change
            dn = self.calculate_density() - n
            n += dn

            # estimate error from the square of the density change integrated
            q = log(np.sum((r * dn)**2))

            # print progress bar
            if niter == 0:
                q0 = q
                b0 = 0
                b = int((q0 - q) / (q0 - qOK) * 50)
                if b > b0:
                    self.txt.write(bar[b0:min(b, 50)])
                    b0 = b

            # check if converged and break loop if so
            if q < qOK:

            niter += 1
            if niter > nitermax:
                raise RuntimeError('Did not converge!')

        tau = self.calculate_kinetic_energy_density()

        t('Converged in %d iteration%s.' % (niter, 's'[:niter != 1]))

            fd = open(restartfile, 'w')
        except IOError:
            pickle.dump(n, fd)
                os.chmod(restartfile, 0666)
            except OSError:

        Ekin = 0
        if self.orbital_free:
            e_j[0] *= self.tf_coeff
            vr *= self.tf_coeff
        for f, e in zip(f_j, e_j):
            Ekin += f * e

        Epot = 2 * pi * np.dot(n * r * (vHr - Z), dr)
        Ekin += -4 * pi * np.dot(n * vr * r, dr)

        t('Energy contributions:')
        t('Kinetic:   %+13.6f' % Ekin)
        t('XC:        %+13.6f' % Exc)
        t('Potential: %+13.6f' % Epot)
        t('Total:     %+13.6f' % (Ekin + Exc + Epot))
        self.ETotal = Ekin + Exc + Epot

        t('state      eigenvalue         ekin         rmax')
        for m, l, f, e, u in zip(n_j, l_j, f_j, e_j, self.u_j):
            # Find kinetic energy:
            k = e - np.sum((np.where(abs(u) < 1e-160, 0, u)**2 *  # XXXNumeric!
                            vr * dr)[1:] / r[1:])

            # Find outermost maximum:
            g = self.N - 4
            while u[g - 1] >= u[g]:
                g -= 1
            x = r[g - 1:g + 2]
            y = u[g - 1:g + 2]
            A = np.transpose(np.array([x**i for i in range(3)]))
            c, b, a = np.linalg.solve(A, y)
            assert a < 0.0
            rmax = -0.5 * b / a

            s = 'spdf'[l]
            t('%d%s^%-4.1f: %12.6f %12.6f %12.3f' % (m, s, f, e, k, rmax))
        t('(units: Bohr and Hartree)')

        for m, l, u in zip(n_j, l_j, self.u_j):
            self.write(u, 'ae', n=m, l=l)

        self.write(n, 'n')
        self.write(vr, 'vr')
        self.write(vHr, 'vHr')
        self.write(self.vXC, 'vXC')
        self.write(tau, 'tau')

        self.Ekin = Ekin
        self.Epot = Epot
        self.Exc = Exc
Exemple #15
    def __init__(self, data, xc, lmax=0, basis=None, filter=None):
        self.type = data.name

        self.HubU = None

        if not data.is_compatible(xc):
            raise ValueError('Cannot use %s setup with %s functional' %
                             (data.setupname, xc.get_setup_name()))

        self.symbol = data.symbol
        self.data = data

        self.Nc = data.Nc
        self.Nv = data.Nv
        self.Z = data.Z
        l_j = self.l_j = data.l_j
        self.l_orb_j = data.l_orb_j
        n_j = self.n_j = data.n_j
        self.f_j = data.f_j
        self.eps_j = data.eps_j
        nj = self.nj = len(l_j)
        rcut_j = self.rcut_j = data.rcut_j

        self.ExxC = data.ExxC
        self.X_p = data.X_p

        self.orbital_free = data.orbital_free

        pt_jg = data.pt_jg
        phit_jg = data.phit_jg
        phi_jg = data.phi_jg

        self.fingerprint = data.fingerprint
        self.filename = data.filename

        rgd = self.rgd = data.rgd
        r_g = rgd.r_g
        dr_g = rgd.dr_g

        self.lmax = lmax

        rcutmax = max(rcut_j)
        rcut2 = 2 * rcutmax
        gcut2 = rgd.ceil(rcut2)
        self.gcut2 = gcut2

        self.gcutmin = rgd.ceil(min(rcut_j))

        if data.generator_version < 2:
            # Find Fourier-filter cutoff radius:
            gcutfilter = data.get_max_projector_cutoff()
        elif filter:
            rc = rcutmax
            filter(rgd, rc, data.vbar_g)

            for l, pt_g in zip(l_j, pt_jg):
                filter(rgd, rc, pt_g, l)

            for l in range(max(l_j) + 1):
                J = [j for j, lj in enumerate(l_j) if lj == l]
                A_nn = [[
                    rgd.integrate(phit_jg[j1] * pt_jg[j2]) / 4 / pi for j1 in J
                ] for j2 in J]
                B_nn = np.linalg.inv(A_nn)
                pt_ng = np.dot(B_nn, [pt_jg[j] for j in J])
                for n, j in enumerate(J):
                    pt_jg[j] = pt_ng[n]
            gcutfilter = data.get_max_projector_cutoff()
            rcutfilter = max(rcut_j)
            gcutfilter = rgd.ceil(rcutfilter)

        self.rcutfilter = rcutfilter = r_g[gcutfilter]
        assert (data.vbar_g[gcutfilter:] == 0).all()

        ni = 0
        i = 0
        j = 0
        jlL_i = []
        for l, n in zip(l_j, n_j):
            for m in range(2 * l + 1):
                jlL_i.append((j, l, l**2 + m))
                i += 1
            j += 1
        ni = i
        self.ni = ni

        _np = ni * (ni + 1) // 2
        self.nq = nq = nj * (nj + 1) // 2

        lcut = max(l_j)
        if 2 * lcut < lmax:
            lcut = (lmax + 1) // 2
        self.lcut = lcut

        self.B_ii = self.calculate_projector_overlaps(pt_jg)

        self.fcorehole = data.fcorehole
        self.lcorehole = data.lcorehole
        if data.phicorehole_g is not None:
            if self.lcorehole == 0:
                self.A_ci = None

        # Construct splines:
        self.vbar = rgd.spline(data.vbar_g, rcutfilter)

        rcore, nc_g, nct_g, nct = self.construct_core_densities(data)
        self.rcore = rcore
        self.nct = nct

        # Construct splines for core kinetic energy density:
        tauct_g = data.tauct_g
        self.tauct = rgd.spline(tauct_g, self.rcore)

        self.pt_j = self.create_projectors(rcutfilter)

        if basis is None:
            basis = self.create_basis_functions(phit_jg, rcut2, gcut2)
        phit_j = basis.tosplines()
        self.phit_j = phit_j
        self.basis = basis

        self.nao = 0
        for phit in self.phit_j:
            l = phit.get_angular_momentum_number()
            self.nao += 2 * l + 1

        rgd2 = self.rgd2 = AERadialGridDescriptor(rgd.a, rgd.b, gcut2)
        r_g = rgd2.r_g
        dr_g = rgd2.dr_g
        phi_jg = np.array([phi_g[:gcut2].copy() for phi_g in phi_jg])
        phit_jg = np.array([phit_g[:gcut2].copy() for phit_g in phit_jg])
        self.nc_g = nc_g = nc_g[:gcut2].copy()
        self.nct_g = nct_g = nct_g[:gcut2].copy()
        vbar_g = data.vbar_g[:gcut2].copy()

        extra_xc_data = dict(data.extra_xc_data)
        # Cut down the GLLB related extra data
        for key, item in extra_xc_data.items():
            if len(item) == rgd.N:
                extra_xc_data[key] = item[:gcut2].copy()
        self.extra_xc_data = extra_xc_data

        self.phicorehole_g = data.phicorehole_g
        if self.phicorehole_g is not None:
            self.phicorehole_g = self.phicorehole_g[:gcut2].copy()

        T_Lqp = self.calculate_T_Lqp(lcut, nq, _np, nj, jlL_i)
        (g_lg, n_qg, nt_qg, Delta_lq, self.Lmax, self.Delta_pL, Delta0,
         self.N0_p) = self.get_compensation_charges(phi_jg, phit_jg, _np,
        self.Delta0 = Delta0
        self.g_lg = g_lg

        # Solves the radial poisson equation for density n_g
        def H(n_g, l):
            return rgd2.poisson(n_g, l) * r_g * dr_g

        wnc_g = H(nc_g, l=0)
        wnct_g = H(nct_g, l=0)

        self.wg_lg = wg_lg = [H(g_lg[l], l) for l in range(lmax + 1)]

        wn_lqg = [
            np.array([H(n_qg[q], l) for q in range(nq)])
            for l in range(2 * lcut + 1)
        wnt_lqg = [
            np.array([H(nt_qg[q], l) for q in range(nq)])
            for l in range(2 * lcut + 1)

        rdr_g = r_g * dr_g
        dv_g = r_g * rdr_g
        A = 0.5 * np.dot(nc_g, wnc_g)
        A -= sqrt(4 * pi) * self.Z * np.dot(rdr_g, nc_g)
        mct_g = nct_g + Delta0 * g_lg[0]
        wmct_g = wnct_g + Delta0 * wg_lg[0]
        A -= 0.5 * np.dot(mct_g, wmct_g)
        self.M = A
        self.MB = -np.dot(dv_g * nct_g, vbar_g)

        AB_q = -np.dot(nt_qg, dv_g * vbar_g)
        self.MB_p = np.dot(AB_q, T_Lqp[0])

        # Correction for average electrostatic potential:
        #   dEH = dEH0 + dot(D_p, dEH_p)
        self.dEH0 = sqrt(4 * pi) * (wnc_g - wmct_g -
                                    sqrt(4 * pi) * self.Z * r_g * dr_g).sum()
        dEh_q = (wn_lqg[0].sum(1) - wnt_lqg[0].sum(1) -
                 Delta_lq[0] * wg_lg[0].sum())
        self.dEH_p = np.dot(dEh_q, T_Lqp[0]) * sqrt(4 * pi)

        M_p, M_pp = self.calculate_coulomb_corrections(lcut, n_qg, wn_lqg,
                                                       lmax, Delta_lq, wnt_lqg,
                                                       g_lg, wg_lg, nt_qg, _np,
                                                       T_Lqp, nc_g, wnc_g,
                                                       rdr_g, mct_g, wmct_g)
        self.M_p = M_p
        self.M_pp = M_pp

        if xc.type == 'GLLB':
            if 'core_f' in self.extra_xc_data:
                self.wnt_lqg = wnt_lqg
                self.wn_lqg = wn_lqg
                self.fc_j = self.extra_xc_data['core_f']
                self.lc_j = self.extra_xc_data['core_l']
                self.njcore = len(self.lc_j)
                if self.njcore > 0:
                    self.uc_jg = self.extra_xc_data['core_states'].reshape(
                        (self.njcore, -1))
                    self.uc_jg = self.uc_jg[:, :gcut2]
                self.phi_jg = phi_jg

        self.Kc = data.e_kinetic_core - data.e_kinetic
        self.M -= data.e_electrostatic
        self.E = data.e_total

        Delta0_ii = unpack(self.Delta_pL[:, 0].copy())
        self.dO_ii = data.get_overlap_correction(Delta0_ii)
        self.dC_ii = self.get_inverse_overlap_coefficients(
            self.B_ii, self.dO_ii)

        self.Delta_iiL = np.zeros((ni, ni, self.Lmax))
        for L in range(self.Lmax):
            self.Delta_iiL[:, :, L] = unpack(self.Delta_pL[:, L].copy())

        self.Nct = data.get_smooth_core_density_integral(Delta0)
        self.K_p = data.get_linear_kinetic_correction(T_Lqp[0])

        r = 0.02 * rcut2 * np.arange(51, dtype=float)
        alpha = data.rcgauss**-2
        self.ghat_l = data.get_ghat(lmax, alpha, r, rcut2)
        self.rcgauss = data.rcgauss

        self.xc_correction = data.get_xc_correction(rgd2, xc, gcut2, lcut)
        self.nabla_iiv = self.get_derivative_integrals(rgd2, phi_jg, phit_jg)
        self.rnabla_iiv = self.get_magnetic_integrals(rgd2, phi_jg, phit_jg)
            from gpaw.lrtddft2.rxnabla import get_magnetic_integrals_new
            self.rxnabla_iiv = get_magnetic_integrals_new(
                self, rgd2, phi_jg, phit_jg)
        except NotImplementedError:
            self.rxnabla_iiv = None