Exemple #1
class CoulombNEW:
    def __init__(self, gd, setups, spos_ac, fft=False):
        assert gd.comm.size == 1
        self.rhot1_G = gd.empty()
        self.rhot2_G = gd.empty()
        self.pot_G = gd.empty()
        self.dv = gd.dv
        if fft:
            self.poisson = FFTPoissonSolver()
            self.poisson = PoissonSolver(name='fd', nn=3)
        self.setups = setups

        # Set coarse ghat
        self.Ghat = LFC(gd, [setup.ghat_l for setup in setups],
                        integral=sqrt(4 * pi))

    def calculate(self, nt1_G, nt2_G, P1_ap, P2_ap):
        I = 0.0
        self.rhot1_G[:] = nt1_G
        self.rhot2_G[:] = nt2_G

        Q1_aL = {}
        Q2_aL = {}
        for a, P1_p in P1_ap.items():
            P2_p = P2_ap[a]
            setup = self.setups[a]

            # Add atomic corrections to integral
            I += 2 * np.dot(P1_p, np.dot(setup.M_pp, P2_p))

            # Add compensation charges to pseudo densities
            Q1_aL[a] = np.dot(P1_p, setup.Delta_pL)
            Q2_aL[a] = np.dot(P2_p, setup.Delta_pL)
        self.Ghat.add(self.rhot1_G, Q1_aL)
        self.Ghat.add(self.rhot2_G, Q2_aL)

        # Add coulomb energy of compensated pseudo densities to integral
        I += np.vdot(self.rhot1_G, self.pot_G) * self.dv

        return I * Hartree
class CoulombNEW:
    def __init__(self, gd, setups, spos_ac, fft=False):
        assert gd.comm.size == 1
        self.rhot1_G = gd.empty()
        self.rhot2_G = gd.empty()
        self.pot_G = gd.empty()
        self.dv = gd.dv
        if fft:
            self.poisson = FFTPoissonSolver()
            self.poisson = PoissonSolver(nn=3)
        self.setups = setups

        # Set coarse ghat
        self.Ghat = LFC(gd, [setup.ghat_l for setup in setups],
                        integral=sqrt(4 * pi))

    def calculate(self, nt1_G, nt2_G, P1_ap, P2_ap):
        I = 0.0
        self.rhot1_G[:] = nt1_G
        self.rhot2_G[:] = nt2_G

        Q1_aL = {}
        Q2_aL = {}
        for a, P1_p in P1_ap.items():
            P2_p = P2_ap[a]
            setup = self.setups[a]

            # Add atomic corrections to integral
            I += 2 * np.dot(P1_p, np.dot(setup.M_pp, P2_p))

            # Add compensation charges to pseudo densities
            Q1_aL[a] = np.dot(P1_p, setup.Delta_pL)
            Q2_aL[a] = np.dot(P2_p, setup.Delta_pL)
        self.Ghat.add(self.rhot1_G, Q1_aL)
        self.Ghat.add(self.rhot2_G, Q2_aL)

        # Add coulomb energy of compensated pseudo densities to integral
        self.poisson.solve(self.pot_G, self.rhot2_G, charge=None,
                           eps=1e-12, zero_initial_phi=True)
        I += np.vdot(self.rhot1_G, self.pot_G) * self.dv

        return I * Hartree
Exemple #3
def f(n, p):
    N = 2 * n
    gd = GridDescriptor((N, N, N), (L, L, L))
    a = gd.zeros()
    #p = PoissonSolver(nn=1, relax=relax)
    cut = N / 2.0 * 0.9
    s = Spline(l=0, rmax=cut, f_g=np.array([1, 0.5, 0.0]))
    c = LFC(gd, [[s], [s]])
    c.set_positions([(0, 0, 0), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)])

    I0 = gd.integrate(a)
    a -= I0 / L**3

    b = gd.zeros()
    p.solve(b, a, charge=0, eps=1e-20)
    return gd.collect(b, broadcast=1)
def f(n, p):
    N = 2 * n
    gd = GridDescriptor((N, N, N), (L, L, L))
    a = gd.zeros()
    #p = PoissonSolver(nn=1, relax=relax)
    cut = N / 2.0 * 0.9
    s = Spline(l=0, rmax=cut, f_g=np.array([1, 0.5, 0.0]))
    c = LFC(gd, [[s], [s]])
    c.set_positions([(0, 0, 0), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)])

    I0 = gd.integrate(a)
    a -= gd.integrate(a) / L**3

    I = gd.integrate(a)
    b = gd.zeros()
    p.solve(b, a, charge=0)#, eps=1e-20)
    return gd.collect(b, broadcast=1)
Exemple #5
from gpaw.test import equal
from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor
from gpaw.spline import Spline
import gpaw.mpi as mpi
from gpaw.lfc import LocalizedFunctionsCollection as LFC

s = Spline(0, 1.0, [1.0, 0.5, 0.0])
n = 40
a = 8.0
gd = GridDescriptor((n, n, n), (a, a, a), comm=mpi.serial_comm)
c = LFC(gd, [[s], [s], [s]])
c.set_positions([(0.5, 0.5, 0.25 + 0.25 * i) for i in [0, 1, 2]])
b = gd.zeros()
x = gd.integrate(b)

gd = GridDescriptor((n, n, n), (a, a, a), comm=mpi.serial_comm)
c = LFC(gd, [[s], [s], [s]])
c.set_positions([(0.5, 0.5, 0.25 + 0.25 * i) for i in [0, 1, 2]])
b = gd.zeros()
y = gd.integrate(b)
equal(x, y, 1e-13)
Exemple #6
from gpaw.spline import Spline
a = 4.0
gd = GridDescriptor(N_c=[16, 20, 20], cell_cv=[a, a + 1, a + 2],
                    pbc_c=(0, 1, 1))
spos_ac = np.array([[0.25, 0.15, 0.35], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
kpts_kc = None
s = Spline(l=0, rmax=2.0, f_g=np.array([1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.0]))
p = Spline(l=1, rmax=2.0, f_g=np.array([1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.0]))
spline_aj = [[s], [s, p]]
c = LFC(gd, spline_aj, cut=True, forces=True)
C_ani = c.dict(3, zero=True)
if 1 in C_ani:
    C_ani[1][:, 1:] = np.eye(3)
psi = gd.zeros(3)
c.add(psi, C_ani)
c.integrate(psi, C_ani)
if 1 in C_ani:
    d = C_ani[1][:, 1:].diagonal()
    assert d.ptp() < 4e-6
    C_ani[1][:, 1:] -= np.diag(d)
    assert abs(C_ani[1]).max() < 5e-17
d_aniv = c.dict(3, derivative=True)
c.derivative(psi, d_aniv)
if 1 in d_aniv:
    for v in range(3):
        assert abs(d_aniv[1][v - 1, 0, v] + 0.2144) < 5e-5
        d_aniv[1][v - 1, 0, v] = 0
    assert abs(d_aniv[1]).max() < 3e-16
eps = 0.0001
pos_av = np.dot(spos_ac, gd.cell_cv)
Exemple #7
class ELF:
    """ELF object for calculating the electronic localization function.

     =============== =====================================================
     ``paw``         Instance of ``GPAW`` class.
     ``ncut``        Density cutoff below which the ELF is zero.
     =============== =====================================================
    def __init__(self, paw=None, ncut=1e-6):
        """Create the ELF object."""

        self.gd = paw.wfs.gd
        self.paw = paw
        self.finegd = paw.density.finegd
        self.nspins = paw.density.nspins
        self.density = paw.density

        self.ncut = ncut
        self.spinpol = (self.nspins == 2)


    def initialize(self, paw):

        if not paw.initialized:
            raise RuntimeError('PAW instance is not initialized')

        self.tauct = LFC(self.gd,
                         [[setup.tauct] for setup in self.density.setups],

        self.taut_sg = None
        self.nt_grad2_sG = self.gd.empty(self.nspins)
        self.nt_grad2_sg = None

    def interpolate(self):


        if self.taut_sg is None:
            self.taut_sg = self.finegd.empty(self.nspins)
            self.nt_grad2_sg = self.finegd.empty(self.nspins)

        ddr_v = [Gradient(self.finegd, v, n=3).apply for v in range(3)]
        self.nt_grad2_sg[:] = 0.0
        d_g = self.finegd.empty()

        # Transfer the densities from the coarse to the fine grid
        for s in range(self.nspins):
            self.density.interpolator.apply(self.taut_sG[s], self.taut_sg[s])
            #                                self.nt_grad2_sg[s])
            for v in range(3):
                ddr_v[v](self.density.nt_sg[s], d_g)
                self.nt_grad2_sg[s] += d_g**2.0

    def update(self):
        self.taut_sG = self.paw.wfs.calculate_kinetic_energy_density()

        # Add the pseudo core kinetic array
        for taut_G in self.taut_sG:
            self.tauct.add(taut_G, 1.0 / self.paw.wfs.nspins)

        # For periodic boundary conditions
        if self.paw.wfs.kd.symmetry is not None:

        self.nt_grad2_sG[:] = 0.0

        d_G = self.gd.empty()

        for s in range(self.nspins):
            for v in range(3):
                self.paw.wfs.taugrad_v[v](self.density.nt_sG[s], d_G)
                self.nt_grad2_sG[s] += d_G**2.0

        # TODO are nct from setups usable for nt_grad2_sG ?

    def get_electronic_localization_function(self,

        # Returns dimensionless electronic localization function
        if gridrefinement == 1:
            elf_G = _elf(self.density.nt_sG, self.nt_grad2_sG, self.taut_sG,
                         self.ncut, self.spinpol)
            elf_G = self.gd.collect(elf_G, broadcast=broadcast)
            if pad:
                elf_G = self.gd.zero_pad(elf_G)
            return elf_G
        elif gridrefinement == 2:
            if self.nt_grad2_sg is None:

            elf_g = _elf(self.density.nt_sg, self.nt_grad2_sg, self.taut_sg,
                         self.ncut, self.spinpol)
            elf_g = self.finegd.collect(elf_g, broadcast=broadcast)
            if pad:
                elf_g = self.finegd.zero_pad(elf_g)
            return elf_g
            raise NotImplementedError('Arbitrary refinement not implemented')
Exemple #8
a = 2.5 * rc
n = 64
lmax = 2
b = 8.0
m = (lmax + 1)**2
gd = GridDescriptor([n, n, n], [a, a, a])
r = np.linspace(0, rc, 200)
g = np.exp(-(r / rc * b)**2)
splines = [Spline(l=l, rmax=rc, f_g=g) for l in range(lmax + 1)]
c = LFC(gd, [splines])
c.set_positions([(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)])
psi = gd.zeros(m)
d0 = c.dict(m)
if 0 in d0:
    d0[0] = np.identity(m)
c.add(psi, d0)

# Calculate on 3d-grid < phi_i | e**(-ik.r) | phi_j >
R_a = np.array([a / 2, a / 2, a / 2])
rr = gd.get_grid_point_coordinates()
for dim in range(3):
    rr[dim] -= R_a[dim]

k_G = np.array([[11., 0.2, 0.1], [10., 0., 10.]])
nkpt = k_G.shape[0]

d0 = np.zeros((nkpt, m, m), dtype=complex)
for i in range(m):
    for j in range(m):
        for ik in range(nkpt):
            k = k_G[ik]
Exemple #9
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
from gpaw.lfc import LocalizedFunctionsCollection as LFC
from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor
from gpaw.spline import Spline
gd = GridDescriptor([20, 16, 16], [(4, 2, 0), (0, 4, 0), (0, 0, 4)])
spos_ac = np.array([[0.252, 0.15, 0.35], [0.503, 0.5, 0.5]])
s = Spline(l=0, rmax=2.0, f_g=np.array([1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.0]))
spline_aj = [[s], [s]]
c = LFC(gd, spline_aj)
c_ai = c.dict(zero=True)
if 1 in c_ai:
    c_ai[1][0] = 2.0
psi = gd.zeros()
c.add(psi, c_ai)

d_avv = dict([(a, np.zeros((3, 3))) for a in c.my_atom_indices])
c.second_derivative(psi, d_avv)

if 0 in d_avv:

eps = 0.000001
d_aiv = c.dict(derivative=True)
pos_av = np.dot(spos_ac, gd.cell_cv)
for v in range(3):
    pos_av[0, v] += eps
    c.set_positions(np.dot(pos_av, gd.icell_cv.T))
    c.derivative(psi, d_aiv)
    if 0 in d_aiv:
Exemple #10
a = 4.0
gd = GridDescriptor(N_c=[16, 20, 20],
                    cell_cv=[a, a + 1, a + 2],
                    pbc_c=(0, 1, 1))
spos_ac = np.array([[0.25, 0.15, 0.35], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
kpts_kc = None
s = Spline(l=0, rmax=2.0, f_g=np.array([1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.0]))
p = Spline(l=1, rmax=2.0, f_g=np.array([1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.0]))
spline_aj = [[s], [s, p]]
c = LFC(gd, spline_aj, cut=True, forces=True)
C_ani = c.dict(3, zero=True)
if 1 in C_ani:
    C_ani[1][:, 1:] = np.eye(3)
psi = gd.zeros(3)
c.add(psi, C_ani)
c.integrate(psi, C_ani)
if 1 in C_ani:
    d = C_ani[1][:, 1:].diagonal()
    assert d.ptp() < 4e-6
    C_ani[1][:, 1:] -= np.diag(d)
    assert abs(C_ani[1]).max() < 5e-17
d_aniv = c.dict(3, derivative=True)
c.derivative(psi, d_aniv)
if 1 in d_aniv:
    for v in range(3):
        assert abs(d_aniv[1][v - 1, 0, v] + 0.2144) < 5e-5
        d_aniv[1][v - 1, 0, v] = 0
    assert abs(d_aniv[1]).max() < 3e-16
eps = 0.0001
pos_av = np.dot(spos_ac, gd.cell_cv)
a = 2.5 * rc
n = 64
lmax = 2
b = 8.0
m = (lmax + 1)**2
gd = GridDescriptor([n, n, n], [a, a, a])
r = np.linspace(0, rc, 200)
g = np.exp(-(r / rc * b)**2)
splines = [Spline(l=l, rmax=rc, f_g=g) for l in range(lmax + 1)]
c = LFC(gd, [splines])
c.set_positions([(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)])
psi = gd.zeros(m)
d0 = c.dict(m)
if 0 in d0:
    d0[0] = np.identity(m)
c.add(psi, d0)

# Calculate on 3d-grid < phi_i | e**(-ik.r) | phi_j >
R_a = np.array([a/2,a/2,a/2])
rr = gd.get_grid_point_coordinates()
for dim in range(3):
    rr[dim] -= R_a[dim]

k_G = np.array([[11.,0.2,0.1],[10., 0., 10.]])
nkpt = k_G.shape[0]

d0 = np.zeros((nkpt,m,m), dtype=complex)
for i in range(m):
    for j in range(m):
        for ik in range(nkpt):
            k = k_G[ik]
Exemple #12
class ELF:
    """ELF object for calculating the electronic localization function.

     =============== =====================================================
     ``paw``         Instance of ``GPAW`` class.
     ``ncut``        Density cutoff below which the ELF is zero.
     =============== =====================================================

    def __init__(self, paw=None, ncut=1e-6):
        """Create the ELF object."""

        self.gd = paw.wfs.gd
        self.paw = paw
        self.finegd = paw.density.finegd
        self.nspins = paw.density.nspins
        self.density = paw.density

        self.ncut = ncut
        self.spinpol = (self.nspins == 2)


    def initialize(self, paw):

        if not paw.initialized:
            raise RuntimeError('PAW instance is not initialized')

        self.tauct = LFC(self.gd,
                         [[setup.tauct] for setup in self.density.setups],
                         forces=True, cut=True)
        spos_ac = paw.atoms.get_scaled_positions() % 1.0

        self.taut_sg = None
        self.nt_grad2_sG = self.gd.empty(self.nspins)
        self.nt_grad2_sg = None

    def interpolate(self):


        if self.taut_sg is None:
            self.taut_sg = self.finegd.empty(self.nspins)
            self.nt_grad2_sg = self.finegd.empty(self.nspins)

        ddr_v = [Gradient(self.finegd, v, n=3).apply for v in range(3)]
        self.nt_grad2_sg[:] = 0.0
        d_g = self.finegd.empty()

        # Transfer the densities from the coarse to the fine grid
        for s in range(self.nspins):
            #                                self.nt_grad2_sg[s])
            for v in range(3):
                ddr_v[v](self.density.nt_sg[s], d_g)
                self.nt_grad2_sg[s] += d_g**2.0

    def update(self):
        self.taut_sG = self.paw.wfs.calculate_kinetic_energy_density()

        # Add the pseudo core kinetic array
        for taut_G in self.taut_sG:
            self.tauct.add(taut_G, 1.0 / self.paw.wfs.nspins)

        # For periodic boundary conditions
        if self.paw.wfs.symmetry is not None:
            self.paw.wfs.symmetry.symmetrize(self.taut_sG[0], self.paw.wfs.gd)

        self.nt_grad2_sG[:] = 0.0

        d_G = self.gd.empty()

        for s in range(self.nspins):
            for v in range(3):
                self.paw.wfs.taugrad_v[v](self.density.nt_sG[s], d_G)
                self.nt_grad2_sG[s] += d_G**2.0

        #TODO are nct from setups usable for nt_grad2_sG ?

    def get_electronic_localization_function(self, gridrefinement=1,
                                             pad=True, broadcast=True):

        # Returns dimensionless electronic localization function
        if gridrefinement == 1:
            elf_G = _elf(self.density.nt_sG, self.nt_grad2_sG,
                         self.taut_sG, self.ncut, self.spinpol)
            elf_G = self.gd.collect(elf_G, broadcast)
            if pad:
                elf_G = self.gd.zero_pad(elf_G)
            return elf_G
        elif gridrefinement == 2:
            if self.nt_grad2_sg is None:

            elf_g = _elf(self.density.nt_sg, self.nt_grad2_sg,
                         self.taut_sg, self.ncut, self.spinpol)
            elf_g = self.finegd.collect(elf_g, broadcast)
            if pad:
                elf_g = self.finegd.zero_pad(elf_g)
            return elf_g
            raise NotImplementedError('Arbitrary refinement not implemented')
Exemple #13
import numpy as np
from gpaw.lfc import LocalizedFunctionsCollection as LFC
from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor
from gpaw.spline import Spline
gd = GridDescriptor([20, 16, 16], [(4, 2, 0), (0, 4, 0), (0, 0, 4)])
spos_ac = np.array([[0.252, 0.15, 0.35], [0.503, 0.5, 0.5]])
s = Spline(l=0, rmax=2.0, f_g=np.array([1, 0.9, 0.1, 0.0]))
spline_aj = [[s], [s]]
c = LFC(gd, spline_aj)
c_ai = c.dict(zero=True)
if 1 in c_ai:
    c_ai[1][0] = 2.0
psi = gd.zeros()
c.add(psi, c_ai)

d_avv = dict([(a, np.zeros((3, 3))) for a in c.my_atom_indices])
c.second_derivative(psi, d_avv)

if 0 in d_avv:
    print d_avv[0]

eps = 0.000001
d_aiv = c.dict(derivative=True)
pos_av = np.dot(spos_ac, gd.cell_cv)
for v in range(3):
    pos_av[0, v] += eps
    c.set_positions(np.dot(pos_av, gd.icell_cv.T))
    c.derivative(psi, d_aiv)
    if 0 in d_aiv:
        d0_v = d_aiv[0][0].copy()