Exemple #1
def collect_orbitals(a_xo, coords, root=0):
    """Collect array distributed over orbitals to root-CPU.

    Input matrix has last axis distributed amongst CPUs,
    return is None on slaves, and the collected array on root.

    The distribution can be uneven amongst CPUs. The list coords gives the
    number of values for each CPU.
    a_xo = np.ascontiguousarray(a_xo)
    if world.size == 1:
        return a_xo

    # All slaves send their piece to ``root``:
    # There can be several sends before the corresponding receives
    # are posted, so use syncronous send here
    if world.rank != root:
        world.ssend(a_xo, root, 112)
        return None

    # On root, put the subdomains from the slaves into the big array
    # for the whole domain on root:
    xshape = a_xo.shape[:-1]
    Norb2 = sum(coords) # total number of orbital indices
    a_xO = np.empty(xshape + (Norb2,), a_xo.dtype)
    o = 0
    for rank, norb in enumerate(coords):
        if rank != root:
            tmp_xo = np.empty(xshape + (norb,), a_xo.dtype)
            world.receive(tmp_xo, rank, 112)
            a_xO[..., o:o + norb] = tmp_xo
            a_xO[..., o:o + norb] = a_xo
        o += norb
    return a_xO
Exemple #2
def collect_orbitals(a_xo, coords, root=0):
    """Collect array distributed over orbitals to root-CPU.

    Input matrix has last axis distributed amongst CPUs,
    return is None on slaves, and the collected array on root.

    The distribution can be uneven amongst CPUs. The list coords gives the
    number of values for each CPU.
    a_xo = np.ascontiguousarray(a_xo)
    if world.size == 1:
        return a_xo

    # All slaves send their piece to ``root``:
    # There can be several sends before the corresponding receives
    # are posted, so use syncronous send here
    if world.rank != root:
        world.ssend(a_xo, root, 112)
        return None

    # On root, put the subdomains from the slaves into the big array
    # for the whole domain on root:
    xshape = a_xo.shape[:-1]
    Norb2 = sum(coords) # total number of orbital indices
    a_xO = np.empty(xshape + (Norb2,), a_xo.dtype)
    o = 0
    for rank, norb in enumerate(coords):
        if rank != root:
            tmp_xo = np.empty(xshape + (norb,), a_xo.dtype)
            world.receive(tmp_xo, rank, 112)
            a_xO[..., o:o + norb] = tmp_xo
            a_xO[..., o:o + norb] = a_xo
        o += norb
    return a_xO
Exemple #3
def gatherv(m, N=None):

    from gpaw.mpi import world, size, rank

    if world.size == 1:
        return m

    ndim = m.ndim

    if  ndim == 2:
        n, N = m.shape
        assert n < N 
        M  = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=complex)
    elif ndim == 1:
        n = m.shape[0]
        M = np.zeros(N, dtype=complex)
        print 'Not Implemented'
    n_index = np.zeros(size, dtype=int)
    world.all_gather(np.array([n]), n_index)

    root = 0
    if rank != root:
        world.ssend(m, root, 112+rank)
        for irank, n in enumerate(n_index):
            if irank == root:
                if ndim == 2:
                    M[:n_index[0] :] = m
                    M[:n_index[0]] = m
                n_start = n_index[0:irank].sum()
                n_end = n_index[0:irank+1].sum()
                if ndim == 2:
                    tmp_nN = np.zeros((n, N), dtype=complex)
                    world.receive(tmp_nN, irank, 112+irank)
                    M[n_start:n_end, :] = tmp_nN
                    tmp_n = np.zeros(n, dtype=complex)
                    world.receive(tmp_n, irank, 112+irank)
                    M[n_start:n_end] = tmp_n
    world.broadcast(M, root)
    return M
def gatherv(m, N=None):

    if world.size == 1:
        return m

    ndim = m.ndim

    if ndim == 2:
        n, N = m.shape
        assert n < N
        M = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=complex)
    elif ndim == 1:
        n = m.shape[0]
        M = np.zeros(N, dtype=complex)
        print('Not Implemented')

    n_index = np.zeros(size, dtype=int)
    world.all_gather(np.array([n]), n_index)

    root = 0
    if rank != root:
        world.ssend(m, root, 112 + rank)
        for irank, n in enumerate(n_index):
            if irank == root:
                if ndim == 2:
                    M[:n_index[0]:] = m
                    M[:n_index[0]] = m
                n_start = n_index[0:irank].sum()
                n_end = n_index[0:irank + 1].sum()
                if ndim == 2:
                    tmp_nN = np.zeros((n, N), dtype=complex)
                    world.receive(tmp_nN, irank, 112 + irank)
                    M[n_start:n_end, :] = tmp_nN
                    tmp_n = np.zeros(n, dtype=complex)
                    world.receive(tmp_n, irank, 112 + irank)
                    M[n_start:n_end] = tmp_n
    world.broadcast(M, root)

    return M